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India claims Basmati rice as their GI - Basmati battle

ABAD Khan stands on the edge of his fields in Nowshera Virkan, a town known for its aromatic, long-grain basmati rice to the west of Gujranwala, looking over his new crop on a September afternoon. The overall average temperatures have dropped but the day feels quite warm — something the basmati growers like Khan should be worried about. To them a warmer weather means early flowering of their rice plants and seed fertility issues.

Some parts of the basmati belt along the Chenab are already under pest attack. The attack, according to him, has so far been observed only in small patches along the basmati belt — Narowal, Sialkot, Gujranwala, Hafizabad and Sheikhupura. But he feels it could spread because the pest is resisting the insecticides like anything and multiple sprays in some areas have failed to kill the insect.

However, climate change and pest attacks are not the only worries for him. India has applied for exclusive GI (Geographical Indications) tag for its basmati rice at the European Union’s official registry, the Council on Quality Schemes for Agricultural Products and Food Stuffs. The EU subsequently published the application of India in its official journal on September 11, showing basmati rice as an India-origin product despite the fact that similar rice is widely produced in Pakistan. To protect its own brand of basmati, Pakistan has a few weeks before December 10 to challenge the Indian claim.

“If the Indians managed to secure GI tag from the EU for their basmati crop, it will be devastating for our growers and exporters,” Khan asserts, elaborating that the drop in the basmati rice exports will result in lower prices for the farmers. “Once India gets the exclusive GI tag, we will not be able to market our rice in the international market as basmati; we would be wholly dependent on the Indian firms and brands to sell our product in the global markets.”


At present, India has 65 per cent and Pakistan 35pc share in the world basmati rice trade.

A GI is a sign used on agricultural products that have specific geographical origin and possess qualities or reputation that are due to that origin. Geographical Indications are part of the intellectual property rights (IPRs). GI tags help boost sales and exports as the geographical limitation on production and official recognition of historical and cultural significance increase the demand and create a legacy.

The news of India staking an exclusive claim to basmati rice has also shocked Pakistan’s rice exporters as basmati rice exports fetch between $800 million and $1 billion a year. “Pakistan exports basmati rice to many countries. A chunk of our basmati exports is shipped to the EU countries. Should India secure the GI tag for its basmati rice, the consumers will start preferring the [recognised] Indian product. It will drastically harm our market share in EU. Hence, the issue is of crucial importance for us,” says Sameeullah, a rice exporter from Lahore.

“India cannot have exclusive right on the basmati trademark when it is a joint heritage. A GI tag is granted on the basis of geographical origin of an agricultural product and qualities associated with the soil of that region or territory,” he asserts, contending that Pakistan’s rice is way better than India’s in every respect.

Khan says India’s move has come as a surprise to him. “Pakistan had an understanding with India that the two countries would jointly apply for the exclusive GI tag because basmati rice is our shared heritage since it is grown for centuries by both of them in areas along the Chenab. GI has more to do with soil than history, on the basis of which India has applied for exclusive tag from the EU. Our case for exclusive GI tag for our basmati rice is much stronger than India’s.”

Both India and Pakistan had fought jointly in the late 1990s and the early 2000s to foil the attempt by a Texas-based company, RiceTec, to patent basmati rice in the US. After losing the battle, the company named its rice brand as Texmati.

Khan is critical of the government’s indifference towards growers’ plight. “It is unfortunate that our government has never shown interest in protecting our heritage. When India tried to make a case for GI tagging for its super basmati rice some years back, our farmers took the initiative under the banner of the Basmati Growers Association and challenged the move in Indian courts in Chennai and New Delhi. Our government never supported us financially or technically nor did it provide us legal support. Resultantly, we lost our case in the Chennai court. We are unable to pursue the other case in New Delhi because we do not have resources to pay for the lawyers’ fee and other expenses. You cannot fight such issues alone; you always need government’s help in every possible way.”

Sameeullah is also not happy with the government. “It is not that the government was unaware of the New Delhi’s plans. India had been working on it for many years and already declared Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and (some districts of) Jammu and Kashmir as part of its basmati belt. We had our Geographical Indications (Registration and Protection) Act 2020 passed from the parliament in March this year to claim our right to the geographical origin for our products. But since then no movement has so far been made to operationalise the law. Even our trade representative in Brussels has not done anything so far.”

With less than 70 days left to challenge and prepare Pakistan’s case, we may soon be gifting Pakistan’s basmati rice to the Indian firms if the government doesn’t change its behaviour and take immediate action to file objections to India’s claim for exclusive GI tag.

Published in Dawn, October 4th, 2020


Don't think India will get this if Pakistan lobbies effectively, there are brands from both countries here that label their rice as Basmati. To be honest I would struggle with telling the difference if it was Tilda (Indian) or Kohinoor (Pakistani). For a GI to be successful they need to demonstrate that the product is only exclusive to their Geographical area. This is not the case a better case would be for both Pakistan and India to lobby together and then sell their rice under same GI.

Pakistan should also register for a GI on pink Salt.
No Pakistani claims Arabic and Turkish as Pakistani languages...

I speak decent bit of both.

Hindu Indians need to not turn this forum into quora.

We are not interested in Indian fairy tales.
arabi and turki are not pakistani ? many pakistanis consider themselves arabi turki as their own language.

Do you realize and understand what you say or type???

We Pakistanis CONSIDER Turki, Arabi, Farsi and even Sanskrit language as ours. second class sanghi learn the difference between "Consider" and "claim". go and see if RSS Shakha is still taking rejects like you.
No Pakistani claims Arabic and Turkish as Pakistani languages...

I speak decent bit of both.

Hindu Indians need to not turn this forum into quora.

We are not interested in Indian fairy tales.
But we consider these languages as ours because they are our friends and brother.... now there is a difference in associating yourself with something or out rightly claiming it to be yours only.
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Do you realize and understand what you say or type???

We Pakistanis CONSIDER Turki, Arabi, Farsi and even Sanskrit language as ours. second class sanghi learn the difference between "Consider" and "claim". go and see if RSS Shakha is still taking rejects like you.

But we consider these languages as ours because they are our friends and brother.... now there is a difference in associating yourself with something or out rightly claiming it to be yours only.

Right, but Hindu Indians want to claim ancient history of half the world from Russia, Turkey, Makkah, İraq, İran, southern half of Asia, etc. but they have problem anytime a Pakistan admires Turkish, Arab, Afghan, or Persian languages, culture, food, music, poetry.

They bleed hypocrisy wherever they go.

They have no right to define Pakistani identity, history, and culture, only Pakistanis have that right.

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Right, but Hindu Indians want to claim ancient history of half the world from Russia, Turkey, Makkah, İran, İran, southern half of Asia, etc. but they have problem anytime a Pakistan admires Turkish, Arab, Afghan, or Persian languages, culture, food, music, poetry.

They bleed hypocrisy wherever they go.

They have no right to define Pakistani identity, history, and culture, only Pakistanis have that right.

View attachment 687045
Powerful mighty Invaders enslaved them and gave them the guidelines how to live like a good slave, and those rule books are called vedas, puranas, shastras, Ramayana etc....Invaders were upper class and had all the rights even to their women and these low life had no rights. now they are still worshipping these invader Brahmins .... the have a right to protect and defend their Masters and their Language. without masters these Hindu Slaves have no directions and / or reason to live or exist.
What's so funny? Did you look down in the shower again?

i am amused at how you will sell your pakmati chawal .
pakmati le lo .

:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
Powerful mighty Invaders enslaved them and gave them the guidelines how to live like a good slave, and those rule books are called vedas, puranas, shastras, Ramayana etc....Invaders were upper class and had all the rights even to their women and these low life had no rights. now they are still worshipping these invader Brahmins .... the have a right to protect and defend their Masters and their Language. without masters these Hindu Slaves have no directions and / or reason to live or exist.
arabs afghans enslaved you , they consider you slave even today .:enjoy:
Powerful mighty Invaders enslaved them and gave them the guidelines how to live like a good slave, and those rule books are called vedas, puranas, shastras, Ramayana etc....Invaders were upper class and had all the rights even to their women and these low life had no rights. now they are still worshipping these invader Brahmins .... the have a right to protect and defend their Masters and their Language. without masters these Hindu Slaves have directions and reason to live.

Ancient Aryan dominated countries are Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The Aryans who left our IVC region were a tribe called Bharatas.

They are the outcastes (the irony) who created the caste system and instituted strict dietary rules on the poor, backwards native Indians (Ganges origin people.)

According to the Rig Veda, they then went back and termed the rest of the Aryans as Mleccha (impure) for not believing in their new caste system or their strict dietary rules. They forbid their mixed-breed Brahmins from staying in the Aryan heartland (Vaheka) for more than 3 days.

It is quite entertaining to see these Dravidians deny their origin and hold up the flags of foreign occupiers, whom even we Aryans did not approve of.

@PakFactor @letsrock @21st Century Vampire @Musings @PAKISTANFOREVER
Ancient Aryan dominated countries are Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The Aryans who left our IVC region were a tribe called Bharatas.

They are the outcastes (the irony) who created the caste system and instituted strict dietary rules on the poor, backwards native Indians (Ganges origin people.)

According to the Rig Veda, they then went back and termed the rest of the Aryans as Mleccha (impure) for not believing in their new caste system or their strict dietary rules. They forbid their mixed-breed Brahmins from staying in the Aryan heartland (Vaheka) for more than 3 days.

It is quite entertaining to see these Dravidians deny their origin and hold up the flags of foreign occupiers, whom even we Aryans did not approve of.

@PakFactor @letsrock @21st Century Vampire @Musings @PAKISTANFOREVER

Can not understand their obsession with altering the historical facts in order to feel superior or something of value. deep rooted inferiority complex and nightmares of being enslaved again, which they have been during all of their existence, even today Vedic Bhahmic Masters rule them.

" The initial early Vedic culture was a tribal, pastoral society centred in the Indus Valley, of what is today Pakistan. During this period the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, were composed. "

and we know their Language, so again Sanskrit belongs more to Pakistanis, as we are the once from Pakistani Indus Valley went into present day India and taught them how to be a good slave.
you should name your rice as pakistanmati , get a patent .we will not object .:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

go sell your pakmati rice .:rofl:
It should be something Arabic... No hindustani or Sanskrit names will be used.. in lines of ****....
go sell your pakmati rice
Yeh, you guys sell yours as Gangumati.
Sanskrit names
What is the issue with Sanskrit. This is a language imposed on Ganga tribals by invaders from our part of the world. The great Pannini codified language while dipping his feet in the majestic Indus near Hund. Not Gangadesh ...
For instance Islam is not coterminous to present day Pak. I will leave it at that.

When did they ever deny it and when did they even start appropriating it as something which came from them?

Sanskrit is the sacred language of Hinduism. I am sure you will not adopt Hebrew words for obvious reasons.

Ok munna now bolo sanskrit ke origin kahan se hai and why shouldn't Pakistan use a sanskrit name...small steps se karenge ok...good boy 🍼🍼🍼

Does this mean you won’t be bringing up conterminous bullcr@p again?

Why not? Halfwit you're the one who casually alluded Sanskrit as Indian in the absolute sense in the first place by mentioning that Pakistan should utilize something else
i am amused at how you will sell your pakmati chawal .
pakmati le lo .

:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

arabs afghans enslaved you , they consider you slave even today .:enjoy:
abay budhu you again,
Just read again what you typed, enslavED and CONSIDER, anybody can consider whatever they want, But you Bhartis still are slaves of Invaders Bhahmins and even religiously follow their instruction books for slaves like you which the specifically compiled for people like you.

dont dare say anything to Brahmin Masters you will be killed, they own you everyone in your family.

We Present day Pakistanis are the Indus Valley people who moved towards present day India and enslaved you people and trained you so well that still you people follow and obey our given rule books. which are in sanskrit.:pakistan::enjoy:
When did they ever deny it and when did they even start appropriating it as something which came from them?

Ok munna now bolo sanskrit ke origin kahan se hai and why shouldn't Pakistan use a sanskrit name...small steps se karenge ok...good boy 🍼🍼🍼

Why not? Halfwit you're the one who casually alluded Sanskrit as Indian in the absolute sense in the first place by mentioning that Pakistan should utilize something else

Yaar puthar, you can try to swing your way out using fancy words like conterminous, etc the world will always see your heritage linked to Indian civilisation, not the other way around :enjoy: . Pak in its 70+ years of existence has always been viewed as a country of south Asian muslims partitioned from India desperately trying to get Kashmir from day one.

Yes Sanskrit is Indian. Sanskrit will be unanimously GI tagged to India if it were a product.

Here is a golden opportunity for Pak to sever another of its links to India. Brand your supposedly superior rice as Pakmati or some other fancy name other than basmati. Try harder to stop living off Indian name association. :disagree:
IVC is Pakistan, Pakistan is IVC.

All major sites of IVC are in Pakistan. See above map I shared.

The ethnic and racial composition is also mostly the similar, with addition of Aryan and other Iranic migrations.

Ancient numeric system developed in Pakistan by our mathematician Panini.

Advanced water and sewer system in our ancient cities.

Rice and wheat cultivation, domestication of cattle, mills, grain silos, advancements in irrigation, crop rotation, etc.

The region of Pakistan, especially Punjab, is a historic breadbasket and was feeding the population of the whole region from Iran, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Arabia, India, and to Bangladesh too.

Ancient Pakistani Indo-Aryan faith was similar to that of Kalash, ancient Persians, Babylonia,
Central Asians.

Indians are cultural thieves, nothing more.

Ancient Aryan dominated countries are Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The Aryans who left our IVC region were a tribe called Bharatas.

They are the outcastes (the irony) who created the caste system and instituted strict dietary rules on the poor, backwards native Indians (Ganges origin people.)

According to the Rig Veda, they then went back and termed the rest of the Aryans as Mleccha (impure) for not believing in their new caste system or their strict dietary rules. They forbid their mixed-breed Brahmins from staying in the Aryan heartland (Vaheka) for more than 3 days.

It is quite entertaining to see these Dravidians deny their origin and hold up the flags of foreign occupiers, whom even we Aryans did not approve of.

@PakFactor @letsrock @21st Century Vampire @Musings @PAKISTANFOREVER

THe obsession Indians have with Aryan theory is phenomenal. Whether it is OIT or AIT. Even after 1000 years if there is india they will be debating this. that word "aryan" is no where commonly used in south asia - it was dug up by European racists as part of their sanskrit mania in 19th century. But it is so critical for indians and their identity. And one must not forget the role of European racists too.
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