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India claims Basmati rice as their GI - Basmati battle

Yeh, you guys sell yours as Gangumati.
What is the issue with Sanskrit. This is a language imposed on Ganga tribals by invaders from our part of the world. The great Pannini codified language while dipping his feet in the majestic Indus near Hund. Not Gangadesh ...

you have 3 percent legacy of ertrugral ghazi turki

Panini was never tiddikhor , he was bharatiya .
IVC is Pakistan, Pakistan is IVC.

All major sites of IVC are in Pakistan. See above map I shared.

The ethnic and racial composition is also mostly the similar, with addition of Aryan and other Iranic migrations.

Ancient numeric system developed in Pakistan by our mathematician Panini.

Advanced water and sewer system in our ancient cities.

Rice and wheat cultivation, domestication of cattle, mills, grain silos, advancements in irrigation, crop rotation, etc.

The region of Pakistan, especially Punjab, is a historic breadbasket and was feeding the population of the whole region from Iran, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Arabia, India, and to Bangladesh too.

Ancient Pakistani Indo-Aryan faith was similar to that of Kalash, ancient Persians, Babylonia,
Central Asians.

Indians are cultural thieves, nothing more.

what happened to arabi turki kazaki DNA ? how much IVC. is left in pakistan .
abay budhu you again,
Just read again what you typed, enslavED and CONSIDER, anybody can consider whatever they want, But you Bhartis still are slaves of Invaders Bhahmins and even religiously follow their instruction books for slaves like you which the specifically compiled for people like you.

dont dare say anything to Brahmin Masters you will be killed, they own you everyone in your family.

We Present day Pakistanis are the Indus Valley people who moved towards present day India and enslaved you people and trained you so well that still you people follow and obey our given rule books. which are in sanskrit.:pakistan::enjoy:

present day pakistanis have nothing to do with indus valley , percentage of arab, turk, kazak, mangol, kirgiz, has overtaken whatever indian blood was left in you , now you people are mixture of many races .
:lol: Agree.

Pak must sell their supposedly “superior” rice as Urdu equivalent “atarmati” or “mehakmati” not with the Indian Sanskrit “basmati” brand.:)

they can use some arabik tinge and name it as "bakmati "or " chawalmati "
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THe obsession Indians have with Aryan theory is phenomenal. Whether it is OIT or AIT. Even after 1000 years if there is india they will be debating this. that word "aryan" is no where commonly used in south asia - it was dug up by European racists as part of their sanskrit mania in 19th century. But it is so critical for indians and their identity. And one must not forget the role of European racists too.

we are aryan
why arab turk kazaki mangol mix breed human stocks are worried about us indians ?
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THe obsession Indians have with Aryan theory is phenomenal. Whether it is OIT or AIT. Even after 1000 years if there is india they will be debating this. that word "aryan" is no where commonly used in south asia - it was dug up by European racists as part of their sanskrit mania in 19th century. But it is so critical for indians and their identity. And one must not forget the role of European racists too.

Yes brother, it is mostly a myth. The whole concept of superior races belongs to barbaric uncivilized people and not to modernity.
present day pakistanis have nothing to do with indus valley , percentage of arab, turk, kazak, mangol, kirgiz, has overtaken whatever indian blood was left in you , now you people are mixture of many races .

Before all these came, We ruled you low life present day Indians, after they came to the area then again ruled low life present day Indians.

As far as Mixture is concern, First we IVC Present day Pakistanis, owned you present day Indians, and how we mixed with Present day Indians, you can check the Scriptures we gave you, which you follow still to date.

So you present day Indians, we IVC people used you people ( I am trying to be nice, not using words), then others saw how good slaves you Indians were and they joined us, and you know what we did with you Indians since IVC times. made plenty mixtures.

You are a good Slave " GHALIB" feel proud by giving yourself your masters name, in his absence. you present day Indians were groomed to be slaves by us present day Pakistanis. still any one or anything which can hurt you, benefit you or scares you, you start worshipping it.....you know your self and present day examples too.

Talk bad about Invaders but worship and feel proud by using their name, this present day India for you and you GHALIB is the perfect example.

So present day Indians are the results of 1000s of years of Mixing.....whats left of original slaves????LOL
Yes brother, it is mostly a myth. The whole concept of superior races belongs to barbaric uncivilized people and not to modernity.
What you are saying is understandable by civilized people. You must not mistake present Day Indians with that. You must talk to these Gobar eating and Mutra drinking people according to their standard.
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What you are saying is understandable by civilized people. You must not mistake present Day Indians with that. You must talk to these Gobar eating and Mutra drinking people according to their standard.

Galwan shows us that these Indians only understand the cold, hard, to the point language of spiked clubs.

There is no talking to these people, the only cure is a Chinese spiked club to the head.
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