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India claims Basmati rice as their GI - Basmati battle

Ever since Imran Khan took over Pakistan. Indians are playing on front foot.
From Pakistan side, you get nothing but useless lip service.
Like I’ve said, India is a greedy, petty, insecure and expansionist State that will lie, cheat and deceive, and then some of the Indians on this forum start wailing, crying and whining about why Indian sources aren’t considered credible or respected on this forum.

india is just a pig
Ever since Imran Khan took over Pakistan. Indians are playing on front foot.
From Pakistan side, you get nothing but useless lip service.

the truth is actually the other way around ..

for your education

Glad you noted that. You might be aware I have been on this jihad against the use of the "desi" and other synonyms that "subdue" or obfuscate or avoid the use of "Pakistan". For fcuks sakes why can't we call everything "Pakistani"? The lack of this branding is now about to hit us bad style.

Unfortunately at the moment Pakistan/Pakistani is a damaged brand.
ABAD Khan stands on the edge of his fields in Nowshera Virkan, a town known for its aromatic, long-grain basmati rice to the west of Gujranwala, looking over his new crop on a September afternoon. The overall average temperatures have dropped but the day feels quite warm — something the basmati growers like Khan should be worried about. To them a warmer weather means early flowering of their rice plants and seed fertility issues.

Some parts of the basmati belt along the Chenab are already under pest attack. The attack, according to him, has so far been observed only in small patches along the basmati belt — Narowal, Sialkot, Gujranwala, Hafizabad and Sheikhupura. But he feels it could spread because the pest is resisting the insecticides like anything and multiple sprays in some areas have failed to kill the insect.

However, climate change and pest attacks are not the only worries for him. India has applied for exclusive GI (Geographical Indications) tag for its basmati rice at the European Union’s official registry, the Council on Quality Schemes for Agricultural Products and Food Stuffs. The EU subsequently published the application of India in its official journal on September 11, showing basmati rice as an India-origin product despite the fact that similar rice is widely produced in Pakistan. To protect its own brand of basmati, Pakistan has a few weeks before December 10 to challenge the Indian claim.

“If the Indians managed to secure GI tag from the EU for their basmati crop, it will be devastating for our growers and exporters,” Khan asserts, elaborating that the drop in the basmati rice exports will result in lower prices for the farmers. “Once India gets the exclusive GI tag, we will not be able to market our rice in the international market as basmati; we would be wholly dependent on the Indian firms and brands to sell our product in the global markets.”


At present, India has 65 per cent and Pakistan 35pc share in the world basmati rice trade.

A GI is a sign used on agricultural products that have specific geographical origin and possess qualities or reputation that are due to that origin. Geographical Indications are part of the intellectual property rights (IPRs). GI tags help boost sales and exports as the geographical limitation on production and official recognition of historical and cultural significance increase the demand and create a legacy.

The news of India staking an exclusive claim to basmati rice has also shocked Pakistan’s rice exporters as basmati rice exports fetch between $800 million and $1 billion a year. “Pakistan exports basmati rice to many countries. A chunk of our basmati exports is shipped to the EU countries. Should India secure the GI tag for its basmati rice, the consumers will start preferring the [recognised] Indian product. It will drastically harm our market share in EU. Hence, the issue is of crucial importance for us,” says Sameeullah, a rice exporter from Lahore.

“India cannot have exclusive right on the basmati trademark when it is a joint heritage. A GI tag is granted on the basis of geographical origin of an agricultural product and qualities associated with the soil of that region or territory,” he asserts, contending that Pakistan’s rice is way better than India’s in every respect.

Khan says India’s move has come as a surprise to him. “Pakistan had an understanding with India that the two countries would jointly apply for the exclusive GI tag because basmati rice is our shared heritage since it is grown for centuries by both of them in areas along the Chenab. GI has more to do with soil than history, on the basis of which India has applied for exclusive tag from the EU. Our case for exclusive GI tag for our basmati rice is much stronger than India’s.”

Both India and Pakistan had fought jointly in the late 1990s and the early 2000s to foil the attempt by a Texas-based company, RiceTec, to patent basmati rice in the US. After losing the battle, the company named its rice brand as Texmati.

Khan is critical of the government’s indifference towards growers’ plight. “It is unfortunate that our government has never shown interest in protecting our heritage. When India tried to make a case for GI tagging for its super basmati rice some years back, our farmers took the initiative under the banner of the Basmati Growers Association and challenged the move in Indian courts in Chennai and New Delhi. Our government never supported us financially or technically nor did it provide us legal support. Resultantly, we lost our case in the Chennai court. We are unable to pursue the other case in New Delhi because we do not have resources to pay for the lawyers’ fee and other expenses. You cannot fight such issues alone; you always need government’s help in every possible way.”

Sameeullah is also not happy with the government. “It is not that the government was unaware of the New Delhi’s plans. India had been working on it for many years and already declared Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and (some districts of) Jammu and Kashmir as part of its basmati belt. We had our Geographical Indications (Registration and Protection) Act 2020 passed from the parliament in March this year to claim our right to the geographical origin for our products. But since then no movement has so far been made to operationalise the law. Even our trade representative in Brussels has not done anything so far.”

With less than 70 days left to challenge and prepare Pakistan’s case, we may soon be gifting Pakistan’s basmati rice to the Indian firms if the government doesn’t change its behaviour and take immediate action to file objections to India’s claim for exclusive GI tag.

Published in Dawn, October 4th, 2020


lol Pakistani basmati ...
Stay on topic, i know how propaganda works, directly or indirectly, they all are guided by one source and that's India.

Funny .. your are one who got off topic....re read your post

I just followed you and set you right.
lol Pakistani basmati ...

Lol Indian basmati

you Indian used sell Pakistani rice as Indian in Dubai..
Unfortunately at the moment Pakistan/Pakistani is a damaged brand.

don’t worry Indians are not to far behind...
Ever since Imran Khan took over Pakistan. Indians are playing on front foot.
From Pakistan side, you get nothing but useless lip service.

Nawaz Sharif did not even believe in any difference, he told Indians they are the same on both sides of the border. What a shill....

He betrayed us in Kargil and our soldiers died because of his cowardice, after we had conquered the area from Indians.

I will be the most happy to see all of the Sharif and Zardari Khandan hang until their deaths. Get me a front row seat for that.

Imran Khan has slapped Modi and Indians so hard that they went crying to Trump. Then when Pakistan put their new flag up in Russia, they went crying to Putin, who said it is their own affair.

Indians are crying to the whole world about Imran Khan, handsome, charming, pious, honest, and beloved face of Pakistan. Yet Patwaris like you will keep grinding your ask as all of Pakistan turns into PTI heartland, first KPK, now Punjab, tomorrow GB, etc.
Funny .. your are one who got off topic....re read your post

I just followed you and set you right.

Lol Indian basmati

you Indian used sell Pakistani rice as Indian in Dubai..

don’t worry Indians are not to far behind...

Indian sell subpar rice mixed with plastic to the world and try to compare with our Pakistani world-class product. There is no comparison.

Anything which comes out of India is adulterated beyond recognition. Their produce is banned in many countries due to not meeting minimum guidelines of sanitation.

Even baby formula can kill infants in shining India (i.e. Ganges desh.)

Larping as Pakistanis is just cringe. We don't want anything to do with Indians, why can't these bobs and vagenes understand?
Nawaz Sharif did not even believe in any difference, he told Indians they are the same on both sides of the border. What a shill....

He betrayed us in Kargil and our soldiers died because of his cowardice, after we had conquered the area from Indians.

I will be the most happy to see all of the Sharif and Zardari Khandan hang until their deaths. Get me a front row seat for that.

Imran Khan has slapped Modi and Indians so hard that they went crying to Trump. Then when Pakistan put their new flag up in Russia, they went crying to Putin, who said it is their own affair.

Indians are crying to the whole world about Imran Khan, handsome, charming, pious, honest, and beloved face of Pakistan. Yet Patwaris like you will keep grinding your ask as all of Pakistan turns into PTI heartland, first KPK, now Punjab, tomorrow GB, etc.

Indian sell subpar rice mixed with plastic to the world and try to compare with our Pakistani world-class product. There is no comparison.

Anything which comes out of India is adulterated beyond recognition. Their produce is banned in many countries due to not meeting minimum guidelines of sanitation.

Even baby formula can kill infants in shining India (i.e. Ganges desh.)

Larping as Pakistanis is just cringe. We don't want anything to do with Indians, why can't these bobs and vagenes understand?

tell this to those american pakistanis who started themselves calling indians afte 9/11.see nazam sethi youtube video .

Funny .. your are one who got off topic....re read your post

I just followed you and set you right.

My post was very general and i was directing at matter of Pakistan loosing to India on Basmati front. other cases where Pakistan lost to India i never listed... all in your head.

You pulled Moid pir Zada accusing Saudi Arabia... the usual boring off topic BS.
you should name your rice as pakistanmati , get a patent .we will not object .:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

go sell your pakmati rice .:rofl:

:lol: Agree.

Pak must sell their supposedly “superior” rice as Urdu equivalent “atarmati” or “mehakmati” not with the Indian Sanskrit “basmati” brand.:)
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