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India China war in October again?

Trade is not a barrier to war.It is a big misconception. Being the largest trade partners did not stop Germany from invading france in World war 2.You will only be having trade as long as U export to USA.
If they are not your enemies. Why are they interfering in Taiwan?

Oh Common they served both of our countries well for 60 years.Ask your armed forces

Quite the opposite Trade is definitely a barrier to war, as the economic tie gets more intertwined, you have to consider the consequences of launching a war: what's the interest and return for doing it. And it's just ridiculous to fit a WWII scenario to today's international relation.

And if you pair Chinese military industry with india, sorry these are two complete different story, one has to develop it own independent system, the other pretty much can get any weapon from east and west.
Quite the opposite Trade is definitely a barrier to war, as the economic tie gets more intertwined, you have to consider the consequences of launching a war: what's the interest and return for doing it. And it's just ridiculous to fit a WWII scenario to today's international relation.
Please see with respect to World war 2 .You will find the France -Germany and Japan-US scenarios.I am concurring from 2 scenarios that actually happened in history
And if you pair Chinese military industry with india, sorry these are two complete different story, one has to develop it own independent system, the other pretty much can get any weapon from east and west.
That is a different scenario but there is a lot of trust deficit on both sides which won't be going anytime soon.India's military Industrial base is already evolving quite fast.Private sector plays a major part in that
Everything is fine in theory but no one can beat the western consumer in demand for goods..All it did was giving it Industrial overcapacity

Japan thought the same way in the 1980's .Don't underestimate the US they can deliver the sucker punch offguard

Sorry US is not the US during WWII any more. There are much more talker in the country than doer today (another victim of indian philosophy?). Most of manufacture industries are scrapped and shipped to overseas, and that does not just limited to low end technology, and you think those engineering capability can be rebuild over night?
Please see with respect to World war 2 .You will find the France -Germany and Japan-US scenarios.I am concurring from 2 scenarios that actually happened in history

trade is a barrier but it cant prevent one in the end, it just makes you think harder before going to war but course when the cause is great enough(pearl harbor) one will go to war regardless
Sorry US is not the US during WWII any more. There are much more talker in the country than doer today (another victim of indian philosophy?). Most of manufacture industries are scrapped and shipped to overseas, and that does not just limited to low end technology, and you think those engineering capability can be rebuild over night?

Yup!You are forgetting the Vietnam,Gulf ,Iraq and Afghan wars .They could not have waged those wars without Industrial capacity
I always wonder why our **** neighbors always want wage war against us.!!!!!!:blink:
---------"If you win u dont need to explain ,if u loose u should not be there to explain":taz:

ask ur media, seeing as they somehow know the dates of the future chinese invasion and every other day has info on chinese incursions


then ur mind is already made up, and clearly u cannot be persuaded no matter what facts and reasons other can bring you. ("india WILL BE" "china HAS TO")
Everything is fine in theory but no one can beat the western consumer in demand for goods..All it did was giving it Industrial overcapacity

Japan thought the same way in the 1980's .Don't underestimate the US they can deliver the sucker punch offguard

I agree. Nobody can predict the future.
I am only saying that's the plan.
The Chinese plan very long term. And they are patient.

The US has the huge advange of geography, both in terms of isolation and resources, and an almost unmatched technological edge. They can rebuild their manufacturing base unless there are significant hurdles imposed externally.

The downside is the American culture of living waaaay beyond their means.

It will be interesting to see how everything plays out.
The US doesnt really need to do its own manufacturing anymore.

It can manufacture the same hardware in India at a fraction of the cost.

That is also part of what we term strategic alliances ..... and the scope, breadth and depth of such an alliance depend on leveraging jointly unique in-built advantages for common goals in an increasing manner as confidence builds and ever fluid global dynamics throw up areas of strategic opportunism ..... or survival, whicever way things pan out.

In other words, once the US is absolutely certain of India, and vice versa, India provides a friendly manufacturing base for the US's most closely guarded military tech secrets, with the confidence that it will not be sold to the highest rogue bidder tomorrow, or used against US's own strategic regional interests.

And China knows this.

And the US uses this.

And India uses it too.

And I'd be surprised if its not already started ..... these things dont come to light until much later.

The US doesnt need India to handle its interests in pakistan and afghanistan ..... they have a much bigger prawn to fry.

Cheers, Doc
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The US doesnt really need to do its own manufacturing anymore.

It can manufacture the same hardware in India at a fraction of the cost.

That is also part of what we term strategic alliances ..... and the scope, breadth and depth of such an alliance depend on leveraging jointly unique in-built advantages for common goals in an increasing manner as confidence builds and ever fluid global dynamics throw up areas of strategic opportunism ..... or survival, whicever way things pan out.

In other words, once the US is absolutely certain of India, and vice versa, India provides a friendly manufacturing base for the US's most closely guarded military tech secrets, with the confidence that it will not be sold to the highest rogue bidder tomorrow, or used against US's own strategic regional interests.

And China knows this.

And the US uses this.

And India uses it too.

And I'd be surprised if its not already started ..... these things dont come to light until much later.

The US doesnt need India to handle its interests in pakistan and afghanistan ..... they have a much bigger prawn to fry.

Cheers, Doc
Finally, some sane voice in an insane wilderness.

Thank you Doc :tup:
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I agree. Nobody can predict the future.
I am only saying that's the plan.
The Chinese plan very long term. And they are patient.

That is the problem with democracy. You cannot plan anything because every 5 years some new idiot gets elected by the whim and fancies of the people.

Politicians keep fooling the masses with promises or identity politics and no work gets done. Even patriotic politicians have to play the dirty game in order to get elected.

China has the best system on earth. They have their own internal system of Checks and balances. Best of all, they can evaluate government employees by their performance and they can hire and fire them based on that.
India will not be invaded, India will be disintegrated.

Maoists rebels and other insurgents groups are eagerly waiting for that. When Indian army will be engaged along the border, separatists will be fighting the police and CRPF to gain liberation.

Yes, it will inevitably happen. Like it or not.

What nonsense. If India goes to war against China, it will unite the country, not divide it.
That is also part of what we term strategic alliances .....

Oh, let's hear it, Mr. strategic expert. :lol:

In other words, once the US is absolutely certain of India, and vice versa, India provides a friendly manufacturing base for the US's most closely guarded military tech secrets, with the confidence that it will not be sold to the highest rogue bidder tomorrow, or used against US's own strategic regional interests.

Ain't gonna happen.
E v e r.

The US doesn't even give full tech for its second best fighter F-35 to the UK. You think they will give their "most closely guarded military tech secrets" to India? :rofl:

And China knows this.

And the US uses this.

And India uses it too.

There is nothing to "know" or "use".
Just armchair general pontification.

The US doesnt need India

You got that right!

The US is only using India as a pawn against China. If you want to call it a "strategic alliance" to soothe your ego, knock yourself out.
I'm not for war mongering and understand that a war with China is bad news but...

India will not be invaded, India will be disintegrated.

Maoists rebels and other insurgents groups are eagerly waiting for that. When Indian army will be engaged along the border, separatists will be fighting the police and CRPF to gain liberation.

Yes, it will inevitably happen. Like it or not.

How will that happen? What's the force capability of the Maoist rebels? What is the capability of the CRPF? The police? Can you give a state by state analysis?

I can understand India defeated by China - sure the possibility exists. They beat us once, didn't they?

But - India 'disintegrated'?

You have got to be kidding me. Do you really know all that much about India? Seriously.
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