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India, China & the Indian ocean

Some words. I believe. I just found out that Fasi is the universal language among Indians until the British took over India. Is that true?

thats it,only some words,how pathetic argument,it was widely used by mughals as a second language and not a major part of any indian language except urdu
The Indian Ocean borders many South Asian countries, not only India, and all South Asian countries, except India, support China. If Pakistan or Sri Lanka invite Chinese Navy in their waters, its none of India's business because all South Asian countries are sovereign independent countries that will look after their own interests not India's interests.

Just because the British named the Ocean, "Indian Ocean", does not make it India's. The British also called today's Pakistan, "India", and we broke the British's dream of India and became Pakistan.
The Indian Ocean borders many South Asian countries, not only India, and all South Asian countries, except India, support China. If Pakistan or Sri Lanka invite Chinese Navy in their waters, its none of India's business because all South Asian countries are sovereign independent countries that will look after their own interests not India's interests.

Just because the British named the Ocean, "Indian Ocean", does not make it India's. The British also called today's Pakistan, "India", and we broke the British's dream of India and became Pakistan.

Indian ocen was earlier called as 'Bharat Maha Sagar' which in english mean Indian ocean.... It was not britisher who name it... it was Indians itself who named this ocean as Indian....
Indian ocen was earlier called as 'Bharat Maha Sagar' which in english mean Indian ocean.... It was not britisher who name it... it was Indians itself who named this ocean as Indian....

No where in the map it says "Bharat Maha Sagar" Mr. BJP.

The British named it Indian Ocean.
No where in the map it says "Bharat Maha Sagar" Mr. BJP.

The British named it Indian Ocean.

Indian ocean is expected to be the most important power house of the future. A british admiral once said that the one who controls the iundian ocean controls the 21st century.

it is not suprising that India is doing everything to control it

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Indian ocean is expected to be the most important power house of the future. A british admiral once said that the one who controls the iundian ocean controls the 21st century.

it is not suprising that India is doing everything to control it

1. Pacific will always be the most important ocean. It connects the two biggest economy in the world - US & China.

2. india is not going to control the indian ocean. it is the ocean happens to be just next to india, not india's ocean. If india can't respect this, our armed forces can teach india to learn in hard way. it is the gateway to middle east where we buy oil. we can have full scale war if necessary. but I want to remind you: india is not remotely capable of defending our first wave offensive. .
The Indian Ocean borders many South Asian countries, not only India, and all South Asian countries, except India, support China. If Pakistan or Sri Lanka invite Chinese Navy in their waters, its none of India's business because all South Asian countries are sovereign independent countries that will look after their own interests not India's interests.

Just because the British named the Ocean, "Indian Ocean", does not make it India's. The British also called today's Pakistan, "India", and we broke the British's dream of India and became Pakistan.

YOU should teach same to your chinese brothers that ' SOUTH CHINA SEA ' is not of china.

Moderator should close this Thread.
1. Pacific will always be the most important ocean. It connects the two biggest economy in the world - US & China.

2. india is not going to control the indian ocean. it is the ocean happens to be just next to india, not india's ocean. If india can't respect this, our armed forces can teach india to learn in hard way. it is the gateway to middle east where we buy oil. we can have full scale war if necessary. but I want to remind you: india is not remotely capable of defending our first wave offensive. .

first reach bay of bengal without dehydration and provide fresh water to sailors ...............:coffee:
1. Pacific will always be the most important ocean. It connects the two biggest economy in the world - US & China.

2. india is not going to control the indian ocean. it is the ocean happens to be just next to india, not india's ocean. If india can't respect this, our armed forces can teach india to learn in hard way. it is the gateway to middle east where we buy oil. we can have full scale war if necessary. but I want to remind you: india is not remotely capable of defending our first wave offensive. .

1.no. indian ocean is the most strategic. watch the video

2. India's geographical advantage in the IOR (indian ocean region) provides it a undeniable advantage, such that not only its navy, even the airforce has bases deep in the islands of indian ocean. i dont expect you to understand this because you seem to be an amateur in this area. History comes to mind when Indian and and US navy faced off once in 1971 war, each posturing with its aircraft carrier group

My point is, since the europeans invaded india by the sea, india has built a strong navy since independence so that even the US navy today cannot repeat history.

PS: i hope by 'our' you meant US, if u meant chinese navy in the IOR, then its just sad :rolleyes:
2. India's geographical advantage in the IOR (indian ocean region) provides it a undeniable advantage, such that not only its navy, even the airforce has bases deep in the islands of indian ocean. i dont expect you to understand this because you seem to be an amateur in this area. History comes to mind when Indian and and US navy faced off once in 1971 war, each posturing with its aircraft carrier group

Let's see how are "an amateur in this area".

You started with this very naive assumption that india ocean can only be "controlled" from air and sea. I am telling you even our 12 years old Chinese members are aware that our first wave attack in such potential india ocean conflicts would come from the land. I am reminding you two things here: 1) in 1962, our armed forces taught india/indians a very good lesson already, indians should just learn from it. 2) today's China VS india metrics are completely different from the 1962 war, our economy today is 4 times as big as india's, please check what was the situation in 1962.

As already mentioned at least dozens of times, our land based troops can directly hit your capital city delhi from the border. A couple km open space in the border will be enough to set up WS-2 guided rocket launchers. We can deploy thousands within months.

Secondly, your fancy "undeniable advantage" comes with a funny fact -- every single missile you fire needs to be imported. When it comes to a conflict with China, you can imagine how many of your "friends" can supply you with those stuff.


PLA entered Korea when US troops were well above the 38th parallel, PLA kicked them back to the 38th parallel, signed ceasefire agreement. This was the first time when the US signed ceasefire without winning.

PLA invaded india in 1962, and we all know the result.

When I say "our", it is means PLA supported by Chinese. Let's just face it: india is China's enemy. Simple and plain.
YOU should teach same to your chinese brothers that ' SOUTH CHINA SEA ' is not of china.

dual standard is played when you are qualified to do so. at this stage, yes, South China Sea belongs to China, india ocean belongs to the world.

not happy? show me your strength then, rather than Arjun joke or LCA crap.
you are welcome to start a war any time,our army,navy and air force are ready to bust the myth of the might china
Let's see how are "an amateur in this area".

You started with this very naive assumption that india ocean can only be "controlled" from air and sea. I am telling you even our 12 years old Chinese members are aware that our first wave attack in such potential india ocean conflicts would come from the land. I am reminding you two things here: 1) in 1962, our armed forces taught india/indians a very good lesson already, indians should just learn from it. 2) today's China VS india metrics are completely different from the 1962 war, our economy today is 4 times as big as india's, please check what was the situation in 1962.

As already mentioned at least dozens of times, our land based troops can directly hit your capital city delhi from the border. A couple km open space in the border will be enough to set up WS-2 guided rocket launchers. We can deploy thousands within months.

Secondly, your fancy "undeniable advantage" comes with a funny fact -- every single missile you fire needs to be imported. When it comes to a conflict with China, you can imagine how many of your "friends" can supply you with those stuff.


PLA entered Korea when US troops were well above the 38th parallel, PLA kicked them back to the 38th parallel, signed ceasefire agreement. This was the first time when the US signed ceasefire without winning.

PLA invaded india in 1962, and we all know the result.

When I say "our", it is means PLA supported by Chinese. Let's just face it: india is China's enemy. Simple and plain.

You plan to asert your control over the Indian ocean by starting a land war in the mountaneous north??? :what: Boy you need to start some serious reading on modern warfare.

You just stated that the Indian Ocean is vital to China's oil supply and then intend to fight a land battle for months without first securing the Straits of Malacca? What are you planning to fuel the might Chinese war machines with?? Pis* of a billion people?

And for heaven's sake pls stop beating your chest because of a limited arena conflict fought decades before both of us were even born. Times have changed and history is just what it is: history. Or we could go by your logic and recall how easily the Chinese are to defeat by looking at how the Japs raped their way through China. Oh wait.... 1962 is a recent enough to judge Chinese military might but WW2 is not, right?? We have both fought our battles, won some and lost some. But that doesn't mean squat half a century later. Only a fool will go around boasting of his capabilities by recounting his father's achievements. This is a defence forum, don't embarrass yourself and spoil the reputation of your fellow countrymen by spewing such nonsense.
listen dude, there is no Chinese invasion of the Indian Ocean. because the indian ocean belongs to the entire human race, not india/indians.
you can just take it, or we can help to let you learn in a hard way.

this is not rocket science, Southern China Sea is NOT China's sea, indian ocean is NOT india's ocean.

please just think about it: if we are going to have any conflict in indian ocean, will you be able to defend your land border with China? the facts is not that fancy, our cheap guided rockets can directly hit delhi from our land. we have thousands of launchers deployed. yes, you can build more airports, deploy more Russian made fighters there, but are they going to survive the first wave of our CJ-10 missiles?

it is never about the indian ocean, the truth is simple: our economy is 4 times as big as yours, the vast majority of our weapons are designed and made in China while you have to import everything from russia, we are not operating on the same level, such conflict will only damage your national interests.

India neither controls Indian ocean nor project its as its own lake,however this is not the same with china,the recent Chinese belligerence is an example to it.

Calling South China sea its personal asset,what is it them.

Claiming each and every island in the south China sea and having a dispute over it with each and every countries in ASEAN,need more examples.

When was the last time India reacted against any military exercise conducted in the waters surrounding its shores.
And damn u even have a problem if an American ship dock in Vietnamese port,oh even Vietnam borders South China sea,which is ur asset.
1.no. indian ocean is the most strategic. watch the video

2. India's geographical advantage in the IOR (indian ocean region) provides it a undeniable advantage, such that not only its navy, even the airforce has bases deep in the islands of indian ocean. i dont expect you to understand this because you seem to be an amateur in this area. History comes to mind when Indian and and US navy faced off once in 1971 war, each posturing with its aircraft carrier group

My point is, since the europeans invaded india by the sea, india has built a strong navy since independence so that even the US navy today cannot repeat history.PS: i hope by 'our' you meant US, if u meant chinese navy in the IOR, then its just sad :rolleyes:

First of all, do not compare the Indian AC with the US carrier task force. There is no comparason as much of Indians in here would agree with me.
You are mistaken if you don't think power disparity for the US and India is much less than that of 1971. US Navy is still in control of the Indian Ocean. But as long as India does not try to hinder the freedom of navigation in IOR, then everything is fine.

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