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India, China & the Indian ocean

The British also named South Asia, the "indian subcontinent". Does that mean that indians can go to Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Myanmar without a visa and a passport? Indians, like everyone else, must respect international borders, but the ocean does not have international borders.

That's because this was long before Pakistan, Bangladesh and Burma were born, genius. History doesn't seem to be your strong point.

The only South Asian country that is dependant on India is Bhutan and Bhutan does not have a coastline.

We don't have any dependent countries; only those who are friends and those who are enemies. Nepal is equally friendly to us if you discount the Communist party jokers of Nepal who get fat pay cheques for their loyalty contrary to the culture and way of life of their public which is exactly like ours. And BTW you forgot Seychelles, Mauritius and Maldives, all the three having excellent terms with us.

Sri Lanka is surrrounded by the Indian Ocean on all sides and Sri Lanka is working with China in a number of projects including a seaport and so is Myanmar and Bangladesh. The entire coastline of Pakistan meets the Arabian Sea and you already know how well we Pakistanis cooperate with China.

You are free to cooperate with China or anyone else in your area. What matters is whether SL, you or Myanmar ever challenge us in IOR. So far, not happened. Burmese are content with their territory. Chinese are too far off to do anything significant in our backyard. You... let's not talk about it. Bangladesh has other pressing concerns than claim Indian Ocean. US Navy fleet manages water wayyy down below Diego Garcia. That is sufficient ocean water for us to stand tall and dominate our part of the world. US can continue policing happily on everything below. We don't want to take control of everything from Kanyaumari to Antarctica--just what is really of interest to us.

If these South Asian countries invite China to their waters of the Indian Ocean, then theres very little India can do about it.

Dreaming too much isn't good when your eyes are open. You can invite China with a red carpet for all we care but in IOR it cannot do jack. It is just like saying that we can thrash PLAN in South China Sea, which is PLAN's territory.

India does not own the Indian Ocean. This is the reality. International law does not give India the ownership of the Indian Ocean :wave:

International lawmakers agreed on Saddam having super WMDs as well. And by default, we DO own the IOR in technicality till where our interests matter. Water below Diego Garcia serve little strategic interests to us so it doesn't really matter who's policing it. What matters is who's the boss on waters above that line. We are and it is our right anyways. Who's going to stop us? :triniti:

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