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India, China & the Indian ocean

This is the current reality. Most military, including the Chinese, accept this fact. We all know that USN can deny Chinese access to Indian Ocean. The USN can deny any countries access to Indian Ocean, even the countries that border Indian Ocean.

Thank god for small mercies that world strategic affairs arent run by u r rules. if US cant allow india and china to move in international waters, then i m sure both countries have got enough resources to get even with US.

US is a signatory to international Maritime treaty and any violation of that wouldnt be taken too well by rest of the nations. after all USN isnt to big to vocer all oceans of the world.
I principle, Indian Ocean belongs to everyone. In practice, Indian Ocean belongs to the US. We just allow Indian and Chinese ships to sail through it. The same goes with Pacific, include the China seas and the Atlantic and the Mediterreanian.

yeah,off course,THE GREAT usa even fight with the UFO to protect China and India.They are the defination of justice and superhero like superman /dadabiibimama man right?Usa has everything in this world,because this world belong to usa including all ocean.:rofl:
Chill out, US would not stop any country from access from any sea lanes unless there is a conflict. But because USN is much more advance than any other country, any conflict with the US in affect cause US naval blockade of the country. Unless if you think any country can challenge the USN, which I haven't heard of one, than its safe to assume that everyone agree that we live in PAX AMERICANA guarantee by the USN in all oceans.
Chill out, US would not stop any country from access from any sea lanes unless there is a conflict. But because USN is much more advance than any other country, any conflict with the US in affect cause US naval blockade of the country. Unless if you think any country can challenge the USN, which I haven't heard of one, than its safe to assume that everyone agree that we live in PAX AMERICANA guarantee by the USN in all oceans.

Hmmm arbitrary power over the world, no wonder China is working so hard on its power projection. Anyways give it a couple of years, by then at least the first Island chain won't be a de facto American territory.
Hmmm arbitrary power over the world, no wonder China is working so hard on its power projection. Anyways give it a couple of years, by then at least the first Island chain won't be a de facto American territory.

There is no arbitrar power as US promote peaceful use of sea lanes. As for the first Island chain denial of area, US surely won't sail within this area until the long range radars are destroyed.
No, it was actually Persian. Indians copied from the Persians. Don't let people tell you that India does not copy.

We copied words???
Oh common then what ll u say for this
Chinese copied missiles and aircrafts......
Sorry to break up the anti-India orgy that you guys were indulging in, but what exactly did India copy from the Persians?

I'm literally dying of curiosity.
Sorry to break up the anti-India orgy that you guys were indulging in, but what exactly did India copy from the Persians?

I'm literally dying of curiosity.

Some words. I believe. I just found out that Fasi is the universal language among Indians until the British took over India. Is that true?
Some words. I believe. I just found out that Fasi is the universal language among Indians until the British took over India. Is that true?

What is Fasi? My land hasa been speaking tamil since time immemorial. I dont think there has been an universal language in India ever.
It just wouldn't have happened.
Most of the casualities were caused before the reaction of the reaction of special forces.
I would agree that they were
Slow in reaching the spot. But
After them reaching stuff's changed in their favour.
Our special forces have several succes stories under thier belt like:operation ashwamedh,cactus etc

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