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India caused the loss of Afghanistan for America

They stopped weapons supplies to India too. How is that a double game by the US?

You on the other hand, promised support for the US led NATO against Taliban, took money from them BUT supported the Taliban.
We were in defense pact CENTO with America you were not that was betrayal money America payed for rent of using our routes and not the gift

But I would say it slightly different it is Afghanis fault

Afghans need to understand that PAKISTAN I'd the MOST important country for Afghanistan

And they needed to convince Pakistan that a successful Afghanistan was in our interests (which it was)
But it also had to respect our strategic interests
Respect our sovereignty and border's
Stop any support for our enemies whether that be India, BLA, TTP or PTM

Afghanistan did nothing and everything to try and piss Pakistan off on purpose

If they had simply accepted our sovereign border's then we would have open borders between the country's

if they had stop supporting terrorists like BLA PTM and TTP, Pakistan wouldn't have had to take counter measures

and if they had understood our hatred for Indians then they would have for mutual benefit kept the Indians out knowing Pakistan would never tolerate them

it's also the U.S fault, they should have slapped the afghans years ago and told them to get their shit in order

I would worry about that if there was some evidence he/she/it has one. Or a brain. Thus far, none can be found. :D

On topic, Pakistanis must realize that they are being taken for a ride yet again by their leaders to cover up their own disastrously overplayed hand by blaming others.

Who do you blame for many events in India, then? Has it been only one-sided?

And you think Indians do not love their country and defend its integrity with the same passion?
We did not start shit via Afghanistan, Kashmir was quiet but modi happened and india turned into a bigoted senseless country where rational thinking is a crime. They decided to overplay everything and lose everywhere. if Pakistan was made part of the Indian value chain it would have propelled india to become a super power but instead the petulance and pettiness of India came in the way. This will now result in Pakistan making China a super power with the use of CPEC. Imagine if we start exporting the Taliban to the valley and other Muslim majority provinces in India.

We did not start shit via Afghanistan, Kashmir was quiet but modi happened and india turned into a bigoted senseless country where rational thinking is a crime. They decided to overplay everything and lose everywhere. if Pakistan was made part of the Indian value chain it would have propelled india to become a super power but instead the petulance and pettiness of India came in the way. This will now result in Pakistan making China a super power with the use of CPEC. Imagine if we start exporting the Taliban to the valley and other Muslim majority provinces in India.


That is a great claim, let us see what becomes of it. I am sure that Pakistan will do whatever serves its own national interests. Of course, other parties will do the same.
a bigoted senseless country where rational thinking is a crime.

Can we apply that same standard to the other involved countries too?
That is a great claim, let us see what becomes of it. I am sure that Pakistan will do whatever serves its own national interests. Of course, other parties will do the same.

Can we apply that same standard to the other involved countries too?

yes we can, see India strength was in its democracy and veneer of secularism. This all changed with Modi who has brought India’s s bigotry to the surface . Since us Pakistani’s are at the Uber level on the bigotry scale we will now defeat India for sure at our game.

yes we can, see India strength was in its democracy and veneer of secularism. This all changed with Modi who has brought India’s s bigotry to the surface . Since us Pakistani’s are at the Uber level on the bigotry scale we will now defeat India for sure at our game.


I wish you luck in these endeavors, whole-heartedly. "Will" defeat. Future tense. Noted.
I wish you luck in these endeavors, whole-heartedly. "Will" defeat. Future tense. Noted.
Thank you this may happen any time on or after 2023 since most military modernization plans complete at that point 800-1000 new tanks
30 -60 j-10ce
50 jf-17 block 3
Maybe 20 -30 upgraded jf -17 block I to bock 3 avionics standards with probably a smaller aesa radar
4 new FFG
8 new larger corvettes
8 new submarines
Hq-9c long range air defence system
200+ armed drones for the army and air force
60 ish Russian or Chinese. Gunships

these are some of the big ticket items. There is also a massive investment in command and control and surveillance

Thank you this may happen any time on or after 2023 since most military modernization plans complete at that point 800-1000 new tanks
30 -60 j-10ce
50 jf-17 block 3
Maybe 20 -30 upgraded jf -17 block I to bock 3 avionics standards with probably a smaller aesa radar
4 new FFG
8 new larger corvettes
8 new submarines
Hq-9c long range air defence system
200+ armed drones for the army and air force
60 ish Russian or Chinese. Gunships

these are some of the big ticket items. There is also a massive investment in command and control and surveillance


That is excellent preparation, hopefully it will be enough to achieve Pakistan's goals as you have stated them.
Given you got one stupid oneliner as a response. :D

it articulated your post well.

remember stupid post = anal rape reponses..

you should know this by now.. you get owned here alot.
So if I understand it correctly, Pakistan supported Taliban.
Then Pakistan supported the USA against Taliban.
Then Pakistan supported Taliban against the US.

And somehow its India that caused Taliban taking over Afghanistan.

There is no hope for you @Khan vilatey


It was indian training that caused ANA to collapse...

It is like a indian condom factory following india standards...ie making condoms that surely dont work..resulting in booming india's 1.3B pop.
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The US listened to India in Afghanistan instead of Pakistan leading to its biggest defeat ever. In Afghanistan, Pakistan led the US to victory against the Soviet Union, while India led the US to a defeat. Things would have been different today, if the US had listened to Pakistan and had taken into consideration Pakistan's interest.
Everyone is a geo political expert with advanced degree of diplomatic studies in forums/reddit. Sometimes I imagine how great it is for Americans that the entire world thinks they 'lost the war'. Somehow after killing 240K people (2312 US casualties), people consider US to be a 'loser'. Nobody is asking US to pay for all these deaths and atrocities. It's as if US is the victim out here. Yes, they spent billions/trillion in operations, but that's nothing for a country which has annual GDP of 20trillion and can keep printing endless money at will. Should I say they simply got bored of doing nothing in afganistan? They haven't lost a US soldier since March 2020. It's like 18 months without any death. There's hardly anything left in that place to be won for US. With focus now on China and a corrupt Afgan govt, I don't see any motivation for them to do anything else in that place.
Other than memes on Twitter, what did US lose actually? if one had to chose side between Afgans and US in 2021, I am sure everyone will side with US. BTW, I am very certain (personal opinion), Biden will order air strikes against Taliban leaders the moment his approval ratings starts falling. Obama did, Trump did, and sure Biden will do same. Few months before elections will be a great time to up those ratings. US public loves drone bombing of US adversaries.
Everyone is a geo political expert with advanced degree of diplomatic studies in forums/reddit. Sometimes I imagine how great it is for Americans that the entire world thinks they 'lost the war'. Somehow after killing 240K people (2312 US casualties), people consider US to be a 'loser'. Nobody is asking US to pay for all these deaths and atrocities. It's as if US is the victim out here. Yes, they spent billions/trillion in operations, but that's nothing for a country which has annual GDP of 20trillion and can keep printing endless money at will. Should I say they simply got bored of doing nothing in afganistan? They haven't lost a US soldier since March 2020. It's like 18 months without any death. There's hardly anything left in that place to be won for US. With focus now on China and a corrupt Afgan govt, I don't see any motivation for them to do anything else in that place.
Other than memes on Twitter, what did US lose actually? if one had to chose side between Afgans and US in 2021, I am sure everyone will side with US. BTW, I am very certain (personal opinion), Biden will order air strikes against Taliban leaders the moment his approval ratings starts falling. Obama did, Trump did, and sure Biden will do same. Few months before elections will be a great time to up those ratings. US public loves drone bombing of US adversaries.

But didn't indians like yourself also claim that america would NEVER EVER leave afghanistan and that they had to protect indian strategic interests there forever? indians claimed that the american economy was dependent on indian strategic interests in afghanistan.
Many have asked why and how the greatest super power in the world USA was defeated by the rag tag Taliban. The answer is simple contained in one word India!

in order to understand this debacle one needs to go back to 2001, an atrocity was committed against the United States by a terrorist named Osama bin Ladin. He broke Islamic jihad laws and attacked civilian. The response was swift and though Pakistan suggested that this manic be turned over, the Taliban decided to keep him and Pakistan assisted the US to take over Afghanistan in a matter of weeks.

Things were going well for the first few years and though Karzai was no saint Pakistan helped build a Phushtoon Goverment in Kabul. Then America invaded Iraq on false pretenses of WMDs and a lot of attention and focus was moved to Iraq. Things did not go well there and the Taliban seeing some opportunity in Afghanistan went back in to start fighting. This is where the bush years came to an end and Obama came to office. Although his rise to the highest office in the land was historic, he as an individual was young, reckless and Lacked the experience to understand the intricacies of the historic relations in central Asia.

In an effort to punish Pakistan for some of his own debacles in Iraq , he decided to increase drone strikes in Pakistan and to punish Pakistan into submission. Instead of working with Pakistan he decided to create problems in Pakistan and to hide his actions invited India to orchestrate the rise of the TTP and Baluchistan Liberation Army. This for the first time created a rift between US and Pakistan. Ashraf ghani came to power and Afghanistan was allowed to move into the Indian camp. India decided to use billions of dollars to stand up an apparatus against Pakistan and use the Iranian connection to further encircle Pakistan. The Americans I do not believe ever wanted this to go this far but the Indians had blood in their eyes they saw an opportunity and upped the Antie to an alarming level. All this came to a head because of the Indian APS terrorist attack the greatest mistake any one could have ever made. I wept at the site of those 136 little coffins and I know all Pakistanis wept like me. This united Pakistan as a country. see Indians have this cruel streak in them, they thought like in Kashmir it would be ok to kill Pakistani children. The response was immediate the nation was willing to pay any price and the Swat operations were conducted. The Army went into action and at great cost took back all territory . Denying the enemy the ability to launch significant attacks,

The Indians then through their proxies in the Afghan army decided to get the American attack the Pakistani post in sallah , which was designed to get the US and Pakistan to go head to head unfortunately for India cooler heads prevailed and the consequence was to show NATO their dependence on Pakistan for their supply lines.

This also hastened Pakistan’s states support for getting out of the NATO war in Afghanistan, India for its part went on a global diplomatic and media blitz against Pakistan they over played their cards and clearly created rifts between the US and Pakistan.

This unnecessary animosity created by India ensured that Pakistan was forced to protect itself, its interests was to now build a favorable Afghan Goverment. Hence the support of the Doha peace process and the removal of Indian Ashraf Ghani Goverment.

So I my opinion it was India’s hatred for Pakistan that caused the Americans to fail in Afghanistan.


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