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India caused the loss of Afghanistan for America

Taliban spokesman says U.S. will not be harmed from Afghan soil
"We don’t have any grudges," spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said in a news conference in Kabul.

Of course they have no grudges, who do you think paid for their luxurious 11 year vacation in Doha.:lol:
So if I understand it correctly, Pakistan supported Taliban.
Then Pakistan supported the USA against Taliban.
Then Pakistan supported Taliban against the US.

And somehow its India that caused Taliban taking over Afghanistan.

There is no hope for you @Khan vilatey
Let me make it more simple for you.

Pakistan was the enemy.
Pakistan played the double game.


India was the friend of Afghanistan and partner of USA.
India ran away at first sight of trouble and left US and Afghans.
India failed US and Afghanistan in one stroke.
India has no interest in South China Sea. Our interest is in Indian ocean and this is where we are co-ordinating with like minded nations.

Right now, Chinese govt is cracking down on big Chinese tech firms. So lets circle back when the dust settles down. We are observing whats happening with the likes of Jack Ma.

China gov's crackdown is basically applying anti-trust to these big tech, to crack down big techs that trying to become the too big to fails in the US, which could eventually control the economy and media and kill innovation through sheer financial power, it has nothing to do with their tech-orientated work culture.

Actually by adding more limitations to these big tech companies, the policy give rooms for smaller tech company, and new innovation-orientated players to rise and expand.
Pakistan was the enemy.
Pakistan played the double game
Pakistan was enemy for who? Afghanistan or the US? If both, why were you supporting both of these against the Taliban for 20 years?
If played double game, was it just to take money from the US? How does that affect the credibility of Pakistan as a nation?

India was the friend of Afghanistan and partner of USA.
India ran away at first sight of trouble and left US and Afghans.
India failed US and Afghanistan in one stroke.
Ran away how?
India is still partner of both. We are with anyone that support a non terrorist set up in Afghanistan. If Taliban promises to do it, we will support them too.
Pakistan was enemy for who? Afghanistan or the US? If both, why were you supporting both of these against the Taliban for 20 years?
If played double game, was it just to take money from the US? How does that affect the credibility of Pakistan as a nation?

Ran away how?
India is still partner of both. We are with anyone that support a non terrorist set up in Afghanistan. If Taliban promises to do it, we will support them too.
You dude you ran away from Afghanistan and now trying to find a way to talk to Taliban. You ain't a partner of anyone, US has seen it, Afghans are going to realize it really soon.
That time will tell.
They created problems for us from 1947 and their generations continue to pay the price if they didn't change their stance..
You dude you ran away from Afghanistan and now trying to find a way to talk to Taliban. You ain't a partner of anyone, US has seen it, Afghans are going to realize it really soon.
You dont understand.
1. Let me give you a hypothetical situation:

Let's say India is doing terrorism against Australia. Now India promises Australia that we wont do the terrorism and Australia decides to talk with India.

Now, does it mean Australia RAN AWAY?

2. It was Pakistan that was supporting the US against the Taliban for 20 years. Yes! For 20 freaking years!! You ditched the US even after taking money from them and you cant even deny this, can you? So, to anyone who is looking at the circumstances from the outside, it would seem Pakistan is not a trustworthy partner after all.
There are also no takers for Saudi sponsorship of terrorism. So your claim that just because no state besides Pakistan says that, doesn't make it so. The proof is there in the form of Yadav and his passport that's a genuine passport but with a fake identity. The only way to get that is with government support.
My dear sir, if nobody believes in the allegations then how do we trust those allegations? Do we just take your word for it now?

If Yadav was a terrorist then we would have tried everything to downplay that episode. But, on the contrary, we dragged Pakistan to ICJ for it, what does that tell you?

Also the fact that ICJ ruled that Pakistan should 're-try' Yadav speak volume about your justice system, dont you think?

And then there is FATF situation here. Pakistan is gray listed by FATF and I dont have to tell you what it means. To summarize it, India stands vindicated.
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You dont understand.
1. Let me give you a hypothetical situation:

Let's say India is doing terrorism against Australia. Now India promises Australia that we wont do the terrorism and Australia decides to talk with India.

Now, does it mean Australia RAN AWAY?

2. It was Pakistan that was supporting the US against the Taliban for 20 years. Yes! For 20 freaking years!! You ditched the US even after taking money from them and you cant even deny this, can you? So, to anyone who is looking at the circumstances from the outside, it would seem Pakistan is not a trustworthy partner after all.
Tell that to Afghans oh wait you have been telling them for 20 years now but boarded the C17s the moment you were suppose to stand your ground.
Tell that to Afghans oh wait you have been telling them for 20 years now but boarded the C17s the moment you were suppose to stand your ground.
Tell Afghans what exactly? That Pakistan was supporting the US led NATO against the Taliban for 20 years? I think they already know it.

And you expect the indian embassy staff to 'hold ground' in Afghanistan? I dont know what to reply to this.
Tell Afghans what exactly? That Pakistan was supporting the US led NATO against the Taliban for 20 years? I think they already know it.

And you expect the indian embassy staff to 'hold ground' in Afghanistan? I dont know what to reply to this.
And yet they considered Pakistan to be a trusted partner for the peace deal i wonder why !

Pakistani embassies remain the only embassies in Afghanistan that are still in operation. Pakistan remains the only country who is issuing visas, on emergency basis, to journalists and media personnel irrespective of their political lineage.

Just today, Boris Johnson and Merkel called Pakistan to help their citizens in Afghanistan. If we aren't the trusted partners why isn't world asking India to do what we are being asked to do?

It is your dream to put Afghans against Pakistan like you have been doing since 1979 and that's it. You were there to help Afghanistan and soon people will know it.
It's over for India, game over, they have pretty much lost all influence now, they will just sit on the side and watch, posters on here will pretend somehow India is relavent to what is going on.

Right now if I was Indian leader I would be more worried about relying on the US against China, whole world will be recalculating their partnerships, fortunately for Pakistan Indians will probably not be that far sighted.

20 years in Afghanistan and now they do not even have a functioning embassy there and rely on goodwill of Taliban. I really cannot think of a more worse outcome for India if I tried.

The biggest players there will now be China, Pakistan and Russia. Whole world media is reporting this.
Many have asked why and how the greatest super power in the world USA was defeated by the rag tag Taliban. The answer is simple contained in one word India!

in order to understand this debacle one needs to go back to 2001, an atrocity was committed against the United States by a terrorist named Osama bin Ladin. He broke Islamic jihad laws and attacked civilian. The response was swift and though Pakistan suggested that this manic be turned over, the Taliban decided to keep him and Pakistan assisted the US to take over Afghanistan in a matter of weeks.

Things were going well for the first few years and though Karzai was no saint Pakistan helped build a Phushtoon Goverment in Kabul. Then America invaded Iraq on false pretenses of WMDs and a lot of attention and focus was moved to Iraq. Things did not go well there and the Taliban seeing some opportunity in Afghanistan went back in to start fighting. This is where the bush years came to an end and Obama came to office. Although his rise to the highest office in the land was historic, he as an individual was young, reckless and Lacked the experience to understand the intricacies of the historic relations in central Asia.

In an effort to punish Pakistan for some of his own debacles in Iraq , he decided to increase drone strikes in Pakistan and to punish Pakistan into submission. Instead of working with Pakistan he decided to create problems in Pakistan and to hide his actions invited India to orchestrate the rise of the TTP and Baluchistan Liberation Army. This for the first time created a rift between US and Pakistan. Ashraf ghani came to power and Afghanistan was allowed to move into the Indian camp. India decided to use billions of dollars to stand up an apparatus against Pakistan and use the Iranian connection to further encircle Pakistan. The Americans I do not believe ever wanted this to go this far but the Indians had blood in their eyes they saw an opportunity and upped the Antie to an alarming level. All this came to a head because of the Indian APS terrorist attack the greatest mistake any one could have ever made. I wept at the site of those 136 little coffins and I know all Pakistanis wept like me. This united Pakistan as a country. see Indians have this cruel streak in them, they thought like in Kashmir it would be ok to kill Pakistani children. The response was immediate the nation was willing to pay any price and the Swat operations were conducted. The Army went into action and at great cost took back all territory . Denying the enemy the ability to launch significant attacks,

The Indians then through their proxies in the Afghan army decided to get the American attack the Pakistani post in sallah , which was designed to get the US and Pakistan to go head to head unfortunately for India cooler heads prevailed and the consequence was to show NATO their dependence on Pakistan for their supply lines.

This also hastened Pakistan’s states support for getting out of the NATO war in Afghanistan, India for its part went on a global diplomatic and media blitz against Pakistan they over played their cards and clearly created rifts between the US and Pakistan.

This unnecessary animosity created by India ensured that Pakistan was forced to protect itself, its interests was to now build a favorable Afghan Goverment. Hence the support of the Doha peace process and the removal of Indian Ashraf Ghani Goverment.

So I my opinion it was India’s hatred for Pakistan that caused the Americans to fail in Afghanistan.


Thank you for your post. You have put it beautifully and explained why couldn't Americans get Paksitan 100% onboard after India was part of the equation.
India = Iblis….

Whoever gets Iblis on his shoulders is destined to be a loser…..
An infidel would never want a believer to gain power. They would like to keep them under there control. The real loss came because of the will to fight according to the US President and that is true. Without a positive reason there is no will to fight and when they have been at war for the past 40 years. Todays Afghanistan and the ANA understood that they are fighting brother against brother and who is suffering is an Afghan. You can not go on like this for eve there has to be a time when one decides its enough. This time came and here is a country that is going to see some leaving and some returning. This has been the case from time and memorial.
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