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India caused the loss of Afghanistan for America

Khan vilatey

Feb 11, 2020
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Many have asked why and how the greatest super power in the world USA was defeated by the rag tag Taliban. The answer is simple contained in one word India!

in order to understand this debacle one needs to go back to 2001, an atrocity was committed against the United States by a terrorist named Osama bin Ladin. He broke Islamic jihad laws and attacked civilian. The response was swift and though Pakistan suggested that this manic be turned over, the Taliban decided to keep him and Pakistan assisted the US to take over Afghanistan in a matter of weeks.

Things were going well for the first few years and though Karzai was no saint Pakistan helped build a Phushtoon Goverment in Kabul. Then America invaded Iraq on false pretenses of WMDs and a lot of attention and focus was moved to Iraq. Things did not go well there and the Taliban seeing some opportunity in Afghanistan went back in to start fighting. This is where the bush years came to an end and Obama came to office. Although his rise to the highest office in the land was historic, he as an individual was young, reckless and Lacked the experience to understand the intricacies of the historic relations in central Asia.

In an effort to punish Pakistan for some of his own debacles in Iraq , he decided to increase drone strikes in Pakistan and to punish Pakistan into submission. Instead of working with Pakistan he decided to create problems in Pakistan and to hide his actions invited India to orchestrate the rise of the TTP and Baluchistan Liberation Army. This for the first time created a rift between US and Pakistan. Ashraf ghani came to power and Afghanistan was allowed to move into the Indian camp. India decided to use billions of dollars to stand up an apparatus against Pakistan and use the Iranian connection to further encircle Pakistan. The Americans I do not believe ever wanted this to go this far but the Indians had blood in their eyes they saw an opportunity and upped the Antie to an alarming level. All this came to a head because of the Indian APS terrorist attack the greatest mistake any one could have ever made. I wept at the site of those 136 little coffins and I know all Pakistanis wept like me. This united Pakistan as a country. see Indians have this cruel streak in them, they thought like in Kashmir it would be ok to kill Pakistani children. The response was immediate the nation was willing to pay any price and the Swat operations were conducted. The Army went into action and at great cost took back all territory . Denying the enemy the ability to launch significant attacks,

The Indians then through their proxies in the Afghan army decided to get the American attack the Pakistani post in sallah , which was designed to get the US and Pakistan to go head to head unfortunately for India cooler heads prevailed and the consequence was to show NATO their dependence on Pakistan for their supply lines.

This also hastened Pakistan’s states support for getting out of the NATO war in Afghanistan, India for its part went on a global diplomatic and media blitz against Pakistan they over played their cards and clearly created rifts between the US and Pakistan.

This unnecessary animosity created by India ensured that Pakistan was forced to protect itself, its interests was to now build a favorable Afghan Goverment. Hence the support of the Doha peace process and the removal of Indian Ashraf Ghani Goverment.

So I my opinion it was India’s hatred for Pakistan that caused the Americans to fail in Afghanistan.

Another case of seeing India everywhere. India didn't create rifts between the US and Pakistan, the US simply used you for WoT. And Pakistan had India in mind so they never leveraged their relationship with the US for favourable trade deals rather used them for securing weapons. In the end, the US and NATO left that mess behind Pakistan is found batting for economic deals with the US in the final hour.

Note: US Pak relations deteriorated very fast when OBL was found in Pakistan. That started the end of US stay in Afghanistan because they achieved what they came for. But then ISIS emerged and the US continued their stay in Afghanistan which now came to an end for good.

Coming to India, our relationship with the US is independent of Pakistan. India started talks of the nuclear deal at the height of WoT. Including many trade and cooperation, deals were signed during the 2000-2010 era which continued further with successive governments.
Another case of seeing India everywhere. India didn't create rifts between the US and Pakistan, the US simply used you for WoT. And Pakistan had India in mind so they never leveraged their relationship with the US for favourable trade deals rather used them for securing weapons. In the end, the US and NATO left that mess behind Pakistan is found batting for economic deals with the US in the final hour.

Note: US Pak relations deteriorated very fast when OBL was found in Pakistan. That started the end of US stay in Afghanistan because they achieved what they came for. But then ISIS emerged and the US continued their stay in Afghanistan which now came to an end for good.

Coming to India, our relationship with the US is independent of Pakistan. India started talks of the nuclear deal at the height of WoT. Including many trade and cooperation, deals were signed during the 2000-2010 era which continued further with successive governments.
Disagree to agree, it’s a matter of perspective. No amount of heaing and hawing will make a difference with you.

So if I understand it correctly, Pakistan supported Taliban.
Then Pakistan supported the USA against Taliban.
Then Pakistan supported Taliban against the US.

And somehow its India that caused Taliban taking over Afghanistan.

There is no hope for you @Khan vilatey
So if I understand it correctly, Pakistan supported Taliban.
Then Pakistan supported the USA against Taliban.
Then Pakistan supported Taliban against the US.

And somehow its India that caused Taliban taking over Afghanistan.

There is no hope for you @Khan vilatey

General Hamid Gul said:

when the history of this region will be written it would be said
Pakistan defeated the USSR with American money

and then there will be a foot note

Pakistan defeated USA with its own money !

if the Indian factor was removed from Afghanistan USA would never have lost

the key fact for Afghanistan is that a pro Pakistan Goverment has to sit in Kabul, anything else is not possible

What benefit did America get from getting allied with India in the Afghan theatre? just irritating Pakistan is not a strategy or if that was it turned out to be a huge failure.

Indian did nothing tangible, just bullshit story telling which Indians are famous for

When US allied with Pakistan, there is was a clear result: Exit for the USSR from Afghanistan
if the Indian factor was removed from Afghanistan USA would never have lost
So India played a major role in causing Taliban take over Afghanistan. Meaning we kinda helped Taliban.

Okay let's see what everybody thinks of that.
So if I understand it correctly, Pakistan supported Taliban.
Then Pakistan supported the USA against Taliban.
Then Pakistan supported Taliban against the US.

And somehow its India that caused Taliban taking over Afghanistan.

There is no hope for you @Khan vilatey
Not agreeing or disagreeing with OP, but it seems like you have serious comprehension issues.

The gist of OP is that because India used Afghan territory to support terrorism in Pakistan, Pakistan's interests changed from supporting US to at the very least showing indifference to US interests.

You can hum and haw but don't try to gaslight.

Again, I have no interest in agreeing or disagreeing with this hypothesis.
Many have asked why and how the greatest super power in the world USA was defeated by the rag tag Taliban. The answer is simple contained in one word India!

in order to understand this debacle one needs to go back to 2001, an atrocity was committed against the United States by a terrorist named Osama bin Ladin. He broke Islamic jihad laws and attacked civilian. The response was swift and though Pakistan suggested that this manic be turned over, the Taliban decided to keep him and Pakistan assisted the US to take over Afghanistan in a matter of weeks.

Things were going well for the first few years and though Karzai was no saint Pakistan helped build a Phushtoon Goverment in Kabul. Then America invaded Iraq on false pretenses of WMDs and a lot of attention and focus was moved to Iraq. Things did not go well there and the Taliban seeing some opportunity in Afghanistan went back in to start fighting. This is where the bush years came to an end and Obama came to office. Although his rise to the highest office in the land was historic, he as an individual was young, reckless and Lacked the experience to understand the intricacies of the historic relations in central Asia.

In an effort to punish Pakistan for some of his own debacles in Iraq , he decided to increase drone strikes in Pakistan and to punish Pakistan into submission. Instead of working with Pakistan he decided to create problems in Pakistan and to hide his actions invited India to orchestrate the rise of the TTP and Baluchistan Liberation Army. This for the first time created a rift between US and Pakistan. Ashraf ghani came to power and Afghanistan was allowed to move into the Indian camp. India decided to use billions of dollars to stand up an apparatus against Pakistan and use the Iranian connection to further encircle Pakistan. The Americans I do not believe ever wanted this to go this far but the Indians had blood in their eyes they saw an opportunity and upped the Antie to an alarming level. All this came to a head because of the Indian APS terrorist attack the greatest mistake any one could have ever made. I wept at the site of those 136 little coffins and I know all Pakistanis wept like me. This united Pakistan as a country. see Indians have this cruel streak in them, they thought like in Kashmir it would be ok to kill Pakistani children. The response was immediate the nation was willing to pay any price and the Swat operations were conducted. The Army went into action and at great cost took back all territory . Denying the enemy the ability to launch significant attacks,

The Indians then through their proxies in the Afghan army decided to get the American attack the Pakistani post in sallah , which was designed to get the US and Pakistan to go head to head unfortunately for India cooler heads prevailed and the consequence was to show NATO their dependence on Pakistan for their supply lines.

This also hastened Pakistan’s states support for getting out of the NATO war in Afghanistan, India for its part went on a global diplomatic and media blitz against Pakistan they over played their cards and clearly created rifts between the US and Pakistan.

This unnecessary animosity created by India ensured that Pakistan was forced to protect itself, its interests was to now build a favorable Afghan Goverment. Hence the support of the Doha peace process and the removal of Indian Ashraf Ghani Goverment.

So I my opinion it was India’s hatred for Pakistan that caused the Americans to fail in Afghanistan.


You should send to media outlets.

World is realising the reality, India is a spoiler.

Talibans, China, Russia, Iran and Pakistan know that ===> these are the powers who matter.
So India played a major role in causing Taliban take over Afghanistan. Meaning we kinda helped Taliban.

Okay let's see what everybody thinks of that.

In a round about way that's what being said, yes. You might think it's wrong because you oversimplify things, but remember US actions are what caused Taliban and ISIS to exist as well, despite US opposing them. So it's not something outrageous or contradictory.
Many have asked why and how the greatest super power in the world USA was defeated by the rag tag Taliban. The answer is simple contained in one word India!

in order to understand this debacle one needs to go back to 2001, an atrocity was committed against the United States by a terrorist named Osama bin Ladin. He broke Islamic jihad laws and attacked civilian. The response was swift and though Pakistan suggested that this manic be turned over, the Taliban decided to keep him and Pakistan assisted the US to take over Afghanistan in a matter of weeks.

Things were going well for the first few years and though Karzai was no saint Pakistan helped build a Phushtoon Goverment in Kabul. Then America invaded Iraq on false pretenses of WMDs and a lot of attention and focus was moved to Iraq. Things did not go well there and the Taliban seeing some opportunity in Afghanistan went back in to start fighting. This is where the bush years came to an end and Obama came to office. Although his rise to the highest office in the land was historic, he as an individual was young, reckless and Lacked the experience to understand the intricacies of the historic relations in central Asia.

In an effort to punish Pakistan for some of his own debacles in Iraq , he decided to increase drone strikes in Pakistan and to punish Pakistan into submission. Instead of working with Pakistan he decided to create problems in Pakistan and to hide his actions invited India to orchestrate the rise of the TTP and Baluchistan Liberation Army. This for the first time created a rift between US and Pakistan. Ashraf ghani came to power and Afghanistan was allowed to move into the Indian camp. India decided to use billions of dollars to stand up an apparatus against Pakistan and use the Iranian connection to further encircle Pakistan. The Americans I do not believe ever wanted this to go this far but the Indians had blood in their eyes they saw an opportunity and upped the Antie to an alarming level. All this came to a head because of the Indian APS terrorist attack the greatest mistake any one could have ever made. I wept at the site of those 136 little coffins and I know all Pakistanis wept like me. This united Pakistan as a country. see Indians have this cruel streak in them, they thought like in Kashmir it would be ok to kill Pakistani children. The response was immediate the nation was willing to pay any price and the Swat operations were conducted. The Army went into action and at great cost took back all territory . Denying the enemy the ability to launch significant attacks,

The Indians then through their proxies in the Afghan army decided to get the American attack the Pakistani post in sallah , which was designed to get the US and Pakistan to go head to head unfortunately for India cooler heads prevailed and the consequence was to show NATO their dependence on Pakistan for their supply lines.

This also hastened Pakistan’s states support for getting out of the NATO war in Afghanistan, India for its part went on a global diplomatic and media blitz against Pakistan they over played their cards and clearly created rifts between the US and Pakistan.

This unnecessary animosity created by India ensured that Pakistan was forced to protect itself, its interests was to now build a favorable Afghan Goverment. Hence the support of the Doha peace process and the removal of Indian Ashraf Ghani Goverment.

So I my opinion it was India’s hatred for Pakistan that caused the Americans to fail in Afghanistan.

Totally agree. I have posted this reason many days ago
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