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India cannot stay neutral towards Iran: Shimon Peres


Jun 1, 2012
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India cannot stay neutral towards Iran: Shimon Peres
JERUSALEM: Describing Iran as a "danger" to world peace, Israeli President Shimon Peres has asked India not to remain "neutral" to Iran's "aggressive attempt" to become a forceful hegemon in the region.

"Iran is a great danger....They have emerged as a danger to the rest of the world and they have mobilised the world against them, not just us," Peres told PTI in an interview here.

On India's proximity to Iran, the 89-year-old Israeli leader said that he does not know "what are exactly the Indian considerations in that case because India has her own problems with nuclear capacities", which are not "simple".

Describing India as a land historically based on values and Gandhi as a prophet who preached non-violence, the Nobel laureate argued that India cannot stay neutral towards Iran which was threatening the "existence" of other people.

"So I cannot see that a policy of non-violence can be neutral to an aggressive attempt to build a forceful hegemon in the Middle East against the will of its own people," Peres said.

The President emphasised that his country was not against the Iranian people but the current regime there was threatening Israel and also trying to arm itself with nuclear weapons.

"We are not against the Iranians, against the Iranian people. Nobody is threatening them but they (current regime) are threatening the existence of other people. What for?," he questioned.

Iran and Israel were close allies until 1979 when the regime of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was overthrown by Islamic revolutionaries led by Ayatollah Khomeini who then snapped ties with Tel Aviv.

Iran's outgoing President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad has in the past called upon several times to wipe out Israel from the world map besides denying the occurrence of the Holocaust.

"If they would just talk it was one thing. But if in addition they are building nuclear weapons, they are becoming a centre of world terror. They are introducing a sort of dictatorship, executing innocent people, putting to jail journalists", Peres said.

Israel has declared Iran's attempt to acquire nuclear capability an "existential threat" warning to foil the attempt "keeping all options on the table".

Iran has maintained that its nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes.
India cannot stay neutral towards Iran: Shimon Peres - The Economic Times
Looks like India will have to struggle a lot between two polarized worlds in future. India is loosing some grip that's what I believe in last few years. No big ticket items with both nations in recent past excluding route to Afghanistan. What's your thoughts folks?
India is staying neutral with Iran. We have already backed away a little from our good friendship with Iran, to stay in a nuetral position, it cannot degrade any further. Neutral is better.
Israel is India's friend of course, but it does not make Israel's human rights problem better
India is staying neutral with Iran. We have already backed away a little from our good friendship with Iran, to stay in a nuetral position, it cannot degrade any further. Neutral is better.
Israel is India's friend of course, but it does not make Israel's human rights problem better

India with its horrible past history of discrimination and present where there is huge disparity should NOT wield the double edge sword of 'Human Rights'. Its not a game we can win ....and if we cannot win, we should not play a game of high stakes.

In any case Iran is an unreliable nation and in the past has demonstrated anti India acts. Israel on the other hand, need us so their loyalty is assured.

So India will probably drift closer to Israel while keeping good relations with Iran.
India with its horrible past history of discrimination and present where there is huge disparity should NOT wield the double edge sword of 'Human Rights'. Its not a game we can win ....and if we cannot win, we should not play a game of high stakes.

In any case Iran is an unreliable nation and in the past has demonstrated anti India acts. Israel on the other hand, need us so their loyalty is assured.

So India will probably drift closer to Israel while keeping good relations with Iran.

Its true, while Israel means National security , Iran in a way represents Energy security. We cannot completely avoid Iranian oil. Moreover the Port construction in Iran by us. We cannot completely ignore them. They have in the supported in the past, on Kashmir dispute during OIC conferences.
Diplomacy is needed to play both iod them
Really Mr. Peres ?

We value Israel's friendship but please you can't tell us what to do.

Iran is a historical friend of India and we believe whatever concerns are there with them , should be sorted out through engagement and dialogue.

Scaling down ties is not an option with either of the two countries. Iran is strategically very important for India.

Staying neutral and engaging both in a friendly way is the only way forward.

Its true, while Israel means National security , Iran in a way represents Energy security. We cannot completely avoid Iranian oil. Moreover the Port construction in Iran by us. We cannot completely ignore them. They have in the supported in the past, on Kashmir dispute during OIC conferences.
Diplomacy is needed to play both iod them

Iran is very important for defeating Sunni extremist forces operating against India in South Asia and Afghanistan. This must not be forgotten.
Here is a small reminder to people about Iran's actions in India ......... and actions of our 'secular' leaders.


Israel protests India's feting of journalist accused of aiding Iran in New Delhi car bombing

Israel has issued a vehement protest to India after a number of senior Indian politicians attended an event last week honoring journalist Syed Kazmi, who is charged with involvement in an attack on the Israeli Embassy in New Delhi in February 2012.

Kazmi, the only person arrested after the attack, is charged with being an agent of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard in New Delhi for at least 10 years.

A senior Foreign Ministry official in Jerusalem said the April 17 event marked the launch of a new newspaper, of which Kazmi will be editor-in-chief. The event was attended by the chief minister of the state of Delhi, Sheila Dikshit, and several members of parliament. The publisher of the new Urdu-language paper is the father of Kazmi’s lawyer, Mahmood Paracha, who has also represented Dikshit in the past.

In addition to those who attended the event, a number of other senior Indian officials sent letters of congratulations and support for the new publication. Reports of the event reached the Israeli Embassy, which alerted the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem. After consultations it was decided not to summon the Indian ambassador to Israel for a reprimand but to instead deliver a sharply worded message directly to senior officials in New Delhi.

Israeli Ambassador to India Alon Ushpiz spoke with several senior Indian officials and clarified that Israel viewed the attendance of senior officials at the event very gravely. The Indians, for their part, tried to explain their actions and soothe Israel’s anger.

“We find it most inappropriate to acknowledge and honor a person who is facing such extremely serious charges,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said. “We have expressed our view to the government of India, within the open and frank dialogue that the two countries maintain.”

On February 13, 2012, Tali Yehoshua-Koren, wife of the Defense Ministry representative in India, was wounded while driving one of the embassy vehicles to pick up her children from school. An unknown motorcyclist had attached a bomb to the rear of the vehicle and fled seconds before the blast.

Israel blamed the Iranian Revolutionary Guards for the attack. In July 2012, the Indian Police released the results of its investigation, which found that Iranian elements had been behind the attack. The report alleged that Kazmi had helped collect intelligence that aided in the bombing.

Kazmi was the only one arrested because the other members of the Iranian terror cell succeeded in fleeing the country within 24 hours of the blast. Kazmi was jailed for several months and released on bail this past October, despite Israel’s protests. Indian authorities claimed that under local laws, they could not hold Kazmi in custody until the end of legal proceedings. Kazmi’s trial is proceeding slowly, to Israel’s frustration.

Iran runs a Very Successful Spy network and Propaganda Network in India and in Arab nations.

Keep your friends close .....and your enemies closer.
For the moment India seems to be drifting away from Iran............but Iran as the biggest Shia country and with a border with pakistan does have its strategic advantage, so I doubt if India will drift too far.

And with second largest shia population (Pakistan).. and better ties between Iran and Pak... i.e IP pipeline,setting up refineries,cultural exchanges etc... i doubt Iran will help india in destablising Pakistan... in the past they have already helped Pakistan ... even during wars.
Safe to say Iran does not respect Pakistan...........not too much love lost between the two either. Iran is already active in Baluchistan and Afghanistan against pakistan.

If all that was not enough, Saudia Arabia and Iran are ENEMIES :P.
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