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India can’t solve Sri Lanka’s political issues - BJP team

Tamil, Tibetans, Pak&BD Hindus all these three groups of refugees should be given Indian citizenship IMO

Totally agree. Where I live, there is a huge community of Tibetans because we are a border state and they are law abiding and peaceful people. Not to mention their food is just :woot:. GOI should give them citizenship ASAP
Tamil, Tibetans, Pak&BD Hindus all these three groups of refugees should be given Indian citizenship IMO

SL tamilian issue is much more complex. There are two types of Tamilians in SL - Tamilians who are there for more than a millennium and other tamilians who went there in the 19th and early 20th century. For example, Muthiah Muralidaran's family went there in the early 1920s and his grandfather returned back to TN later while his father settled in SL. Murali has a Overseas Citizen of India card.

Continuing from where I left in the above post - these excerpts will throw light on why the SL sinhala-Tamil issue exists. As I said it goes back more than a millennium and many Sinhalese think that tamils are migrants to SL.

Sinhala school children are taught that they belong to a race which began when an Indian-Aryan princess eloped with a lion. They learn this tale not in the story-hour but during the history lesson.

Vijaya’s enforced sea-journey supposedly coincided with the death of the Gautama Buddha. According to Mahawamsa the Buddha, on his deathbed, told the Chief among deities, Sakka, “Vijaya, son of king Sihabahu, is come to Lanka….. In Lanka, O lord of gods, will my religion be established; therefore carefully protect him with his followers and Lanka”.

So the Mahawamsa created the myth of the ‘Chosenrace’ with its ‘sacred space’. This myth became the foundation for what I call the ‘Hosts and Guests’ concept of Lanka.

Haunted By Mahawamsa | Colombo Telegraph
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@Saradiel looks like you have nothing to say expect give stupid replies to feel good .....stop wasting my time.
The replies very much fit ur intellect….
Sinhalese are not immigrants bro. Sinhalese are the ethnicity which born out from the island of Sri Lanka. But Sinhalese DNA comprise of many other ethancities and races including Tamil. But as a whole Sinhalese are not immigrants. Just like Americans.
Sinhalese are immigrants as much as Tamils are immigrants. Both Sinhala and tamils in the island are same block of people. But as time passes, one developed a different culture while the other’s was heavily influenced by the neighbouring countries. However interracial marriages, internal migration has made the both ethnic groups the same people.
It is extremely stupid to say Sinhalese are NOT immigrants. Going by ur LOGIC(?), one can say even burgher community was born out of SL comprising many European ethnicities and local SLns, just like Sinhalese.
What is parallel in SL to Americans is NOT Sinhala but Sri Lankans. Got it? Americans are a group built by immigrant English, French, Italian, Hispanics and the Irish…and now even Asian…got it?
Yes Tamils have been existed here from very long time. Even before the 12th century but not a single source gives any reference to that Tamils were living in only Jaffna and Eastern province and they had a separate country in Sri Lanka.
How does the question of separate country come? Did I say tamils had a separate country? What I said is Tamils are as old as the Sinhalese and it is WRONG and UNFAIR to say they are recent immigrants. Do u at least now get my point? Jaffna has been a predominantly a tamil city from the ancient times. I have never met a Sinhalese who is saying he is originally from Jaffna. Also Lankan Tamils have many literature and books that talk abt Tamil heritage in Jaffna. You can’t dismiss the Tamil heritage in SL.

No, Tamils share every cultural traits with Tamilnadu except one.
Ok tell me how Sri Lankan Tamils are unique comparing to Tamilnadu Tamils. Point out few if you can.
I told u once just because u have no knowledge of Lankan tamils u can’t give generalizing comments. The Tamils in Batticoloa have dance types, music unique to them. There was a Buddhist tamil heritage in North. The reason Lankan tamils share a lot with TN is the geographical proximity and being subject to south indian invasions. Even names like, Kadiragamar is unique to Lankan tamils.
Even Sinhala traditions, cultural traits have a south indian connection. They are NOT unique as u want them to be.

His enthnicity is not important as long as he recognize the state/nation where he lives and obey that state/nation.
How hasn’t he recognized the nation? Not aligning with ur narrow definition of what Sri Lanka is, does not harm the Lankan in him or me.
Actually he is not a Lankan as long as he doesn't recognize Sri Lanka as a Sinhala Buddhist country.
Laying ur life for Lanka and defending ur country and killing for ur country still doesn’t make urself eligible to get acceptance as a citizen? One has to accept ur xenophobic narrow definition?
Sri Lanka is NOT a Sinhala Buddhist country. I am a Sinhalese and a Buddhist and are u now going to say I am not a sri Lankan. Take this into ur head, SL is a multi cultural country and we call it like that how much u ppl dislike it. SL is a multi cultural country and it is the homeland of all the people living in it.
And tell me who a Sinhala Buddhist is, last time I checked there was no such ethnicity in SL. The ethnicity is Sinhala, not a political creation called Sinhala Buddhist.
The society is mulch-cultural indeed. But the nation's identity is Sinhala Buddhist. Just like India is Hindu
A nation’s identity reflects what it truly is. If it doesn’t problems are bound to occur. Sinhalese (Sinhalese Buddhist as u call) do NOT have the sole right for this country. As I said earlier, non-Sinhalese soldiers didn’t die in the front lines so that a sorry sob like u can brag how SL is a Sinhala Buddhist country in an internet forum.
And I don’t think India is Hindu, remember u once said Japanese have a religious identity and got ur self in deep trouble while trying to prove ur point. So remembering it don’t bring arguments from ur backside to strengthen ur own xenophobic beliefs.

Yeah that's why Australia bar Sri Lankan immigrants from entering. And also that's why they say "If anyone cannot live the Australian way they should go!"
Where does Australia bar Sri Lankan immigrants? Anyone can enter Australia and become a citizen there provided they use the legal methods. It is the boat people that they bar because they enter ILLEGALLY. Are you really THAT stupid?
You have no idea abt immigration, culture and what a multi-cultural country is. It is not surprising that u DON’T KNOW Aussies consider their country as multi-cultural country as u are NOT aware of the country u were born into. Anyone who immigrate recently have to and will adopt Australian ways. And it still does NOT negate the fact Australia is a multi-cultural society.
They feel and think they can meddle with the affairs with a sovereign nation but actually they cannot. And I do not mind them trying to meddle with our affairs because it won't be a much of a threat to us. Unless we screw up badly with India which I do not think our leaders will do.
So u have no problem with them trying to meddle in our affairs in SL cos u believe they won’t be able to put it into action. No men, the real reason u AGREED with him was him saying Lankan tamils are Indian because it helps ur line of thinking that SL tamils are immigrants who should adopt Sinhala ways to truly integrate SL.
You don’t care if Indians meddle in SL if it helps ur racist agendas….SHAME on U…

Bengalis can make their choice to how to treat their brethren but Tamilians need not take Bengali's example and ditch more than a millennium of historical ties just because a nation's boundary was drawn 65 years back. Not to mention how Indians' heart bled for Indians in remote countries like South Africa, Uganda, Burma and went to the extend of breaking diplomatic ties with those countries at various times for mistreatment of Indians in those countries - Not to mention that all the Indians fought when Bengali refugees flooded India while the same was not the case when SL tamil refugees flooded TN.To each his own.
I have taught this to many TN tamils in this forum itself, the reason India carved out a Bangladesh out of Pakistan is due to its STRATEGIC reasons. It is the weakening of india’s enemy.
Also have Bengalis bombed ur prie minster?

As for the Indian navy help in SL war,

Excerpted from Sri Lanka: from War to Peace, by Nitin Gokhale, HarAnand Publishers, 2009, with the publisher's permission.

Colombo may have been ambivalent about meeting Indian requests to end the operations before the general election, but the Sri Lankan leadership once again gratefully acknowledged the Indian Navy's contribution in locating and destroying at least 10 'floating warehouses' owned by the LTTE.

'The navy has destroyed almost all LTTE vessels that could have assisted the Tigers in attacking the armed forces,' he said. 'Within one year, we have destroyed eight floating warehouses, which had carried more than 10,000 tonnes of war-like material including artillery, mortar, dismantled parts of three aircrafts, bullet proof vehicles, underwater delivery vehicles, scuba diving sets, and radar, among other things.'

How India secretly helped Lanka destroy the LTTE - Rediff.com News

I could not find the interview by Admiral Karannakoda who acknowledged Indian navy's help but I had posted the link before in one of the posts here in this forum(the search is so weak here in PDF)
Actually I expected this answer from u :D…..intelligence sharing is not Navy participating. Navy participating relates more of PARTICIPATING in naval warfare, which indian navy didn’t do.
I think the sense of kinship comes naturally dude, we provided assylum and fought a war for east bengalis when they were being slaughtered by the Paks.
What is the point of kin ship when u ILL TREAT them in ur own shores and STEAL their wealth and resources. This is what I call sheer hypocrisy.


Continuing from where I left in the above post - these excerpts will throw light on why the SL sinhala-Tamil issue exists. As I said it goes back more than a millennium and many Sinhalese think that tamils are migrants to SL.

Sinhala school children are taught that they belong to a race which began when an Indian-Aryan princess eloped with a lion. They learn this tale not in the story-hour but during the history lesson.

Vijaya’s enforced sea-journey supposedly coincided with the death of the Gautama Buddha. According to Mahawamsa the Buddha, on his deathbed, told the Chief among deities, Sakka, “Vijaya, son of king Sihabahu, is come to Lanka….. In Lanka, O lord of gods, will my religion be established; therefore carefully protect him with his followers and Lanka”.

So the Mahawamsa created the myth of the ‘Chosenrace’ with its ‘sacred space’. This myth became the foundation for what I call the ‘Hosts and Guests’ concept of Lanka.

Haunted By Mahawamsa | Colombo Telegraph

Sinhalese in SL do not consider Mahavamsa as gospel truth. But undoubtedly it is has a lot of truth and historical facts intertwined with myth. That is the case of most literature written at that time. Also Mahawamsa does not hold such an important religious like status in Sinhala mind set. Obviously the lion story is disregarded. Actually Mahawamsa are historical texts that was used to dig history in ur own country. India didn’t have a recorded historical record, we had.
Mahawamsa need not be taught in story classes because it is a history record, it is not like Ramayana or Mahabharatha.
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Sinhalese are immigrants as much as Tamils are immigrants. Both Sinhala and tamils in the island are same block of people. But as time passes, one developed a different culture while the other’s was heavily influenced by the neighbouring countries. However interracial marriages, internal migration has made the both ethnic groups the same people.
It is extremely stupid to say Sinhalese are NOT immigrants.

Tamil is a single ethnicity where Sinhala means a mix of a lot. We Sinhalese have Tamil, Bengali, Bihari, Gujarati, Malayali etc. and of course the local DNA mix. So how could you say Sinhalese are solely immigrants? What happens to the local population who contributed to Sinhala DNA?

Going by ur LOGIC(?), one can say even burgher community was born out of SL comprising many European ethnicities and local SLns, just like Sinhalese.

Actually the burghers are the Dutch people who stayed in Sri Lanka after British took over the island and of course they are now intermingled with the locals and became a unique lot. Actually there are some burgher people who has completely became Sinhala and only there skin color and name gives them away.

What is parallel in SL to Americans is NOT Sinhala but Sri Lankans. Got it? Americans are a group built by immigrant English, French, Italian, Hispanics and the Irish…and now even Asian…got it?

No Sri Lankan means a word to represent the whole community of Sri Lanka comprising of Sinhala, Tamil, Moors, Burghers etc. These communities are not intermingled with each other.

but Sinhalese do as I said earlier.
We Sinhalese have Tamil, Bengali, Bihari, Gujarati, Malayali etc. and of course the local DNA mix
got it now?

How does the question of separate country come? Did I say tamils had a separate country? What I said is Tamils are as old as the Sinhalese and it is WRONG and UNFAIR to say they are recent immigrants. Do u at least now get my point?

I think you cannot reason a thing even a little bit. What I say was Jaffna and Batticollo Tamils are recent immigrants.

Jaffna has been a predominantly a tamil city from the ancient times. I have never met a Sinhalese who is saying he is originally from Jaffna. Also Lankan Tamils have many literature and books that talk abt Tamil heritage in Jaffna. You can’t dismiss the Tamil heritage in SL.

Prove it.

I told u once just because u have no knowledge of Lankan tamils u can’t give generalizing comments. The Tamils in Batticoloa have dance types, music unique to them.

There was a Buddhist tamil heritage in North. The reason Lankan tamils share a lot with TN is the geographical proximity and being subject to south indian invasions. Even names like, Kadiragamar is unique to Lankan tamils.
Even Sinhala traditions, cultural traits have a south indian connection. They are NOT unique as u want them to be.

If you do not know accept you do not know and at least read and reason what I have given you to read other than saying things even you have little understanding like the Tamil dancing.

And tell me who a Sinhala Buddhist is, last time I checked there was no such ethnicity in SL. The ethnicity is Sinhala, not a political creation called Sinhala Buddhist.

Ethnicity is not the national identity. It seems that there is nothing more to debate with you on this cuz you know nothing and you can't even grasp a single sentence.

And I don’t think India is Hindu, remember u once said Japanese have a religious identity and got ur self in deep trouble while trying to prove ur point. So remembering it don’t bring arguments from ur backside to strengthen ur own xenophobic beliefs.

Once I have proven my point you disappeared just like you did in that thread about the 13th amendment.

Where does Australia bar Sri Lankan immigrants? Anyone can enter Australia and become a citizen there provided they use the legal methods. It is the boat people that they bar because they enter ILLEGALLY. Are you really THAT stupid?

You think the immigrant Tamils came here legally?

You have no idea abt immigration, culture and what a multi-cultural country is. It is not surprising that u DON’T KNOW Aussies consider their country as multi-cultural country as u are NOT aware of the country u were born into. Anyone who immigrate recently have to and will adopt Australian ways. And it still does NOT negate the fact Australia is a multi-cultural society.

Then little boy why can't you agree on this in Sri Lanka. Why can't you accept the Sri Lanka has the same right to ask it's citizen to adopt the Sri Lankan way i.e. The Sinhala Buddhist way?

No men, the real reason u AGREED with him was him saying Lankan tamils are Indian because it helps ur line of thinking that SL tamils are immigrants who should adopt Sinhala ways to truly integrate SL.
You don’t care if Indians meddle in SL if it helps ur racist agendas….SHAME on U…

It doesn't matter Tamils being immigrants as long as they support there mother country and accept it as a whole. Problems arise when they try to deviate.

Continuing from where I left in the above post - these excerpts will throw light on why the SL sinhala-Tamil issue exists. As I said it goes back more than a millennium and many Sinhalese think that tamils are migrants to SL.

Well the Tamils who lived with Sinhalese for millennium knew how to co-exist and they lived no where near to Jaffna. Jaffna Tamils (later some were taken to Batticollo in the Eastern province) were brought from TN by Dutch and then British to tobacco farming preliminary and then to other work. They settled here and lived under the colonial rule and knew nothing about the co-existence. This is the problem now. Those immigrants now think that they own Jaffna, Vanni and the Batticollo so they demand a Eelam from Sinhalese.

Bengalis can make their choice to how to treat their brethren but Tamilians need not take Bengali's example and ditch more than a millennium of historical ties just because a nation's boundary was drawn 65 years back.

What about the historical ties Tamils (Pandyas, Pallavas, Cholas, Malayali) had with Sinhalese? Aren't we one of your own?
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I have taught this to many TN tamils in this forum itself, the reason India carved out a Bangladesh out of Pakistan is due to its STRATEGIC reasons. It is the weakening of india’s enemy.
Also have Bengalis bombed ur prie minster?

Either India should have stayed away from SL or should have driven the SL tamil issue to a logical conclusion - both had refugee situations and SL was not exactly a friendly nation as well. It did neither except hijack the SL tamil movement and turn it into a violent one by supporting militants instead of the SL civil movement organizations.

Actually I expected this answer from u :D…..intelligence sharing is not Navy participating. Navy participating relates more of PARTICIPATING in naval warfare, which indian navy didn’t do.

But isn't the naval intelligence a valuable contribution India made? Do you think that SL would have won the war with all the hardware Pakistan and China provided? Apart from what is stated here about the 10,000 tons of weapons destroyed which would have been devastating at the hands of LTTE where it would have become a shooting and stalemate between LTTE and SL with lots of destructions, I was reading a news during the SL war when it was stated that LTTE was running short of mortars and unable to stop SL army.

So mate - give credit where it is due like what your ex-naval admiral had done.

Apart from that, read the article and India had given equipments like 5 Mi-17 helicopters and radars.
Tamil is a single ethnicity where Sinhala means a mix of a lot. We Sinhalese have Tamil, Bengali, Bihari, Gujarati, Malayali etc. and of course the local DNA mix. So how could you say Sinhalese are solely immigrants? What happens to the local population who contributed to Sinhala DNA?
Tamil is not a single entity in SL. The Lankan tamils as a whole do NOT have south indian roots. They are like sinhalese people have both south indian and bengali roots. The reason is the lankan tamils and the sinhalese belong to the same block. It was the geographical proximity and repeated invasions that made them tamil while let the other lankans evolve in a different manner. Otherwise the same people.
The local population too should have migrated and there is no chance that they sprang out from soil here.
As u are fond of DNA analysis,
Kshatriya found the Sri Lankan Tamils to have a greater contribution from the Sinhalese of Sri Lanka (55.20% +/- 9.47) while the Sinhalese had the greatest contribution from South Indian Tamils (69.86% +/- 0.61), followed by Bengalis from the Northeast India (25.41% +/- 0.51). With both the Sri Lankan Tamils and Sinhalese in the island sharing a common gene pool of 55%. They are farthest from the indigenous Veddahs

Actually the burghers are the Dutch people who stayed in Sri Lanka after British took over the island and of course they are now intermingled with the locals and became a unique lot. Actually there are some burgher people who has completely became Sinhala and only there skin color and name gives them away.

The burghers are not only of Dutch origin. There are portugese, british, and even german origin ones. So the burghers too are a race created in SL ne. just like sinhalese. After all why do we really need to talk abt each other’s origins, the need is making SL for all. Identify the multi-cultural sri lanka.

No Sri Lankan means a word to represent the whole community of Sri Lanka comprising of Sinhala, Tamil, Moors, Burghers etc. These communities are not intermingled with each other.
And where did I say otherwise?
The matter is the attempt by sinhala nationalists to hijack sri lankan identity and trying to make sri lanka = sinhala. Just look at what ur saying here, u first said sri lanka’s identity is sinhala buddhist and now say “Sri Lankan means a word to represent the whole community of Sri Lanka comprising of Sinhala, Tamil, Moors, Burghers etc.” Do u see how u’re eating ur own words?

What I meant in my comment which was in reply to ur point over americans was that American is NOT parallel to Sinhala. American is a nationality same like Sri Lankan. Sinhala is an ethnicity. Do u understand how ur own argument help prove my point?

got it now?
And where have I said otherwise? I said that is the same case for SL tamils.

I think you cannot reason a thing even a little bit. What I say was Jaffna and Batticollo Tamils are recent immigrants.
Of course our reasoning abilities are for everyone to see.
Some may be recent immigrants, but not all. Just like the sinhalese.
Prove it.
So u want me to prove that Jaffna is a tamil city? Can u prove colombo is a sinhala city? Go to jaffna and see.
If you do not know accept you do not know and at least read and reason what I have given you to read other than saying things even you have little understanding like the Tamil dancing.
Why should I accept what u say? The tamils in SL and India have differences and Sl tamils have unique cultural elements. There are dance types that are unique to tamils in SL. I read abt these things in a news paper and I never thought I’d have to teach some1 how tamils lived in SL after 12AD (even after Mahavamsa says so) in an internet forum. As I told u there are names used by only SL tamils, for example Kadirgamar (u conveniently missed this point.).
And if u want to establish the right to this country by the uniqueness of a certain culture and a race, what abt south indian cultural elements in Sinhala culture? Sinhala language was greatly influenced by Tamil. Kandyan dance even Kandyan dress codes were influenced by South indian culture. What abt Pattini cult? So according to ur theory sinhala is also alien ne….

Ethnicity is not the national identity. It seems that there is nothing more to debate with you on this cuz you know nothing and you can't even grasp a single sentence.
Of course national identity is not the ethnicity and where have I said otherwise? It is a point which you missed when you were equating sinhala ethnicity to American nationality and when u try to say sri lankan nationality should represent sinhala ethnicity.
Play the ball not the man men. It seems u are unable counter argue my point. I asked u what sinhala buddhists are? The reason I asked u this is there is no such ethnicity in SL. Am I wrong here? Where has sri lanka defined sinhala buddhists as a different ethnic group? The ethnic group is the sinhala. The people inside it can have any religion.
Actually it is you who have no understanding what an ethnicity is and what a nationality is.

Once I have proven my point you disappeared just like you did in that thread about the 13th amendment.
I l be coming back on 13th, unlike u sinhala nationalists, I like to use my mother tounge in such topics. So it takes time. I didn’t disappear and the last time I remember u were talking abt world war when I asked u the simple question, what is the religious identity of Japan?
U won’t have to spend ur time on ur india claim I guess any indian here can answer that, (and not ur crazy hindutva friend sanki. )
You think the immigrant Tamils came here legally?
Do u think the sinhala people came here legally? Don’t u see it is stupid and wrong to use immigration laws that exist today to decide what happened centuries and even millenias before. :D
Then little boy why can't you agree on this in Sri Lanka. Why can't you accept the Sri Lanka has the same right to ask it's citizen to adopt the Sri Lankan way i.e. The Sinhala Buddhist way?
Because my darling baby brother sri lankan way is NOT the sinhala buddhist way…..
And these people migrate to Australia after modern australia was established. Also by saying, “Anyone who immigrate recently have to and will adopt Australian ways.”. I didn’t say the Australian authorities force the immigrants to adopt (by way of laws) Australian ways. That is poor understanding of my comment from ur side. Rather stupid from a guy who were lecturing abt grasping the meaning of a sentence.
When immigrants from even asian countries go n settle in Australia they will adopt Aus way of life in a NATURAL method. The 1st generation wont be much into Aus ways but gradually 2nd and 3rd generations will be adopting australian way in a natural way. That is what I meant. Aus doesn’t force their way of life, it naturally happens. If it is forced upon, u will see a counter action, like in SL.
It doesn't matter Tamils being immigrants as long as they support there mother country and accept it as a whole. Problems arise when they try to deviate.
It matters when what u say is wrong. SL tamils in SL are NOT immigrants. They have shared this country for centuries with sinhalese. Also sinhalese also comprise lot of immigrants. For example both Bandaranaike and Jayawardana are recent immigrants from South India. This is a fact. So when both the ethnicities have a lot of immigrants, it is wrong to say one RACE is immigrant.

And SL tamils did support SL and some continue to do so. They deviated because a proper power sharing system was not designed
Well the Tamils who lived with Sinhalese for millennium knew how to co-exist and they lived no where near to Jaffna. Jaffna Tamils (later some were taken to Batticollo in the Eastern province) were brought from TN by Dutch and then British to tobacco farming preliminary and then to other work. They settled here and lived under the colonial rule and knew nothing about the co-existence. This is the problem now. Those immigrants now think that they own Jaffna, Vanni and the Batticollo so they demand a Eelam from Sinhalese.
U said before that Tamils came to SL in 18th century ne,…….
Either India should have stayed away from SL or should have driven the SL tamil issue to a logical conclusion - both had refugee situations and SL was not exactly a friendly nation as well. It did neither except hijack the SL tamil movement and turn it into a violent one by supporting militants instead of the SL civil movement organizations.
So what can SL do for India’s mistake? Actually it was SL who had to pay heavily for india’s mistake. India should have stayed away from SL from the beginning but due to geo politics they didn’t and there was continuous pressure from TN like today to meddle in.
But isn't the naval intelligence a valuable contribution India made? Do you think that SL would have won the war with all the hardware Pakistan and China provided? Apart from what is stated here about the 10,000 tons of weapons destroyed which would have been devastating at the hands of LTTE where it would have become a shooting and stalemate between LTTE and SL with lots of destructions, I was reading a news during the SL war when it was stated that LTTE was running short of mortars and unable to stop SL army.

So mate - give credit where it is due like what your ex-naval admiral had done.

Apart from that, read the article and India had given equipments like 5 Mi-17 helicopters and radars.
What has weapons provided by Pak and china got to do with india’s help :D are u trying bask in reflected glory?
I didn’t said naval intelligence was not valuable, I said ur statement that ‘Indian Navy participated in SL war for SL’ was wrong. Because it gives the impression that Indian navy fought for SL in SL seas attempting to belittle SL navy. That was what I am against.
SL has already accepted the help india offered by intell sharing. The very links u pasted will witness to that. Do u want all the Sri Lankans to repeatedly thank india in every forum whatever the topic is discussed. Do u feel like wanting ur backs to be patted everytime?
And Pak and china didn’t merely provide us weapons, we BOUGHT them just like indian forces buy weapons from US, Israel.
Tamil is not a single entity in SL.


The Lankan tamils as a whole do NOT have south indian roots. They are like sinhalese people have both south indian and bengali roots.

@Sashan [MENTION] sankranti
[/MENTION] your comments on this.

The reason is the lankan tamils and the sinhalese belong to the same block. It was the geographical proximity and repeated invasions that made them tamil while let the other lankans evolve in a different manner.

You mean Tamils and Sinhalese are from same roots in Sri Lanka. Where is your sources to back such a theory? :omghaha::omghaha:

As u are fond of DNA analysis,
Kshatriya found the Sri Lankan Tamils to have a greater contribution from the Sinhalese of Sri Lanka (55.20% +/- 9.47) while the Sinhalese had the greatest contribution from South Indian Tamils (69.86% +/- 0.61), followed by Bengalis from the Northeast India (25.41% +/- 0.51). With both the Sri Lankan Tamils and Sinhalese in the island sharing a common gene pool of 55%. They are farthest from the indigenous Veddahs

You said earlier the Tamils are from Sri Lankan background and now say they are from India. You contradict your self aren't you?

If Tamils are from Sri Lanka where is indigenous DNA in Tamil blood?

And where did I say otherwise?
The matter is the attempt by sinhala nationalists to hijack sri lankan identity and trying to make sri lanka = sinhala. Just look at what ur saying here, u first said sri lanka’s identity is sinhala buddhist and now say “Sri Lankan means a word to represent the whole community of Sri Lanka comprising of Sinhala, Tamil, Moors, Burghers etc.” Do u see how u’re eating ur own words?

Do not compare me with you. You're just confusing national identity to nationality.

What I meant in my comment which was in reply to ur point over americans was that American is NOT parallel to Sinhala. American is a nationality same like Sri Lankan. Sinhala is an ethnicity. Do u understand how ur own argument help prove my point?

Ethnicity can be defined as a group of people who regard themselves to be different from others. The ethnic groups are united by common traditional, cultural, linguistic, ritualistic, behavioral and religious traits. On the other hand, nationality does not pertain to these characteristics, as one can come across people that have different cultural, traditional, ritualistic and religious traits living in the same country.

Difference Between Ethnicity and Nationality | Difference Between | Ethnicity vs Nationality

Do you see American are the mixer of all ethancities. Every one in America share common traditional, cultural, linguistic, ritualistic, behavioral and religious traits more or less. There are no ethnic group in America considers themselves separate from other Americans. But do you think this is same in Sri Lanka?

As I told u there are names used by only SL tamils, for example Kadirgamar (u conveniently missed this point.).

Give me a source so you can prove your argument.

And if u want to establish the right to this country by the uniqueness of a certain culture and a race, what abt south indian cultural elements in Sinhala culture? Sinhala language was greatly influenced by Tamil. Kandyan dance even Kandyan dress codes were influenced by South indian culture. What abt Pattini cult? So according to ur theory sinhala is also alien ne….

Tamil cultural elements in Sinhalese culture hasn't made Sinhala culture to turn out to Tamil culture. In every where this is the normal situation. Even American culture is heavily influanced by British culture. Does that make it British?

That is why Sinahala culture has become a unique culture. Do Tamils in Jaffna, Batticollo or in central SL have such a unique culture?

I didn’t disappear and the last time I remember u were talking abt world war when I asked u the simple question, what is the religious identity of Japan?
U won’t have to spend ur time on ur india claim I guess any indian here can answer that, (and not ur crazy hindutva friend sanki. )

I have already answered your querries in that thread. Go and check and post a rebuttal. :P

Also by saying, “Anyone who immigrate recently have to and will adopt Australian ways.”. I didn’t say the Australian authorities force the immigrants to adopt (by way of laws) Australian ways. That is poor understanding of my comment from ur side. Rather stupid from a guy who were lecturing abt grasping the meaning of a sentence.

Where did I say legally? You have clearly shown lack of understanding of this subject again.

When immigrants from even asian countries go n settle in Australia they will adopt Aus way of life in a NATURAL method. The 1st generation wont be much into Aus ways but gradually 2nd and 3rd generations will be adopting australian way in a natural way.

What is the natural way? And why didn't Tamils adopted in a such a natural way. (If you do not want to take Jaffna Tamils, take the State Tamils instead.) (I believe that the State Tamils now having 5th or 6th generations in SL)

That is what I meant. Aus doesn’t force their way of life, it naturally happens. If it is forced upon, u will see a counter action, like in SL.

Well even if the way of life is imposed upon immigrants why they take counter action against the people who impose it. They should go back to the place they come other than taking counter actions on locals.
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Dude i'm Caucasian..My mirror does'nt lie.. Dont blabber about things you know little about

Lol..The British bought togeather many different ethnicities like Punjabi's,Marathi's,Tamils,Malayali,Bengalis etc.. And made a Nationality called Indian... Ceylon (SL) was never a part of that..You need to go back to primary school and learn the meaning of adjectives

Hahahahaha Sri Lankan Caucasian? loool! :D
Hahahahaha Sri Lankan Caucasian? loool! :D

Wonder if its worth to respond to a dimwit like you.. Try to come out of your slum mentality and do a little reserch before posting retarded comments.. There is a whole world out there that you know nothing about outside your make belief bollywood drama's

Then again apart from a intelligent few most of the Indians in this forum seems to live with a escapist mentality
Wonder if its worth to respond to a dimwit like you.. Try to come out of your slum mentality and do a little reserch before posting retarded comments.. There is a whole world out there that you know nothing about outside your make belief bollywood drama's

Then again apart from a intelligent few most of the Indians in this forum seems to live with a escapist mentality

Ouch! Resorting to personal insults and name calling? lool Did I hurt you where it hurts? lool! Sri Lankan and caucasian that's an oxymoron. Yes my Caucasian friend. Slum mentality? Mate, the part of India that I hail from, you caucasian lankans can't even afford to step but oh well. If it helps your fragile nationalistic ego of a rather irrelevant country then go ahead, I wouldn't want to be a party pooper.

Then again we do have FEW intelligent Indians, I'm afraid the same can't be said about caucasian lankans. Plus not that it bothered me but I doubt that anyone that knows me would call me a dimwit Mr. Caucasian.
Ouch! Resorting to personal insults and name calling? lool Did I hurt you where it hurts? lool! Sri Lankan and caucasian that's an oxymoron. Yes my Caucasian friend. Slum mentality? Mate, the part of India that I hail from, you caucasian lankans can't even afford to step but oh well. If it helps your fragile nationalistic ego of a rather irrelevant country then go ahead, I wouldn't want to be a party pooper.

Then again we do have FEW intelligent Indians, I'm afraid the same can't be said about caucasian lankans. Plus not that it bothered me but I doubt that anyone that knows me would call me a dimwit Mr. Caucasian.

The oxymoron is the likes of you and intelligence..actually.. Again do some reaserch before posting idiotic comments.. The least you can afford..Ignorance cannot be bliss in you circumstances

And btw i would'nt dream of stepping in to where you hail from, not even in my worse nightmare..Mighty chance it'll be on to a pile of shyt..Lol
The oxymoron is the likes of you and intelligence..actually.. Again do some reaserch before posting idiotic comments.. The least you can afford..Ignorance cannot be bliss in you circumstances

And btw i would'nt dream of stepping in to where you hail from, not even in my worse nightmare..Mighty chance it'll be on to a pile of shyt..Lol

Lool okay then Mr. Caucasian Lankan. Are you mixed race? If not then, no way in hell you're a caucasian. Btw even if you were caucasian as you claim why should it matter? Lankans and their inferiority complex because of the skin complexion.

Is this what you Caucasian Lankans look like when you catch tan? lool
Lool okay then Mr. Caucasian Lankan. Are you mixed race? If not then, no way in hell you're a caucasian. Btw even if you were caucasian as you claim why should it matter? Lankans and their inferiority complex because of the skin complexion.

Is this what you Caucasian Lankans look like when you catch tan? lool

It does''nt but idiots like you trying to make smart arse comments on things you know nothing about does..

And an Indian talking about inferiority complex and issues with kin complexion..Now that takes the cake.. Guess whats the biggest market in the world for skin bleaching agents is dimwit..Whos obsessed with white skin,even vagina's..?? Lol

We lankans have no issues on the color we;re born in to..Unlike you..dimwit
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