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India can’t solve Sri Lanka’s political issues - BJP team

this sankranti fellow is an idiot, just ignore him or use only for entertainment
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Just because we people from India (always capital 'I'....mind it)


or in Tamil Nadu feel a connection it DOES GIVE them a right to meddle in things that matter to them. That is the only thing that matters. Its just plain silly to close your eye and refuse to see this fact.

Just because u FEEL a connection and just because u FEEl like having a right to meddle, it still doesnt give u the right.....
Let me explain things that give u a right to meddle in,

many indians (1/3rd or even more) have malnutrition.
so far 50 million girls have been killed before being born
in TN alone only 4 out of every 10 infant girls survive.
Lack of drinking water
Lack of proper health care
Huge gender discrimination
Caste system still in practice

These are things u really should feel abt......so why dont u involve in these things rather than looking at ur neighbour's wife....

I am using my head, why dont you try using yours?

It is of no use when u use ur head when it is stuck inside ur a$$. Take it out and think

I am not a Sri Lankan and frankly I dont care too much about your issues ........ but I am certainly going to support any part of India who does care about that issue.

Ok u support, but u cant meddle....
BTW are there policy makers in this forum who are going to decide upon the 'issue' and solve it ? :disagree:

Going by the number of IDIOTS that I meet here, it is a gud thing none here are policy makers. Especially in India.

As long as SL Tamilians live in India as refugees, naturally its India's concern.

I think the first concern should have been providing them with proper facilities. They live with some of the worst facilities

Some of the SL members do not realize that it is a political statement by BJP and likewise any party at the center will do the same but coalition compulsions does not allow these parties at the center to practice what they preach. Come 2014, the assessments points to a coalition govt. and BJP most likely will be compelled to have ADMK's support at the center and guess what - Amma is the one who is ratcheting the SL tamil issue bigtime in TN nowadays and was being seen as the leader of tamilian issues.
Actually Amma is the one who is responsible for the disgraceful situation of the lives of Tamil refugees in India.

Let me clear out the chaff and reply only to the relevant part.

Just because we people from India (always capital 'I'....mind it) or in Tamil Nadu feel a connection it DOES GIVE them a right to meddle in things that matter to them. That is the only thing that matters. Its just plain silly to close your eye and refuse to see this fact.
@HeinzG, I guess HeinzG is FINE with this????

Should have realized that before interfering in 1980s and more recently in the 2008/2009 when Indian navy participated in the SL war. Now India can't wiggle out.

yeah india should have realized it in 80s. Between how did Navy participate in SL wars....I knw u people are always trying to share the militory victory by SL forces. but please come with facts.
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Indeed right................... Tamils are Indian, they are actually immigrants from the 18th century....... That is why they do not have a distinct culture and language of their own unlike Sinhalese who are also immigrants to a certain extent.

Sinhalese are also immigrants.
And Tamils have existed here in SL since earlier than 18th century. Mahavamsa it self says they have lived here since 12 AD. The reason sinhalese have a very distinct culture was sinhala people were far from mainland india, while Tamils lived close to india and they were constantly subjected to south indian invasion. Thus they share many cultural traits.

But the Lankan Tamils are a unique lot havinh differences from mainland tamils.
Just because u are ignorant on Tamils in SL it doesnt give u the right to make general statements on them. Actually this type of racism (like urs ) have been the roots for the mistrust and bloodshed in this country. SL should tackle with sinhala racists as it did with the LTTE.

I knew you are not a Sinhalese from the beginning.... and now you have proven it. This explains why you are so much into Multi culturism of Sri Lanka... lol.... dude go and have this in Australia and see what will happen...

I guess u suffer from short term memory loss. He has already said he is NOT a sinhalese. And how does his ethnicity is important other than being Lankan. No one has to be into 'Multi culturism in SL', because SL is multi cultural. Just take a walk around SL, then u will learn other than living inside ur well.

Australia is a multi cultural country and a very well functioning one with less hassles that is why many Lankans, including sinhalese flock to get inside the country.
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Just because u FEEL a connection and just because u FEEl like having a right to meddle, it still doesnt give u the right.....
Let me explain things that give u a right to meddle in,

many indians (1/3rd or even more) have malnutrition.
so far 50 million girls have been killed before being born
in TN alone only 4 out of every 10 infant girls survive.
Lack of drinking water
Lack of proper health care
Huge gender discrimination
Caste system still in practice

These are things u really should feel abt......so why dont u involve in these things rather than looking at ur neighbour's wife....

LOL .....you dont get to tell us how we should feel and how we should behave, Nor would any Indian care for your opinions. Best you can hope for is to control YOUR feeling and behavior.

It is of no use when u use ur head when it is stuck inside ur a$$. Take it out and think

Does thinking gets affect if a head stuck inside an a$$ ? Maybe you need to stick your head into an Tamil a$$ , take a deep breath and then start thinking.

Ok u support, but u cant meddle....

LOL....you giving us permission now ? :coffee:

Going by the number of IDIOTS that I meet here, it is a gud thing none here are policy makers. Especially in India.

Yet here you are asking me to let you take care of the problem and not to interfear :P
I don't understand why Tamils from India care so much about SL Tamils.

I'm Bengali and I frankly couldn't care less about Bangladeshis, no more than basic human concern.
LOL .....you dont get to tell us how we should feel and how we should behave, Nor would any Indian care for your opinions. Best you can hope for is to control YOUR feeling and behavior.

I am not telling u how u should feel, I am just telling u that u should look after ur own wife rather than looking at ur neighbours wife..

Does thinking gets affect if a head stuck inside an a$$ ?
Looking at u we have a proof :D

Maybe you need to stick your head into an Tamil a$$ , take a deep breath and then start thinking.

This is exactly y I said u need to get ur head out from where it is stuck....it seems u have started to like the smell of it....

LOL....you giving us permission now ? :coffee:

No I just said u can feel what ever u can......but cant put it into action...

Yet here you are asking me to let you take care of the problem and not to interfear :P
No I just said to take care of ur feelings dIckhe@d! :D
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@Saradiel looks like you have nothing to say expect give stupid replies to feel good .....stop wasting my time.
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Sinhalese are also immigrants.
And Tamils have existed here in SL since earlier than 18th century. Mahavamsa it self says they have lived here since 12 AD. The reason sinhalese have a very distinct culture was sinhala people were far from mainland india, while Tamils lived close to india and they were constantly subjected to south indian invasion. Thus they share many cultural traits.

Sinhalese are not immigrants bro. Sinhalese are the ethnicity which born out from the island of Sri Lanka. But Sinhalese DNA comprise of many other ethancities and races including Tamil. But as a whole Sinhalese are not immigrants. Just like Americans.

Yes Tamils have been existed here from very long time. Even before the 12th century but not a single source gives any reference to that Tamils were living in only Jaffna and Eastern province and they had a separate country in Sri Lanka.

No, Tamils share every cultural traits with Tamilnadu except one.

But the Lankan Tamils are a unique lot havinh differences from mainland tamils.
Just because u are ignorant on Tamils in SL it doesnt give u the right to make general statements on them. Actually this type of racism (like urs ) have been the roots for the mistrust and bloodshed in this country. SL should tackle with sinhala racists as it did with the LTTE.

Ok tell me how Sri Lankan Tamils are unique comparing to Tamilnadu Tamils. Point out few if you can.

And how does his ethnicity is important other than being Lankan.

His enthnicity is not important as long as he recognize the state/nation where he lives and obey that state/nation.

Actually he is not a Lankan as long as he doesn't recognize Sri Lanka as a Sinhala Buddhist country.

No one has to be into 'Multi culturism in SL', because SL is multi cultural. Just take a walk around SL, then u will learn other than living inside ur well.

The society is mulch-cultural indeed. But the nation's identity is Sinhala Buddhist. Just like India is Hindu

Australia is a multi cultural country and a very well functioning one with less hassles that is why many Lankans, including sinhalese flock to get inside the country.

Yeah that's why Australia bar Sri Lankan immigrants from entering. And also that's why they say "If anyone cannot live the Australian way they should go!"
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@HeinzG, I guess HeinzG is FINE with this????

They feel and think they can meddle with the affairs with a sovereign nation but actually they cannot. And I do not mind them trying to meddle with our affairs because it won't be a much of a threat to us. Unless we screw up badly with India which I do not think our leaders will do.
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I don't understand why Tamils from India care so much about SL Tamils.

I'm Bengali and I frankly couldn't care less about Bangladeshis, no more than basic human concern.

Bengalis can make their choice to how to treat their brethren but Tamilians need not take Bengali's example and ditch more than a millennium of historical ties just because a nation's boundary was drawn 65 years back. Not to mention how Indians' heart bled for Indians in remote countries like South Africa, Uganda, Burma and went to the extend of breaking diplomatic ties with those countries at various times for mistreatment of Indians in those countries - Not to mention that all the Indians fought when Bengali refugees flooded India while the same was not the case when SL tamil refugees flooded TN.

To each his own.
Actually Amma is the one who is responsible for the disgraceful situation of the lives of Tamil refugees in India.

yeah india should have realized it in 80s. Between how did Navy participate in SL wars....I knw u people are always trying to share the militory victory by SL forces. but please come with facts.

Amma or Karuna play the SL cards not because their heart bleeds but due to the political compulsions. So I do not expect these two nor any political parties in TN to address the TN refugees in India.

As for the Indian navy help in SL war,

Excerpted from Sri Lanka: from War to Peace, by Nitin Gokhale, HarAnand Publishers, 2009, with the publisher's permission.

Colombo may have been ambivalent about meeting Indian requests to end the operations before the general election, but the Sri Lankan leadership once again gratefully acknowledged the Indian Navy's contribution in locating and destroying at least 10 'floating warehouses' owned by the LTTE.

'The navy has destroyed almost all LTTE vessels that could have assisted the Tigers in attacking the armed forces,' he said. 'Within one year, we have destroyed eight floating warehouses, which had carried more than 10,000 tonnes of war-like material including artillery, mortar, dismantled parts of three aircrafts, bullet proof vehicles, underwater delivery vehicles, scuba diving sets, and radar, among other things.'

How India secretly helped Lanka destroy the LTTE - Rediff.com News

I could not find the interview by Admiral Karannakoda who acknowledged Indian navy's help but I had posted the link before in one of the posts here in this forum(the search is so weak here in PDF)
I don't understand why Tamils from India care so much about SL Tamils.

I'm Bengali and I frankly couldn't care less about Bangladeshis, no more than basic human concern.

I think the sense of kinship comes naturally dude, we provided assylum and fought a war for east bengalis when they were being slaughtered by the Paks.
Tamil, Tibetans, Pak&BD Hindus all these three groups of refugees should be given Indian citizenship IMO
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