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India can lose Kashmir in next 10 yrs: Radha Kumar

You are saying as if Kashmir Valley at any point of time was with India...It is because of this lady like secularist ...India already lost Kashmir valley...It is only areas which are outside Sri Nahar valley which is making Jammu and Kashmir to hold to India...

SOURCE: kashmirtimes.com


A former interlocutor on Jammu and Kashmir Prof Radha Kumar Monday warned that India could lose Kashmir in the next decade if serious efforts were not made to resolve the lingering dispute.

Radha Kumar said that the situation in Kashmir progressively deteriorated.

“It hasn’t been as bad as this in a long time,” she said at the opening session – ‘Kashmir Today: Towards an Indian Future?’ during the second day of Times LitFest on Sunday. “The government doesn’t seem to be working and little of the Common Minimum Programme has been implemented,” she said.

“The only time there has been any forward movement in Kashmir,” she said, “is when both Pakistan and the Kashmiris have been involved in negotiations.”

“This was the case when General Musharraf was in office in Pakistan. There were civil society discussions between Indian and Kashmiris, through the back channel, and this put pressure on Gen Musharraf,” said Prof Kumar.
SOURCE: kashmirtimes.com


A former interlocutor on Jammu and Kashmir Prof Radha Kumar Monday warned that India could lose Kashmir in the next decade if serious efforts were not made to resolve the lingering dispute.

Radha Kumar said that the situation in Kashmir progressively deteriorated.

“It hasn’t been as bad as this in a long time,” she said at the opening session – ‘Kashmir Today: Towards an Indian Future?’ during the second day of Times LitFest on Sunday. “The government doesn’t seem to be working and little of the Common Minimum Programme has been implemented,” she said.

“The only time there has been any forward movement in Kashmir,” she said, “is when both Pakistan and the Kashmiris have been involved in negotiations.”

“This was the case when General Musharraf was in office in Pakistan. There were civil society discussions between Indian and Kashmiris, through the back channel, and this put pressure on Gen Musharraf,” said Prof Kumar.
She just lost her plum job.,... so this is a reaction to it...
SOURCE: kashmirtimes.com


A former interlocutor on Jammu and Kashmir Prof Radha Kumar Monday warned that India could lose Kashmir in the next decade if serious efforts were not made to resolve the lingering dispute.

Radha Kumar said that the situation in Kashmir progressively deteriorated.

“It hasn’t been as bad as this in a long time,” she said at the opening session – ‘Kashmir Today: Towards an Indian Future?’ during the second day of Times LitFest on Sunday. “The government doesn’t seem to be working and little of the Common Minimum Programme has been implemented,” she said.

“The only time there has been any forward movement in Kashmir,” she said, “is when both Pakistan and the Kashmiris have been involved in negotiations.”

“This was the case when General Musharraf was in office in Pakistan. There were civil society discussions between Indian and Kashmiris, through the back channel, and this put pressure on Gen Musharraf,” said Prof Kumar.
i think she talking about Azad Kashmir...coz terririost cant take kashmir..and ager aisa hua toh ek aur LOC wala haal hoga

Why won't these think tanks at least dye their hair!!
TRP man ,,,who know her i dont know atleast
A former interlocutor on Jammu and Kashmir Prof Radha Kumar Monday warned that India could lose Kashmir in the next decade if serious efforts were not made to resolve the lingering dispute.
She's right.
I am editing a Kashmir related FB page and I have noticed the kind of radicalised thought that has enslaved youths of Kashmir. Proxy war is taking its toll.
Kashmiris want progress in the valley, which is not possible as long as Abdullahs and Sayeeds continue to come to power, and article 370 is not scrapped.
Let the government begin the clean up by putting anti-nationals like Geelani behind the bars.
Indians from other states should be allowed to buy properties and run businesses from Kashmir. So far article 370 has been big fat elephant.
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It will definitely happen.. No one can stop that.. Some clue you will get by 2020...

What clue?

She's right.
I am editing a Kashmir related FB page and I have noticed the kind of radicalised thought that has enslaved youths of Kashmir. Proxy war is taking its toll.
Kashmiris want progress in the valley, which is not possible as long as Abdullahs and Sayeeds continue to come to power, and article 370 is not scrapped.
Let the government begin the clean up by putting anti-nationals like Geelani behind the bars.
Indians from other states should be allowed to buy properties and run businesses from Kashmir. So far article 370 has been big fat elephant.

Radicalisation among Muslims is rising all over India for some decades now as connections with the more radical Islamic parts are becoming easier, in fact it is rising all over the world. We need to neutralize this threat by all means possible, blocking the oil money, greater internal security and monitoring of communication channels including internet, controlling the promotion of radical thoughts in mosques and madrasas..preferably shutting down the madrasas and promoting education under regular state and central boards, identifying and neutralizing the radical thought leaders by any means possible, and showing zero tolerance to radicals and separatists, politicians like Oawisi brothers should not be allowed to grow..by any means..all means are fair. Government should aim to finish it, not to contain it, that doesn't work. And if we let Kashmir go, then we will see many more such sustained and vicious insurgencies in many parts of India....letting Kashmir go will not end the problem, rather it will be the begining of real problem.
History repeats itself; if you keep a people against their will - no matter what, they will break away.

Kashmir is not scotland where you can conduct referendum and decide the future of Kashmiris. India and Pakistan fought 3 wars and you expect any one nation going to let go of their territory without fight. If you think it will be a cakewalk then you are living in fools paradise.

Why do you think UN security councill resolution no 47 never saw daylight??? Because of Pakistani intransigence.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 47
The resolution recommended that in order to ensure the impartiality of the plebiscite Pakistan withdraw all tribesmen and nationals who entered the region for the purpose of fighting and that India leave only the minimum number of troops needed to keep civil order. The Commission was also to send as many observers into the region as it deemed necessary to ensure the provisions of the resolution were enacted. Pakistan ignored the UN mandate, did not withdraw its troops and claimed the withdrawal of Indian forces was a prerequisite as per this resolution.[20] Indian claim is that Subsequently Pakistan refused to implement the plebiscite until India accedes to it and continued holding on to the portion of Kashmir under its control
Every year we have a doomsday.....a soothsayer tell the people that world will end on this day or that day!!

OK, who wants to celebrate Happy New Year i.e exactly after ten years on 01-01-2025 in Srinagar? We can have a get together......Sanghis, Congis and Third front all together!!:D
Do I smell another kind of intellectuals trying to push Modi government against the wall? First it was AwardWapisi , and now what?
Every year we have a doomsday.....a soothsayer tell the people that world will end on this day or that day!!
Not their fault, you know what is taught in textbooks of pakiland. :D

OK, who wants to celebrate Happy New Year i.e exactly after ten years on 01-01-2025 in Srinagar?
Me :partay:
We can have a get together......Sanghis, Congis and Third front all together!!:D
Probably, also with Sindh and remaining parts of Punjab and Kashmir.
Because there's no guarantee of existence of our green neighbour. :D
Anybody who is against some Modi Govt policies is not anti-national. No Indian, whether Leftists, Rightists or of any other orientation gonna work against the Unity of our Country. When it comes to Pakistan or our Nationhood, all Indians stand as one. Any party acting otherwise will sign its death warrant in the eyes of public.

Do I smell another kind of intellectuals trying to push Modi government against the wall? First it was AwardWapisi , and now what?
SOURCE: kashmirtimes.com


A former interlocutor on Jammu and Kashmir Prof Radha Kumar Monday warned that India could lose Kashmir in the next decade if serious efforts were not made to resolve the lingering dispute.

Radha Kumar said that the situation in Kashmir progressively deteriorated.

“It hasn’t been as bad as this in a long time,” she said at the opening session – ‘Kashmir Today: Towards an Indian Future?’ during the second day of Times LitFest on Sunday. “The government doesn’t seem to be working and little of the Common Minimum Programme has been implemented,” she said.

“The only time there has been any forward movement in Kashmir,” she said, “is when both Pakistan and the Kashmiris have been involved in negotiations.”

“This was the case when General Musharraf was in office in Pakistan. There were civil society discussions between Indian and Kashmiris, through the back channel, and this put pressure on Gen Musharraf,” said Prof Kumar.

One word

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