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India can lose Kashmir in next 10 yrs: Radha Kumar

One question about the kashmir issue . The state of J&K comprises of Jammu, kashmir and Ladakh right? So Pakistan's claims over kashmir , does it include Jammu and Ladakh as well or is it only the kashmir region ?
Thanks ..
There is no great mystery. She is perfectly in her senses. When popular consensus and conventional wisdom dictates one way, there is no premium in supporting that narrative. There is a far greater recognition for taking a contrarian position which is not supported by reason or facts, yet will find a popular constituency.

I will give you a simple example. Hundreds of books have been written about the death and destruction heaped on Bangladesh by the Punjabi Army in '71. Do you know any one of those authors or their books? On the other hand, everyone knows Sarmila Bose, because she is the only person who wrote a book contrary to what is common knowledge. If anything, at least Pakistanis consider her to be a "great author". Now wouldn't you play such tricks to be successful?
It will definitely happen.. No one can stop that.. Some clue you will get by 2020...
Indians wont lost Kashmir to Pakistanis, they will lose Kashmir to the Kashmiris.
SOURCE: kashmirtimes.com


A former interlocutor on Jammu and Kashmir Prof Radha Kumar Monday warned that India could lose Kashmir in the next decade if serious efforts were not made to resolve the lingering dispute.

Radha Kumar said that the situation in Kashmir progressively deteriorated.

“It hasn’t been as bad as this in a long time,” she said at the opening session – ‘Kashmir Today: Towards an Indian Future?’ during the second day of Times LitFest on Sunday. “The government doesn’t seem to be working and little of the Common Minimum Programme has been implemented,” she said.

“The only time there has been any forward movement in Kashmir,” she said, “is when both Pakistan and the Kashmiris have been involved in negotiations.”

“This was the case when General Musharraf was in office in Pakistan. There were civil society discussions between Indian and Kashmiris, through the back channel, and this put pressure on Gen Musharraf,” said Prof Kumar.

Hats off to the op and his dedication. He work so hard and search such topics related to India and Indian situations, and found Kashmir times article to start the thread.
History repeats itself; if you keep a people against their will - no matter what, they will break away.

The only place history has shown that plentifully is Pakistan. And I have no idea what makes you think anyone would wanna join Pakistan. I mean it's not Scandinavia and that people will stand in line to join you. Considering wha's happened to Azad Kashmir, anyone would easily understand that Kashmir has no future with you anyway.
If a much weaker India could hold Kashmir back in 90s when it never faced an insurgency like that, now no power on earth can undo Kashmir from India. We have fought and defeated insurgency to a great extent.
Kashmir issues must be solved according to the will of Kashmiri people , not as per Indians or Pakistani people..
two Nuclear Armed states are in constant low intensity conflict ...any future full scale war will be total annihilation of this entire region .. The Indians wont leave Kashmir and Pakistan will not stop its effort to retake..
if the majority of Kashmiri youth took arms against the Indian State , than things will get difficult for India ..
India won't loose an inch. We will loose a bunch of folks who choose to remain outside of society for whatever BS reason.

This goat and her type all kept quiet during Congress rule for 50 odd yrs....not holding them accountable for shit....... where was the outcry for all the ineptitude seen for decades? Oh yeah it was quietly swept under the rug......sry honey......REAL INDIANS DONT BELIEVE A WORD YOU CONGRESS SUPPORTER and PAID MEDIA ARE SELLING.

Just take a look at that idiot Rahul getting front page on TOI when the party has no voice or significant # of seats. Look at the boo's and response Rahul got at Delhi University........sadly the media doesn't want to put that on replay and highlight that over and over....

Kashmir issues must be solved according to the will of Kashmiri people , not as per Indians or Pakistani people..
two Nuclear Armed states are in constant low intensity conflict ...any future full scale war will be total annihilation of this entire region .. The Indians wont leave Kashmir and Pakistan will not stop its effort to retake..
if the majority of Kashmiri youth took arms against the Indian State , than things will get difficult for India ..

Plz....we are not buying that BS. Keep it to yourself. When you started flooding P_O_K with Pakistani citizens, you lost credibility. Focus on giving Kashmir up first and we will think about it. China can give up their part as well.
Plz....we are not buying that BS. Keep it to yourself. When you started flooding P_O_K with Pakistani citizens, you lost credibility. Focus on giving Kashmir up first and we will think about it. China can give up their part as well.

sorry to burst your bubble i am not selling anything here :)
just showing you the mirror , sitting in Karachi , Islamabad , delhi and Mumbai wont do shit about people living in Srinagar .
truth is that you have keep the Kashmir Occupied from decades , if it was not true than they wont be Protesting their A$$ out in the streets of Kashmir .. now don't tell me that its all propaganda and conspiracy theory against the India .

as for Azad Kashmir , there is no such thing exists , its called Azad Kashmir , they have a separate Govt , Pakistan Army is there cause of you , the day we withdraw our troops you will push into the Azad Kashmir ..

The only sensible solution for Kashmir is to give the decision to Kashmiri people on both sides .. and let them decide what they want .. and both countries should accept their decision ..
or there is another way which is more easier , let go to Fcuking War , and risk the lives of Millions of people ..
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