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India Behind Karachi Attacks

No one likes Jinnah in India. That's why there were contriversies.
How does that relate to Indian Nationalistic, Muslim Hater party, BJP?

of course they dont! Jinnah Saab saw a dream realized. We have moved on since partition. indians are still loathe to imagine it.

its ironic that in Pakistan, Advani of all people was even allowed to visit his homeland. He received VIP treatment, and went home to the hounds

When you accuse India of sponsoring terrorism in Baloch (blah blah) and we ask "where is the evidence" what do you show our government/the whole world? (you only tell us there is "piles" of evidence and will be presented when times are suitable =))

well, it is government's (interior & foreign ministries) responsibility to show the evidence when they collect it.....

there are even indians who have admitted to "pumping money" into areas like Baluchistan

Now you ask US to provide suitable evidence, under what terms?

I was referring to new delhi

This is why still the WORLD believes Pakistan is the center of terrorism. Please don't deny the current US administration itself calling Pakistan "the epicenter of terrorism in South Asia" And you turn back and Pakistani people blame it on India.

same way they are calling Yemen epicenter of terrorism in Middle East....truth is, we have been most pro-active in combatting terrorism. But we will do it on our own terms.

As i said earlier, focus more on your home-grown extremist and militant groups......plenty where those come from in india. We are seeing it.

The world doesn't think India is sponsoring terrorism. That's why they trust us.

no, they just need some kind of counter against rising China....for whatever that is worth; since China is WAY ahead of india in every regard

incidentally, Gen Mcchrystal admits that indian meddling in Afghanistan will hamper efforts on WoT in the country and in the region
of course they dont! Jinnah Saab saw a dream realized. We have moved on since partition. indians are still loathe to imagine it.

its ironic that in Pakistan, Advani of all people was even allowed to visit his homeland. He received VIP treatment, and went home to the hounds

So have we =) please don't mention like Pakistani public is all cool about India and only these Indians are thinking about Pakistan-Hating everyday in their lives. That's how you're making it sound.

You know the truths...... common public is the SAME in India and Pakistan.

Sir, I'd like to ask you; if Zardari (people hate him enough already) or Gilani come to India (or make a statement saying) the Partition was a mistake (not that they would say it) what would your Pakistani public say??? they would mind their own business because they love India so much? What if they come to India to salute Nehru? Your public would be chill and no controversies will be there?

well, it is government's (interior & foreign ministries) responsibility to show the evidence when they collect it.....

there are even indians who have admitted to "pumping money" into areas like Baluchistan

Well you haven't answered me yet..... why DON'T you show it?
:blah: Kasab too said the Mumbai plot was a made up thing from Indians. (some believe ofcourse) who is there to trust? I can anytime tell you, yes i am funding terrorists. I BET you will believe because that'll give you a reason to point at me....

I was referring to new delhi
Yes, by US i meant the Indian Government. Not :pdf: lol

same way they are calling Yemen epicenter of terrorism in Middle East....truth is, we have been most pro-active in combatting terrorism. But we will do it on our own terms.

As i said earlier, focus more on your home-grown extremist and militant groups......plenty where those come from in india. We are seeing it.

These operations done by your army....... :toast_sign:
after how many years of sponsoring terrorism sir?

India knows to focus internally..... but we are complaining because terrorists from PAKISTAN are attacking us...... and i agree as you've said. We have our own problem to deal with. But while doing that, we are getting terrorists from Pakistan. :frown:

If you see it, then again, as i've mentioned 1000 times. Tell your government to present the evidence to the world. Make India look like crap. Pressure India to stop "terrorist activities" in Pakistan.

That's what OUR government is doing to Pakistan now.... it's because we HAVE evidence. And the world likes the evidence we showed them. :yahoo:

no, they just need some kind of counter against rising China....for whatever that is worth; since China is WAY ahead of india in every regard

Yes, they need to counter China, so they BASH Pakistan and call it "failed", "terrorist" JUST to please us Indians.

incidentally, Gen Mcchrystal admits that indian meddling in Afghanistan will hamper efforts on WoT in the country and in the region
:woot: Yes, i've read in PDF's announcements itself.
define meddling sir?

Did he say we were supporting terrorism there? Anything mentioned about that? What he said was it might cause disputes BECAUSE India's there..... (and Pakistan doesn't like that)
Sir, I'd like to ask you; if Zardari (people hate him enough already) or Gilani come to India (or make a statement saying) the Partition was a mistake (not that they would say it) what would your Pakistani public say??? they would mind their own business because they love India so much? What if they come to India to salute Nehru? Your public would be chill and no controversies will be there?

i'm no rambo vigilante...but lets just say, i'd do whatever i could with my limited means to make sure that their aircrafts did not land in Pakistan

If they saluted Nehru, media would be all over them. People would just say that Nehru called for plebicite --and indians are having bad memory problems

Yes, by US i meant the Indian Government. Not :pdf: lol



These operations done by your army....... :toast_sign:
after how many years of sponsoring terrorism sir?

Pakistan never sponsored terrorism

India knows to focus internally..... but we are complaining because terrorists from PAKISTAN are attacking us...... and i agree as you've said. We have our own problem to deal with. But while doing that, we are getting terrorists from Pakistan. :frown:

many of the mumbai attackers were indian nationals too

If you see it, then again, as i've mentioned 1000 times. Tell your government to present the evidence to the world. Make India look like crap. Pressure India to stop "terrorist activities" in Pakistan.

lets see

That's what OUR government is doing to Pakistan now.... it's because we HAVE evidence. And the world likes the evidence we showed them. :yahoo:

makes no difference....in private circles, everyone knows that india is just a crying child --begging the world to stop Arms sales to Pakistan

so far your strategy has failed

Yes, they need to counter China, so they BASH Pakistan and call it "failed", "terrorist" JUST to please us Indians.

even if they said those things, name-calling doesnt change anything

:woot: Yes, i've read in PDF's announcements itself.
define meddling sir?

ask Brigadier R.D. Mehta ......

oh, wait.....never mind.


Did he say we were supporting terrorism there? Anything mentioned about that? What he said was it might cause disputes BECAUSE India's there..... (and Pakistan doesn't like that)

exactly.....but indian consullates arent offering visas to Afghan tourists

india has no need to have so many consullates near our border.....except to stir up trouble and support certain anti-Pakistan elements.

Americans arent stupid; but they dont want to annoy india since they want to use you as a twig against rising China

fact of the matter is that Americans dont have the heart for a much more prolonged war in Afghanistan. They will go about any means to get "victory" there; and they know (and we know) they need Pakistan's help in this matter. Therefore, they realize that the Pakistan-hindoostan tension has results even in a place like Afghanistan. And we will never budge if it comes down to being told to ignore indias negative role to our north
i'm no rambo vigilante...but lets just say, i'd do whatever i could with my limited means to make sure that their aircrafts did not land in Pakistan

If they saluted Nehru, media would be all over them. People would just say that Nehru called for plebicite --and indians are having bad memory problems

Yup; so same happened to Advani. :tup:

Pakistan never sponsored terrorism

You may say it as a Pakistani.
Could you forward that to Obama, Bush, Gordan Brown, Sarkozy?
Never read statements from them?

"Pakistan should stop sponsoring terrorism" Please search "BBC" if you are not one of those many people who believe Indians control it too.....

many of the mumbai attackers were indian nationals too

Who told you that? 9 of them died; Pakistani. PLEASE PLEASE correct me on this. If i'm wrong. I'm pretty sure they're all Pakistani. Last one Kasab.. Pakistani too. Caught.

makes no difference....in private circles, everyone knows that india is just a crying child

Admit it. But hey.... our crying government is getting things done. Your bold government isn't doing anything so far....... about India

--begging the world to stop Arms sales to Pakistan
Yes, and no

so far your strategy has failed
Well as an Indian, I believe India's in a good state and definitely better viewed than Pakistan is.--We could argue either ways.... sure.

even if they said those things, name-calling doesnt change anything

Don't want to give examples. :no:
:lol: Name calling doesn't change anything? Then sure.... why now does the US give India better weapons than Pakistan? Doesn't Pakistan have better relations than India?

We'll counter China's SU-30's with F-/18's and F-16's sir. Not.

exactly.....but indian consullates arent offering visas to Afghan tourists

india has no need to have so many consullates near our border.....except to stir up trouble and support certain anti-Pakistan elements.

Americans arent stupid; but they dont want to annoy india since they want to use you as a twig against rising China

fact of the matter is that Americans dont have the heart for a much more prolonged war in Afghanistan. They will go about any means to get "victory" there; and they know (and we know) they need Pakistan's help in this matter. Therefore, they realize that the Pakistan-hindoostan tension has results even in a place like Afghanistan. And we will never budge if it comes down to being told to ignore indias negative role to our north

Yup, all is true.
But you have nothing to prove that we are sponsoring terrorism. :yahoo: Find us those first. Publish to the world.

:cheers: These Americans are stupid Indeed, they want to use India as a twig even after we said "go away" many times.

:bunny: Nuclear Deal gone.
Finally, thank god.
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Thank you Gin ka Pakistan for your supportive comments =)

Sir, I don't know why you've pointed Shiv Sena, as i've never mentioned my view on it. But:
Shiv Sena = Shi* Sena

I am no Hindu, but i don't care about Hindu Nationalists either. They can go on with their BS non-secular ideals and call India a Hindu state, muslims should be killed. :devil:

Because our country's core roots are "secular" and our government in no way supports the Shiv Sena. Haven't you heard of the arrests of 'many' senior members of that terrorist organization?

Sure, there are muslim-haters in India. Doesn't stop us from treating Muslims as our brothers. India is for everyone.... (except outsiders :P)

That is one organization that should be banned from India.

And also not to forget Shiv sena is not only against Muslims but also against rest on Indians than Marathas.This party dont have much support outside Maharashtra..In Maharashtra too this party is loosing its support ...
Without implying the impression of chest thumping, let's not forget that even after more than a year, India is still being haunted by the Mumbai Ghost, and remains in a state of fear and panic where as Pakistan has since suffered more than ten times the casualties, yet it remains unbowed and determined to face further such trials and challenges.

State of fear and panic?

You need to visit Mumbai to see the attitude of Mumbaikars before you comment on the 'state of fear and panic'.

We however do have a very competent Home Minister who is ensuring that this does not happen again, trying to bring reforms bottom up in the security establishment of India. And he keeps the rest informed about the steps taken since the Mumbai carnage to prevent another massacre by 'stateless actors' from Pakistan.
You may say it as a Pakistani.
Could you forward that to Obama, Bush, Gordan Brown, Sarkozy?
Never read statements from them?

no problem; but i'll say it again. Pakistan does not support terrorism.

Who told you that? 9 of them died; Pakistani. PLEASE PLEASE correct me on this. If i'm wrong. I'm pretty sure they're all Pakistani. Last one Kasab.. Pakistani too. Caught.

wasnt Fahim Ansari an indian national? It seems even FBI informants (of american nationality) are being implicated. I also believe some hotel workers were helping the terrorists use rooms to store arms

no way they could have carried that much ammunition on them without logistical support....indians are too scared to think outside the box, since it hurts them to imagine that indians would also be involved

Yes, and no

Chidambaram was begging officials in US not to sell us arms, during UN Gen Assembly meetings last fall

it seems india is having some anger that we provide arms to Sri Lanka and as of late, Vietnam.

:lol: Name calling doesn't change anything? Then sure.... why now does the US give India better weapons than Pakistan? Doesn't Pakistan have better relations than India?

i dont know what you mean by better weapons...i'd hope you clarify what you mean.

U.S. is however offering you the Hornets. india would be stupid not to accept the offer, though they probably wont sell you their highest tech equipment for them

But you have nothing to prove that we are sponsoring terrorism. :yahoo: Find us those first. Publish to the world.

i agree.....but i dont think we even need to publish it to the world. We should monitor the activity closely as we are doing --learn how the enemy thinks and operates; learn who are their beneficiaries

:bunny: Nuclear Deal gone.
Finally, thank god.

RD-93 engines program secured, from your biggest arms supplier. Until better applications are on the table, we can also say Thank God.

good to know Americans (IAEA) will be monitoring your nuclear facilities now.

All future indian civilian thermal and breeder reactors shall be placed under IAEA safeguards permanently; india commits to signing an Additional Protocol (PDF)-which allows more intrusive IAEA inspections-of its civilian facilities.

Seems that given the recent security breaches and blunders @ indian nuclear installations, an MoU on nuclear safeguards would be in order!!

wasnt Fahim Ansari an indian national? It seems even FBI informants (of american nationality) are being implicated. I also believe some hotel workers were helping the terrorists use rooms to store arms

no way they could have carried that much ammunition on them without logistical support....indians are too scared to think outside the box, since it hurts them to imagine that indians would also be involved

haha, i was watching the news live (on cnn) and before anything that day ISI and Pakistan. True, everything is directed towards Pakistan. But ended up our guess was correct. :azn:
I will read more, please do provide some links. I'd like to see from your viewpoint too.

Chidambaram was begging officials in US not to sell us arms, during UN Gen Assembly meetings last fall

it seems india is having some anger that we provide arms to Sri Lanka and as of late, Vietnam.

We too throw defense equipment at SL for free :D We don't want Pakistan to get a share of SL's friendship. Strategy, again....

Yes, it will be a concern to us if the US sells nice techy equipment to Pak.

i dont know what you mean by better weapons...i'd hope you clarify what you mean.
MRCA (hornets as you've said) vs.
F-16's you're getting....... i don't think you'll get any better than that.

RD-93 engines program secured, from your biggest arms supplier. Until better applications are on the table, we can also say Thank God.

good to know Americans (IAEA) will be monitoring your nuclear facilities now.

All future indian civilian thermal and breeder reactors shall be placed under IAEA safeguards permanently; india commits to signing an Additional Protocol (PDF)-which allows more intrusive IAEA inspections-of its civilian facilities.

Seems that given the recent security breaches and blunders @ indian nuclear installations, an MoU on nuclear safeguards would be in order!!


hehe, doesn't mean we're falling for it. :cheesy:
We want their tech :P but we won't fall for their pressure.

IAEA only checks India's civilian power plants..... so what? does India have intentions of creating weapons out of those? We never gave up to the IAEA the right to conduct nuclear tests. Nor signed the NPT. They can't raid our nuclear installations (military ones).
thats true....but you'll still be dealing with IAEA officials during annual checks and controls.

I'm just glad our nuclear assets and facilities are under military control, not civilian.

As for Sri Lanka, our defence pacts and officer exchange programs shall prevail. PAF pilots, Air Weapons Complex/Pakistan Ordnance factories/HIT will always be happy to foster to the defence needs of the friendly country.

We are happy to have them as a repeat customer, and glad that the LTTE has been crushed permanently --despite foreign support ;)
We too throw defense equipment at SL for free We don't want Pakistan to get a share of SL's friendship. Strategy, again....

A friend in need is a friend INDEED.We were there for SL in their darkest hour when you refused to help them and SL are smart ppl they will remember it.Also in order to make SL independent of foriegn influence that a state has there Pakistan should also throw some free equipment i know that we don't ourselves have much but one has to take care of friends not leaving them at the mercy of enemies.
I admire Muslim courage. Keep it up.

Without implying the impression of chest thumping, let's not forget that even after more than a year, India is still being haunted by the Mumbai Ghost, and remains in a state of fear and panic where as Pakistan has since suffered more than ten times the casualties, yet it remains unbowed and determined to face further such trials and challenges.
yes its interesting how elements in india backed the tamil tigers, who have haunted Sri Lanka for over quarter century

yet indians prefer to have attention on us....

we helped the Sri Lankans crush the LTTE, and now those tamil-dravidian bastards are drowned on bottom of indian ocean

its good because we could also get feedback from our foreign buyers on how the weapons performed. I guess repeat orders are a sign that they are satisfied customer.
India remains "haunted" since it cares for its people and will continue to worry about the loss of innocent people.

Now Pakistan had 4 trucks of proof but it doesn't care to do anything about it. The so called determination that you speak of is channeled in the wrong direction don't you think?

Every government has a duty to protect it's citizens, however don't you think events like Gujrat dampen that spirit. ?
Pakistan indeed caught four truck load of Indian ammo, but unlike a frivolous set up, it has addressed the situation through proper channels.
One could question the determination of the Indian Government except making a song and dance for public consumption.
yes its interesting how elements in india backed the tamil tigers, who have haunted Sri Lanka for over quarter century

yet indians prefer to have attention on us....

we helped the Sri Lankans crush the LTTE, and now those tamil-dravidian bastards are drowned on bottom of indian ocean

its good because we could also get feedback from our foreign buyers on how the weapons performed. I guess repeat orders are a sign that they are satisfied customer.

Please sir.
India supported the LTTE? A ceasefire before (mediated by India) doesn't mean we support them. yes, the LTTE is dead now. But how many people died in that? How many people were homeless?

If one of those who died due to the attacks on LTTE was your mom or dad, sister or brother. How would you feel?

Don't comment as that being sponsoring terrorism. We wanted PEACE. That's why we told have a cease fire. Negotiate.

You get angry at Israel for attacks on Gaza don't you? Well I don't support Israel either because they hurt civilians there.... why is your stance here different? Is it because it's INDIA now and not Palestine?

And who supplied SL with free doctors, resources, food for people to eat?

Pakistan? You gave them bombs to destroy the lives of thousands.
We however do have a very competent Home Minister who is ensuring that this does not happen again, trying to bring reforms bottom up in the security establishment of India. And he keeps the rest informed about the steps taken since the Mumbai carnage to prevent another massacre by 'stateless actors' from Pakistan.

Like claiming Talibans have entered Mumbai and Delhi. ?
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