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India Behind Karachi Attacks

Like claiming Talibans have entered Mumbai and Delhi. ?

You don't need to mock the Mumbai police nor the home minister here. They are one of the best and most patriotic in our country. I've been to the Mumbai HQ before and my father knows people there. We know how these people serve the country;

they are very hard working.... and do realize the previous home minister resigned of shame due to the lives of 300 people being taken. Politics is different from police.

may their souls rest in peace who have given their lives to protect the country.
You don't need to mock the Mumbai police nor the home minister here. They are one of the best and most patriotic in our country. I've been to the Mumbai HQ before and my father knows people there. We know how these people serve the country;

No one is questioning their patriotism, but as our minister claimed to have captured truck loads of Indian arms, he merely didn't spend time on accusations but went about in addressing the issue hence, by habitually blaming others, your troubles just don't go away.
India Behind Karachi Bombing
By Jamshed Khan

India Behind Karachi Bombing

Pakistan is well aware of who is behind the Baluchistan Liberation army (BLA): it is India and India alone. Therefore, if the BLA has claimed responsibility for the Karachi bombing , http://www.cbc.ca/cp/world/051115/w111534.html , then it should be crystal clear to Pakistan who is behind the despicable carnage in Karachi: India! When will Pakistan and Pakistani people realize that Indian Low intensity war inside Pakistan, in Karachi, in Baluchistan, and elsewhere is the root cause of the mayhem, bombings, and terrorism that is slowly but steadily bleeding Pakistan to death? India now speaks of peace with Pakistan, but behind the smiles and handshakes, India continues in its efforts to destroy Pakistan from within, IndiaDaily -, as a frontal Indian assault against Pakistan is a virtually impossibility. Pakistan can well take care of India against Indian overt nuclear or conventional blackmail of Pakistan.

Let there be no doubt about who is carrying about religious and sectarian killings inside Pakistan.
Indian low intensity war against Pakistan continues unabated. And, now India is targeting places of worship such as Mosques and Churches inside Pakistan. Pakistan, if it wishes to survive will need to go after the
Estimated 100,000 India long term RAW agents that India has successfully implanted inside Pakistan since 1968, when RAW was first established to specifically target Pakistan.


India?s latest low intensity war targets inside Pakistan are now simultaneously targeting economic assets of Pakistan, such as the Sui Gas Field processing plants and gas and oil pipelines in Baluchistan State,

Pakistan Times | Top Story: Millions face gas shortage in Pakistan after Sui attacks

and attacking Shia Muslims of Pakistan, particularly Shia Muslims of Gilgit and Skardu region of Pakistan.
Thus, India, contrary to whatever pacifist rhetoric it may employs in the peace initiatives and meetings between India and Pakistan, has not abandoned its original quest to destroy Pakistan from within. The Indian low intensity warfare against Pakistan has not ceased.

Curfew break in Gilgit, no respite in Skardu -DAWN - Top Stories; 17 January, 2005

Mr. Musharraf has failed to protect Pakistan from the Indian low intensity warfare. India has now started a weekly bombing campaign inside Pakistan, and is periodically targeting Shia Muslims and Sunni Muslims of Pakistan in order to initiate a civil war inside Pakistan. Mr. Musharraf has failed to organize a concerted counter terrorism operation inside Pakistan to apprehend the estimated 100,000 Indian agents and provocateurs that India has successfully implanted inside Pakistan since 1968. This failure to appraise the Pakistani people of the reality on the ground, failure to detect the Indian agent penetration of Pakistan and the bigger failure of liquidating the Indians now on Pakistani soil should constitute grounds for dismissal of the dictator Musharraf. Mr. Musharraf, you have failed as the President of Pakistan. Please step down and resign!

Poor, poor, Pakistanis! They are being killed weekly by the highly coordinated and planned bombing campaign by India, http://www.nation.com.pk/daily/oct-2004/8/latest.php

But they do not even realize who is behind murdering them. Pakistani government has failed
To detect, apprehend, and liquidate the 100,000 Indian agent provocateurs and intelligence operators who are creating the havoc and mayhem inside Pakistan.

India continue in its low intensity war against Pakistan, and is now specifically targeting Sunni and Shia Muslims alternately, in hopes of triggering a civil war within Pakistan,
25 killed in Sialkot mosque blast: Army called out after violence -DAWN - Top Stories; 02 October, 2004

Pakistani intelligence, particularly the ISI, military police, rangers, and counter intelligence services have failed to thwart Indian covert operations within Pakistan. It is estimated that there are at least 100,000 Indian agent provocateurs that India has successfully implanted within Pakistan in the last 35 years, since 1968 when RAW (research and analysis wing of the Indian spy agency) was specifically created to target Pakistan. Pakistan will have to mount a massive counter-operation to liquidate the 100,000 Indian agents now operating on Pakistani soil. Not one Indian agent now inside Pakistan must be allowed to escape alive from Pakistan, see Research and Analysis Wing [RAW] - India Intelligence Agencies

India continues to kill Pakistanis with abandon 18 die in blast at Karachi Imambargah: Two killed in shooting at blood bank -DAWN - Top Stories; 01 June, 2004
When will the Pakistanis realize India continues in its low intensity war against Pakistan?
Just like the Indians had conducted low intensity warfare in East Pakistan through Mukti Bahini, who were in fact Indian covert agents in the guise of Bangla freedom fighters, India is now inflicting death upon the Pakistani people in the guise of alleged Shia-Sunni difference.

Pakistani people must realize that in Islam all citizens of Pakistan are equal and full citizens of Pakistan
Irrespective of their religious affiliation. Islamic brotherhood and fraternity is based on complete equality of all citizens of Pakistan and the Muslim world. So, who would throw a bomb in a place of worship and kill Muslims of Pakistan? Let there be no doubt that it is India and India alone that has the capacity of barbarity that knows no boundaries of civilized behavior. Pakistan must go after the 100,000 Indian saboteurs and agent provocateurs that India has pre-positioned inside Pakistan in the last 35 years.

India continues in its low intensity warfare against Pakistan, and is now targeting Shia Muslims of Pakistan in Karachi BBC NEWS | South Asia | Riots follow Karachi mosque blast. India wants to induce a civil war type of turmoil and instability in Pakistan. The Indian objectives are many, amongst which are to destabilize Pakistan, further dismember Pakistan, and show the Kashmiri Muslims (who are overwhelming Shia) that Pakistani people are anti-Shia and hence it is better for them to remain subservient to the Indian Hegemony.

Pakistan has to go after the approximately 100,000 Indian saboteurs and agent provocateurs that India has successfully implanted within Pakistan in the last thirty-five years, if it wishes to survive the Indian low intensity conflict within Pakistan. There is no other choice for Pakistan.

Pakistan and China are two brotherly countries that will always support each other in any foreign attack on either country. That is, Pakistan and China are two allies and brotherly countries who will stand by through thick and thin of International relations. Pakistan and China are NOT fair weather allies.

So, who would want to kill BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan car bomb kills Chinese the Chinese on Pakistani soil? Let there be no doubt that it is India that wishes to see the Pakistan-China alliance come to an end. Because, once Pakistan-China alliance and defense pact between the two comes to an end, India would feel itself strong enough to attempt another breakup of Pakistan, similar to the one that India indulged in breaking East Pakistan in 1971.

That India has continued in its low intensity war against Pakistan is self evident from the following Indian attacks. That Indian covert war has not stopped despite peace talks with Pakistan can be borne out by the following facts on the ground:

(1) India continues to attack the Shia Muslims of Pakistan in order to instigate and initiate destabilization of Pakistan in order to destroy it from within

(2) Attacks in Karachi persist. It is a well established fact within the intelligence services in Pakistan that India had singled out the Urdu speaking Indian Muslim Immigrants who had migrated out of India, and who had mainly settled in Karachi. It is to an everlasting shame of India that India has targeted the Muslims of India in Karachi, who had forsaken their homes for their new home in Pakistan.

(3) India continues to target Pakistani Christians so as to disparage Pakistan and bring a bad name to Pakistan within the world community.

(4) India continues to target other soft targets in Pakistan in order to cause maximum damage to Pakistan?s economy.

(5) India continues to attack police stations and security personal in Karachi

(6) Killing Chinese Engineers and Chinese people on Pakistani soil, such that Pakistan-China alliance is shattered

(7) India periodically bombs either Shia affiliated Mosques or Sunni affiliated mosques, so as to initiate a civil war within Pakistan, pitying one Muslim sect against another Muslim sect within Pakistan.

( India has started hitting economic targets of Pakistan, such as the oil and gas facilities and pipelines in the Baluchistan state of Pakistan. The Sui Gas filed attacks is just the most recent example.

Thus, it should be clear to the Pakistani planners, government and army and intelligence personnel that India has not had a change of heart but only a change of tactics. Now the Indian government will talk peace and friendship in face to face meetings with Pakistan, but sabotage Pakistan through it covert and low intensity war against Pakistan.

Pakistan must remember that India has already pre-positioned an estimated 100,000 Indian agents and saboteurs, terrorists and agent provocateurs inside Pakistan in the last thirty years. See,

Research and Analysis Wing [RAW] - India Intelligence Agencies

It is imperative for Pakistan to locate and liquidate each one of the Indian agents who are now resident on Pakistani soil if it wishes to preserve its peace and sanctity. Not one Indian agent of the estimated 100,000 now on Pakistani soil should escape alive from Pakistan.
Please sir.
India supported the LTTE? A ceasefire before (mediated by India) doesn't mean we support them. yes, the LTTE is dead now. But how many people died in that? How many people were homeless?

oh puhhhh-leaseee. Tell me about ethnic tamils in india --what were they doing

Don't comment as that being sponsoring terrorism. We wanted PEACE. That's why we told have a cease fire. Negotiate.

dont comment on our supporting taleban in the mid 1990s....we wanted peace & end to drugs/warlord culture in Afghanistan --with whom we share a porous and rugged border

You get angry at Israel for attacks on Gaza don't you? Well I don't support Israel either because they hurt civilians there.... why is your stance here different? Is it because it's INDIA now and not Palestine?

Yes. It is.

dont compare 2 completely different conflicts.

And who supplied SL with free doctors, resources, food for people to eat?

Pakistan, China, and i guess india too.

Pakistan? You gave them bombs to destroy the lives of thousands.

we gave the nation the means to protect themselves.

LTTE is no more. That means victory to Sri Lanka; and victory to Pakistan as well.

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has said that Pakistan was not involved in Mumbai terror attacks.

However, Islamabad has substantial evidence to prove India’s involvement in terror activities in the country.

In an interview with an Arab television, Mr Qureshi said the international community supported Pakistan’s stand that it was not involved in the Mumbai attacks.

‘Now it has been admitted worldwide that Pakistan was above question with regard to the Mumbai terror incident,’ the foreign minister said.

He reiterated that there was concrete evidence to prove New Delhi’s hand

in terror activities in Pakistan.

He said Mumbai attacks had been plotted by elements who wished to sabotage Pakistan-India relations.

‘Economic progress is vital to counter extremism in the region,’ he added.

The foreign minister urged international community to make India realise that there was no option other than talks to establish peace in the region.—APP

I was wondering why it took you guys so long to pin all this on India.
Don't worry, I believe that the bombing was a false flag op. done by the ISI to gain world sympathy and malign India. I will post some youtube videos about it soon as 'proof'.

Until then :cheers:

At least we waited enough to gather some points , unlike you guys who Blamed us even when the Mumbai Darama was underway.

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India behind most terror attacks in Pakistan: Interior Minister0 comments
By Jahanzeb Ahmed
Posted on 22 Oct 2009 at 9:24am GMT

Interior Minister Rehman Malik accused India of sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan, saying Delhi itself would be responsible for any terrorist attack if carried out in future on its soil.

‘We have solid evidence that not only in Balochistan but India is involved in almost every terrorist activity in Pakistan,’ the minister said after attending a meeting on security of educational institutions.

Foreign hands using Taliban against Pakistan

The interior minister’s statement that India was patronising terrorism in Pakistan raises a question why the interior minister had remained silent in the past and why the evidence of Indian involvement was not made public in the beginning.

Mr Malik asked his Indian counterpart Chadambharam to stop blaming Pakistan for terrorism in India, saying: ‘Mr Chadambharam should first take care of his own country and then blame Pakistan. Don’t threaten us. We can give better ones to you.’

He said that the Indian interior minister should arrest culprits of Samjhota Express bombing, killers of Rajiv Gandhi and many more such incidents instead of blaming Pakistan for being incapable of coping with terrorists.

‘If we talk about composite dialogue, they (India) should not consider it our weakness at all,’ he added.

He said India had made it a practice to threaten Pakistan every three months, adding: ‘We are a nuclear state and not so weak. We better know how to retaliate.’

The minister referred to the Indian prime minister’s statement that more Mumbai-like attacks could take place in India and said: ‘I ask the Indian prime minister that if they have any information about more Mumbai-like attacks they should share these with Pakistan and we will look into them, but if India does not share anything with us then they would be responsible for any incident,’ he said.

‘I have time and again said there was Indian involvement in Balochistan and we have evidence, which could be shared with India, if they agree to come and sit with us,’ he claimed.

About Mumbai attack, Mr Malik said: ‘We have yet not received the seventh dossier, but we have arrested all seven accused of Mumbai attacks.’

Pakistan would definitely take action against Hafiz Saeed if he was found guilty, but the government could not take action against any citizen of the country without solid proof against him, the minister said.

In reply to a question, the minister said that Pakistan had earlier handed over 18 accomplices of Abdul Malik Rigi, including his brother, to Iran.

He, however, said that Rigi was not in Pakistan and said he was in Afghanistan and ‘we can even point out his exact location in Afghanistan’.

To a question about installation of biometric system at the Pak-Afghan border, he said around 50,000 people crossed the border daily.

‘We have installed a biometric system on the Pak-Afghan border to check the movement of the people and the matter has also been taken up with the Afghan government and they have also agreed to install a similar system at their side of the border.’
You don't need to mock the Mumbai police nor the home minister here. They are one of the best and most patriotic in our country. I've been to the Mumbai HQ before and my father knows people there. We know how these people serve the country;

they are very hard working.... and do realize the previous home minister resigned of shame due to the lives of 300 people being taken. Politics is different from police.

may their souls rest in peace who have given their lives to protect the country.

India's brinkmanship
Published: January 6, 2010

S.M Hali
In the closing stages of the tumultuous year 2009, Indian Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor, living up to his reputation of issuing irresponsible statements, showcased India's new War Doctrine, 'The Cold Start Strategy' by claiming that his forces are geared to take on both China and Pakistan simultaneously. Announcing the Indian army's plans to increase its forces from 1.13 million to 2 million in the next couple of years, he claimed that they plan to fight on multiple fronts by launching self-contained and highly mobile 'battle groups' i.e. to be able to go to war promptly and make big thrusts into the enemy's territory within 96 hours. And end the war decisively forcing the other side into a fast submission of ceasefire. The self-styled Guderian's jingoism and brinkmanship cannot be ignored because it is attributed to none other than the Indian army chief who through a series of statements, in November, warned that a limited war under a nuclear overhang is still very much a reality at least in the Indian subcontinent. Earlier he had made critical comments on the security of Pakistan's nuclear assets and now General Kapoor is threatening of dire consequences for both China and Pakistan with his strategy of Blitzkrieg.
In view of the recent Indian machinations to destabilise Pakistan, sponsor proxy terror attacks and the irrefutable and concrete evidence of Indian involvement in Balochistan, Swat and FATA, the Indian threat must be viewed with concern. Pakistan's Army Chief General Parvez Kayani and General Tariq Majeed have provided timely and strongly worded riposte to the Indian army chief. Furthermore, the Foreign Office had also issued a tough rebuttal that the Indian army's new military doctrine "betrays a hostile intent as well as a hegemonic and jingoistic mindset which is quite out of step with the realities of our time."
Let us examine the possible rationale for the belligerent and xenophobic dares from the Indian camp in response to Pakistan's extension of the olive branch and invitation to resumption of peace dialogues.
decide for yourself
At least we waited enough to gather some points , unlike you guys who Blamed us even when the Mumbai Darama was underway.

What points? Did the GoP send us a dossier? Have you provided us with enough information? Do we have any evidence to arrest and prosecute these 'non state actors' you accuse of wreaking havoc in Pakistan? India would definitely take action against them, if only we had solid proof.

how can you guys blame India without a proper investigation?

How do we know that everything that's happening in Pakistan isn't perpetrated by the GoP to gain world sympathy and make India look like the aggressor?

I mean if India is crazy enough to attack its own people in Mumbai, then I'm sure Pakistanis are fully capable of conducting suicide attacks on their own people right? and if not then why?
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Karachi Attacker was a non muslim says Rehman Malik

Pakistan never sponsored terrorism


-Taliban/strategic depth?

ring any bells yet?

many of the mumbai attackers were indian nationals too

Garbage. They were all Pakistanis, from Pakistan. Your own government admitted as much.

makes no difference....in private circles, everyone knows that india is just a crying child --begging the world to stop Arms sales to Pakistan

so far your strategy has failed

Oh yeah? How are those submarines from Germany coming along?

India never fails to make a HUGE fuss every time someone sells something to Pakistan, and now people have a reason to listen.

exactly.....but indian consullates arent offering visas to Afghan tourists

Actually they're doing more than that, they're giving visas to students, refugees, etc.

india has no need to have so many consullates near our border.....except to stir up trouble and support certain anti-Pakistan elements.

Afghanistan is not Pakistan's private property. We have as many consulates as Pakistan does and in the same cities as you do. Furthermore we don't need Pakistan's approval for our consulates. Every country on earth has rejected Pakistan's claims about India supporting terrorism in Pakistan.

Americans arent stupid; but they dont want to annoy india since they want to use you as a twig against rising China

:lol: you think India is the one being 'used'?

India has its own agenda, no one comes into our country, bombs us, and then tells us what to do. No one.

fact of the matter is that Americans dont have the heart for a much more prolonged war in Afghanistan. They will go about any means to get "victory" there;

True, which means they will seriously consider expanding their drone strikes to Balochistan.

and they know (and we know) they need Pakistan's help in this matter.

They've invested billions and the US is a superpower. They already bomb places all over FATA and Waziristan, they will expand and impose the war, its not like they haven't done it before. This is the reality of American foreign policy.

Therefore, they realize that the Pakistan-hindoostan tension

Its Hindustan champ, not Hindoostan.

has results even in a place like Afghanistan. And we will never budge if it comes down to being told to ignore indias negative role to our north

Yeah of course there's a rivalry, but that doesn't mean Pakistan will be allowed to harbor the Afghan Taliban for any longer than they have. Once again, where is the proof of India's involvement? The world could care less if Pakistan feels like its being 'encircled', India is helping to reconstruct a war torn nation, if you think Pakistan can muscle its way around for much longer, you're in for a surprise.
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What points? Did the GoP send us a dossier? Have you provided us with enough information? Do we have any evidence to arrest and prosecute these 'non state actors' you accuse of wreaking havoc in Pakistan? India would definitely take action against them, if only we had solid proof.

how can you guys blame India without a proper investigation?

How do we know that everything that's happening in Pakistan isn't perpetrated by the GoP to gain world sympathy and make India look like the aggressor?

I mean if India is crazy enough to attack its own people in Mumbai, then I'm sure Pakistanis are fully capable of conducting suicide attacks on their own people right? and if not then why?

You guys aren't the only ones who are capable of contorting irritating conspiracy theories. If 9/11 and 26/11 can be inside jobs, then everything that is happening in Pakistan can be an inside job as well.
Unlike India, if Pakistan wanted attention, it would have made a song and dance, it's evident that Bollywood has turned the Indian Public into nothing more than Drama Queens. India's trump card, Ajmal Kasab has done more somersaults than a trapeze artist, how can anyone even trust India on it's moral values.
how can anyone even trust India on it's moral values.

1. Then why Let and Jed are banned only on request of India.
2. then why India block pak water and UN didn't say anything.
4. Why Indian army general do whatever he want and world is keeping quite.
5. Why quraesi and other Pak leader keep requesting world that India is meddling in baloch but not one care.

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