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India becomes top spamming nation

Götterdämmerung;2870146 said:
From the POV of many Indians, anyone from a democratic country criticising India is a false flagger because how can anyone not praise the biggest democracy in the world? :D

Righto Boss :enjoy:

Germany's Economy will be Overtaken in the Next 5 Years and Germany will Become Irrelevant as much It has Become to China. ;)

Well, care for it till 5 more years then.
Götterdämmerung;2870512 said:
Germany is way more communist than you are democratic.

You know that Austria ≠ Germany, right?

In five years, Germany's economy with 82 million people will still be bigger than 1.2 billion people in India. Since your economy is not even half of ours today (Ger 3.57 trillion/ Ind 1.67 trillion), the logical conclusion is that India is presently irrelevant and will also be irrelevant in five years. :)


In 5 years ( 2017) Indian GDP will be 6.7 trillion, Germany will be 3.4 trillion. Now talk about relevance !
I Don't understand why an Article about spamming in India is posted on a pakistan defence site???:undecided:
Spam: India leads world in junk emails
India has become the top spam-spewing nation on the planet, suggests a report.

Compiled by security firm Sophos, the report ranks nations by the amount of junk mail routed through computers in each country.

India has leapt to the top of the spam chart in less than a year, rapidly overtaking the US, said Sophos.

About 10% of all junk mail sent across the web came from or passed through computers in India, said the firm.

India's rapid rise up the chart of spam producers has been helped by the rapid growth of the web in the country, said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos.

The inexperience of the many first-time net users in India had led many to fall victim to hi-tech criminals, he said.

"The latest stats show that, as more first-time internet users get online in growing economies, they are not taking measures to block the malware infections that turn their PCs into spam-spewing zombies," he added.

Social networks
About 80% of all junk email is thought to be routed through PCs hijacked by hi-tech criminals who use computer viruses to seize control of the machines. Once a machine is under their control they use them to send out mail on their behalf, typically relaying it from another nation.

Sophos estimates that about 9.3% of all junk mail travels through Indian computers. In second place is the US (8.3%) and South Korea (5.7%) is third.

India's rise up the rankings was also helped by the ongoing shift away from traditional email by spammers. More and more of them, said Sophos, were using social networks as the route to spread their junk messages.

Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest were all being hit with increasing regularity by spammers, said Sophos.
BBC News - Spam: India leads world in junk emails

Well Done, India !!!
Guys no need to compare Germany and India, Germany is a developed nation with high HDI and a great industrial base. We should try to become like them, besides I think we all know what nationality this Gutterdam dude represents.
Europe will be coming down soon ,I'm loving it,it's South-Asian century....
Nobody said anything when US was the top spamming nation.

In 5 years ( 2017) Indian GDP will be 6.7 trillion, Germany will be 3.4 trillion. Now talk about relevance !

Oh, the famous India will in xx years ... how about now? And pray, tell me how on earth India will become a 6 trillion economy in five years when it presently is not even 2 trillion!

A insecure Chinese with inferior complex, living in Germany showing Indians what some unknown trolls are saying about India.

Mr. China, Indians do not give a squat about world perceptions. If we could have, then Chinese like you couldn't have failed so many times trying offending Indians and then going down low by posting other's comments.

Aren't you the same person who was caught lying by me when in one post you claimed that you have been to dirty Mumbai but after some time you forgot your lie and mentioned like a bum after few posts that you never have been ?

12% population using Internet in Pakistan is a spammer, more than India.

Epic fail.

Typical answer of a cognitive dissonance patient. The epic fail is on you, as you have notihng to counter my arguments and need to make racist slur against the Chinese and accusing me of being a false flagger. :lol:

Mind to tell us what those unknown troll said was wrong, that would be a mature debate!

You were the guy who asked me about the name of the street leading from the airport to Mumbai and I told you I don't know and don't care, that's the problem of the cab driver. In fact, I don't know any street names of any airports leading to the city, not in Paris, London, Shanghai or even my city Hamburg. I just bloody don't care!

And show me the thread where I lied about having been to Mumbai!

Time to get some Facts Right German.

Indian Economy = $2 Trillion.
Germany = $3.6 Trillion

Germany said It will grow by 3.4% but it grew by 0.7% Last Year. :lol:

India Overtook Italy this Quarter.
UK and France in the Next Two Years.

Already all the 3 are on the verge of Double Dip and Contraction.
Germany will go in the same pit in the next couple of years.

Why not Brag that to Chinaman?

China - 1.4 Billion People -$6 Trillion.
Germany - 82 Million - $3.6 Trillion.

You Can't, Because you are Irrelevant to them :)

First, there is no need to use racial slurs against the Chinese to make a point with me. It just shows the level of your education and cultivation.

Secondly, it doesn't touch me, since I'm German, duh!

Thirdly, India's economy is 1.6 trillion.List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fourthly, Italy's economy is 2.1 trillion, India is still a 1-2 years from it.

Fifthly, China's economy is 7.3 trillion, they are still a long way from developed but doing extremly well, certainly much better than incredible India. I also don't have to brag to the Chinese, as they are humble and know their strength and weaknesses.

Nobody said anything when US was the top spamming nation.

This world is unfair!
Götterdämmerung;2871033 said:
Oh, the famous India will in xx years ... how about now? And pray, tell me how on earth India will become a 6 trillion economy in five years when it presently is not even 2 trillion!

Typical answer of a cognitive dissonance patient. The epic fail is on you, as you have notihng to counter my arguments and need to make racist slur against the Chinese and accusing me of being a false flagger. :lol:

Mind to tell us what those unknown troll said was wrong, that would be a mature debate!

You were the guy who asked me about the name of the street leading from the airport to Mumbai and I told you I don't know and don't care, that's the problem of the cab driver. In fact, I don't know any street names of any airports leading to the city, not in Paris, London, Shanghai or even my city Hamburg. I just bloody don't care!

And show me the thread where I lied about having been to Mumbai!

First, there is no need to use racial slurs against the Chinese to make a point with me. It just shows the level of your education and cultivation.

Secondly, it doesn't touch me, since I'm German, duh!

Thirdly, India's economy is 1.6 trillion.List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fourthly, Italy's economy is 2.1 trillion, India is still a 1-2 years from it.

Fifthly, China's economy is 7.3 trillion, they are still a long way from developed but doing extremly well, certainly much better than incredible India. I also don't have to brag to the Chinese, as they are humble and know their strength and weaknesses.

This world is unfair!

So you dont believe India becoming a 6 trillion economy. The same table shows China becoming 16 trillion economy in 2017. Do you believe that?

Let me show how it is arrived at. It is projection based on current growth rate.

Götterdämmerung;2871033 said:
Oh, the famous India will in xx years ... how about now? And pray, tell me how on earth India will become a 6 trillion economy in five years when it presently is not even 2 trillion!

Typical answer of a cognitive dissonance patient. The epic fail is on you, as you have notihng to counter my arguments and need to make racist slur against the Chinese and accusing me of being a false flagger. :lol:

Mind to tell us what those unknown troll said was wrong, that would be a mature debate!

You were the guy who asked me about the name of the street leading from the airport to Mumbai and I told you I don't know and don't care, that's the problem of the cab driver. In fact, I don't know any street names of any airports leading to the city, not in Paris, London, Shanghai or even my city Hamburg. I just bloody don't care!

And show me the thread where I lied about having been to Mumbai!

First, there is no need to use racial slurs against the Chinese to make a point with me. It just shows the level of your education and cultivation.

Secondly, it doesn't touch me, since I'm German, duh!

Thirdly, India's economy is 1.6 trillion.List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fourthly, Italy's economy is 2.1 trillion, India is still a 1-2 years from it.

Fifthly, China's economy is 7.3 trillion, they are still a long way from developed but doing extremly well, certainly much better than incredible India. I also don't have to brag to the Chinese, as they are humble and know their strength and weaknesses.

This world is unfair!

Do you Suffer from Comprehension Problems?

Have a Look at the Link Yourself. Indian Economy is $1.85 Trillion. This is the Figure for the 3rd Quarter(31 Dec). For 31st March It is 2 Trillion.

It is not Yet Updated.

India’s $2 trillion economy means we have to reform faster | Firstpost

Indian economy moving fast towards $2 trillion mark - Economic Times

Last Heard, Italy contracted and We are well Past into the First Quarter.

Germany could well be Past within 4 Years it seems now. :)
So you dont believe India becoming a 6 trillion economy. The same table shows China becoming 16 trillion economy in 2017. Do you believe that?

Let me show how it is arrived at. It is projection based on current growth rate.


And all this time I hae been talking about GDP nominal since I don't care how much a haircut and a meal costs in India. Germany's economy is very much dependent on export, so all I care is how much money you have to buy our BMW, Porsche, Miele, Siemens, etc.

Do you Suffer from Comprehension Problems?

Have a Look at the Link Yourself. Indian Economy is $1.85 Trillion. This is the Figure for the 3rd Quarter(31 Dec). For 31st March It is 2 Trillion.

It is not Yet Updated.

India’s $2 trillion economy means we have to reform faster | Firstpost

Indian economy moving fast towards $2 trillion mark - Economic Times

Last Heard, Italy contracted and We are well Past into the First Quarter.

Germany could well be Past within 4 Years it seems now. :)

First, we have to wait till the data are announced officially.
Secondly, neither you nor I have a crystal ball to look into the future.
Finally, by the end of the day what matters is the living standard of the individual and India is still light years away from Italian, French or German standard.

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