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India becomes top spamming nation

It will be less when people educate themselves in computer security.:coffee:
Indians do not create spam but bottling scripts like push-messages and ad-ware do..and tht too continuously.

THis has more to do with insecure clients jumping ont the Internet on oudated OS'es and going where ever they dam well plase...

saw an add for Shadi.com with a cute chick?-CLICK

wanaa register to Adultfriendfinder.com?Oh yeah!!..CLICK

wana learn how to make money fast on the Internet ?Gimi Gimi! -CLICK

it only takes 2 minutes to download a reasonable 3rd part firewall and Antivirus and u dont even have to set the regulations nowadays its all pre programed.

I hope theres a Scheme in India tht rigorously propagates the fear of ur PC going bust if u dont take proper precautions,whenever u go get a Internet connection.
You can gladly take this crown from KSA because it is ridiculous here.
I have a related news article from Heise, Germany's largest online news site for IT technology.

Indien überholt USA als Hauptspammer
Indien überholt USA als Hauptspammer | heise Security

My translation: India has overtaken the USA as the main spammer.

What is more interesting are the comments of the readers. Here are a few translated by me.

25. April 2012 13:24
Endlich ist Indien auch mal Weltspitze ;)

Finally, India is also at the top of the world ;)

25. April 2012 16:12


Hmmm... sind sie nicht auch schon bei der Korruption an der
Oder bei der Nicht-Hungerbekämpfung im Land?

Hmmm... aren't they already at the top of the world in corruption?
Or at not-fighting-famine in the country?

25. April 2012 16:33
Bartträger (mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 27.07.05)

Ja genau. Die meisten Hungernden bei gleichzeitigem Reisexport. Es
lebe der Freihandel. Es lebe der Kapitalismus.

Yes right. The most hungry people and at the same time rice export. Long live free trade. Long live capitalism.

25. April 2012 16:01
Endlich was gefunden indem Inder gut sind

wurde ja auch Zeit. Bisher waren sie ja lediglich bekannt dafür, dass
sie schlechten IT Support gut können.

Finally found something where Indians are good at

It's about time. Till now they have only been known to be good for bad IT support.

25. April 2012 20:38
Kein richtiges Klo zuhause aber kräftig andere mit Mails zuschütten

Sorry, aber solange nicht jeder Haushalt nicht ordentlich aufs Klo
gehen kann, kann ich so ein Land mit Atombomben und
Welt-Waffen-Importmeister-Image nur belächeln.
Dazu passt das Outsourcing von Helpdesk an Leute, die wirklich
gaaanzzz tooooll alles können und hier stehen einem die Haare zu
Berge. Nicht umsonst gibts bei Youtube so viele schöne Clips zu
Helpdesk in Indien. Viele sind leider annähernd Wirklichkeit und das
Lachen fällt einem immer schwerer, wenn man bedenkt, das man diesen
Quatsch auch noch selbst bezahlt!

No proper toilet at home but boldly dumping mails at others

Sorry, but as long as not every household can use a proper toilet, such a country with atomic bombs and world-weapon-import-championship can only be laughed at.
Also matching are the outsourced helpdesks to people really can do everything sooooo welllll and here one's hair stand on end. It's not for nothing that Youtube has so many nice video clips about helpdesk in India. Many of them are close to reality and it's difficult to laugh about it, if you think that you have to pay for that out of your pocket.

Well, it seems more and more people in Germany don't buy the shining and incredible India. :)
Spam: India leads world in junk emails
India has become the top spam-spewing nation on the planet, suggests a report.

Compiled by security firm Sophos, the report ranks nations by the amount of junk mail routed through computers in each country.

India has leapt to the top of the spam chart in less than a year, rapidly overtaking the US, said Sophos.

About 10% of all junk mail sent across the web came from or passed through computers in India, said the firm.

India's rapid rise up the chart of spam producers has been helped by the rapid growth of the web in the country, said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos.

The inexperience of the many first-time net users in India had led many to fall victim to hi-tech criminals, he said.

"The latest stats show that, as more first-time internet users get online in growing economies, they are not taking measures to block the malware infections that turn their PCs into spam-spewing zombies," he added.

Social networks
About 80% of all junk email is thought to be routed through PCs hijacked by hi-tech criminals who use computer viruses to seize control of the machines. Once a machine is under their control they use them to send out mail on their behalf, typically relaying it from another nation.

Sophos estimates that about 9.3% of all junk mail travels through Indian computers. In second place is the US (8.3%) and South Korea (5.7%) is third.

India's rise up the rankings was also helped by the ongoing shift away from traditional email by spammers. More and more of them, said Sophos, were using social networks as the route to spread their junk messages.

Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest were all being hit with increasing regularity by spammers, said Sophos.
BBC News - Spam: India leads world in junk emails

And Junk Messages, Trolls :azn:
Götterdämmerung;2869985 said:
I have a related news article from Heise, Germany's largest online news site for IT technology.

Indien überholt USA als Hauptspammer
Indien überholt USA als Hauptspammer | heise Security

My translation: India has overtaken the USA as the main spammer.

What is more interesting are the comments of the readers. Here are a few translated by me.

Finally, India is also at the top of the world ;)

Hmmm... aren't they already at the top of the world in corruption?
Or at not-fighting-famine in the country?

Yes right. The most hungry people and at the same time rice export. Long live free trade. Long live capitalism.

Finally found something where Indians are good at

It's about time. Till now they have only been known to be good for bad IT support.

No proper toilet at home but boldly dumping mails at others

Sorry, but as long as not every household can use a proper toilet, such a country with atomic bombs and world-weapon-import-championship can only be laughed at.
Also matching are the outsourced helpdesks to people really can do everything sooooo welllll and here one's hair stand on end. It's not for nothing that Youtube has so many nice video clips about helpdesk in India. Many of them are close to reality and it's difficult to laugh about it, if you think that you have to pay for that out of your pocket.

Well, it seems more and more people in Germany don't buy the shining and incredible India. :)

Now this was height :azn: You aren't a ''false flagger'' are you :D
And Junk Messages, Trolls :azn:
Yo $tup!d ! Know anything about botnets ?
About 10% of all junk mail sent across the web came from or passed through computers in India, said the firm.
This implies that the launch medium or platform was IND not that Indians were spamming the world ! Get some basic "PC" knowledge before crying out loud :wave:
Yo $tup!d ! Know anything about botnets ?This implies that the launch medium or platform was IND not that Indians were spamming the world ! Get same basic "PC" knowledge before crying out loud :wave:

Thee Hurt, I knew ..
Götterdämmerung;2869985 said:
I have a related news article from Heise, Germany's largest online news site for IT technology.

Indien überholt USA als Hauptspammer
Indien überholt USA als Hauptspammer | heise Security

My translation: India has overtaken the USA as the main spammer.

What is more interesting are the comments of the readers. Here are a few translated by me.

Finally, India is also at the top of the world ;)

Hmmm... aren't they already at the top of the world in corruption?
Or at not-fighting-famine in the country?

Yes right. The most hungry people and at the same time rice export. Long live free trade. Long live capitalism.

Finally found something where Indians are good at

It's about time. Till now they have only been known to be good for bad IT support.

No proper toilet at home but boldly dumping mails at others

Sorry, but as long as not every household can use a proper toilet, such a country with atomic bombs and world-weapon-import-championship can only be laughed at.
Also matching are the outsourced helpdesks to people really can do everything sooooo welllll and here one's hair stand on end. It's not for nothing that Youtube has so many nice video clips about helpdesk in India. Many of them are close to reality and it's difficult to laugh about it, if you think that you have to pay for that out of your pocket.

Well, it seems more and more people in Germany don't buy the shining and incredible India. :)

Germany's Economy will be Overtaken in the Next 5 Years and Germany will Become Irrelevant as much It has Become to China. ;)
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