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India asks Korea for a shipyard JV to build naval ships worth tens of bill

Again....cough cough....Chola dynasty was there since BC. We were trading with the Romans and Greeks in BC through trade routes. So read more. The time you have mentioned is only the peak of the Chola empire. Not when they started trading routes. This is much earlier. And the IVC ports lets not even go down there.

Please note : My posts are not to say the Chinese do not have a maritime tradition, simply to refute an earlier poster who was laughing at Indian maritime history.

Then help me understand India's maritime tradition. Provide some credible links. The first link provided was pathetic. Provide written records, paintings etc. Thanks.
Indeed you are trolling, Chinese maritime tradition is no where when compared to Indian one. They used Silk route for trade, sea routes are not their main trade route.

During the Southen Song Dynasty, China maritine really started to take off. This was because the Nothern babarians had conqured Northen China and cut off the silk route. This force Southen Song to expand its Navy all the way to the West.

In the Yuan Dynasty Marco Polo returned home escorted by 14 Junks.
The only indian maritime tradition is cheap labor on ships for Middle Eastern / Central Asian nobles for 800 years!
Then help me understand India's maritime tradition. Provide some credible links. The first link provided was pathetic. Provide written records, paintings etc. Thanks.

Will do that. Give me couple of hours and will try and put something up which will provide for some good reading.

The only indian maritime tradition is cheap labor on ships for Middle Eastern / Central Asian nobles for 800 years!

Dude you want to get challenged and taken in every thread? If you do not know about a topic better to read up and then discuss. Else go play with your dolls.
Will keep adding to this.

This link will give you a list of ports in ancient India dating back to the Bronze Age Excavation Sites in Gujarat - Archaeological Survey of India

One of the main ports of the IVC was Lothal
File:Lothal_dock.jpg]File:Lothal dock.jpg

Lothal is one of the most prominent cities of the ancient Indus valley civilization. Located in Bhāl region of the modern state of Gujarāt and dating from 2400 BCE. Discovered in 1954, Lothal was excavated from February 13, 1955 to May 19, 1960 by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), the official Indian government agency for the preservation of ancient monuments. Lothal's dock—the world's earliest known, connected the city to an ancient course of the Sabarmati river on the trade route between Harappan cities in Sindh and the peninsula of Saurashtra when the surrounding Kutch desert of today was a part of the Arabian Sea.It was a vital and thriving trade centre in ancient times, with its trade of beads, gems and valuable ornaments reaching the far corners of West Asia and Africa.
Lothal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Trade during the Chola period

Trade during the Mauryan empire
The only indian maritime tradition is cheap labor on ships for Middle Eastern / Central Asian nobles for 800 years!

Do not knock on the Indian naval tradition. Indians are proud of the Royal navy's tradition. Since India was created by Britain, Indians are proud using their colonial master's language to unite the nation. Post#50 is a good hypothesis of how India was created.

Then help me understand India's maritime tradition. Provide some credible links. The first link provided was pathetic. Provide written records, paintings etc. Thanks.

Look up the battle of Trafalga. This is the battle that cement British control over India
You are an idiot and a third rate moron to keep telling us Indians what we are in all your posts. Its not a personal attack but an accurate description of the rabid obsession your chini brain has about India that will with little hope bring to your attention the need to get a life.
Stop your ad homenim attacks against me as I'm sharing the truth with logic. Without British conquest, India would be still an geographic expression compose of many states like Europe. I had clearly point it out in post #50. You can stay silent instead of making person attacks when you have nothing to refute my points.
Stop your ad homenim attacks against me as I'm sharing the truth with logic. Without British conquest, India would be still an geographic expression compose of many states like Europe. I had clearly point it out in post #50. You can stay silent instead of making person attacks when you have nothing to refute my points.

1 Post your crap about how british made india and how indians are proud of XYZ in relevant threads. I know paid trolls like you must keep posting your retarded theories, but post in correct sections so that anyone would refute. If I keep posting about how chinis are proud of their comfort women infact most are descendents of comfort women in every defence related thread, then that will divert all threads.

2 The one pulling claims out of their backsides have to prove them, not people trying to read threads regarding Indias defence, get it chini?
Stop your ad homenim attacks against me as I'm sharing the truth with logic. Without British conquest, India would be still an geographic expression compose of many states like Europe. I had clearly point it out in post #50. You can stay silent instead of making person attacks when you have nothing to refute my points.

The onus of proof lies on he who makes the assertion . So please move forward and prove your theories . Looking forward to it :coffee:
All these empire that existed on Indian subcontinent are not exactly the predecessors of the modern Indian state. The only predecessor of modern India is the British India.

On the flip side, the history of each and every territory now controlled by India is the history of India.

So when somebody talks about Chola, Chalukas and Mauryas, they are not talking about some independent faction's, they are talking about India.

And do some basic research, where do you think the word India poped up from,should I give you a hint-search Megasthenis.
Look up the battle of Trafalga. This is the battle that cement British control over India

I was rather looking up the battle of yalu river and the battle of waihewei and the first sino japanese war and the PLAN's proud maritime tradition when
The chinese beiyang fleet the largest and most modernized in asia with 2 ultra modern steel battleships and a number of armoured cruisers and torpedo and gun boats equal to the whole japanese navy were crushed by the then tiny japanese navy that didn't even have a single steel battleship[the measure of sea power],only cruisers and torpedo boats.
Your vaunted navy did such pride to its tradition that after the war the admirality board in beijing was abolished as china didn't even have a navy anymore.

And now the PLAN is trying again,prepare for a second abolition if PLAN attacks the JN let alone come to the indian ocean as the GREAT chinese navy again displays its downright incompetence in naval matters.
I was rather looking up the battle of yalu river and the battle of waihewei and the first sino japanese war and the PLAN's proud maritime tradition when
The chinese beiyang fleet the largest and most modernized in asia with 2 ultra modern steel battleships and a number of armoured cruisers and torpedo and gun boats equal to the whole japanese navy were crushed by the then tiny japanese navy that didn't even have a single steel battleship[the measure of sea power],only cruisers and torpedo boats.
Your vaunted navy did such pride to its tradition that after the war the admirality board in beijing was abolished as china didn't even have a navy anymore.

And now the PLAN is trying again,prepare for a second abolition if PLAN attacks the JN let alone come to the indian ocean as the GREAT chinese navy again displays its downright incompetence in naval matters.

We are talking about how India was created by Britain. China certainly lost many wars in 1800s. And the current version of Pla only had confronted Vietnamese navy. So why talk too much about them. India, however derived itsnaval tradition from the country that created it, Britin. So the mother country of India is Britain. US , Canada Australia and India share the same mother country.

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