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India army overrated and weak

hehe,japanese never ruled us,we killed a half million japs,and we have ruled mongolians for 250 years in qing,longer than they ruled us.what did you achieved?

we kicked out Portuguese from Goa and sank pride of some nations in bay of bengal
Your country don't deserve that.when did india beat down other big power in your whole history?Indian culture is not suit for war.

No but i remembered about the beatings u got at the colonial forces, (which india also got, but we accept but u guys live in denial), and major world forces at 2nd world war !!!
Its meant to an india topic, dont bring ur high IQ posts here
From page 1 there has been a senseless debate by the Chinese members as usual.When i opened the thread i was expecting some well informed Indians to post some on topic intelligent posts which unfortunately couldnt happen because the Chinese trolls literally raped the thread.

This topic is very important and is worth having a good debate on..hope someone opens a thread where we Indians can have sensible discussions about the topic in detail..and the trolls with no knowledge about the situation can just get lost!
typical indian politican, knows more than a army general :pop:
I think some idiots aren't understand the way in which they are trying to justify defense budget hike and a request for a further hike..
guess too much to understand for the High IQ lot.
Sikhs are strong unionists. At least Sikhism is a Dharmic religion. But pity the scheduled castes, the Muslims, the Tamils and the Mongoloids in your country.

The powers that be are still hindutva. Just because Barak Obama is black, it doesn't mean black-white racism in USA has lessened since 2008.

Tamils are all majority hindus man and the staunchest.
It's an alliance between Western neo-colonialism and hindu fundamentalists. hindu fundamentalism (hindutva) has a lot of popular support.
we did not have this concept of HINDUTUVA to protect the way of life that we lived in the past and because of that and we thought we are peaceful people, no one will come and fight with us, and because of that idea we were over run by muslim invaders from the west, then Britsh. No more we will be like in the past, we will muster all the shrudness thats there in us to make sure that we live as we have lived over the years.
No more of the history will be allowed to repeat.
you are talking about HINDUTUVA, but have you forgot that every religion from the Abharamic fold is doing more damage to the peace of the world than the Dharmic religion and you seems to quite ignore it.
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