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India approves $50 billion naval build-up

Impressive but as impressive has 30 Type 052C/D, 40 Type 054A with H-18/9,.Modifiyed Yaunan subs AIP,.new Type 099/8 SSN, Loaining carrier, J-15 Fighter and classified Type 055DDG

Your numbers are greatly exagerrated. Type-052C is only 6 ships. 052D is only 3. That means a total of 9 stealth DDGs, India's P-15A is 3 and P-15B is 4, thats 7 stealth DDGs.

About the Type-054A FFG there are only 16 or 18 on order, not 40. There are currently 13 in service I think. IN currently has 3 P-17 stealth frigates and 4 Talwar-class stealth FFGs, thats 7 stealth frigates. There are a total of 7 more P-17A and 5 more Talwar-class ships on order, that makes a total of 19 stealth frigates on order compared to China's 16-18 stealth frigates ordered.

I think China is building new SSN/SSBN subs now. Im not very sure about the numbers of PLAN's requirements but I know of IN - we want atleast 10 SSBNs and maybe upto 15 SSNs/SSGNs according to some online sources. All the 10 SSBNs are indigenous while only a few SSN/SSGNs maybe indigenous, rest imported from Russia.

About your aircraft carrier, I sincerely don't think its supposed to become a true carrier battle group, I think it'll only be a research vessel. IN currently has operational aircraft carrier INS Viraat and INS Vikramaditya is undergoing aircraft take-off/landing trials in Russia, ex-Varyag of PLAN is yet to launch any aircraft.

In has already inducted a squadron of Mig-29Ks and they've taken off from Viki in Russia, we have about 16-17 of those fighters in inventory outta a total of 45 ordered. With option for another 45 for shore-based ops.

Type-055 DDG? I don't know anything about it...anyways P-15B will have Hypersonic cruise missiles coupled with an Aegis-equivalent defence system with Barak-8/ER/G long-range SAMs, EL/M-2248 MF-STAR AESA radar, with RAN-40L radar combination.
You are right about money for Russians

For the rest, apparently not!


you post one wrote by Australian in 2003, just learn flying from fish
you post one wrote by Australian in 2003, just learn flying from fish

Even in 2012 china continues to buy 100s of engines from Russia, even your J-20 cannot fly without
Russian engines, aren't you giving them money? There have been many crashes of J-10 due to
engine problems wiith the AL-31F but still China continues to buy Russian engines.
Even in 2012 china continues to buy 100s of engines from Russia, even your J-20 cannot fly without
Russian engines, aren't you giving them money? There have been many crashes of J-10 due to
engine problems wiith the AL-31F but still China continues to buy Russian engines.

Very true buddy, The reason they attached the Euro canards to J20 stealth plane :woot: is because of under powered engine.
$50 billion for the navy alone? not bad!
Even in 2012 china continues to buy 100s of engines from Russia, even your J-20 cannot fly without
Russian engines, aren't you giving them money? There have been many crashes of J-10 due to
engine problems wiith the AL-31F but still China continues to buy Russian engines.

Russia engines are cheap enough to use, and ws10's lifespan is less than AL-31 now,ws-15 hasn't finished;
as all the 120mm tank gun of the world are from one Germany com, including M1A1, UK,France,Japan tank;
all the PC CPU come from Intel and AMD, what's the problem
Russia engines are cheap enough to use, and ws10's lifespan is less than AL-31 now,ws-15 hasn't finished;
as all the 120mm tank gun of the world are from one Germany com, including M1A1, UK,France,Japan tank;
all the PC CPU come from Intel and AMD, what's the problem

For India, Russian weapons are cheap enough to use, and whereever Indian alternatives are available, we are considering them instead of importing, our defence industry is growing.

Atleast Arjun Mk-1/2 has Indian 120mm gun, and we've also made the world's smallest missile guidance system package the size of a matchbox weighing 17 grams a few months ago developed by a Bangalore-based Indian company GNSS Tech. - DRDO receives 17-gm device to guide missiles | idrw.org

What's your china trolls' point in "money to Russians" arguement? Russia has one of the world's largest defence industries and most of their sales are restriction-less hence many countries buy from them. Stop making stupid comments on Indian Military while your own countrymen give bribe money to Russian scientists to beg them for Bulava missile secrets - Russians jailed for selling missile secrets to China

Do you really think you made all your weapons without paying money to Russians/Israelis to keep them quiet and get lots of tech from them ?:lol: Well we're doing the same but in a more rightful way thank you.

"money to russians" ha.
Strong borders are basic necessity for good economic ties when two countries who had been in war and series of disputes and territorial claims.

MAD situation is the last scenario but when we consider nations of size of India and China, skirmishes can happen anytime. Its important to hold your region claimed by other country as they are stronger than you.

If you see the infrastructure on chinese side and then compare it our side you will have a idea what we are dealing with.
putting 100 000 soldier is not enough when they cannot reach the border in time .recruiting 100 000 new soldier their training expences ,uniform,weapons and lots more stuff will cost us deerly its better to make the road and rail link that can take our soldier ASAP . and this is one time cost but to maintain 100 000 soldier is going to cost more in long run.

We have 1,129,900 Active personnel 960,000 Reserve personnel i think thats enough.
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