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India approved by US to buy six more P-8I maritime patrol aircraft for $2.42bn

The DAC aid aspect doesn’t look right.

The DAC report of 2015-16 has been officially refuted by the Indian Government.

There has been a shift in Indian attitude towards aid. A small Scandinavian country was asked to keep its money and keep its mouth shut about 10-15 years back.
Reason was that after giving a paltry sum of aid that country started thinking that it can dictate policy decisions on India.

Another article that touches upon this subject.

That was the time an official position started taking shape on this aspect and it was realised that aid comes at a cost.

Earlier, natural disasters were the times when there used to be requirement of if not money atleast material and technical aid to deal with the disasters. After Gujrat Earthquake NAtional Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) was set up. Now even during natural calamities India has its own expertise and a dedicated force to deal with the situation.

During Kerala floods few years back, UAE initially offered about 1000 crore INR aid. The official/Minister from the UAE was politely told that they would be approached if any assistance is required. Politicians in Kerala had made quite a hue and cry about that. Since they would have made some neat money out of that.

In current situation of COVID quite a few countries have sent material aid but no money. Even China was sent material aid by quite a few countries including India during the initial outbreak of COVID.

India does take loans quite a lot. But aid wise it is a net giver.
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If I give a pack of cup noodles to my friend who’s parents are not athome, it will be aid.
If my friend keeps requesting for those cup noodles, that’s begging.

there’s a difference in aid and begging.

Indian government doesn’t receive any aid and neither it asks for, we take loans from Asian Development Bank if we have to to build mega projects in India.

by that logic India has given 216 billion dollars loan to USA as per a US Parliamentarian so is USA a beggar?

Foreign aid in NGOs for “Humanitarian work” can’t be classified as aid to government.
You guys are at another level of arrogance and shamelessness. The world aid in our case becomes begging but in your case it somehow becomes a loan. I have posted several sources including world bank, USAid and DAC official sources but you guys keep coming with comical responses.
This has become your national character now, claim victory when you lose your territory, tell the world that we are here to save you while the aid pours in to save your people.

So yeah i don't think there remains a scope to engage with you people anymore when you have your head deep within the sand.
You guys are at another level of arrogance and shamelessness. The world aid in our case becomes begging but in your case it somehow becomes a loan. I have posted several sources including world bank, USAid and DAC official sources but you guys keep coming with comical responses.
This has become your national character now, claim victory when you lose your territory, tell the world that we are here to save you while the aid pours in to save your people.

So yeah i don't think there remains a scope to engage with you people anymore when you have your head deep within the sand.
Last year we sent aid when they needed it, and they are sending aid to us when we need.
You guys are at another level of arrogance and shamelessness. The world aid in our case becomes begging but in your case it somehow becomes a loan. I have posted several sources including world bank, USAid and DAC official sources but you guys keep coming with comical responses.
This has become your national character now, claim victory when you lose your territory, tell the world that we are here to save you while the aid pours in to save your people.

So yeah i don't think there remains a scope to engage with you people anymore when you have your head deep within the sand.
I’m talking to you politely, if you have to talk rude go in front of a mirror to do that.
If you cannot comprehend the simple english sentence, i cannot help you hence my suggestion to talk to people from your country. It is absolutely hilarious when you people go on to rant and come with hubris when faced with facts.
I know the next thing you would demand would be the picture of Modi ji taking cheque from donors otherwise you will not believe GoI received any aid.
Talking arbitrarily without any basis and making snarky remarks does not prove anything. You are using arbitrary sources to say that India receives aid. There is no clear definition of AID as to whether it is only given to govt, whether it includes loans termed as AID and so on. First give clear facts to say that Indian govt takes free AID (not loans). Then we can talk. Otherwise, there is no limit and meaning to what one can speak
Talking arbitrarily without any basis and making snarky remarks does not prove anything. You are using arbitrary sources to say that India receives aid. There is no clear definition of AID as to whether it is only given to govt, whether it includes loans termed as AID and so on. First give clear facts to say that Indian govt takes free AID (not loans). Then we can talk. Otherwise, there is no limit and meaning to what one can speak
So USaid, from where you guys pick up aid figures for pakistan, DAC official numbers and Worldbank are arbitrary source. Smooth !

You guys live in grand delusions. Continue supa pawa
So USaid, from where you guys pick up aid figures for pakistan, DAC official numbers and Worldbank are arbitrary source. Smooth !

You guys live in grand delusions. Continue supa pawa
I never picked up any figure for Pakistan. Go and talk to those who are picking it up. I am very reasonable and don't use sketchy data sources just because it is advantageous to me
Worldbank: India received billions of dollars of aid.

Indian media: The assistance is highest in the world and stands at $65 billion

Bhakts: bUt wHeRe iS tHe pRoOf !!!
Worldbank: India received billions of dollars of aid.
View attachment 741139
Indian media: The assistance is highest in the world and stands at $65 billion

Bhakts: bUt wHeRe iS tHe pRoOf !!!
This news is nothing but reporting of USAID data. There is nothing new here. USAID is known to sponsor NGOs in the name of assistance. OECDs are USA allies and expected to follow similar behaviour. I have already given you one proof of USAID in Osama Bin Laden raid. And yet you keep giving same data and rant around.
Thread about P-8, 5 pages of replies about coronavirus and who begs for the most foreign aid.
Those who are trying to prove that India is surviving on aid can take a chill pill.

These P8s would be bought with hard cash.

People trying to counter this purchase with Corona situation need to understand is that it is not due to shortage of money but mishandling of the situation.

These purchases and the Corona situation aren’t linked to each other as is being portrayed by few spin masters on PDF.
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Worldbank: India received billions of dollars of aid.
View attachment 741139
Indian media: The assistance is highest in the world and stands at $65 billion

Bhakts: bUt wHeRe iS tHe pRoOf !!!
Where is it written it is given to the Indian Government?
Worldbank: India received billions of dollars of aid.
View attachment 741139
Indian media: The assistance is highest in the world and stands at $65 billion

Bhakts: bUt wHeRe iS tHe pRoOf !!!

Pakistan, which received $44.4 billion in economic aid for a population one-sixth of India’s, also got $12.9 billion in military assistance from the US through regular channels, not counting the billions it bilked more recently in the form of coalition support funds.

44.4 + 12.9 = 57.3 for Pakistan, per capita wise a lot more than India.
Worldbank: India received billions of dollars of aid.
Of course, we do get aid in different forms, the point is, the government of India does not take AID money because it was seen as a way to influence the government. You can keep clutching on the AID received but we have FCRA norms where agencies who work in different schemes can directly receive funds. A friend of mine was engaged in such an organization that works in rural education they are aided and funded by a UK based group, there are thousands of such organizations in India who work independently but closely for public welfare.
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