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India approved by US to buy six more P-8I maritime patrol aircraft for $2.42bn

Looks like India will build up the largest fleets of P8's outside of the USA at this rate. It is a fantastic platform, and the IN is lucky to have it in its arsenal.

Shame Pakistan could not induct this, they missed an opportunity there for sure, but i guess the withdrawl of US platforms in Pakistan will continue as old platforms are retired, and replaced by new no USA platforms.

This will cause PN alot of hastle once the P8 fleet is fully procured and mature.
People think P8s are the end all, fail to realize that in an environment where P8s operate they must have a secure air domain, which within the US context is an integrated carrier group's air cover. Those sort of operations are unlikely for India. War breaks out and it is likley the P8s will provide mostly coastal operational support, well within its land based air protection.
The platform is solid, but its application will dictate its efficacy and that might be more difficult than India thinks.

Another example of US anti-Pakistan moves. US is making it clear to Pakistan. You are my enemy. Pakistan better wake up, or it will be the frog boiling in water allegory.
The answer is there and that is "India is still taking the aid despite the tall claim she makes".
At least i don't come up with this nonsense that there is no free aid. Don't get your knickers in twist if you can comprehend the simple stats from the authentic sources.

India is a donor also..if you cared to read before coming up with your verbal diarrhoea.

So what India takes..gives back..similarly India "Aided" US/France/UK with medicines, food during first wave...same countries are returning the favour so your definition of "free" is not comparable to what your country gets...Period!
Firstly why exclude the covid aid, it is still an aid.
Secondly here is something,
Year 2014
View attachment 740362
Aid from 2013 to 2019
View attachment 740363
Now what?
Per capita aid to India is $2 whereas per capita aid to Pakistan is $10 and to Bangladesh is $27.
Pakistan is also expanding its maritime air patrolling capabilities. We will mount similar European stuff on embraer 1000 lineage (10 we will be buying, 1 already received) through out this decade.
Apparently India has option to buy another 3 P-8I too.
Which means India's total fleet will rise to 21 if India exercises this option.
The answer is there and that is "India is still taking the aid despite the tall claim she makes".
At least i don't come up with this nonsense that there is no free aid. Don't get your knickers in twist if you can comprehend the simple stats from the authentic sources.
Dude you're wasting your time with a pajeet in denial. Of all the pdf pajeets this one is the worst, he claims to be of Pakistan descent yet for some reason emanate distinct pajeet odour.
India is a donor also..if you cared to read before coming up with your verbal diarrhoea.

So what India takes..gives back..similarly India "Aided" US/France/UK with medicines, food during first wave...same countries are returning the favour so your definition of "free" is not comparable to what your country gets...Period!
Top receiver but donor not in top 20. Hilarious
Per capita aid to India is $2 whereas per capita aid to Pakistan is $10 and to Bangladesh is $27.
Going by that logic compare this to Israel and call them beggars as well. We will wait.
India is a donor also..if you cared to read before coming up with your verbal diarrhoea.

So what India takes..gives back..similarly India "Aided" US/France/UK with medicines, food during first wave...same countries are returning the favour so your definition of "free" is not comparable to what your country gets...Period!
Nah not really, exporting bunch of foreign developed vaccines and medicines in no way negates the hundreds of billions dollars India has gobbled up over the past many years.
Like every other internet pajeet your anger at @Vapnope is misplaced. Don't bite him for merely showing you a mirror.
Also if we go by donations, Pakistan still ranks above India as Pakistan ranks at 69 while India at 82 on World Giving Index.
This is charity by individuals and not by government.
Indian govt gives far more aid than Pak govt.
Top receiver but donor not in top 20. Hilarious

Going by that logic compare this to Israel and call them beggars as well. We will wait.
Israel is only developed because of US assistance otherwise it would have had same GDP per capita as Egypt or Lebanon.
This is charity by individuals and not by government.
Indian govt gives far more aid than Pak govt.
Even by that standard, India is not in top 20 donors of the world.
With a $61 billion aid, you are in no position to lecture anyone about aid. And yes India is not buying everything, there is substantial aid pouring in India for covid pandemic. About time you guys get off your high horse and start accepting facts.

Only because India gave millions of doses of free vaccines to several countries without having to do so, and had sent emergency medical supplies to even the US to help them out in their time of need.

Some countries expect things without giving anything in return.
The kind of money could have been used on their oxygen production capacity or their abyssal health care system. When pandemic hits, China lacked ECMO, USA lacked ventilators and India lacks oxygen, oxygen, for god's sake!

Indian goverments haven't been very good at setting priorities for India for 70+ years now. So Indians just have to tought out to accept the result of their "freedom of choice".

You people gave the world the Wuhan virus. I don't think anything you guys say will change the fact that the Chinese have screwed the world.
India approved by US to buy six more P-8I maritime patrol aircraft for $2.42bn
By Garrett Reim1 May 2021

The US State Department has approved the possible Foreign Military Sale of six P-8I maritime patrol aircraft to India for an estimated cost of $2.42 billion.
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency says it delivered the required certification to the US Congress on 30 April.
Indian P-8I c Boeing

Source: Boeing
Indian P-8I
As part of the proposed sale, India would also buy a number of subsystems, some seemingly intended for previously ordered examples of the P-8I. The Indian Navy bought eight P-8I aircraft in 2009, and contracted for four more aircraft in 2016.

The systems requested as part of the package include eight multifunctional information distribution system-joint tactical radio systems, 42 AN/AAR-54 missile warning sensors, 14 LN-251 advanced airborne embedded global positioning systems /inertial navigations systems, the P-8I variant of the Tactical Open Mission Software, an electro-optical and infrared MX-20HD camera, an AN/AAQ-2(V)l acoustic system, ARES-1000 commercial variant electronic support measures, an AN/APR-39D radar warning receiver and an AN/ALE-47 counter measures dispensing system.
“This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to strengthen the U.S.-Indian strategic relationship and to improve the security of a major defensive partner, which continues to be an important force for political stability, peace, and economic progress in the Indo-Pacific and South Asia region,” says the Defense Security Cooperation Agency in an online notice.
The $2.42 billion estimated cost is on the highest end of what Delhi would pay, as Foreign Military Sales approvals account for a range of equipment options which are not ultimately included in the final purchase agreement.
The sale of the additional P-8Is to India is also not certain, as the country’s government may not give final authorisation. However, if the sale did go through, India would have 18 examples of the maritime patrol aircraft and become the 737NG-based jet’s second largest operator behind the US Navy (USN). The USN has 109 examples of its P-8A Poseidon in service, with another 18 on order, according to Cirium fleets data.
The P-8 is designed to conduct long-range anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions. It has a bomb bay that can drop sonobuoys and torpedoes, as well as hard points on its wings for anti-ship missiles. The Indian navy has also used the aircraft to conduct search and rescue missions, including dropping an survival kit and inflatable life raft from the jet.
India’s position between the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal makes it a strategically important player in tracking the movements of submarines and ships, in particular those of China. The country also sits alongside vital shipping lanes between the Middle East and East Asia.
Though not a treaty ally of the USA, India is a partner of increasing importance due to its population of 1.4 billion people and its fast-growing economy. It is also part of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, known popularly as “the Quad”, an informal group of four nations, that includes Australia, Japan and the USA, which periodically hold diplomatic talks.
In addition to the Indian Navy and the USN, the P-8 is operated by the Royal Australian Air Force and the UK’s Royal Air Force. The Royal New Zealand Air Force, Royal Norwegian Air Force and South Korean navy have also selected the P-8A as their next maritime patrol aircraft.

India is big country
it can afford to loose 300 or 400 million or more due to covid.
weapons are primary importance to pretend against china but use against Pakistan.
Only because India gave millions of doses of free vaccines to several countries without having to do so, and had sent emergency medical supplies to even the US to help them out in their time of need.

Some countries expect things without giving anything in return.
Our economic assistant to Afghanistan stands at $1 Billion, we have been sending aid to Africa and Sri Lanka as well.
Your snide remark about "other" countries do not sit well because despite India being a top receiver of aid has not been in top 20 donors.

My only contention here is that Indian posters act like they are the top donor of the world and Pakistan is the top recipient of the aid, both of which are incorrect. India continues to receive aid in billions of dollars while Indian cyber warriors think they are in a position to mock Pakistanis.
Even by that standard, India is not in top 20 donors of the world.
But it is ahead of all neighbours.
India continues to receive aid in billions of dollars while Indian cyber warriors think they are in a position to mock Pakistanis
That is because per capita wise Pakistan receives 5x more aid than India.
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