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India approved by US to buy six more P-8I maritime patrol aircraft for $2.42bn

This just the economic aid given to GoI not to some private organization. I have not listed UN aid or DAC aid, nothing from Japan and UK yet. It was expected someone from your side who rode high on "India is a super power" would not like the facts and figure and would call it fake news. My suggestion is to at least read the sources before stating your nonsensical opinions.

Give me source that it was given to Indian government before opening your mouth. You just talk trash without any basis and then make big claims. First give me facts and figures that the aid was given to Indian government. Otherwise, it could be some aid given to "missionaries", "mullahs" etc. under the guise of NGOs or private transfers.
Give me source that it was given to Indian government before opening your mouth. You just talk trash without any basis and then make big claims. First give me facts and figures that the aid was given to Indian government. Otherwise, it could be some aid given to "missionaries", "mullahs" etc. under the guise of NGOs or private transfers.
Economic aid is given to govt or directly to an NGO? Did you even open the the links i shared!
Economic aid is given to govt or directly to an NGO? Did you even open the the links i shared!
Yes, that is the specialty of foreign aid. In the link you have shared, here is a screenshot:

What is the "humanitarian" aid doing here? This shows that the so called aid is nothing but foreign funding of foreign assets. Indian government (during 2014-2019 BJP tenure) had told that India does not receive any aid. Just because countries classify the money they transfer to NGOs in foreign countries as aid does not mean it actually is aid
Yes, that is the specialty of foreign aid. In the link you have shared, here is a screenshot: View attachment 740782
What is the "humanitarian" aid doing here? This shows that the so called aid is nothing but foreign funding of foreign assets. Indian government (during 2014-2019 BJP tenure) had told that India does not receive any aid. Just because countries classify the money they transfer to NGOs in foreign countries as aid does not mean it actually is aid
That is govt to govt aid. I have not quoted aid to Indian NGOs yet. Humanitarian aid also goes to govt.
That is govt to govt aid. I have not quoted aid to Indian NGOs yet. Humanitarian aid also goes to govt.
Where is it written that it is government to government aid? Show me please. I hope you know that the operation to nab Osama Bin Laden was also carried out as part of a polio vaccination program under USAID. Is that government to government aid?
Where is it written that it is government to government aid? Show me please. I hope you know that the operation to nab Osama Bin Laden was also carried out as part of a polio vaccination program under USAID. Is that government to government aid?
Focus on the right top corner "DAC members provide government aid".

Do i need to share how USaid works as well?
Focus on the right top corner "DAC members provide government aid".

Do i need to share how USaid works as well?
View attachment 740816
Just because a government is giving aid does not mean the aid is received by the government of another country. DAC countries' govt gives aid but the receiver is NGOs, not Indian govt. Show me source saying that Indian govt received the aid.
Just because a government is giving aid does not mean the aid is received by the government of another country. DAC countries' govt gives aid but the receiver is NGOs, not Indian govt. Show me source saying that Indian govt received the aid.
Man/woman you have comprehension problems and your understanding of how documented aid works, is icing on the cake. You should ask your countrymen about it since you would not like to understand this point from a Pakistani.
Man/woman you have comprehension problems and your understanding of how documented aid works, is icing on the cake. You should ask your countrymen about it since you would not like to understand this point from a Pakistani.
Instead of answering my question, you are digressing meaninglessly. Come to the point and answer to what I asked. Don't point fingers at others. You raised the point which I have disputed with prima facie evidence. So, you have to show proof to claim that you are saying facts
Instead of answering my question, you are digressing meaninglessly. Come to the point and answer to what I asked. Don't point fingers at others. You raised the point which I have disputed with prima facie evidence. So, you have to show proof to claim that you are saying facts
If you cannot comprehend the simple english sentence, i cannot help you hence my suggestion to talk to people from your country. It is absolutely hilarious when you people go on to rant and come with hubris when faced with facts.
I know the next thing you would demand would be the picture of Modi ji taking cheque from donors otherwise you will not believe GoI received any aid.
Nah not really, exporting bunch of foreign developed vaccines and medicines in no way negates the hundreds of billions dollars India has gobbled up over the past many years.
Like every other internet pajeet your anger at @Vapnope is misplaced. Don't bite him for merely showing you a mirror.

Oh..so you have come to the rescue...
Mirror is what world has shown to you...not an ounce of help from anyone.....and recent slap on the face by European Union on GSP+.... Cherry picking and black humour do not change the reality.
Our economic assistant to Afghanistan stands at $1 Billion, we have been sending aid to Africa and Sri Lanka as well.
Your snide remark about "other" countries do not sit well because despite India being a top receiver of aid has not been in top 20 donors.

My only contention here is that Indian posters act like they are the top donor of the world and Pakistan is the top recipient of the aid, both of which are incorrect. India continues to receive aid in billions of dollars while Indian cyber warriors think they are in a position to mock Pakistanis.

What top receive of aid? List it then.
Prove it.

Per capita wise Israel takes 30 times more than India, call them beggars then.
If I give a pack of cup noodles to my friend who’s parents are not athome, it will be aid.
If my friend keeps requesting for those cup noodles, that’s begging.

there’s a difference in aid and begging.
That is govt to govt aid. I have not quoted aid to Indian NGOs yet. Humanitarian aid also goes to govt.
Indian government doesn’t receive any aid and neither it asks for, we take loans from Asian Development Bank if we have to to build mega projects in India.

by that logic India has given 216 billion dollars loan to USA as per a US Parliamentarian so is USA a beggar?

Foreign aid in NGOs for “Humanitarian work” can’t be classified as aid to government.
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