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India and U.S. nuclear cooperation agreement: is it about energy?

Simple: India illegitimately developed nukes. India poses an existential threat to Pakistan. Pakistan develops nukes to counter the India threat. For you to expect otherwise is silly and naive.

Wasn't China the one, which introduced Nukes in the region..India tested its nukes in 1974 to counter Chinese tests of 1964..or what higher power gives China right to deploy nukes but not India?
Ah! That's the point of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty--to prevent proliferation to every superpower wannabe like India.

---------- Post added at 09:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:29 PM ----------

You need to learn to detect sarcasm.

Thats why India never became a part that discriminatory treaty ..wannabe superpowers had already hogged all the space in it..we just created a new path for ourselves.
Simple: India illegitimately developed nukes. India poses an existential threat to Pakistan. Pakistan develops nukes to counter the India threat. For you to expect otherwise is silly and naive.
I think you watch the movie after the interval. Let me tell you first half of the story. Exactly who is responsible for all this.

Simple: China illegitimately developed nukes. China poses an existential threat to India. India develops nukes to counter the Chinese threat. For you to expect otherwise is silly and naive.

Simple: India illegitimately developed nukes. India poses an existential threat to Pakistan. Pakistan develops nukes to counter the India threat. For you to expect otherwise is silly and naive.
You should e the one who should be banned. You helped Pakistan develop nuclear weapons. The same Pakistan spread these techs to many unstable countries. Now the same Pakistan is producing nuclear weapons without any understanding. Right now they cross Britain, soon they will cross you also. The whole asia was peaceful and then you came...:devil:

Don't blame us for the you created...Also by posting half of the posts in this thread and by saying same thing again and again does not make you right.
Pariah, rogue, tomaeto, tomaato. You've just acknowledged the truth of my argument. I'm glad we agree. India is an illegitimate nuclear country.

And by implication all the supporters of India's nuclear deal are rogue states including China.
Saying that and editing your post at the same time? That's a no no. :no:

"High IQ" genius... you need to understand something. I am perfectly entitled to edit my posts and I have stated my reason. Anyway unlike you I edited my post before you quoted me and replied unlike you who edited after Bombenstrum and then went on to accuse him of editing your words.
And by implication all the supporters of India's nuclear deal are rogue states including China.
Yeah funniest thing was China supported the vote :rofl:. Although they were trying to sabotage from the back-door, trying to back-stab us. I don't think China or Pakistan is threatened by this in any way. We were given this chance because of our record. We never initiated any war...it was always our neighbors.
"High IQ" genius... you need to understand something. I am perfectly entitled to edit my posts and I have stated my reason. Anyway unlike you I edited my post before you quoted me and replied unlike you who edited after Bombenstrum and then went on to accuse him of editing your words.

Because you are "special" (in the sense of a special child), I'll say this again. Check back to the first post in this thread and you will see that my posts are not edited. A monkey can see that. End of discussion.
Dazzle me again with your tortured logic! I can't get enough of your twisted thoughts!

My twisted logic eh? You gave me a one liner reply to my previous post. You haven't countered my points in any way. Either do it or don't say anything at all. You've done a fine job of embarrassing yourself so far.
Yeah funniest thing was China supported the vote :rofl:. Although they were trying to sabotage from the back-door, trying to back-stab us. I don't think China or Pakistan is threatened by this in any way. We were given this chance because of our record. We never initiated any war...it was always our neighbors.

You can expect China to be far more effective when it comes to India's bid for permanent seat in the UN security council with veto powers (that's a mouthful).
Because you are "special" (in the sense of a special child), I'll say this again. Check back to the first post in this thread and you will see that my posts are not edited. A monkey can see that. End of discussion.

Thanks! Setting aside the editing posts thing then can you counter my argument in post 47? Calling it "bullsh*t" isn't countering it just so you know.
You can expect China to be far more effective when it comes to India's bid for permanent seat in the UN security council with veto powers (that's a mouthful).
Yeah, I heard what your President came to India. I think you are not aware what he said...you should read more newspaper, it will be good for you.
Your esteemed Indian colleagues made the same charge and I've already answered it.

Then point me to your answer because I don't see one so far. You claim that India is a "ROGUE, NUCLEAR STATE". Now prove it.
Give me one source, just one official US source which calls India a rogue nuclear state and I'll be more than happy to accept your claim.
Give me one source, just one official US source which calls India a rogue nuclear state and I'll be more than happy to accept your claim.

I've been over this. Check back to the previous two pages: Pariah, rogue, tomaeto, tomaato....
According to you, putting boldface on the relevant clause is "editing your post". Get a life. And yes. I mean every word: INDIA. ROGUE. NUCLEAR. STATE.

None of India's neighbours want a nuclear India: Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Butan, Pakistan.

Prove these claims with credible sources and then we're done.

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