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India and U.S. nuclear cooperation agreement: is it about energy?

None of India's neighbours want a nuclear India: Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Butan, Pakistan.

When we don't sign NPT or CTBT its means,there are no restrictions or agreements stating that India shouldn't conduct another Nuke test.... :)

Well not sign any agreement,yet we WILL nuclear trade....
We know how to handle..
soon japan will ink nuclear deal wid us... :cheers: now u can burn...:alcoholic:
see u tomorrow :wave:
China is the third country to test nuclear weapons and as per the NPT, is a legal and legitimate nuclear nation.
Ok accepted.

The NPT is the only internationally agreed framework to limit nuclear proliferation.
Ironically ,it was China that assisted Pakistani nuclear weapons program.

And by testing nukes outside of the NPT, India is a rogue nuclear state.
Again the same rhetoric,you are only asserting your earlier point that, non-NPT signatories possessing nuclear arms are nuclear rogue states.

Playing up the nonexistent China threat is no excuse. India is outside the bounds of international law.
It is a criminal, a law-breaker.

Is that why India got an NSG waiver?,Besides China too agreed with India's NSG waiver.
You're the one embarrassing yourself trying to defend the indefensible: India secretly developed nukes outside the bounds of international law.

Anyone watching this thread can clearly decide ,who is embarrassing himself/herself by making 'Shoot yourself in the foot' arguments :angel:
Two pages later and Bombensturm is still claiming that I dishonestly edit my post. Anyone can check for him/herself that my posts are unedited. Instead of discussing Indian nuclear policy, he makes immature complaints to mods and call me false without putting up a shred of evidence. Bombensturm is the one making personal attacks--blindly. Learn to take a little criticism. Quit being a baby.
Personal attacks doesn't change the truth

My request is already forwarded to one of the mods,when he comes online, you can be prepared.

Your harassment has also been reported. Prepare to defend your actions if the mods take notice of your petty complaints.
Only nation to making statements against Indian nuclear program was Pakistan.

The rest of the nation never made any comment.

There is discussion within Bangladesh on whether to develop nuclear weapons capabilities. The threat? Not China, but India.
Anyone watching this thread can clearly decide ,who is embarrassing himself/herself by making 'Shoot yourself in the foot' arguments :angel:

I expected by thesis to be hard for an Indian to swallow. Just because you don't think India's a threat, doesn't mean its neighbours are comfortable with a nuclear India.
Ironically ,it was China that assisted Pakistani nuclear weapons program.
After India detonated its nuclear warhead? That was a foregone conclusion.

Again the same rhetoric,you are only asserting your earlier point that, non-NPT signatories possessing nuclear arms are nuclear rogue states.
Are you saying that flouting an international nuclear protocol is right and good? If that's your argument then you're the one shooting your foot.

Is that why India got an NSG waiver?,Besides China too agreed with India's NSG waiver.
After American arms-twisting. China's too weak right now to properly stand up for its beliefs.
When we don't sign NPT or CTBT its means,there are no restrictions or agreements stating that India shouldn't conduct another Nuke test.... :)

Well not sign any agreement,yet we WILL nuclear trade....
We know how to handle..
soon japan will ink nuclear deal wid us... :cheers: now u can burn...:alcoholic:
see u tomorrow :wave:

Incorrect. India was under US arms sanctions for 10 years following its atomic test. That has been overturned only recently owing to the US-India rapprochement. Guess India was considered a rule-breaker and a rogue nuclear state for that 10 years.

U.S. Sanctions Against India; Arms Export Control Act; Impact on Exports
Incorrect. India was under US arms sanctions for 10 years following its atomic test. That has been overturned only recently owing to the US-India rapprochement. Guess India was considered a rule-breaker and a rogue nuclear state for that 10 years.

U.S. Sanctions Against India; Arms Export Control Act; Impact on Exports

Give me a list of rogue states with India on it and then I'll believe you. Otherwise it's nothing but speculation, wishful speculation at that too.
Give me a list of rogue states with India on it and then I'll believe you. Otherwise it's nothing but speculation, wishful speculation at that too.

From the link above:
This morning, May 13, 1998, the U.S. imposed harsh economic sanctions upon the Government of India as a result of its detonation of nuclear devices this week. The purpose of this memo is to provide the firm's clients and colleagues with information concerning the legal and business-related issues pertaining to the sanctions order.

The President imposed sanctions on India pursuant to Section 102 (b) (1) of the Arms Export Control Act [22 USC § 2799aa-1 (b) (1)], also known as the Glenn Amendment of 1994. The Act requires that the President impose sanctions against a "non-nuclear-weapon" state if it "detonates a nuclear explosive device." [22 USC § 2799aa-1 (b) (1) (B) (ii)]. India is considered a "non-nuclear-weapon" state under the international proliferation treaty until it is confirmed that it has a bomb.

From CNN
U.S. imposes sanctions on India
May 13, 1998
Web posted at: 5:30 p.m. EDT (2130 GMT)

POTSDAM, Germany (CNN) -- The United States on Wednesday imposed economic sanctions on India for its series of underground nuclear tests. The formal announcement from a "deeply disappointed" President Clinton came hours after India conducted two more nuclear tests, just days after setting off three blasts that outraged much of the world.

"I believe they (the nuclear tests) were unjustified," the president said outside the Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam, Germany, after meeting with Chancellor Helmut Kohl.

"They clearly create a dangerous new instability in their region and, as a result, in accordance with U.S. law, I have decided to impose economic sanctions against India," Clinton said. Sanctions are mandatory under U.S. law when an undeclared nuclear state explodes a nuclear device.

Arms race fear

In hopes of averting an arms race in southern Asia, specifically in next-door Pakistan, Clinton urged India's neighbors "not to follow the dangerous path India has taken."

State Department spokesman James Rubin said the president is sending Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbot to Pakistan to ask that nation to show restraint.

The decision to send Talbot came after Clinton telephoned Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif early Wednesday and asked him "not to respond to an irresponsible act in kind."

Pakistan has promised to match any nuclear advances by India. The two nations have fought three wars since 1947.

What sanctions will mean
Clinton did not elaborate on what specific actions would be taken against India, but the sanctions, which are mandatory under U.S. law:

* End all U.S. assistance to India except humanitarian aid. U.S. economic and humanitarian aid amounts to about $142 million a year.
* Bar the export of certain defense and technology material.
* End U.S. credit and credit guarantees to India.
* Require the United States to oppose lending by international financial institutions to India, which borrowed about $1.5 billion from the World Bank last year.

"It is imperative that we make clear our categorical opposition. We will ask other countries to do the same," Clinton said after meetings with Kohl.

The German leader said his nation would take a "fresh look" at sanctions against India. Referring to the tests, he said, "This was the wrong decision for them to take. We do not accept that decision."

India has refused to sign the global test ban treaty approved by the United Nations in 1996, arguing that the treaty benefits nations, including the United States, that already had tested and refined sophisticated nuclear weapons.

India, along with Pakistan and Israel, was already one of the three nations widely suspected of nuclear capability that have not joined the 1970 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

On Wednesday, India announced two additional successful underground nuclear tests, bringing it closer to being able to develop a nuclear weapons defense system. The action brought international condemnation but has been popular in India.

Nowhere in that article does it say that India is/was a rogue state. It's mostly about the US's economic sanctions. By your logic, every country that has received sanctions by the US is a rogue state. Is that what you're trying to say by posting this as the "list of rogue states" which I asked for?

Let me help you out, press CTRL+F (CMD on Mac) and type in rogue, now try to find that word being mentioned in either of your articles.

Nowhere in that article does it say that India is/was a rogue state. It's mostly about the US's economic sanctions. By your logic, every country that has received sanctions by the US is a rogue state. Is that what you're trying to say by posting this as the "list of rogue states" which I asked for?

Let me help you out, press CTRL+F (CMD on Mac) and type in rogue, now try to find that word being mentioned in either of your articles.

You stubborn cl*d. Does an American diplomat have to spell out the word "rogue" for them to make it clear that India is a rogue nuclear country? Does not a decades long American sanction mean the same thing? Those articles were in nice diplomatic language. Chinese and Pakistani sources on Indian nuclear bomb tests use much harsher words.

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