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India and U.S. nuclear cooperation agreement: is it about energy?

You stubborn cl*d. Does an American diplomat have to spell out the word "rogue" for them to make it clear that India is a rogue nuclear country? Does not a decades long American sanction mean the same thing? Those articles were in nice diplomatic language. Chinese and Pakistani sources on Indian nuclear bomb tests use much stronger language.

Okay, you've failed to prove your claim and now you're resorting to personal attacks. (I observed a similar pattern when you were arguing with Bombenstrum). Is this a sign of "super high IQ" failure? If you're hoping for a similar response, you'll be sorely disappointed. You see I don't want to lower myself to your level.

However I will respond to your "educational" post. Going by your previous posts, you are asserting that economic sanctions to mean that the US considers the sanctioned country to be a rogue state. The above quote is enough evidence to prove that, that is in-fact your claim. Going by that logic your nation (China) should also be a rogue state in your eyes:


One more thing, don't post Pakistani/Chinese sources. I hardly care what they say and even if you do manage to find any sources (other than official US) claiming that India is a rogue state, those sources would be void since we are talking about who the US considers to be a rogue state.

PS: Don't edit your posts now.
None of India's neighbours want a nuclear India: Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Butan, Pakistan.

Oh, one more thing. Can you provide sources for each country that you have mentioned above officially stating that they "do not want a nuclear India"? If you can, I would be downright proud of your achievement and more than happy to accept this claim of yours.

EDIT: I'm waiting for your reply or have you turned tail and ran? (I can't see you viewing the thread)
There is discussion within Bangladesh on whether to develop nuclear weapons capabilities. The threat? Not China, but India.

There was no authority or governing body,within Bangladesh, which has ever made any statement, even remotely suggesting, that they are willing to develop nuclear weapons.
I expected by thesis to be hard for an Indian to swallow.
It must be hard to swallow for USA and China as well ,who approved India's NSG waiver(sarcasm intended)

Just because you don't think India's a threat, doesn't mean its neighbours are comfortable with a nuclear India.

Like i said before,i didn't find any nation(Indian neighbors) other than Pakistan that has shown their discomfort with India's nuclear weapons program.

Just show any links suggesting the contrary
After India detonated its nuclear warhead? That was a foregone conclusion.

foregone conclusion?
You mean to say it was inevitable for for recognized nuclear power and an NPT signatory like China to assist its ally Pakistan in developing nuclear weapons(which is a direct violation of NPT) just because Pakistan's rival possessed nuclear weapons?

Are you saying that flouting an international nuclear protocol is right and good? If that's your argument then you're the one shooting your foot.
India can be considered as nation flouting an international nuclear protocol if it was signatory of it in the first place,which it is not.

After American arms-twisting. China's too weak right now to properly stand up for its beliefs.

What matters is China(as a member of NSG from 2004) acknowledges India as nuclear powered state implicitly by accepting India's NSG waiver.

Nowhere in that article does it say that India is/was a rogue state. It's mostly about the US's economic sanctions. By your logic, every country that has received sanctions by the US is a rogue state. Is that what you're trying to say by posting this as the "list of rogue states" which I asked for?

Let me help you out, press CTRL+F (CMD on Mac) and type in rogue, now try to find that word being mentioned in either of your articles.

He is confused between the terms Nuclear pariah state and Nuclear rogue state.

India was indeed a Nuclear pariah state as it not recognized as Nuclear power by the international community.

However,the accusation that India being a Nuclear rogue state is incorrect,as India never proliferated nuclear arms ,and that formed the major reason for India being offered the waiver,i.e its impeccable non-proliferation record.
According to you, putting boldface on the relevant clause is "editing your post". Get a life. And yes. I mean every word: INDIA. ROGUE. NUCLEAR. STATE.

Good ; now shout from every available rooftop and lets see if anyone takes you seriously. Heck as you are doing that India is going to sign a nuclear deal with UK and negotiating one with Japan. :lol:
Japan is an American satellite and the US is not the world. Just because you let Uncle Sam bugger you doesn't mean the world supports a nuclear India.

What do you mean by "the world", your client states like North korea, sudan, somalia, etc.

Our interpretation of the "the world" is different. Countries like U.K, U.S, France, Russia, Japan, Australia are supporting the nuclear deal.

And i care a damn about your "world"
You stubborn cl*d. Does an American diplomat have to spell out the word "rogue" for them to make it clear that India is a rogue nuclear country? Does not a decades long American sanction mean the same thing? Those articles were in nice diplomatic language. Chinese and Pakistani sources on Indian nuclear bomb tests use much harsher words.

European union and United states has arms embargo and sanctions, Is china a rouge nation too.:cheers::cheers:
India was indeed a Nuclear pariah state as it not recognized as Nuclear power by the international community.

However,the accusation that India being a Nuclear rogue state is incorrect,as India never proliferated nuclear arms ,and that formed the major reason for India being offered the waiver,i.e its impeccable non-proliferation record.

Pariah, rogue, tomaeto, tomaato. You've just acknowledged the truth of my argument. I'm glad we agree. India is an illegitimate nuclear country.
What do you mean by "the world", your client states like North korea, sudan, somalia, etc.

Our interpretation of the "the world" is different. Countries like U.K, U.S, France, Russia, Japan, Australia are supporting the nuclear deal.

And i care a damn about your "world"

You should care about what the world thinks. India is not an island.
foregone conclusion?
You mean to say it was inevitable for for recognized nuclear power and an NPT signatory like China to assist its ally Pakistan in developing nuclear weapons(which is a direct violation of NPT) just because Pakistan's rival possessed nuclear weapons?

Simple: India illegitimately developed nukes. India poses an existential threat to Pakistan. Pakistan develops nukes to counter the India threat. For you to expect otherwise is silly and naive.

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