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India and "terrorist state" demands

If the entire existence of Pakistan is to cause what you refer to as butthurt to India, then yes, it has been achieved. But really, is that the only reason why a nation of 200 million exists? If not for this eternal enmity, what binds Pakistanis to one another? Apart from causing misery to India and being yet another factor to slow us down, what is the common goal of the nation?

Apart from on PDF, The vast majority of Pakistanis know nothing about india and are very alien to it. Pakistanis are bounded together through a unique racial heritage, unique culture & way if life. That's what defines us and is part of our ethos. The 2 nations who's fate is intertwined with Pakistan is China & Turkey. As far as india is concerned, the only thing we need to concern ourselves with is know how to deal with them militarily. That's it. Other than that, India is a completely irrelevant nation to us.
Hindus and Muslims MAY be able to co-exist in india but a lot of people say indian muslims in india are inferior 2nd class citizens.

In this instance, religion aside, can people of Pakistani racial heritage co-exist with people of Indian stock?

Nearly 70 years on, whatever the reasons are, the existence of Pakistan is a reality that's here to stay. The whole world apart from india has accepted this fact and there is NOTHING NO ONE can do about it.

How did Hindus and Muslims coexist for a 1000 years before partition?

I am not disputing the REALITY of Pakistan's existence. What I am disputing is the lie that Hindus and Muslims cannot live together. That is a toxic lie and has resulted in much bloodshed and destruction.

If that was only reason of creation of Pakistan, it would have vanished long ago. 71 would have killed it all.

For this you will have to get up from the comfy couch, turn off your tv/radio/laptop, and visit that land of love and resilience. It's not us causing any trouble to you, it's you, can you even listen to your media a sane person would have died with the amount of migraine your media gives by shouting at us. If Pakistani's were not humble and patient and had a temper like Indians, we would have not survived the past 1 and half decade of proxies unleashed upon us.
Common goal? would you let us take a breath? every other day your government, your media has unleashed a new propaganda upon us, and most of our politicians are businessmen who are their to facilitate their businesses using power. Whenever we turn towards government and bureaucracy to raise fingers on their corruption you create a new problem and we have no option but to stick together as a nation. There is a bond of love originated from individual fairness, you won't understand this unless you observe it. But if India kept on creating this war hysteria, none of us will progress peacefully.

The seeds of hatred were sown ever since it was decided that Kashmir is the "unfinished agenda" of Partition. India has the advantage of status quo. Pakistan wishes to disrupt the status quo. For 70 years it has been trying to disrupt the status quo. Ask yourself a simple question - when one party has something which the other party wants, who will initiate action?

Pakistanis are bounded together through a unique racial heritage, unique culture & way if life.

Can you give an illustration of this?

For example, Indians know that their ethnic and racial background, languages, etc., have varied sources. Some are Aryan in origin, some Dravidian and so on. So we formed a nation on the shared ideas as laid sown in the preamble to our Constitution. Socialism, secularism and democracy are these pillars, and not just for lip service.

We have not needed to sell lies such as a common ancestry or religion, as we can still be together as a country without them. So what exactly is this unique heritage, culture and way of life that you talk of?
How is your losing half your country in '71 our butthurt?

I'm getting sick of idiots like you thinking Bangladesh is half of Pakistan, please look at a map it's not even 25%. Also, BD was underdeveloped and India suffered higher casualties, so it wasn't such a decisive victory.
How did Hindus and Muslims coexist for a 1000 years before partition?

I am not disputing the REALITY of Pakistan's existence. What I am disputing is the lie that Hindus and Muslims cannot live together. That is a toxic lie and has resulted in much bloodshed and destruction.

The seeds of hatred were sown ever since it was decided that Kashmir is the "unfinished agenda" of Partition. India has the advantage of status quo. Pakistan wishes to disrupt the status quo. For 70 years it has been trying to disrupt the status quo. Ask yourself a simple question - when one party has something which the other party wants, who will initiate action?

In Pakistan, Muslims are free to practice and promote our culture, beliefs and religion without fear or oppression from anyone. It's our nation and our destiny. In india, Muslims are treated long dogs and are always afraid of oppression and slavery of the Hindus.
With the creation of Pakistan, the mastery of the British was not replaced by the mastery of the Hindus.

And can india forcefully take Pakistan's sector of Kashmir?

How did Hindus and Muslims coexist for a 1000 years before partition?

I am not disputing the REALITY of Pakistan's existence. What I am disputing is the lie that Hindus and Muslims cannot live together. That is a toxic lie and has resulted in much bloodshed and destruction.

The seeds of hatred were sown ever since it was decided that Kashmir is the "unfinished agenda" of Partition. India has the advantage of status quo. Pakistan wishes to disrupt the status quo. For 70 years it has been trying to disrupt the status quo. Ask yourself a simple question - when one party has something which the other party wants, who will initiate action?

Can you give an illustration of this?

For example, Indians know that their ethnic and racial background, languages, etc., have varied sources. Some are Aryan in origin, some Dravidian and so on. So we formed a nation on the shared ideas as laid sown in the preamble to our Constitution. Socialism, secularism and democracy are these pillars, and not just for lip service.

We have not needed to sell lies such as a common ancestry or religion, as we can still be together as a country without them. So what exactly is this unique heritage, culture and way of life that you talk of?

Our unique fusion of Islamic, Middle Eastern, Persian and Central Asian culture and combined racial heritage which we are free to practice and something an indian can never feel or understand.
How did Hindus and Muslims coexist for a 1000 years before partition?

You seriously asking us this question? hey, waky waky cutie pie. Check again who were the rulers and how did they achieve such an astonishing 1000 years rule successfully.

The seeds of hatred were sown ever since it was decided that Kashmir is the "unfinished agenda" of Partition. India has the advantage of status quo. Pakistan wishes to disrupt the status quo. For 70 years it has been trying to disrupt the status quo. Ask yourself a simple question - when one party has something which the other party wants, who will initiate action?

Seems like you are covering your eyes from your problems and looking at us very hard to find issues in us. 2 words only for your question
Akhand Bharat

Stop your atrocities in Kashmir, stop discrimination in Kashmir, if you still don't understand then ask yourself a very precious question, how did that 1000 years of rule of Muslims started in south asia??
n Pakistan, Muslims are free to practice and promote our culture, beliefs and religion without fear or oppression from anyone.

Muslims in India do so as well.

In india, Muslims are treated long dogs and are always afraid of oppression and slavery of the Hindus.

They are not ill-treated in general. As for fear of something, how can an irrational fear be addressed?

Yes, it is true that they are slightly behind the curve in education, jobs and income. But tell me in how many countries Muslim minorities are flourishing in a social, economic and political sense? Is India the only country where despite Constitutionally guaranteed rights, they are languishing in all three aspects?

Our unique fusion of Islamic, Middle Eastern, Persian and Central Asian culture and combined racial heritage which we are free to practice and something an indian can never feel or understand.

I will accept that. Although you must be aware that many respected authors have termed Pakistan's effort to create such an identity as "social reingineering" whereby it has created a fictional history for itself. However, I think it better to lay this point to rest as it simply derails the thread.

And can india forcefully take Pakistan's sector of Kashmir?

We are very much interested in the status quo. LoC as permanent boundary suits us just fine.

You seriously asking us this question? hey, waky waky cutie pie. Check again who were the rulers and how did they achieve such an astonishing 1000 years rule successfully.

Seems like you are covering your eyes from your problems and looking at us very hard to find issues in us. 2 words only for your question
Akhand Bharat

Stop your atrocities in Kashmir, stop discrimination in Kashmir, if you still don't understand then ask yourself a very precious question, how did that 1000 years of rule of Muslims started in south asia??

Does not merit a reply. Goodbye.

please look at a map it's not even 25%.

It had more than half of undivided Pakistan's population.

Also, BD was underdeveloped

Yes it was, because Punjabis were looting it since '47. However, today BD has better socio-economic indices than Pakistan does.

idiots like you

Really? With a DP such as yours??
Does not merit a reply. Goodbye.

No, no no no no, where are you going, you can't do this to me, I will die of this isolation, please don't leave me like this, pleeeease :rofl:. You idiotic indians :tdown:.
I have been wondering.

India is running from pillar to post everywhere around the world, lobbying hard that Pakistan be declared "terrorist state" (yeah right! :agree:).

Why doesn't India do it herself? Why does India not officially designate Pakistan a "terrorist state" instead of demanding others to do it?

What is stopping her? Are there serious repercussions for India, if she does it? I know Pakistan will also reciprocate by declaring India a terrorist state, but is it the only thing stopping her?

I mean she has been demanding like for 25-30 years now, why not do it herself?

Would appreciate if someone knowledgeable could shed more light on that.

No country can be designated as terrorist state. Not even Sudan, NK etc. Everyone knows that but a try with huge support against Pakistan is a show of people's mind. :D
Joke of the century.




If you want to discuss individual indicators such as per-capita income, education, human development, etc., you are welcome.

Look, I know what you have been taught - dark Bengalis are filthy and poor, whereas fair Punjabis are pristine and wealthy. But the more you get out of your Zia-approved education syllabus, you will realize some harsh realities about the world.
@Areesh @Kaptaan @Joe Shearer @Arsalan @Windjammer @notorious_eagle

And our other TTA, your feedback will be highly appreciated.

It will make no difference to Pakistan. Such things, declarations and the like, are useful not to vent one side's spleen, but as a corrective, or a serious disincentive that causes some introspection. I increasingly get from my Pakistani friends a sense that the sensitive Pakistani thinking about things has decided that India has gone mad; that the players within the deep state remain where they were, withers unwrung; that the man in the street is hostile, in a remote, detached kind of way, and uneasy, at the sharp change in behaviour and demeanour that they sense, and finally, that the worst of the TV talking heads have taken it upon themselves to neutralise peace. In such a climate, any further acts by India will have no effect, and are therefore useless.
Pakistan is playing for such low stakes that even if it ultimately gets what it wants, it will be a big yawn for everyone

Why do you keep repeating what you say again and again and not tell us what India is doing to "isolate" Pakistan instead of harking to past glories decades ago to satisfy your inferiority complex.
what India is doing to "isolate" Pakistan

Aren't the results proof enough? Your government sent delegations to World Capitals to explain the Kashmir situation. And then NS pontificated at UNGA on the "plight" of Kashmiris. Did even ONE other country mention Kashmir in their speech at UNGA? Why do you think PPP is attacking the government in Parliament on the failure of its foreign policy? Why are Members of your Parliament now openly demanding why action hasn't been taken against Hafeez Saeed?


The 3 decade policy of using terrorists as proxies has failed. Although I don't see a shift in Pak policy simply because that is pretty much all the policy you people have had for 30 years.
Aren't the results proof enough? Your government sent delegations to World Capitals to explain the Kashmir situation. And then NS pontificated at UNGA on the "plight" of Kashmiris. Did even ONE other country mention Kashmir in their speech at UNGA? Why do you think PPP is attacking the government in Parliament on the failure of its foreign policy? Why are Members of your Parliament now openly demanding why action hasn't been taken against Hafeez Saeed?


The 3 decade policy of using terrorists as proxies has failed. Although I don't see a shift in Pak policy simply because that is pretty much all the policy you people have had for 30 years.

What's India's role in these developments? Not a single nation implicated Pakistan for Uri attacks and none except Russia acknowledged your fake surgical strikes. Except for non countries like Bangladesh and Afghanistan which can be bought with pennies no other country stood with India against Pakistan.
What's India's role in these developments? Not a single nation implicated Pakistan for Uri attacks and none except Russia acknowledged your fake surgical strikes. Except for non countries like Bangladesh and Afghanistan which can be bought with pennies no other country stood with India against Pakistan.

Not just Russia, European union, South Korea etc supported us
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