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India and "terrorist state" demands

Nonsense "analysis" such as this has prompted 4 rounds of Pakistani aggression against India, apart from a permanent state of low intensity conflict. And what is there to ultimately show for it, except for the breakup of Pakistan itself in '71?

Pakistan is investing all of its diplomatic capital into getting the World to acknowledge that a dispute exists in Kashmir. Whereas India is investing its diplomatic capital into seeking complete isolation and pariah state status for Pakistan.

Even if (and it is a big IF) Pakistan achieves its goal and someone, somewhere does acknowledge that it is a dispute, things are back to square one as it will be treated as a "bilateral" dispute, just as Western Powers have been doing all along. So I do not see as to how all the huffing and puffing by Pakistan will achieve anything at all.

OTOH, if India succeeds....:D
How is your losing half your country in '71 our butthurt?

Staying on topic, Pakistan is playing for such low stakes that even if it ultimately gets what it wants, it will be a big yawn for everyone. India is playing for much higher stakes. Now unlike in gambling, in this game even if we do not achieve the ultimate aim, 50% achievement of objectives on India's part is enough to ensure that Pakistan stays as retarded as it is, which is quite welcome IMO.

The creation of bangladesh was always enivateable. You talk as if bangladesh rejoined the indian federation after their creation. They never did. Despite the fact that the bengalis share so much in common with indians. Expecting bangladesh to always remain a part of Pakistan when they are as different to us as the Somalians & Ethiopians are was always wrong. It's good they got their own nation. It's exactly the same reason why Pakistan could never be a part of india.

The creation of india, Pakistan & bangladesh has shown the world you CAN NEVER form nations between people who have nothing in common in terms of race, genetics, physical appearance, culture & heritage.
Well you know how to piss people off. Good luck with that.

I have said "Because once you declare that all the diplomatic ties ends and there is no room for dialogue."

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/india-and-terrorist-state-demands.454314/#ixzz4MQl7gyHL

As for capability why don't you turn on your TV or newspaper and again don't forget to use your 'dimag'.
:lol: I watch TV and read the newspaper and they all saying that India is very capable indeed. They can arrest pigeons, balloons, and have hanuman conduct SirJiKal strikes. :D
:lol: I watch TV and read the newspaper and they all saying that India is very capable indeed. They can arrest pigeons, balloons, and have hanuman conduct SirJiKal strikes. :D
Don't worry SirGi.

Pehle bhi hui hal, kal bhi hongi
Surgical hi hongi....AAdab
Try convincing people at home first, then and only then maybe someone in the world might believe you...until then rejoice
Only fools needs to be convinced since they don't get it the first time.
Yup 71 happened, but don't forget it wasn't you but lead by USSR (an issue that didn't even involve them, but they were exactly like "Tu kon? main khwa makhwa"), now look at a map today carefully and point to USSR if you can?

And if USSR had not been there? The nonsense analysis of "brave" Pakistanis and "coward" Indians would have been proven correct? Is it that difficult to understand that misplaced emphasis on martial prowess has hurt Pakistan much more than it has hurt India?
The creation of bangladesh was always enivateable.


You talk as if bangladesh rejoined the indian federation after their creation. They never did. Despite the fact that the bengalis share so much in common with indians.

Can you name ONE instance during that time where any Indian leader tried to convince the Bangladeshis to join India?

Expecting bangladesh to always remain a part of Pakistan when they are as different to us as the Somalians & Ethiopians are was always wrong.

I think the denial of power to the rightful claimant Mujib had more to do with it. Post facto rewriting of history simply ensures that we learn nothing from it.

The creation of india, Pakistan & bangladesh has shown the world you CAN NEVER form nations between people who have nothing in common in terms of race, genetics, physical appearance, culture & heritage.

It was never about culture, heritage etc. etc. It was about RELIGION. And India's (and Bangladesh's) entire experiment with secularism is to prove that the formation of Pakistan was on a lie: that Hindus and Muslims cannot coexist in the same country.
And if USSR had not been there? The nonsense analysis of "brave" Pakistanis and "coward" Indians would have been proven correct? Is it that difficult to understand that misplaced emphasis on martial prowess has hurt Pakistan much more than it has hurt India?

Nops not as much as it has caused a butthurt to our neighbor on the east ;)
Nops not as much as it has caused a butthurt to our neighbor on the east ;)

If the entire existence of Pakistan is to cause what you refer to as butthurt to India, then yes, it has been achieved. But really, is that the only reason why a nation of 200 million exists? If not for this eternal enmity, what binds Pakistanis to one another? Apart from causing misery to India and being yet another factor to slow us down, what is the common goal of the nation?

Can you name ONE instance during that time where any Indian leader tried to convince the Bangladeshis to join India?

I think the denial of power to the rightful claimant Mujib had more to do with it. Post facto rewriting of history simply ensures that we learn nothing from it.

It was never about culture, heritage etc. etc. It was about RELIGION. And India's (and Bangladesh's) entire experiment with secularism is to prove that the formation of Pakistan was on a lie: that Hindus and Muslims cannot coexist in the same country.

Hindus and Muslims MAY be able to co-exist in india but a lot of people say indian muslims in india are inferior 2nd class citizens.

In this instance, religion aside, can people of Pakistani racial heritage co-exist with people of Indian stock?

Nearly 70 years on, whatever the reasons are, the existence of Pakistan is a reality that's here to stay. The whole world apart from india has accepted this fact and there is NOTHING NO ONE can do about it.
If the entire existence of Pakistan is to cause what you refer to as butthurt to India, then yes, it has been achieved. But really, is that the only reason why a nation of 200 million exists?

If that was only reason of creation of Pakistan, it would have vanished long ago. 71 would have killed it all.

If not for this eternal enmity, what binds Pakistanis to one another? Apart from causing misery to India and being yet another factor to slow us down, what is the common goal of the nation?

For this you will have to get up from the comfy couch, turn off your tv/radio/laptop, and visit that land of love and resilience. It's not us causing any trouble to you, it's you, can you even listen to your media a sane person would have died with the amount of migraine your media gives by shouting at us. If Pakistani's were not humble and patient and had a temper like Indians, we would have not survived the past 1 and half decade of proxies unleashed upon us.
Common goal? would you let us take a breath? every other day your government, your media has unleashed a new propaganda upon us, and most of our politicians are businessmen who are their to facilitate their businesses using power. Whenever we turn towards government and bureaucracy to raise fingers on their corruption you create a new problem and we have no option but to stick together as a nation. There is a bond of love originated from individual fairness, you won't understand this unless you observe it. But if India kept on creating this war hysteria, none of us will progress peacefully.
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