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India and "terrorist state" demands

I have been wondering.

India is running from pillar to post everywhere around the world, lobbying hard that Pakistan be declared "terrorist state" (yeah right! :agree:).

Why doesn't India do it herself? Why does India not officially designate Pakistan a "terrorist state" instead of demanding others to do it?

What is stopping her? Are there serious repercussions for India, if she does it? I know Pakistan will also reciprocate by declaring India a terrorist state, but is it the only thing stopping her?

I mean she has been demanding like for 25-30 years now, why not do it herself?

Would appreciate if someone knowledgeable could shed more light on that.

Actually when India goes to Muslim world they turn their back. Europe has already establish Kashmir human right commission in mide 90s, they have no interest. Only expectation form US . which is Pakistani non NATO alley. Now Afghanistan left........................have a good day.
in yes or no type of relations forget the mutual bilateral relationships, there comes only patron-agent relation.
Actually when India goes to Muslim world they turn their back. Europe has already establish Kashmir human right commission in mide 90s, they have no interest. Only expectation form US . which is Pakistani non NATO alley. Now Afghanistan left........................have a good day.

It's terrible bad manners, how these Muslim world leaders make their country's highest awards to the right-wing political leadership of India when it visits those countries. Don't those leaders know it is bad manners to decorate a guest with turned backs (it's also mighty awkward physically, but that should not deter someone determined to support Pakistan, even as they are decorating an Indian leader).

As for the Europeans setting up this, that and the other, it might be a good time to start reading the newspapers. Or are they not available in Νεφελοκοκκυγία these days?
Question to indians, if Pakistan is really sponsoring terrorism, why doesn't the indian government itself declare Pakistan as a terrorist state instead of running around the whole world like a whiny little twit? That is the same question that everyone on the world demands an answer to; lil miss india, instead coming over here and wasting our tax payers' time, why don't you take a start by declaring them as terrorists first. After all, you are the world's biggest democracy, aren't ya?
nato generals appreciated zarb e azb because it achieved, what nato and isaf were not able to achieve in 15 years.

How was NATO ever involved in operations against TTP, which is the main target of Z-e-A? NATO cares about Afghan Taliban, and TTP only to the extent that they should not provide fallback shelter to the Afghan Taliban.

more than 1 million people from pakistan and abroad had visited northern areas of pakistan in 2015.

Any specific source? Awfully risky to go touristing around in a war zone...
Question to indians, if Pakistan is really sponsoring terrorism, why doesn't the indian government itself declare Pakistan as a terrorist state instead of running around the whole world like a whiny little twit? That is the same question that everyone on the world demands an answer to; lil miss india, instead coming over here and wasting our tax payers' time, why don't you take a start by declaring them as terrorists first. After all, you are the world's biggest democracy, aren't ya?

hey indians, any answer to my question?
Being (or pretending to be) a retard who cannot read will not get you any extra points.

How was NATO ever involved in operations against TTP, which is the main target of Z-e-A? NATO cares about Afghan Taliban, and TTP only to the extent that they should not provide fallback shelter to the Afghan Taliban.

Any specific source? Awfully risky to go touristing around in a war zone...
ttp used to help afghan taliban when needed. ttp was more close to alqaeda than any other organization. more than 900 alqaeda top operatives have been captured and killed by pakistani soldiers. which were the real reason Nato forces are in afghanistan.
Haqqani network through zarb e azb had been forced to leave pakistan. north waziristan was the hub of haqqani network which is now cleared. even US senetors were taken to haqqani network centre miranshah clearly indicationg that pakistan had cleared its soil from anyone doing terrorism.
The reason taliban are on the rise in afghanistan is that taliban got re enforcement from these displace terrorist groups.

about tourism.

lol help yourself first..
sorry i forgot that hindus have the right to kill 12 year children. sorry.

Aah! Another one who can use Google Images. Skill up-gradation I see...

tp used to help afghan taliban when needed. ttp was more close to alqaeda than any other organization. more than 900 alqaeda top operatives have been captured and killed by pakistani soldiers. which were the real reason Nato forces are in afghanistan.
Haqqani network through zarb e azb had been forced to leave pakistan. north waziristan was the hub of haqqani network which is now cleared. even US senetors were taken to haqqani network centre miranshah clearly indicationg that pakistan had cleared its soil from anyone doing terrorism.
The reason taliban are on the rise in afghanistan is that taliban got re enforcement from these displace terrorist groups.

hey indians, any answer to my question?
If say yes , then last year Modi nationally admitted 1971 state sponsor terrorism in East Pakistan, then Baluchistan, also don't forget Saichin . Pakistan has no organized trade with India , breaking ties will not hurt Pakistan anyway.
yep as long as radicalized muslims have birth right to spread terrorism and bombing and killing infants who are yet to born
yes, you are right muslims killed 19 infants at uri and you took revenge.

USA and india had differentiated between good and bad terrorist. so its pakistan's right too. Hikmatyar had suddenly became good terrorist, alqaeda in syria is a good terrorist, BLA ,BLF are india good terrorist which india formed long before pakistan had been involved in afghanistan.
we didn't killed haqqanis people but we asked them to leave pakistan which they did.
miranshah their head quarter is in pakistan's control.
revenge? are you serious... btw i am sure, if you are good at gathering data then go figure how many of them got killed in balochistan till now if not 19. leave alone other provinces
sir in balochistan ,their is extremely low level insurgency. almost non existent. but when i see indian occupied kashmir anyone can clearly see that you lost people and are still losing soldiers to the resistance. sympathies with everyone who dies but its the fact.
in 90s more than 100k people were killed in IOK. their children are now fighting against oppression. the same will happen with next kashmiri generation.
i only see bloodshed in IOK. it should stop and the only way to stop is dialog to solve this issue permanently. we are going nowhere with guns. syria was a weak country and nobody is able to defeat it, even if their is no russia. taliban are still controlling half afghanistan despite ISAF technology. ISIS is 2 years old and still strong.
if you compare pakistan and india with these wars. we can't defeat each other in war. and if we don't solve this issue we won't be achieving peace and stability either.
it would be as usual. kashmir killings, india helping insurgency in balochistan. pakistan helping insurgencies in india.
peace BOOM BOOM.



If you want to discuss individual indicators such as per-capita income, education, human development, etc., you are welcome.

Look, I know what you have been taught - dark Bengalis are filthy and poor, whereas fair Punjabis are pristine and wealthy. But the more you get out of your Zia-approved education syllabus, you will realize some harsh realities about the world.


We have a higher literacy rate, higher GDP per capita, higher GDP in general, nuclear weapons, 6th largest army, etc. We outclass them in every category, get out of the Indian mythology that you have been raised with.
hehe, well indian kashmir was peaceful and life was normal but its your puppet called hafeez saeed who ruined all the things to make situation worse and forced Indian Army to do what was needed.
hafiz saeed jamat ud dawa is a socila organization, which is different than lashkar e taiba. hafiz saeed was found not guilty by the court.
thats what i said earlier that unless kashmir problem is solved. both countries will suffer from terror and freedom movements.
you cannot kill kashmiris and expect no reaction. if you donot want to solve kashmir problem and still you complain, it makes no sense.
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