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India and Saudi Arabia relations


Also hey guys, I'm back. I have another couple of accounts which I will use if I gets banned again.

hmmmm actually we love to let loose some trolls because it good to catch them and kick again and again :pop:
sorry but you also very well know that who started 1965, and kargil war.....................so saying that Pakistan always seeks diplomatic means.......................false....................:bunny::bunny:

Well that may be right, upto an extent, but i really feel that the peace talks are the only way out between the two nations. The recent peace talks were a good platform , and the current Pakistani govt. seems to be genuinely interested in peace. But same old story finally oe part talks about kashmir, the other about terror, and its just a stalemate. anyways back to the topic, the indo- saudi relations are not strong diplomatic ties, like pak enjoys, its pure business. Thats all.
India is going to mess up things in Afghanistan and not solve it simple as that.

the indians know that despite their hopes that NATO/ISAF remain in Afghanistan, the forces will eventually withdraw.

Hopefully the Saudis will manage to convince indians that their policy of supporting anti-Pakistan elements in Afghanistan will prove futile. They seem to have proven so as of yet --despite huge cost incurred on Pakistan.

The dust will clear soon once all the foreign forces are out. Patience is an important virtue, no matter how testing the times are.

As far as handing over "Suspects" in Mumbai attacks then we need to understand that it silly to demand such a thing because its "suspects" that too suspected by India and not proven.

what I find interesting is that the indians arent keen on solving Mumbai drama, rather they use it as a tool

did you notice that just prior to "talks about talks" the indians finally admitted that indian suspects were also to blame for the attacks? They knew about it the whole time, but they are just trying to appease Pakistan by partly assuming some responsibility for "non state actors" within its very own borders

If India is pressing religoulsy this point then i would see if India should also demand the same from US in case of Headly who is not a suspect but has been accused of practically taken part in preparations.

the case of headley is quite strange......nevertheless, Americans wont hand him over to india as the case is ongoing.

In the end, I don't see much change from this meeting. It's standard diplomatic protocol and a few pleasantries exchanged. The interests of both countries seem to diverge in many ways --apart from commerce related development. Saudis are wary of india's close ties to israel, and its support of the non-representative Northern Alliance Regime in Afghanistan --whose support is declining in the war-torn country given the rampant corruption (among other things)

There may be some resentment over one Ram Jethmalani's comments against Wahhabism, which caused the Saudi Ambassador to storm out during the conference on terrorism held at Vigyan Bhavan in hindustan
the indians know that despite their hopes that NATO/ISAF remain in Afghanistan, the forces will eventually withdraw.

Hopefully the Saudis will manage to convince indians that their policy of supporting anti-Pakistan elements in Afghanistan will prove futile. They seem to have proven so as of yet --despite huge cost incurred on Pakistan.

The dust will clear soon once all the foreign forces are out. Patience is an important virtue, no matter how testing the times are.

what I find interesting is that the indians arent keen on solving Mumbai drama, rather they use it as a tool

did you notice that just prior to "talks about talks" the indians finally admitted that indian suspects were also to blame for the attacks? They knew about it the whole time, but they are just trying to appease Pakistan by partly assuming some responsibility for "non state actors" within its very own borders

the case of headley is quite strange......nevertheless, Americans wont hand him over to india as the case is ongoing.

In the end, I don't see much change from this meeting. It's standard diplomatic protocol and a few pleasantries exchanged. The interests of both countries seem to diverge in many ways --apart from commerce related development. Saudis are wary of india's close ties to israel, and its support of the non-representative Northern Alliance Regime in Afghanistan --whose support is declining in the war-torn country given the rampant corruption (among other things)

There may be some resentment over one Ram Jethmalani's comments against Wahhabism, which caused the Saudi Ambassador to storm out during the conference on terrorism held at Vigyan Bhavan in hindustan

:tup: :) coudnt said it better

Meanwhile let the Indians :whistle: over the standard diplomatic tones
India, Saudi Arabia sign extradition treaty, pledge to fight terror​
PTI, Mar 1, 2010, 10.35am IST

RIYADH: India and Saudi Arabia on Sunday vowed to jointly combat terrorism and money laundering as they signed an extradition treaty and several agreements to raise their cooperation to a strategic partnership covering security, economic, energy and defence areas.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Saudi King Abdullah who held wide-ranging discussions here, signed the Riyadh Declaration outlining the contours of a new era of strategic partnership between the two countries.

After the unprecedented welcome on Friday when the entire Saudi Cabinet was present to receive him at the airport on his arrival, Singh was accorded a grand reception at the imposing Al Rawadah Palace.

King Abdullah received the Prime Minister and participated in the whole welcome ceremony, a rare honour bestowed on visiting dignitaries.

Both sides emphasised the importance of strengthening the strategic energy partnership in line with the Delhi Declaration of 2006, including meeting India's increasing requirement of crude oil supplies and identifying areas of new and renewable energy. India invited Saudi Arabia to participate in crude storage facilities in the country.

The two leaders condemned terrorism, extremism and violence affirming that it is global and threatens all societies and is not linked to any race, colour and belief.

Both sides agreed to enhance cooperation in exchange of information relating to terrorist activities, money laundering, narcotics, arms and human trafficking, and develop joint strategies to combat these threats.

The extradition treaty, signed by health and family welfare minister Ghulam Nabi Azad and Prince Naif bib Abdulaziz, second deputy prime minister and interior minister, further enhances existing security cooperation and will help in apprehending wanted persons in each other's country, Vijaya Latha Reddy, secretary (east) in the external affairs ministry, told reporters here.

Besides this four other agreements were inked in the presence of the two leaders. These are relating to transfer of sentenced persons, cultural cooperation, memorandum of understanding between Indian Space Research Organisation and King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology for cooperation in peaceful use of outer space and joint research and information technology.

Four other agreements were signed during the day, including one by Tata Motors to supply school buses worth USD 80 million.

The six-page declaration said keeping in view the development of relations between the two countries, and the potential for their further growth, the two leaders decided to raise their cooperation to a strategic partnership covering, security, economic, defence and political areas.

The two leaders agreed to continue strengthening defence cooperation in a way that realises the common interests of Saudi Arabia and India.

Both Singh and King Abdullah discussed the peace process in the Middle East and reviewed the ongoing efforts.

They hoped there would be early resumption of the peace process in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions and the Arab Peace Plan with a view to address all key issues of the dispute comprehensively and within a definite time-frame leading to the establishment of a sovereign, independent, united and viable Palestinian state.

The two leaders emphasised that continued building of settlements by Israel constitutes a fundamental stumbling block for the peace process.

The declaration said Singh and King Abdullah reiterated their support for the ongoing international efforts to resolve the issues relating to Iran's nuclear programme peacefully through dialogue.

They asked Iran to respond to these efforts in order to remove regional and international doubts about its nuclear programme.

This was especially so as these efforts ensure the right of Iran and other countries to peaceful uses of nuclear energy according to the yardsticks and procedures of the IAEA and under its supervision.

The situation in Afghanistan figured in the talks and the two leaders called for preservation of the country's sovereignty and independence.

They supported the efforts of the Afghan people to achieve stability and security, protected from exploitation by the terrorist organisations.

India, Saudi Arabia sign extradition treaty, pledge to fight terror - India - The Times of India
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There may be some resentment over one Ram Jethmalani's comments against Wahhabism, which caused the Saudi Ambassador to storm out during the conference on terrorism held at Vigyan Bhavan in hindustan

coudnt said it better

Meanwhile let the Indians over the standard diplomatic tones

inspite of which the saudi rulers are welcoming the indian people(representatives)...it proves world s much much beyond one's specific vision..
inspite of which the saudi rulers are welcoming the indian people(representatives)...it proves world s much much beyond one's specific vision..

:rofl: And the Saudis dont welcome diplomates from other countries
clean bowled- I replied to a post by a Indian member
which i think has been deleted. So no offence to any one else.
Keep up faith and spirit
Saudi Arabia is the biggest supporter of AlQaeda. I would take their "concerns" with a grain of salt. Or a tablespoon.

That is a very ill informed statement. Although a large number of Saudi Nationals were and are a part of AQ networks. The GoSA is decisively against AQ. It has done far more to tackle its extremists ---idelogically as well as militarily, than Pakistan has. Atleast the Saudis are not in denial of what these extremists bred in the 80s are the root cause of the problem.

Saudi individuals might be involved in funding and supporting AQ elements. But GoSA is working to disrupt them and if they get caught they will not have a pleasant stay at their local prison.

Saudi Arabia before King Abdulla is completely different under the "play boy" King Fahd who used his funding of extremist groups to fend fingers from his personal lifestyle.
:rofl: And the Saudis dont welcome diplomates from other countries

how about welcoming denmark swiss n israeli diplomats and sign treaties???Heck they dont even give citizenship to ppl of palestine
You first need to get real a big time, since it is the arab states actively funding terror outfit and saudi arabia is one of them.

1. First of all i have not talked about all Arab states as this is not the topic.

2. Also, i have replied and corrected the wrong impression of the gentleman about Saudi Arabia supporting "Al Queda".

3. Read again "Al Queda" only i have't said that they don't finance any redical movements. Yes they are but not "Al Queda" because Al Queda and Osama have changes track a long ago and now both are enemy.

4. So i stand true, get real buddy.
I think its a prudent move for India to have friendly relations with non hostile states...may come in handy :azn:
Before showing us history, let your history be updated too.

And by the way, these AQ guys and others get the maximum of their funds from their gulf donors, brothers. That is on record as even US officials have acknowledged this fact.

So before the Saudis lecture us or anyone else, they should see their own hand in this menace and their continuous support to the terrorist network.

Yeah, one should praise their cunning tactic, that they have removed the terror network from their soil and imported it to other countries and support it with their funds, thus the terror network won't be coming back to their own land as they have made them busy somewhere else.

OBL was their enemy number one, but now no more as his main demand was removal of US forces from the Saudi land, which the current king Abdullah done very masterfully, thus the flavor for OBL popularity in Saudi Arabia went down and OBL now mentions nothing about Saudi Arabia in his messages, rather now their target is other areas.

So the saudis should keep it shut and do their own part rather then lecturing others.

1. Yes, AQ get funds from gulf but u have to understand difference between gulf and Saudi King.

2. About Saudi lecturing Pakistan, yes i agree with u from US to Saudi everybody tries to adopt use and throw policy for Pakistan. But situation will change as Pakistan will progress economy and will move to China instead of US.

3. Yes, Arabs are cunning that's why they are progressing by burning fire in others homes.

4. Yes, Saudis have to change their hypocrisy and they have to understand the danger of playing double games.
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