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India and Pakistan are the most dumbest people in the world

Warmongering ....Every time anybody on any forum with any thing to do with pak sounds like the nukes are the greatest assest and achievement of pakistanis and they will use them on the slightest of pretext... By this trend I do have a feeling that I should not antagonize any pakistani or he shall NUKE my home in spite me having no direct animosity or acquaintance with him.

I agree with you but are we the right authorities to do it and we anyone pay heed to our personal feelings, just give a sincere thought. Hope you won't it take it otherwise. I myself feel that this article is just a troll.
Dont know about you but I am the authority.:smokin:
Now you are spinning it, I was bringing to your attention about you mentioning Nuclear war so casually, and now you spin it around, it proves my point again that Indian are spin masters.

Ok dear, kindly do not sound so naive. And btw why you have manipulated my two replies to different people in your reply hence proved you are the greatest spin master. QED.
Possible to normalize the relation same time its very complicated n getting more complicated day by day.....
hypothetically speaking
what would happen if India just let's Pakistan have Kashmir?
---- an immediate but brief period of bonhomie between the two countries. Trade and cooperation will pick up momentarily.

---- after a period of five years or so, some isolated incident/riot shall be held as proof of state atrocities against india's minorities by the pakistani media (media retaliation by jingoistic indian media to follow).....thus negating almost all the goodwill and trust among these two countries. However, commercial interests in both sides shall ensure trade continues at a satisfactory rate.

----another 5 years later - - after almost 3 decades peace in punjab, dissent among our sikh brothers shall be born, in action, almost overnight. what reamins to follow is anybody's guess. "Khalistan" shall be born again like a phoenix.
---- meanwhile 10 years down the start of the timeline, islamic fundamentalism, whose seeds were already sown in the millitancy days, will grow up to be a behemoth. It shall be similar on the lines of TTP (ISIS model for the kashmiris cant be ruled out, but its highly unlikely). only this time, they are more near to the borders of india. the way india is now hands tied situation in Azad Kashmir shall be the same with entire Kashmir then. Pakistan shall try washing its hands off the matter with the old rhetoric of "non state actor" BS.

---- 20 years down the line, indian politicians will wake up from their "pakistani honeymoon", take some concrete action regarding kashmir which will eventually flare up into a full fledged war ---- this war might be nuclear, or conventional (but the desperation by which the pakistani generals act when cornered is legen (wait for it)...daryyyy , hence dont get surprised if they begin to threaten IA with nukes from day 1). Alliances can only be guessed at this point of time. My guess is as good as yours. but my take on this shall be - china firmly on pakistan's side - diplomatically but shall refrain from active participation. russia on the other hand, may (i know its a big may), mite give pakistan some surplus bullets.

---- 25 years later - hopefully india regains the whole kashmir region (back to status quo) without a nuclear holocaust.
hence, after 25-30 years of blood shed, we shall be back to the same position, with not much of net result.

why go though the process , wasting money and men, when we have already achieved the requirment 3 decades after accepting ur proposal of giving kashmir to pakistan.
Lets get this thing straight - Kashmir is too strategically important to let go off for either of the countries. The geography and the topography of the area gives immense advantage to the occupying force. I won't be surprised if China too someday starts pushing for more control over the area.
Having said that and keeping aside national interests, what about Kashmiris interest? They never got the chance to determine their future. While the idea of plebiscite sounds good, we should not forget that the demography of Kashmir has changed completely from what it was in 1948. If there was a time when the dispute could haven resolved, it was 1948. We have come too far now.
The best possible scenario right now for both the governments will be to stop politicizing the issue for their vote banks and to actually start some concrete development for the welfare of the people in the areas controlled by the respective countries. War gives us nothing but suffering and for all we know its the people of Kashmir (both Muslims and Pandits) that have suffered the most.
We owe this to them.
There would be terrorists roaming around in Delhi.
exactly because if Kashmir dispute is resolved and Pakistan going its own way nothing to do with India anymore then India will break apart. RSS and many more groups will roam around in India.
While the world is fighting against poverty, unemployment, ebola, terrorism and economic unstability, both the Asian neighbours India and
Pakistan are fighting over an issue that is highly unlikely to ever get solved. Lets face it, the Kashmir issue can never
get solved with diplomatic solutions. So what can be the solution to this?
1. A 3rd party intervention - U.N
2. A plebecite can be hold in Kashmir much like scotland.
3. Full-Scale War.
A 3rd party intervention is not possible unless both the countries agrees on that, according to the simla agreement, on the other hand a plebecite demand from the Pakistan side is also not possible because then according to the UN, Pakistan has to remove all her soldiers from not only Azad Kashmir but also from Aksai Chin (a territory given to china by Pakistan). So the only closest solution to this is a Full-Scale War. Now a full scale war is bound to go into a Nuclear war which is again other countries will not allow to happen. So, what is going to happen is both the countries will either invest their money in a proxy war or border clashes. Both the countries are bound to invest a huge lumpsum of money on defence which the developed countries know. So, for them both India and Pakistan is more of a gold mine. How often have you seen a developed country involving in border clashes like India or Pakistan or rather like any other developing countries. The Asian countries are full of gas, oil and human resources reserve. Imagine this situation, a gas and oil pipeline, connecting Arab, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, India, China and Russia. A trade line between all the the middle east countries. The dollar is going to fall much like a new born bird. Thats what americans know, because they export things like machinery, oil (from other countries), military equipments and pharmaceuticals which can be done by any of the growing asian countries like china or Russia. Asia has become more like British India, where the British(now America) is playing the divide and conquer rule, to get hold of the reserves. The more quickly both India and Pakistan understand this the better they will be in future or else the future is dark for both the countries.
This issue can't be forgotten and world is spendind lot more on defence than us and no peace can take place until Kashmir issue is solved well if not through talks than war will be only option
This issue can't be forgotten and world is spendind lot more on defence than us and no peace can take place until Kashmir issue is solved well if not through talks than war will be only option

then don't live in Peace :P, Indians don't care much of Pakistan anyway only concern of ours are the export of terrorism from your territory which is unacceptable to us.
Kashmir will always remain with India, the gap between India and pakistan both economically and militarily is rising with every passing moment, India doesn't care for any trade or people to people links with Pakistan also.
Pakistan is relevant to only its nuanced value of terror export. Rest I hope Indian govt. cancels all bus and train services to pakistan and stop giving any visas.
This issue can't be forgotten and world is spendind lot more on defence than us and no peace can take place until Kashmir issue is solved well if not through talks than war will be only option
pakistan will be completely wiped off, r u aware?
While the world is fighting against poverty, unemployment, ebola, terrorism and economic unstability, both the Asian neighbours India and
Pakistan are fighting over an issue that is highly unlikely to ever get solved. Lets face it, the Kashmir issue can never
get solved with diplomatic solutions. So what can be the solution to this?
1. A 3rd party intervention - U.N
2. A plebecite can be hold in Kashmir much like scotland.
3. Full-Scale War.
A 3rd party intervention is not possible unless both the countries agrees on that, according to the simla agreement, on the other hand a plebecite demand from the Pakistan side is also not possible because then according to the UN, Pakistan has to remove all her soldiers from not only Azad Kashmir but also from Aksai Chin (a territory given to china by Pakistan). So the only closest solution to this is a Full-Scale War. Now a full scale war is bound to go into a Nuclear war which is again other countries will not allow to happen. So, what is going to happen is both the countries will either invest their money in a proxy war or border clashes. Both the countries are bound to invest a huge lumpsum of money on defence which the developed countries know. So, for them both India and Pakistan is more of a gold mine. How often have you seen a developed country involving in border clashes like India or Pakistan or rather like any other developing countries. The Asian countries are full of gas, oil and human resources reserve. Imagine this situation, a gas and oil pipeline, connecting Arab, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, India, China and Russia. A trade line between all the the middle east countries. The dollar is going to fall much like a new born bird. Thats what americans know, because they export things like machinery, oil (from other countries), military equipments and pharmaceuticals which can be done by any of the growing asian countries like china or Russia. Asia has become more like British India, where the British(now America) is playing the divide and conquer rule, to get hold of the reserves. The more quickly both India and Pakistan understand this the better they will be in future or else the future is dark for both the countries.

Genius Pakistan didn't give Aksai Chin to China - first little bit of your own country's geography and history before calling others dumb.
If politicians were considered to be the face of a nation,we two countries would have won all the medals for dumbness; no doubt about it.
You talk about forces withdrawal and only talk about Pakistani forces with drawl, it is a spin by an Indian when you do not even mention 600,000 Indian soldiers in Kashmir.
Wrong on both counts. The UN Resolutions call for the WITHDRAWAL OF ALL PAKISTANI FORCES AND TRIBALS USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF FIGHTING IN KASHMIR before a plebiscite is held.

Secondly, you guys seem to be off your rockers when you claim that India has 600,000 soldiers in Kashmir. In other words, according to you Pakistanis, India has more than 40-45 mountain and infantry divisions in Kashmir alone!!! That's utter nonsense! A massive spin by the Establishment. And you've swallowed this crap lock stock and barrel without bothering to make use of your brain cells!
you are so possessed by hatred of Muslims that you fail to tell the whole truth to solve the issue by mutual understanding, but try to put one over Pakistan by half truth
Stop blabbering. Have you stopped and checked your hatred for Hindus?
You assume that India will win the war if it breaks out again it is your spin.
It's not an 'assumption'. It's a fact.
and you also talk about nuclear war and assume the other countries will not allow it, again you assume that the nukes of Pakistan are under control of other countries.
You'll be surprised at the influence the world's big powers have over you. During Kargil when you guys were getting pasted, and thus unshackled your nukes as a last resort, then President Clinton ordered Nawaz to wrap his nukes in cotton-wool and put them back into cold storage or face the wrath of the world especially the U.S.

Nawaz quickly did that before anyone could even say 'Jack'!

So, little kid, a nuke war is easy to talk about. Using these toys in actual all out war is impossible. At best nukes are just a deterrent. No one is going to allow you to use them. Period!
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