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what i said is called 'real' history. Not the stuff you cook up to give an acceptable version of things. Sooooooo much support you got, god a massive invasion of your territory was launched by India by air, sea and land, tanks rolled in, armed groups sent in who were trained for many many months, a massive diplomatic effort made before the invasion and post --- and nothing except some nice sounding words?

The dismemberment of pakistan was not achieved like East Timor or even germany through events spread over months and years....it was done in a massive assault that lasted eight days flat....and no one bothers to put a credible defense of your stand?

The creation of bangladesh was sealed on the14th of August 1947. It was inevitable. It doesn't matter if it happened in 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001 or 2011 for that matter. YOU CANNOT form a nation of 2 different land masses separated by 1000s of kms where the 2 peoples differ in terms of genetics, race, heritage, culture and way of life. It's impossible. This is precisely the reason why Pakistan was created. India took advantage of this fact in 1971. Nothing more, nothing less.
Sending a diplomat to engage with China is a very mature move and unlike media which wants knee jerk reaction, policy makers are treading the road carefully.

@Abingdonboy @Levina @Rain Man @nair @Chinese-Dragon


:angel: :angel: :angel:

:lol: :tup: Good one!
I believe CHINA should use veto power to block India's entry into NSG...It will help us to create a momentum against CHINI company in India...and It will help us a lot to kick out CHINI company from India.... In the same time one more good news is there about 100% FDI.... This decision will help a lot to screw-up the relationship between INDIA-CHINA.... PLEASE CHINA GO FOR IT.
I believe CHINA should use veto power to block India's entry into NSG...It will help us to create a momentum against CHINI company in India...and It will help us a lot to kick out CHINI company from India.... In the same time one more good news is there about 100% FDI.... This decision will help a lot to screw-up the relationship between INDIA-CHINA.... PLEASE CHINA GO FOR IT.
You are actually burning.
Nope... trust me ... from my deep of my heart I want CHINA to take this step... It will be miracle for India.
Here i quote ”It will help us to create a momentum against CHINI company in India...and It will help us a lot to kick out CHINI company from India".
Am i not living in a Globalization world?
Here i quote ”It will help us to create a momentum against CHINI company in India...and It will help us a lot to kick out CHINI company from India".
Am i not living in a Globalization world?

Globalization world?...

First thing you have to remember that for us India is first ... And you know well ... China is not at all friend of India.

Second point we don see any good thing in India China tie... End of the day China is India's Enemy State.... This is the only fact.
Globalization world?...

First thing you have to remember that for us India is first ... And you know well ... China is not at all friend of India.

Second point we don see any good thing in India China tie... End of the day China is India's Enemy State.... This is the only fact.[/QUOTE

Is US a friend of China?But they are our biggest Business partner, rejecting foreign investment is not how it work now day,pal.
Hey @arbit why are you guys being so stingy?

You gave up your sovereignty to American troops by signing CISMOA/LSA in exchange for US support on your NSG entry, yet you're only offering a few nuclear reactor deals to us?

Man what we are asking for is peanuts in comparison to that. :lol:

(UNSC seat not included of course. You can offer more for that later.)
Hey @arbit why are you guys being so stingy?

You gave up your sovereignty to American troops by signing CISMOA/LSA in exchange for US support on your NSG entry, yet you're only offering a few nuclear reactor deals to us? :lol:

Man what we are asking for is peanuts in comparison.

(UNSC seat not included of course. You can offer more for that later.)

LOL @Chinese-Dragon It was totally unnecessary for you to come to this thread to make a point. But i understand the thinking behind it.
You might take silly shots at us signing CISMOA/LSA ( which aren't signed btw), but don't forget to read the fine print. A piece of paper promising fuel supply and communication commonality (Later in future) in exchange of membership in NSG (NOW). Hey, we will take it. Thanks very much :)

As for offering you peanuts in exchange for your not vetoing NSG, well you get what you deserve. We will offer you a banana when we take a shot at UNSC seat. Though don't hold your breath over it :lol:
LOL @Chinese-Dragon It was totally unnecessary for you to come to this thread to make a point. But i understand the thinking behind it.
You might take silly shots at us signing CISMOA/LSA ( which aren't signed btw), but don't forget to read the fine print. A piece of paper promising fuel supply and communication commonality (Later in future) in exchange of membership in NSG (NOW). Hey, we will take it. Thanks very much :)

As for offering you peanuts in exchange for your not vetoing NSG, well you get what you deserve. We will offer you a banana when we take a shot at UNSC seat. Though don't hold your breath over it :lol:

I don't think you understand what a veto is. :lol:

It means we can shut down any resolution and any entry into both the NSG and the UNSC, no questions asked. No conditions. We don't even need to give a reason for it.

Modi knows that, which is why he is offering to let China build reactors and industrial parks in India, but that's being stingy. You sold your sovereignty with the CISMOA/LSA, in exchange for American support on your NSG entry, but you won't even get it since we can veto it.

What Modi offered is not enough. What else is India offering?
I don't think you understand what a veto is. :lol:

It means we can shut down any resolution and any entry into both the NSG and the UNSC, no questions asked. No conditions. We don't even need to give a reason for it.

Modi knows that, which is why he is offering to let China build reactors and industrial parks in India, but that's being stingy. You sold your sovereignty with the CISMOA/LSA, in exchange for American support on your NSG entry, but you won't even get it since we can veto it.

What Modi offered is not enough. What else is India offering?

Your intellectual ability is running on kerosene these days compared to Petrol earlier.

OK if you had veto power why the hell you didn't veto way back in 2008 and what were you doing in IAEA hearing?
I don't think you understand what a veto is. :lol:

It means we can shut down any resolution and any entry into both the NSG and the UNSC, no questions asked. No conditions. We don't even need to give a reason for it.

Modi knows that, which is why he is offering to let China build reactors and industrial parks in India, but that's being stingy. You sold your sovereignty with the CISMOA/LSA, in exchange for American support on your NSG entry, but you won't even get it since we can veto it.

What Modi offered is not enough. What else is India offering?

Banana. You want it? :lol:

Nothing is forever. We know this. And we know you also know this. The tactic Chinese are applying is to delay as much as they can, but as we grow in economic and military stature, NSG like memberships will fall by the wayside, of course depending upon how much we want it.
Veto is useful. Yes. But to rely upon as a sort of kill switch to Indian ambition and capability would be foolishness. The best course of action - as i have always maintained - is for India China to cooperate. But in your hubris and arrogance and too much confidence in your policy to prop pakistan against us, you are being myopic.
Hey but its your decision. You play your cards we will play ours and in the mean time if we get quicker access to State of the Art tech and FDI to prep our economy, well we are not complaining :)
Your intellectual ability is running on kerosene these days compared to Petrol earlier.

Wow, nice guy. :lol:

But maybe you can tell me why is Modi being so stingy? Only a couple of nuclear reactor deals and industrial park deals.

Whereas he already sold India's sovereignty to USA by signing CISMOA/LSA in exchange for NSG support. Surely you think your soveriengty is worth more than a few reactor and industrial park deals?

China and India hardly get along, why should we give you it for free, when you already paid America so much for it? What we are asking for is literally nothing compared to what you already paid to the USA.
Hey @arbit why are you guys being so stingy?

You gave up your sovereignty to American troops by signing CISMOA/LSA in exchange for US support on your NSG entry, yet you're only offering a few nuclear reactor deals to us?

Man what we are asking for is peanuts in comparison to that. :lol:

(UNSC seat not included of course. You can offer more for that later.)

And who are you ? You talk like you are chinese government and trying to craft a deal with india for nsg seat on internet forum.
You know you sound funny, right ?

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