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We only do what is right and that fact often puts China on a colliding course with US. but US has to live with it. Like it or not,we won't change. China is one of the very few countries on this planet who has enough backbone and guts to stand up to the big bully US. and we are proud of that.
Oh boy,copying and stealing part of doing the right things in your dictionary.if its then i have nothing to say.live in your protected or guarded land.

I think, India had upset the internationally community by its nuclear detonation in 1984. India does not get involved in military adventures of western countries. Sometimes India behaves like North Korea 2
No the one in 1984 was a secret detonation,how did you come to know about it...no way we can become or behave NK 2,luckily we dont have china as our close friend.
Yes....:lol:.....According to most credible Pakistani media outlet (Dawn) Russia also opposed the India's entry...... .........Indians definitely have gone mad on this. This move of Russia came as a very surprising one.

I m sick of these indians since this NSG saga.....They are literally badmouthing China for days. Idiots are not seeing or whether don't want to see that 7-10 countries also opposed their bid but they are deliberately singling out China.....:hitwall::angry:
How about no one wanted to discuss Pakistan at all?
Where does it says Russia opposed Indias entry?Even Turkey made a smart move..... Noone is bad mouthing China, atleast not Indians but some armchair generals like u are going hyper about it..
Andbetween name those 7-10 countries which opposed Indian bid, I am just curious.
No, its just arrogance. Remember India helped China get permanent seat in UNSC. China just misusing their power. But as we say every dog will have its day and the everything in this Universe revolves.
Nope. China used their power to protect its interests.
India misused hers when she supported PRC in the past.
Russia too......My indian friends deliberately don't mention Russia when it comes to mentioning China allies as doing so, will burst their propaganda against China as Russia is close to China and also close to India....:lol:

Russia too......My indian friends deliberately don't mention Russia when it comes to mentioning China allies as doing so, will burst their propaganda against China as Russia is close to China and also close to India....:lol:

You are welcome to leave in your dream...
The points you have written suits China exactly, you have seen the support right!

Indian NSG bid should finally put to a rest for years to come
To my dear Indian friends, lessons learned
(1) Be humble to whatever you thought you've been achieved, never let some so-called "victories" to blind your mind, be aware of the dangerous to fall into trap like" Success is just failure that hasn't happened yet"
(2) Over estimate your national influence proved to be a recipe for diplomatic disaster
(3) Using China as the "scapegoat" of your own failure will not help either
Conclusion: YOU are not there yet, move on and work harder for your "Indian Dreams" bragging will get you nowhere
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June 24, 2016, 3:30 pm


BEIJING: China today gave clear indications it is not going to back India's case for a membership of Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). It is also using the North Korean nuclear situation as an excuse to refuse to accept India's request for support.

In a statement issued this morning, the Chinese foreign ministry said that no exceptions can be made to what it regards as a "rule" disallowing countries that have not signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty to join the NSG.

The statement revealed how China is against India's entry due to nuclear controversies surrounding Iran and North Korea.

"And in the absence of NPT as the political and legal basis, how could the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula be resolved? All these merit reflection," Wang Qun, Director General of the Department of Arms Control of the Foreign Ministry, said in the statement.

Wang, who is China's negotiator in the NSG talks, went on to say that admitting India would amount to adopting double standards, which would result in enormous cost.

"While it's easy to adopt double standards, the consequence can be enormous," he said.

He said that NPT represents the cornerstone of the entire non-proliferation regime.

"If exceptions are allowed here or there on the question of NPT, the international non-proliferation then will be collapsed altogether. In the absence of NPT as political and legal basis, it will be inconceivable for the JCPOA on the Iranian nuclear issue to be reached," he said.

The statement refutes reports that China was trying to block India's entry while putting up several arguments to explain why India and other non NPT countries cannot be supported.

It said the world non-proliferation regime would collapse if non-NPT countries such as India were allowed in the nuclear suppliers group, the top Chinese official said in Seoul on Friday, restating Beijing’s opposition to New Delhi’s bid to enter the 48-member bloc.


I must commend China and Turkey and Russia and Brazil and Ireland and Switzerland for showing such determination.......Everyone should.....World is getting Bi polar, friends. We r so lucky that we r seeing with our very own eyes.

Thank you all countries who opposed India's bid on merit...
In what way do you feel India could have better prepared itself ?

Simple...If China is on board, then it is of no value to try it..Right now, as we speak, apart from US, China and its opinion infleunces the other following nations...All the 48 nations are just followers of either US or China so what is the point in dealing with US only?...If we think that China will never agree to it, then do not try to go for it...
Oh boy,copying and stealing part of doing the right things in your dictionary.if its then i have nothing to say.live in your protected or guarded land.

No the one in 1984 was a secret detonation,how did you come to know about it...no way we can become or behave NK 2,luckily we dont have china as our close friend.
Human development is all about learning from each other. US learned from UK and even Nazi Germany and Japan learned from US and in the end they both developed their ability to do their own. Learning or even copying, if you can, is nothing to be shamed of, the shame lies with those who never even bother trying and thus will never move forward. China now has world fastest computer that 100% made by China, what does India have?
The diplomatic recognition of the Republic of China and the Government of Tibet are long overdue.
Like I said yesterday. Time to start burning some coal. Let's see if we can sink Hong Kong and shanghai in 2 decades.
No, its just arrogance. Remember India helped China get permanent seat in UNSC. China just misusing their power. But as we say every dog will have its day and the everything in this Universe revolves.

Wake up please
For how long Indians are going to fall for some never ending "Internet Hoax" like India refused the offer for the UNSC seat and offered to China instead?
dated September 28, 1955: UN seat: Nehru clarifies

Prime Minister Nehru has categorically denied any offer, formal or informal, having been received about a seat for India in the UN Security Council. He made this statement in reply to a short notice question in the Lok Sabha on September 27 by Dr. J.N. Parekh whether India had refused a seat informally offered to her in the Security Council. The Prime Minister said: "There has been no offer, formal or informal, of this kind. Some vague references have appeared in the press about it which have no foundation in fact. The composition of the Security Council is prescribed by the UN Charter, according to which certain specified nations have permanent seats. No change or addition can be made to this without an amendment of the Charter. There is, therefore, no question of a seat being offered and India declining it. Our declared policy is to support the admission of all nations qualified for UN membership.''

Oh btw, NO more of the dominant amount of scientists, doctors or whatever professionals "HOAX" as well
Its getting really annoying

WASHINGTON: It's an Internet myth that has taken on a life of its own. No matter how often you slay this phony legend, it keeps popping up again like some hydra-headed beast.
But on Monday, the Indian government itself consecrated the oft-circulated fiction as fact in Parliament, possibly laying itself open to a breach of privilege. By relaying to Rajya Sabha members (as reported in The Times of India) a host of unsubstantiated and inflated figures about Indian professionals in US, the government also made a laughing stock of itself.

Because Pakistan has a track record which is highly questionable. And on top of that why should India worry, why they do not allow Pakistan to NPT. It is not India's problem rather Pakistan has to deal with it...

These questions applied to many countries including India. Please tell us how you make Nuclear bomb. Typical India think that they are saint and rest all are evil. Stop childish behavior and grown up.
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