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India and NSG-News, Updates and Discussions.

Chest thumping before achieving goal is useless.

So better avoid boll bachaan

There is a difference between "chest thumping", and "confidence" and If you can't see the clear writing on the wall, then I can't help you.
@nair @proud_indian @Roybot @jbgt90 @Sergi @Water Car Engineer @dadeechi @kurup @Rain Man @kaykay @Abingdonboy @SR-91 @nang2 @Stephen Cohen @anant_s

@jbgt90 @ranjeet @4GTejasBVR @The_Showstopper @guest11 @ranjeet

@GURU DUTT @HariPrasad
NEW DELHI: China remained the last major obstacle in the way of India's membership bid in the Nuclear Suppliers Group as 47 of 48 members supported New Delhi's application at the group's special plenary session in Seoul on Thursday.
The session debated until midnight but failed to come to a conclusion after hours of discussions, with China adamant in its opposition. Questions and doubts by other fence-sitting countries dissolved in the course of the evening, leaving China as the last man standing against India. Officials in Seoul said the meeting would restart on Friday. After Thursday's NSG meeting, delegations were asked to revert to their headquarters for fresh instructions.

China raised a procedural block early in the day, refusing to admit the India membership issue to be discussed in the meeting. This, diplomats in the room said, caused a delay of over five hours, as the members wrestled with an agenda item. Finally, it was decided to discuss a heavily worded agenda on "political, legal and technical issues of non-NPT countries' membership. The discussions began at 9pm and ended around midnight, but remained in a deadlock.
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Indian officials will be lobbying hard with the members before the meeting begins on Friday morning. The US is also expected to be working the phones on India's behalf.
Earlier Thursday afternoon, PM Narendra Modi delivered a candid message to Chinese President Xi Jinping who he met for a bilateral on the sidelines of the SCO summit in Tashkent. Sources said Modi conveyed to Xi New Delhi's expectation that China would support India in the NSG, a position that suggests that continued opposition will impact ties.
The 45-minute Modi-Xi meeting was almost entirely devoted to the NSG issue and China's opposition. A readout of the meeting was given by official spokesperson Vikas Swarup who said, "PM Modi urged China to make a fair and objective assessment of India's application and judge it on its own merit. He said China should contribute to the emerging consensus in Seoul."
Until late Thursday evening however, Chinese diplomats in Seoul held on to their tough stand against India. Brazil and South Africa, two other members of BRICS, stood behind India, as did Russia. The consensus emerged through the evening's discussions, with countries like Ireland, Switzerland and Austria, even Brazil raising questions on process - but these whittled down to supporting India's candidature. Turkey stuck to its position of supporting India and Pakistan. However, Pakistan's NSG bid was not discussed at length, however the presence of the application was the reason for a lot of discussion on non-NPT countries.
China's continued obduracy raises serious questions in the Indian government about the value of organisations like BRICS, RIC or even BASIC, where India and China are believed to be working together. If China continues with its opposition, sources said there could be consequences for bilateral relations with Beijing, because it would be a direct refusal to an Indian head of the government.
The meeting in Seoul began with the outgoing Argentine chair Rafael Grossi presenting a positive report on India's commitments and compliance. South Korea, which took over the chairmanship of the nuclear cartel steered the discussion on India's membership, said sources.
China's stand might wreck India's chances this time if Beijing continues to hold out. But the fact that India has mounted such a huge diplomatic exercise will play to India's advantage going forward. All eyes now will be on the last minute role that the US and other big supporters of India play on Friday to help bring China around.
Meanwhile, Xi met Pakistan President Mamnoon Hussain in Tashkent, where the two sides reaffirmed their strong bonds, describing themselves as "iron brothers". A Pakistan foreign ministry statement quoted Pak president as saying, "exception given for NSG membership could disturb strategic stability in South Asia
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I think this will be one of the defining moments of India -China relationships.
The moment we will analyse decades down the line and say this is the result of our current relationship status, whether positive or negative.

The thing that will worry China is the huge backlash already building in Indian public over China. It would be very easy for current govt to build on this and really make it tough for Chinese to do business in India.

Oh, Indian govt won't ban any Chinese goods or company but they will run a campaign where Indians would neither sell nor but Chinese products.
I think this will be one of the defining moments of India -China relationships.
The moment we will analyse decades down the line and say this is the result of our current relationship status, whether positive or negative.

The thing that will worry China is the huge backlash already building in Indian public over China. It would be very easy for current govt to build on this and really make it tough for Chinese to do business in India.

Oh, Indian govt won't ban any Chinese goods or company but they will run a campaign where Indians would neither sell nor but Chinese products.
Good news is that india already isolated china at NSG india already got support of 47 out of 48 even turkey
What I don't get is why do Pakistanis and Indians whine so much , I'm not pointing out a singular country ( like Indians might start to whine I'm a Pakistani so I'm only pointing out India or it could go the other way around with me being called a traitor) but what heck is the matter with us , I know we've been and still are enemies but individually we talk like gentlemen and when we get a topic like this we fight like 3 years old who just won't stop , so please both sides stop this stupid immature fighting and wait , we could both be wrong for all we know .
Lol 47 out of 48?...Turkey, SA, NZ, Austria +1 or 2 countries also opposed Indian membership...Seems these countries reject US Pressure...!
Lol 47 out of 48?...Turkey, SA, NZ, Austria +1 or 2 countries also opposed Indian membership...Seems these countries reject US Pressure...!
First read and then reply

China remains the sole hurdle in India's bid to gain NSG membership
47 of NSG's 48 member nations now backing India
PM Modi has hinted, China's opposition can impact bilateral ties

Lol 47 out of 48?...Turkey, SA, NZ, Austria +1 or 2 countries also opposed Indian membership...Seems these countries reject US Pressure...!
Chinese diplomats in Seoul held on to their tough stand against India. Brazil and South Africa, two other members of BRICS, stood behind India, as did Russia. The consensus emerged through the evening's discussions, with countries like Ireland, Switzerland and Austria, even Brazil raising questions on process - but these whittled down to supporting India's candidature. Turkey stuck to its position of supporting India and Pakistan.
What I don't get is why do Pakistanis and Indians whine so much , I'm not pointing out a singular country ( like Indians might start to whine I'm a Pakistani so I'm only pointing out India or it could go the other way around with me being called a traitor) but what heck is the matter with us , I know we've been and still are enemies but individually we talk like gentlemen and when we get a topic like this we fight like 3 years old who just won't stop , so please both sides stop this stupid immature fighting and wait , we could both be wrong for all we know .

India and Pakistan tiff is in fact a side show. The tug of war is in fact between US & China.
well the comment section was hilarious

On Topic
what happened to other countries like Ireland New Zealand South Africa Turkey Brazil etc etc which were against India's entry into NSG???

so if 47 countries agrees and only 1 country isn't you won't get into NSG?? That's pretty Fu**** up..
India and Pakistan tiff is in fact a side show. The tug of war is in fact between US & China.
That's debatable , but this is not the time for those kind of debates but atleast we don't see Chinese and Americans fighting like us Pakistanis and Indians .
Good news is that india already isolated china at NSG india already got support of 47 out of 48 even turkey

Apparently lots of phone calls between Washington and Beijing are ongoing......and possibly add Paris, London and Moscow to that. Teaming up against the puffy buffoon....till it relents....like it did in 2008.

If its true that Turkey has come around to support India's bid, that is a big development indeed.
well the comment section was hilarious

On Topic
what happened to other countries like Ireland New Zealand South Africa Turkey Brazil etc etc which were against India's entry into NSG???

so if 47 countries agrees and only 1 country isn't you won't get into NSG?? That's pretty Fu**** up..

Modi already warn china of effect on bilateral relations

Umm... why not? :P

Unlike you guys, we don't care what foreigners think, it has zero effect on our policies.

You know we fought against the entire United Nations during the Korean War (including the USA + 16 of her allies combined), then we went on to fight against the Soviet Union during the Sino-Soviet split. We were basically fighting against the entire world during the Cold War, now you think we are afraid of using veto power alone? :lol:

If it serves our national interests to veto it, we'll do it in the blink of an eye. If India offers enough economic concessions though...

So why wasnt China the lone-dissenting voice for the NSG waiver in 2008 and stop it mightily and independently in its tracks from proceeding to completion?

Was Hu-JinTao really that much of a weakling?

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