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India and NSG-News, Updates and Discussions.

Why it looks strange to you Bregs? This is what allies do, i.e. protect each other's interests. There is nothing like "moral" or "immoral" victory when it comes to diplomacy.

Havent we seen USA being the only country vetoing countless resolutions on Israel where almost the whole world stands on the other side?

well dear since relations between china and india are stable and both being founding members of BRICS, and having trade ties at 90b$ its bound to be beneficial for india in many ways as in fusture china will have to give up but at what price it would be decided between india n china. china will never like to be seen as lone dissenting voice and this will be dipolmatic loss for them too along with bilateral loss too with india

true...and it seems US and India have planned this very meticulously in order to get India into extended UNSC and changing the rules of UNSC..specially the veto power...Americans designed it and they realized the fault in it so they want to change it..they are the OEM...they are using India as the base case for it, nothing bad for india...! .and what is happening this days like US India Nuke Deal, MTCR , NSG ..these are just the rehearsal and china is literally falling into a trap.....:-) ...more china oppose India, more it will be seen as anti India (biased) despite both having cordial trade relations..Lets see how long china can do this on behalf of its no worth ally... :-)

if other members like ireland, turkey, NZ, and brazil do not go with china then its diplomatic defeat for china too. wait till friday evening looks like china will be loner in opposing indian entry
true...and it seems US and India have planned this very meticulously in order to get India into extended UNSC and changing the rules of UNSC..specially the veto power...Americans designed it and they realized the fault in it so they want to change it..they are the OEM...they are using India as the base case for it, nothing bad for india...! .and what is happening this days like US India Nuke Deal, MTCR , NSG ..these are just the rehearsal and china is literally falling into a trap.....:-) ...more china oppose India, more it will be seen as anti India (biased) despite both having cordial trade relations..Lets see how long china can do this on behalf of its no worth ally... :-)
China isn't alone guys, 5 countries opposed Indian case.

That include Austria, Brazil, Ireland, turkey and new Zealand.
Pakistan and china played their cards very well and Indian dreams are licking the dust.
They really put in a superb effort this time don't you think? WHile I'm all for patience would be swesome for all the people in the MEA if they pull it through in this round. 'crowning' of their brilliant and consistent work. What an AWESOME effort of diplomacy :enjoy:

Now don't play safe, we will get it even if not in this round, and you know who is leading the campaign.
Ummm.Being a non-NSG member do we have any say in NSG? And we do support India on every sane issue everywhere on face but sadly response from India is always dismal.

Says who? Behind the scenes there is a lot that Pak is getting. Plus, India having world prominence has been for the general good for Pakistan. All that you are obsessed with is 'UNSC, MTCR, NSG', guess what the world has things that can screw you up far worse that these fancy things can do. On Climate Change, Intellectual Property, WTO and fair trade, pharma- all of these Pak showed ZERO interest. It was India that led the developing nations and put enormous resistance to corporate inerests that would have eaten us up.

You think 'china opposing India' is ultimate politics? You have no freaking idea what then US trade representative Robert Zoellick, later to become World Bank President was doing to screw the developing world. In all these instances Pak was was content watching from the sidelines while India was doing all the fist fighting.

'Leadership' is not waking up one day to one pet idea. You need to have played that role in the real sense of the word on all issues that are affecting people. That's why we get support from so many countries. Next time Pak Fauj /'triple one brigade' for coup supporters talk about how 'america and other countries are popping up India' ask them what have they ever done on key issues except wake up when NSG/ MTCR etc. come up.
if china alone is dissenting member in opposing india's entry then this is a big moral victory for india
There isn't any such thing as moral victory in diplomacy.
By the way 5 countries opposed India's case. So take a long breathe and relax .
Bur but but china is only one opposing and look what how china becomes isolated after it opposes supa pawa.

Shupa pawa china was indeed isolated. We are not a signatory of NPT still we made a string pitch. Most of the countries were in our side except few like China. This states who has more diplomatic clout. :D

Now you tried to came to NSG just because India is trying. :rofl: And no one is supporting you. Still you are trying because India is trying.
India bags all but China’s vote, decision on NSG bid likely on Friday

China’s great wall appeared to be crumbling before Indian diplomacy on Thursday. Beijing was left isolated as every other government of the 48-member Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) spoke at the opening of the Seoul plenary in favour of accepting India into the elite international nuclear technology club.

At the end of the first tense session of the two-day meeting, China found itself isolated over its call for a criteria-based membership that would allow Pakistan to also join the NSG, official sources told Hindustan Times.

China has been trying to block India’s membership by saying entry into the NSG should be limited to countries that have signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), a global nuclear arms control pact. India and China’s “all-weather ally”, Pakistan, which too is seeking membership of the NSG, have not signed the NPT.

As the NSG works by consensus, China has the ability to veto India’s entry.

Even as the Seoul meeting was taking place, on the other side of Asia in Uzbekistan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was making a direct appeal to Chinese President Xi Jinping to support India’s entry to the NSG, saying China should make a “fair and objective” assessment of India’s candidature. Modi’s message was described as “very direct.”

At the Seoul meeting, Japan led the way by first raising India’s membership at the NSG meeting. It was seconded by Argentina which presented a report praising India’s nuclear nonproliferation record.

China found itself left high and dry as, one by one, more than 30 NSG members declared their support for India’s joining the group. Contrary to initial reports, Brazil and South Africa were strong backers of India’s membership.

Austria, Ireland, Switzerland and a few others said they supported Indian membership but wanted to know how the induction process would take place.

Beijing used a procedural block to hold up the meeting for five hours in the morning. It conceded after an additional clause, separate from the one about India, that the NSG should consider the “political, technical and legal issues” regarding non-NPT members was added. This is seen as a possible fig-leaf for Beijing to take back to Islamabad.

The representatives, after another post-dinner round, broke for the night and contacted their respective governments for further instructions. The formal plenary begins on Friday.
In Tashkent, during his 45-minute meeting with Xi, Modi said China should “join and contribute” to the emerging consensus among NSG members on India’s candidature, according to the external affairs ministry.

Sources said Modi spoke about how India’s entry into the NSG will strengthen the global non-proliferation regime. His meeting with Xi was his first engagement in Tashkent.

There was no official word on the response from Xi, who assured Pakistan President Mamnoon Hussain shortly before the meeting with Modi that China will adopt a “criteria-based approach” for NSG membership that will support Islamabad’s application.

Continued Chinese opposition to India’s membership in the NSG could threaten bilateral relations between the two Asian giants, especially in fora like BRICS, the Russia-India-China triangle and even the climate change bloc BASIC.

But officially Beijing has sought to de-link its position on NSG membership from its ties with India.

“We believe that with regard to the admission of new members a decision shall be made with through discussion within the group,” Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said ahead of Modi’s meeting with Xi.

“We do not believe that it (Beijing’s position on admitting new members to the NSG) is an issue concerning the bilateral relationship between China and India.”

well dear since relations between china and india are stable and both being founding members of BRICS, and having trade ties at 90b$ its bound to be beneficial for india in many ways as in fusture china will have to give up but at what price it would be decided between india n china

if other members like ireland, turkey, NZ, and brazil do not go with china then its diplomatic defeat for china too

Bro, Chinese people are the smartest people when it comes to diplomacy and securing own interests. Do you know the volume of trade between China and USA? But does that stop China from taking sides with Russia and often standing against USA?

Nothing will happen to the trade between China and India, even if China vetoes 10 million times. Because Indians need cheap stuff (and make huge profits locally) and China can provide that.

There is absolutely no diplomatic defeat for China, because at the end it is India who is not the member.

So think again who is at the losing end. And please do not come up with the "moral victory" stuff, because diplomacy does not give a flying rat's a$$ about that.
China isn't alone guys, 5 countries opposed Indian case.

That include Austria, Brazil, Ireland, turkey and new Zealand.
Pakistan and china played their cards very well and Indian dreams are licking the dust.

dude..read the link below..and FYI..all others except china are just nominal opposers..planted by the US...the moment US orders them to support India, they will change their stand..this is just to isolate china and making it wrong in front of global audience...u cant understand the wider politics here..

There isn't any such thing as moral victory in diplomacy.
By the way 5 countries opposed India's case. So take a long breathe and relax .

wait till friday evening you will see china alone dissenting

Bro, Chinese people are the smartest people when it comes to diplomacy and securing own interests. Do you know the volume of trade between China and USA? But does that stop China from taking sides with Russia and often standing against USA?

Nothing will happen to the trade between China and India, even if China vetoes 10 million times. Because Indians need cheap stuff (and make huge profits locally) and China can provide that.

There is absolutely no diplomatic defeat for China, because at the end it is India who is not the member.

So think again who is at the losing end. And please do not come up with the "moral victory" stuff, because diplomacy does not give a flying rat's a$$ about that.

tomorrow evening i.e by friday we will see china is alone dissenter
dude..read the link below..and FYI..all others except china are just nominal opposers..planted by the US...the moment US orders them to support India, they will change their stand..this is just to isolate china and making it wrong in front of global audience...u cant understand the wider politics here..

Keep these theories to entertain yourself. The fact of the matter is indias request for membership couldn't materialize.
That's all folks and what matters.
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Says who? Behind the scenes there is a lot that Pak is getting. Plus, India having world prominence has been for the general good for Pakistan. All that you are obsessed with is 'UNSC, MTCR, NSG', guess what the world has things that can screw you up far worse that these fancy things can do. On Climate Change, Intellectual Property, WTO and fair trade, pharma- all of these Pak showed ZERO interest. It was India that led the developing nations and put enormous resistance to corporate inerests that would have eaten us up.

You think 'china opposing India' is ultimate politics? You have no freaking idea what then US trade representative Robert Zoellick, later to become World Bank President was doing to screw the developing world. In all these instances Pak was was content watching from the sidelines while India was doing all the fist fighting.

'Leadership' is not waking up one day to one pet idea. You need to have played that role in the real sense of the word on all issues that are affecting people. That's why we get support from so many countries. Next time Pak Fauj /'triple one brigade' for coup supporters talk about how 'america and other countries are popping up India' ask them what have they ever done on key issues except wake up when NSG/ MTCR etc. come up.

We being a small country would never want confrontation with a big country like India. We had only opposed India where it tries to be Big Daddy of the region. Whenever we had taken evasive measures against India were only because India had back stabbed us. Just take recent example of F-16 issue. I mean they were just 8 birds and U got so scared and uneasy with it that used millions of $$$ in lobbying to stall the issue. Typical example of a Mighty country with sparrow heart.
wait till friday evening you will see china alone dissenting

tomorrow evening i.e by friday we will see china is alone dissenter
Come on dude, don't be so sentimental.
Hota hai dear, hota hai.
As I said, take a long breathe and just chill.
Every day is not Sunday.
tomorrow evening i.e by friday we will see china is alone dissenter

You are right. We should wait and see till the sessions officially ends.

Personally I do hope that India does not become a member, because by doing that the Western world will lose all kind of "moral" leverage to lecture Pakistan or any other country for that matter to sign those NPT treaties...

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