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India airlifts military hospital to Tajikistan

An airbase yes, minus the mig's and gunships. As I said R&R for NA and intelligence gathering are the only functions which seem plausible.

Almost certainly. Situation is not too rosy for us.

lets see what happens in AF..but I'm sure its not going to fall as situation is not as rosy as 1990's for pakistan and there will be significant number of US soldiers will be stationed in AF after 2014.not to mention of Afghan Army which will deter Taliban..and If India goes,every other nations will have to go too..Taliban isn't very fond of China,USA,EU too..thats not going to happen.

and for airbase..

India is quietly using the Ayni air base in Tajikistan, hosting a contingent of helicopters and fighter jets in cooperation with Russia, an Indian journalist reports. Saurav Jha, writing in World Politics Review (subscription required, but free trial available), while the Tajikistan government has denied that it would allow anyone but Russia to use the base, the truth is otherwise:

However, an Indian official directly involved in renovating the airfield told World Politics Review that an Indian air force contingent, including Indian Mi-17 helicopters and leased Russian fighter jets, is currently deployed to the base under joint Indo-Tajik control. The Russian equipment will be maintained by Russian contractors, creating “a sort of joint control over these assets.” His comments echo recent reports of negotiations between the three parties for joint use of the base.

Jha also theorizes on why everyone is keeping this quiet: to avoid offending China and Pakistan.

India has spent almost $70 million, including equipment costs, to completely repave and extend the runway at Ayni, set up air traffic control and perimeter fencing and build three hardened shelters -- all, the Indian official confirmed, with an eye to supporting fighter-jet operations. That might be the real reason behind Tajikistan’s reticence to officially clarify the status of the base. While Ayni will allow India to watch over northern Afghanistan in the aftermath of a NATO withdrawal, it can also provide coverage for Indian fighter aircraft over northern Pakistan and western China, areas that lack robust air defense networks. Tajik officials might be downplaying their involvement in the base out of deference to Beijing and Islamabad’s sensitivities.

All this actually sounds plausible, and jibes with what what India's defense minister AK Antony hinted at when he last visited Dushanbe in October:

India, Tajikistan and Russia are in negotiations on the joint use of the Ayni Air Base, close to the Tajik capital Dushanbe which is set to acquire strategic significance after US withdrawal from Afghanistan, sources said...

When asked if India was a partner in the use of the base, Antony merely described Ayni as the best air base in entire Central Asia.

Curiously, there is still no word about what may have transpired during Antony's subsequent visit to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, nor any mention of India's recently reported interest in using a different air base in Tajkistan, Farkhor near the Afghanistan border. The intrigue just keeps getting thicker...

India Reportedly Basing Helicopters, Fighter Jets In Tajikistan | EurasiaNet.org

It just proved what I said..just played with you lil bit to expose your ignorance..thats all..adios... :omghaha:
Lol... so a guy speaking in hindi is a big deal? as for "strategic partnership crap article... lol is krygyzstan a province of tajikistan?

India doesnt train tajikistani forces though... and the "base" with jets and helis is also a rumour!

Lol..... if u care to use ur brain instead of lol u will understand that the hindi speaking officer of Tajik army was speaking hindi because he was trained in India and its a proof that India trains Tajik officers and its a fact that we train them regularly in India. Now, just read the link i have posted and ur myth will be busted.
Lol..... if u care to use ur brain instead of lol u will understand that the hindi speaking officer of Tajik army was speaking hindi because he was trained in India and its a proof that India trains Tajik officers and its a fact that we train them regularly in India. Now, just read the link i have posted and ur myth will be busted.

Sure... just post a link... talkin abt brains...... it doesnt suite a dim wit like urself.
This Airbase is only Show piece just to show the world our power projection and to give BDI [Brain Dead Indian] to enjoy little bit of good time. How many Fighter plan are station their with what kind of armament ?
and did anybody seen the agreement sign between Tajikistan and india the term and condition of use of these Airbase its all fanboys imagination that this base can be use against any country.

The question is not whether Pakistan needs it or not.

The point is that any country that would care about Pakistan's interests would never host an Indian military outpost fully knowing the relations between India and Pak. Tajikistan does and if you apply some logic it makes sense considering Pakistan's anti-Tajik role in Afghanistan.Afghans in general hate Pakistanis but Tajiks in particular have some special kind of love towards you guys ;)

If you wish to remain blind to these facts , that's your choice.
lets see what happens in AF..but I'm sure its not going to fall as situation is not as rosy as 1990's for pakistan and there will be significant number of US soldiers will be stationed in AF after 2014.not to mention of Afghan Army which will deter Taliban..and If India goes,every other nations will have to go too..Taliban isn't very fond of China,USA,EU too..thats not going to happen.

and for airbase..

India is quietly using the Ayni air base in Tajikistan, hosting a contingent of helicopters and fighter jets in cooperation with Russia, an Indian journalist reports. Saurav Jha, writing in World Politics Review (subscription required, but free trial available), while the Tajikistan government has denied that it would allow anyone but Russia to use the base, the truth is otherwise:

However, an Indian official directly involved in renovating the airfield told World Politics Review that an Indian air force contingent, including Indian Mi-17 helicopters and leased Russian fighter jets, is currently deployed to the base under joint Indo-Tajik control. The Russian equipment will be maintained by Russian contractors, creating “a sort of joint control over these assets.” His comments echo recent reports of negotiations between the three parties for joint use of the base.

Jha also theorizes on why everyone is keeping this quiet: to avoid offending China and Pakistan.

India has spent almost $70 million, including equipment costs, to completely repave and extend the runway at Ayni, set up air traffic control and perimeter fencing and build three hardened shelters -- all, the Indian official confirmed, with an eye to supporting fighter-jet operations. That might be the real reason behind Tajikistan’s reticence to officially clarify the status of the base. While Ayni will allow India to watch over northern Afghanistan in the aftermath of a NATO withdrawal, it can also provide coverage for Indian fighter aircraft over northern Pakistan and western China, areas that lack robust air defense networks. Tajik officials might be downplaying their involvement in the base out of deference to Beijing and Islamabad’s sensitivities.

All this actually sounds plausible, and jibes with what what India's defense minister AK Antony hinted at when he last visited Dushanbe in October:

India, Tajikistan and Russia are in negotiations on the joint use of the Ayni Air Base, close to the Tajik capital Dushanbe which is set to acquire strategic significance after US withdrawal from Afghanistan, sources said...

When asked if India was a partner in the use of the base, Antony merely described Ayni as the best air base in entire Central Asia.

Curiously, there is still no word about what may have transpired during Antony's subsequent visit to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, nor any mention of India's recently reported interest in using a different air base in Tajkistan, Farkhor near the Afghanistan border. The intrigue just keeps getting thicker...

India Reportedly Basing Helicopters, Fighter Jets In Tajikistan | EurasiaNet.org

It just proved what I said..just played with you lil bit to expose your ignorance..thats all..adios... :omghaha:

India’s Ayni military base in Tajikistan is Russia-locked


Moscow has been unrelenting in its stand that it doesn’t want foreign powers to deploy fighter aircraft in its backyard and a former territory.
lets see what happens in AF..but I'm sure its not going to fall as situation is not as rosy as 1990's for pakistan and there will be significant number of US soldiers will be stationed in AF after 2014.not to mention of Afghan Army which will deter Taliban..and If India goes,every other nations will have to go too..Taliban isn't very fond of China,USA,EU too..thats not going to happen.

and for airbase..

India is quietly using the Ayni air base in Tajikistan, hosting a contingent of helicopters and fighter jets in cooperation with Russia, an Indian journalist reports. Saurav Jha, writing in World Politics Review (subscription required, but free trial available), while the Tajikistan government has denied that it would allow anyone but Russia to use the base, the truth is otherwise:

However, an Indian official directly involved in renovating the airfield told World Politics Review that an Indian air force contingent, including Indian Mi-17 helicopters and leased Russian fighter jets, is currently deployed to the base under joint Indo-Tajik control. The Russian equipment will be maintained by Russian contractors, creating “a sort of joint control over these assets.” His comments echo recent reports of negotiations between the three parties for joint use of the base.

Jha also theorizes on why everyone is keeping this quiet: to avoid offending China and Pakistan.

India has spent almost $70 million, including equipment costs, to completely repave and extend the runway at Ayni, set up air traffic control and perimeter fencing and build three hardened shelters -- all, the Indian official confirmed, with an eye to supporting fighter-jet operations. That might be the real reason behind Tajikistan’s reticence to officially clarify the status of the base. While Ayni will allow India to watch over northern Afghanistan in the aftermath of a NATO withdrawal, it can also provide coverage for Indian fighter aircraft over northern Pakistan and western China, areas that lack robust air defense networks. Tajik officials might be downplaying their involvement in the base out of deference to Beijing and Islamabad’s sensitivities.

All this actually sounds plausible, and jibes with what what India's defense minister AK Antony hinted at when he last visited Dushanbe in October:

India, Tajikistan and Russia are in negotiations on the joint use of the Ayni Air Base, close to the Tajik capital Dushanbe which is set to acquire strategic significance after US withdrawal from Afghanistan, sources said...

When asked if India was a partner in the use of the base, Antony merely described Ayni as the best air base in entire Central Asia.

Curiously, there is still no word about what may have transpired during Antony's subsequent visit to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, nor any mention of India's recently reported interest in using a different air base in Tajkistan, Farkhor near the Afghanistan border. The intrigue just keeps getting thicker...

India Reportedly Basing Helicopters, Fighter Jets In Tajikistan | EurasiaNet.org

It just proved what I said..just played with you lil bit to expose your ignorance..thats all..adios... :omghaha:

This report is from 2011... and still basing i guess? :lol:
This Airbase is only Show piece just to show the world our power projection and to give BDI [Brain Dead Indian] to enjoy little bit of good time. How many Fighter plan are station their with what kind of armament ?
and did anybody seen the agreement sign between Tajikistan and india the term and condition of use of these Airbase its all fanboys imagination that this base can be use against any country.

The question is not whether Pakistan needs it or not.

The point is that any country that would care about Pakistan's interests would never host an Indian military outpost fully knowing the relations between India and Pak. Tajikistan does and if you apply some logic it makes sense considering Pakistan's anti-Tajik role in Afghanistan.Afghans in general hate Pakistanis but Tajiks in particular have some special kind of love towards you guys ;)

If you wish to remain blind to these facts , that's your choice.

@ Czar....Cant believe you wrote all this crap after reading 10 pages :hitwall:
So why did india lease a crappy airfield in tajikistan? please enlighten us..:lol:

India is making moves to establish itself as a strong power in Central Asia, India is also interested to fill space left by USSR in these former soviet Russian nations.

I do not think Russians would allow us to station Mig-29's in their backyard. There was some opposition to that in the past

Wrong Indo Russian partnership will prosper in Central asia. Even in Afghanistan India and Russia will work together.
India is making moves to establish itself as a strong power in Central Asia, India is also interested to fill space left by USSR in these former soviet Russian nations.

Wrong Indo Russian partnership will prosper in Central asia. Even in Afghanistan India and Russia will work together.

Hahaha....Guys nothing can cure u... u people are dellusional tp say the least!
In the end u will just have to pack ur bags and leave afghanistan,no route,no NATO.... nobody to help u there.. thts the reality.

Dreams are good but the reality is different, This is not soviet Russia which has lot of logistic problems, no local support and their economy was weak at the time of Afgan Jihad.

Plus USA is funding and training these Taliban fighters.

Situation now is different, USA, NATO, India, Russia, Iran do not support Taliban and they support Karzai Govt.

Plus Pakistani support to Taliban will anger USA and USA will squeeze Pakistan for any wrong doings in Afghanistan.

Taliban are a bunch of Guerrilla fighters , armed with AK 47's and RPG, They use Hit and Run Tactics :-)lol:).

They are incapable to taking over fortified cities which are well defended by ANA.
If you can't spell delusional , i assume you don't even understand its meaning.

Understand this- most of the civilised world uses this term for your country.

Okay son,... dont be so hard on an old guy like me.. surely u can even claim the moon... coz ur an indian(gurus,snake charmers and according to nixon .... well just leave it at tht)... and we know how "delusional" u people are... filling the gap left by USSR... Da fuq..:omghaha:
Do Tajikistan have a democratically elected gov or is it like the rest of post soviet dictator police states? Let a true representative gov come in that country and then see whether they allow 100 Indian troops in their country. :coffee:

Crazy post :lol:

You have no idea of Tajikistan Govt. and you are calling for true representative :lol:
From the report you mention one can see how pakistan is seriouse about AF will they not support taliban with the same or may be more in the near future just to bring TAliban back to power.even American know that taliban will take over AF in a long run.If we were present or not why we did not support NA if we were ally.

they bombed in 1998.where were our presence in Farkhor then??or you suggest to attack Pakistan for attacks on Nothern Alliance which we supported??I think You must read about involvement of Pakistani forces in attacks on Northern Alliance,especially their number.They used thousands of special forces,while various international reports suggest that over 30000 pakistanis fought with Taliban and over 100000(minimum) were trained by Pakistan.don't mind,but I suggest you reading some more info.
Okay son,... dont be so hard on an old guy like me.. surely u can even claim the moon... coz ur an indian(gurus,snake charmers and according to nixon .... well just leave it at tht)... and we know how "delusional" u people are... filling the gap left by USSR... Da fuq..:omghaha:

Nixon ? do you really want to get into what Americans say about our countries ? Because you will be opening a very dangerous for yourself pandora's box my friend.

Ideally , neither you nor i should care about what they say, so let us just keep them out.
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