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India airlifts military hospital to Tajikistan

Dear Indians....pardon my ignorance......even after reading almost whole thread I am confused about some Questions

please answer me in layman terms

First thing first India is not a warmonger and we don't pose any harm to any neighbor its pak army that creates a bogey men just to take the whole pak under its grab pak never developed or get progress and remain in Feudalism, dictatorship where few elite decides the state of nation and rest live as slave.

1- What are the Indian Interest in that region......?

We want to lift our people out of poverty, we need fuel, raw materials, jobs and market. central asian countries are friend of India and offer good natural resources. And we also have a interest to stop the spread of radicalism in central Asia.

2- How an Indian base Tajikistan could hamper Pakistan's Interest....?

a.) We don't hamper pak interest as pak is a small country which should be interested in its domestic matters and development and not to pose nose in international affairs.

b.) This base can be used as a spy base for RAW to keep an eye on the region and it will help to devide the already less assets of pak (as out of fear pak will devout some of its PAF/PA to take care of it in case of war) a two front threat (fear) is good for us.

c.) This base will do the same what chinese want to do with the gwadar post in pak.

3- Is there any agreement b/w India and Tajikistan for the right of usage of this base in War....???

No country gives it in the writing and no country help other in the war.

china is a big example which always talk in air about the deep and real friendship but never saves pak in the war with India.

But this base will seed insecurity in the minds of pak army and that's good for strategic reason. If any terrorist attack is occurred we will get the excuse to enhance security and force number their. And we will rant in the International press and establishment about pak.

So its all gains for India. :smokin:
Oh I see Why you are hurting so much in your back side bcoz i am not program like you guy's .
i speak what i think and don't give a Fcuk what you think .
and i know you are a Indian but belongs to Stupid class you know we follow caste system and you are @ bottom :omghaha:

WTF's wrong with you bottom feeder? shove your stupid innuendo's up in a dark place. You are as stoopid as they get. Who the F gives a FF what you you follow - rant to someone who does - stay on topic and asnwer my post properly or STFU.
If babur can land in Tajik, so can MIG 29 fly towards Islamabad...even your commando mushy was concerned. We have leased the base now, we control it with Russia. What happens from the base, Pak cannot control it.

Lol... first place jets in fakhror... not ayni... ayni is controlled by russia and tajikistan not india... first get ur facts straight... second.. tajikistan wont allow u to use its land against Pakistan... third... if i does (which im 1000% sure they wont) baburs will rain on fakhror...
Tajikistan | The White Elephant In Tajikistan

It was but four years ago that Ayni Airbase was set to become India’s first visible geopolitical move into Central Asia. What happened?
By JOSHUA KUCERA | 1 November 2010


PRESS INFORMATION BUREAUIndian President Pratibha Devisingh Patil visiting with the Defence Minister of Tajikistan, Colonel General Sherali Khayrulloyev, in Dushanbe on 7 September 2009

WHEN INDIA BEGAN RENOVATING Tajikistan’s Ayni airbase earlier in the decade, it looked set to become India’s first foreign military base, and to make Tajikistan a player in the competition among outside powers jockeying to establish outposts in Central Asia. The Indian government appeared ready to declare the base operational in 2006.

In early September that year, Tajikistan’s president, Emomalii Rahmon, declared the base and its 3,200-metre runway to be open. And although information about the base is closely guarded by both the Indian and Tajik ministries of defence, it now appears that India will not use Ayni after all, depriving isolated, impoverished Tajikistan of the rent money and geopolitical clout it could have been gaining by allowing another country to use the base. And India remains without this foothold in Tajikistan, a mountainous country of about seven million, just north of Afghanistan. Tajikistan—the poorest corner of the former Soviet Union, and still unstable after a brutal civil war in the 1990s—holds a geographic position with obvious appeal to India, offering Delhi not only a strategic counterweight to Pakistan’s considerable influence in Afghanistan, but an airbase within striking distance of its troublesome neighbour.

But India’s ambitions in Central Asia have been thwarted, according to many in the Tajik capital of Dushanbe, by Russia: Moscow does not want anyone else to use the base, though Tajikistan’s deteriorating relations with Russia have disinclined Dushanbe from wanting to host another Russian base in its territory.

“They [members of the Tajikistan government] don’t know what to do with this airbase. We don’t need it for ourselves, but to give it to someone else would create problems with other countries,” said Faridoon Khodizoda, a political analyst in Dushanbe.

The Russian Embassy in Dushanbe did not respond to requests for comment, and a spokesman at the Indian Embassy said he could not comment on Ayni, but referred questions to Tajikistan’s Ministry of Defence. They did not respond to requests for comment.

India has renovated runways and hangars at Ayni, but the Indian government has never publically stated its longer-term intentions for the base. Reports in the Indian press have suggested that India hoped to base a squadron of MiG-29 fighter jets there, in an effort to bolster its clout in Central Asia and to counter Pakistani influence in Afghanistan.

“Once called the white elephant of Asia, India’s strategic aspirations have now finally come of age,” wrote Shiv Aroor, an Indian journalist who obtained classified information about India’s plans in 2007. “The country’s first military base in a foreign country will be declared ready for use next month. Welcome to Ayni, Tajikistan, India’s first military outpost in a foreign land. Bare minutes from Tajikistan’s border with war-torn Afghanistan, the base gives India a footprint for the first time ever in the region’s troubled history.”

Indian political analysts also raved about India’s bold foray into the strategically vital Central Asian region. “There are several reasons underpinning India’s interest in a base at Tajikistan,” wrote analyst Sudha Ramachandran in 2006. “It is close to areas where scores of camps for jihadist and anti-India terrorist groups are based, and it is in the proximity of territory where Pakistan and China are engaged in massive military co-operation. Besides, Tajikistan is in Central Asia, a gas-rich region in which India has growing interests.”

Analysts of India’s military now say that those expectations may have been too ambitious. When the renovations began in 2004 and 2005, India did not have a clear plan as to how it would eventually establish a base at Ayni, according to one source close to the Indian armed forces, whose employer does not allow him to speak on the record. “The point, sadly, remains the same: while the Tajik government has kept doors open, at least in a limited sense, the government here hasn’t quite gotten its act together about precisely what or how to leverage the opportunity,” he said.

Some analysts said that India’s foray into base politics was merely an attempt to act like the superpower it has not yet bcome. “India is playing a game,” said Imran Baig, a Washington, DC-based analyst of South Asian security. “To maintain a base with no aircraft is not expensive at all. But to deploy a high-tech fighter squadron full-time at a remote location far from the country of origin is a very, very costly affair and can only be afforded by superpowers.”

Still, India appears to want to keep the question of its presence at Ayni open. India’s president, Pratibha Patil, visited Dushanbe last year, and Indian engineers continue to work on construction projects at the base, including a “hotel,” according to one worker at the base who spoke on condition of anonymity. But there were no Indian aircraft there, the worker said.

Meanwhile, analysts in Dushanbe argue that Tajikistan’s government may have been courting India with the intention of playing Delhi off Moscow to exert a higher price for Russian usage of the base.

Russia appears disinclined to allow India any access to the airfield. Russia’s defence minister, Anatoliy Serdyukov, said last year that Tajikistan and Russia would jointly utilise the base, but Tajikistan has never confirmed that. And Russia, which already maintains a large military base for its 201st Division at Dushanbe, does not appear interested in actually using Ayni, but merely in keeping other countries from using it, said Zafar Sufiyev, the editor-in-chief of Ozodagon, an independent weekly newspaper in Dushanbe.

Neither does Tajikistan appear interested in allowing Russia to use the base. Tajikistan’s president, Emomalii Rahmon, recently suggested that Russia, which currently does not pay rent for the 201st Division base, should do so in the future. The two sides, however, agreed to put off that decision until 2014. Tajik-Russian relations have also been harmed by Moscow’s failure to support Dushanbe, either financially or diplomatically, in the construction of the Rogun Dam, which Tajikistan’s government sees as vital to its future economic security.

“Rahmon is not independent enough to say ‘no’ to Russia, and he’s afraid to say ‘yes’ to anyone else,” said Saymuddin Dustov, an analyst in Dushanbe. “So he does nothing.”

There has been speculation that the US, facing continuing uncertainty over the use of the Manas air base in Kyrgyzstan, might be interested in Ayni as a possible replacement. The Tajikistan government would allow the US to use Ayni at the right price, said Safiyev. “If the government gets more for it than the Americans pay for Manas, they’ll be interested,” he said. “It’s a market.”

But the US has said it has no interest in using the base, and it’s not clear anymore whether India would be interested either. It appears that Russia may have made that decision for them.

A very balance article...good read...
Lol... first place jets in fakhror... not ayni... ayni is controlled by russia and tajikistan not india... first get ur facts straight... second.. tajikistan wont allow u to use its land against Pakistan... third... if i does (which im 1000% sure they wont) baburs will rain on fakhror...

Lol....Typical fan boy.

Who knows, Tajiks might have S-300. I hope Pakistan has BM defence for Satans from Russia.
Dil mein mat le yaar haat mein le ,aise waqt jiyada khussa acha nahi hota BDI :guns::flame:

WTF's wrong with you bottom feeder? shove your stupid innuendo's up in a dark place. You are as stoopid as they get. Who the F gives a FF what you you follow - rant to someone who does - stay on topic and asnwer my post properly or STFU.
Ḥashshāshīn;4174948 said:
Exactly. If for example, war break out between India and China/Pakistan, then this will give China/Pakistan the right to attack Tajikistan.

Why exactly would Tajikistan fight a war for India ? I do not understand that as some members are suggesting here ...

Allowing fighters to take off from there and attack our territory would invite a full retaliation ...

“To maintain a base with no aircraft is not expensive at all. But to deploy a high-tech fighter squadron full-time at a remote location far from the country of origin is a very, very costly affair and can only be afforded by superpowers.”:omghaha:

The answer to that expensiveness of operating the base lies in geography actually , your country doesn't share a border with Tajikistan and neither the Chinese nor Pakistanis would ever allow Indian fighter jets supply from their airspace ... As simple as that , it is a base alright , for supporting NA and maybe keeping tabs in Afghanistan , but fighting a war from there is not possible in my opinion ... What say you ?

Lol....Typical fan boy.

Who knows, Tajiks might have S-300. I hope Pakistan has BM defence for Satans from Russia.

Calling him a fanboy and yourself hoping the Kremlin to fight a war for Tajikistan which is being supposed to fight a war for India , you should contribute to Tom Clancy series , son ! :D
First thing first India is not a warmonger and we don't pose any harm to any neighbor its pak army that creates a bogey men just to take the whole pak under its grab pak never developed or get progress and remain in Feudalism, dictatorship where few elite decides the state of nation and rest live as slave.

Good to know your valuable thoughts about my country.....though it was not the topic under discussion...we could have this discussion any other time but on a side note may I ask the number of suicide by Indian farmers in last 5 years.....

We want to lift our people out of poverty, we need fuel, raw materials, jobs and market. central asian countries are friend of India and offer good natural resources.

Good every country want to reduce the poverty level.......as far as Indian government is concerns they...progressed at this front in last 15 years.....but a long way to go.....Dear Central Asia is rich in natural resources.....every other nation want to feed their energy hungry economies from these resources.........but problem is “AFPAK”......and as Vajpayee said you can’t change your neighbours.....for extraction of resources from Central Asia, peace and stability in AFPAK is needed and believe me dear........India need peace and stability in the region more then Americans and NATO they have their resources in place for their economic activities.

Now just imagine a scenario “fuel starving economies of China and India struggling for the resources in Central Asia......It is obvious that both USA and Russia don't want that resources to be extracted so soon in near future.....as it’s against their interest.......pipeline politics is involved here.....

And we also have a interest to stop the spread of radicalism in central Asia.
Please explain how.....a military base could be helpful in this regards, you could not defeat Ideas with bullets......if your strategist think in this direction then they are committing the same mistake as the NATO, RUSSIA, & USA......

a.) We don't hamper pak interest as pak is a small country which should be interested in its domestic matters and development and not to pose nose in international affairs.

First please explain what you think Pakistan’s interest in the region......if you guess it right you will come to know that you people can’t.......

Pakistan is a small country in which sense my dear??? ...... a population of 200 million....located at the crossroad of three strategic regions & you think Pakistan is a small country......dear believe me you and your countrymen are in delusion......I pray for them to remain in delusion.......

b.) This base can be used as a spy base for RAW to keep an eye on the region and it will help to devide the already less assets of pak (as out of fear pak will devout some of its PAF/PA to take care of it in case of war) a two front threat (fear) is good for us.

Unnecessary comment India is already enjoying spying and sabotage facilities from other places.....any attempt from the western border will compel us to enforce or to deploy our non-conventional assets at that front any threat could be mitigate by using non-conventional resources......(here I am not talking about nuclear resources....there is a reason why Americans come to us)

c.) This base will do the same what chinese want to do with the gwadar post in pak.

No......Gawader is a commercial project.......there will be no naval base of any other country as long as Americans are in Afghanistan and the issue of Iran does not get settled....I am not a fanboy........many of my countrymen will not agree with me......

No country gives it in the writing and no country help other in the war.

That is my point dear no country will allow it soil to be used against third country......on mutual ground as it could attract retaliation from third country......specially if that third country is the sixth biggest nuclear power......WAR IS NOT AN OPTION now.......

china is a big example which always talk in air about the deep and real friendship but never saves pak in the war with India.

Pakistan and China have no agreement of mutual defence......

But this base will seed insecurity in the minds of pak army and that's good for strategic reason. If any terrorist attack is occurred we will get the excuse to enhance security and force number their. And we will rant in the International press and establishment about pak.

So its all gains for India.

BTW last few terrorist attacks at our bases were conducted by Central Asian origin people...... :coffee:
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