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India Ahead : How will PAF counter IAF - FGFA/PAKFA ?

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lets suppose if a war broke between both countries indian FGFA changes the game of war etc etc ... can ur FGFA destroy moral of people who participated in wars against USSR n USA those pathans which are in millions even the most high tech USA force and the super power of past USSR was unable to handle them ... how ur forces gona manage such gorilaz they will fight to the last drop of there blood ... wars cant b win by only aircrafts :sniper:

another example is of israel lebnon war :cheers:

You really wanted to be taken seriously..don't you??? I am sure answer would be YES then my request please reply accordingly....India never had plans to run over Pakistan...Had that been the case we would have tried our luck back in 1971 or in 1974 when we have our first nuke test(at that period Pakistan did not have a clue about nuclear bombs)...

I am asking about parity difference that is creeping between IAF and PAF which is increasing by the time we are talking...Do you know the castrotrophic impacts of loosing Air-Control of your own country??? Your ground troops would be vulnerable to pounding by IAF and even defence would become a nightmare leave aside any offense...SO better think before you write...
ya from bill clinton


Now did u read your own link, Let me help you

In the event of an Indo-Pak nuclear war, India will emerge the ultimate “winner” after wiping off Pakistan but lose up to 500 million of its own people, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and historian Taylor Branch has claimed in his 700-page book The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President which hit the stores today.

The casual manner in which Indians and Pakistanis spoke of a nuclear war scenario alarmed Bill Clinton, the then US President, who admitted “they really talk that way”.

Branch claims Indian leaders had portrayed such a scenario during the 1999 Kargil conflict to Clinton who was ready to “jump on a plane” to prevent its escalation into a full-fledged nuclear war as Pakistan, fearing military defeat, had almost prepared itself to nuke India.

So the next time when you talk about Pakistan and accuse her of something better look with in your own damn country first. :pakistan:

And keeping in mind the exaggeration as the link is still an indian paper.
Do you think your soldiers are the only ones who are motivated and Indians will simply abandon their posts and run away ? Don't you remember the battle of longewala?

I have seen another interesting argument :

A standard argument is that Pakistan pilots are way too good. They are idolised to an extent that makes one wonder what they were doing in 1971 war when the element of surprise was with PAF. After the so called "pre emptive" strikes India decimated the PAF and attained total air superiority.

Do you think your soldiers are the only ones who are motivated and Indians will simply abandon their posts and run away ? Don't you remember the battle of longewala?

i have just mentioned about our local pathans too :sniper: which are trained to use guns n rockets in there childhood they are too much motivated :lol: .... when did i say indian army is not motivated :disagree:
Which bits are exaggerated? the ones that you don't like or the whole of it ?

Dude if you have resorted to trolling and not reading then it is not my problem. What is with you indians give an answer to one other jumps in. Read the whole thing from the start of my conversation with leon and then make up your mind. And about IAF decimating PAF wet dreams at best. There are alot of threads there that you can refer to about the 71 war and PAF losses.

And the reason that I use the word exaggeration is that first of the Kargil conflict was no officially looked at as a war from either side. And what india had threatened at that time as opening of multiple fronts as they were getting slammed all around. So the indians might have conveyed to clinton about the use of NW and guess what just to sell the argument throw Pakistan in the mix.
you guys are talking about FGFA like it gona win the wars of future because it is 5th generation .. if wars could b win by just 5 generation air crafts than whole world should go for such fighters stop investing in army and in other military fields :rofl:
Gorilla war??? Are you loosing it mate??? Why the hell you think PA would need to avert to Gorilla warfare against IA?? They are a formidable force and know how to defend... This thread is only asking PAF counter strategy for IAF planned induction of FGFA..if you have nothing to contribute in that regard leave the discussion...

B/W just see how with Air-Support a mere 120 men can win over a tank regiment....Kind of explain the need for PAF to find an answer for FGFA...

And I am sure that PAK is already on it, they are not keyboard warriors like many here. And to counter an AC it is not necessary to have an equally potent AC in place. Allot of other things come under consideration and one of them is the air defence system that the other country might have.
you guys are talking about FGFA like it gona win the wars of future because it is 5th generation .. if wars could b win by just 5 generation air crafts than whole world should go for such fighters stop investing in army and in other military fields :rofl:

My last reply to you because it seems you don't have much insight into armed conflicts...Air Force is the most important leg of a country's defence...They are prime supporter of any Army... be it reconniance, eliminating targets that are making life hell for ground troops...cutting the supply lanes of Oppnoent Armed force thereby suffocating them and much more....

P.S : My sincere advice - You got to read a lot about Air conflicts before you post anouther post on this particular thread...
Gorilla war??? Are you loosing it mate??? Why the hell you think PA would need to avert to Gorilla warfare against IA?? They are a formidable force and know how to defend... This thread is only asking PAF counter strategy for IAF planned induction of FGFA..if you have nothing to contribute in that regard leave the discussion...

B/W just see how with Air-Support a mere 120 men can win over a tank regiment....Kind of explain the need for PAF to find an answer for FGFA...

again u are unable to understand what i said ... read my earlier posts ...as u guys said FGFA gona change the game lets suppose FGFA changes the game can FGFA counter such gorilaz ???? i said suppose if u losses the war i Know our army can bang ur whole army but i was just saying to suppose :lol:
And I am sure that PAK is already on it, they are not keyboard warriors like many here. And to counter an AC it is not necessary to have an equally potent AC in place. Allot of other things come under consideration and one of them is the air defence system that the other country might have.

I am sure they would...However like India Pakistan defence procurements are fairly transparent...So far we have not heard anything about it...That's the information we are seeking...Share with us if you know something about it...

Secondly you definitely need AC for AC otherwise there was no need to field F-16 block 52...You could have done with better SAMS which are way more cheap than Figter Aircrafts...be it Cost be it Maintenance...Pilot trainings and what not...Also remember even though PAF doctorine is defence that doesn't mean that they would not cross Indian Air Space and pound AirFields and other sensitive targets...SAMS won't work there and neither you can totally rely on your BM's,CM's
so this is there plan

counter a 5th gen plane by sending gurilleas:rofl::rofl::rofl:

first get these 5th gen air crafts then start talks about its counter measure :lol:
I am sure they would...However like India Pakistan defence procurements are fairly transparent...So far we have not heard anything about it...That's the information we are seeking...Share with us if you know something about it...

Secondly you definitely need AC for AC otherwise there was no need to field F-16 block 52...You could have done with better SAMS which are way more cheap than Figter Aircrafts...be it Cost be it Maintenance...Pilot trainings and what not...Also remember even though PAF doctorine is defence that doesn't mean that they would not cross Indian Air Space and pound AirFields and other sensitive targets...SAMS won't work there and neither you can totally rely on your BM's,CM's

stop wasting ur time now ... any war between both countries is going to b nuclear war :lol: and ur FGFA's are not going to stop it :lol:
I am sure they would...However like India Pakistan defence procurements are fairly transparent...So far we have not heard anything about it...That's the information we are seeking...Share with us if you know something about it...

Secondly you definitely need AC for AC otherwise there was no need to field F-16 block 52...You could have done with better SAMS which are way more cheap than Figter Aircrafts...be it Cost be it Maintenance...Pilot trainings and what not...Also remember even though PAF doctorine is defence that doesn't mean that they would not cross Indian Air Space and pound AirFields and other sensitive targets...SAMS won't work there and neither you can totally rely on your BM's,CM's

Well as I said it is not only the AC but a host of other things, may be i was not clear in stating that. But the AC is definitely imp. Also we are arguing about the plane that just recently took its first flight, it is claimed to be a 5+ but whats the guarantee, what makes every one so sure. Wait for it to be completely inducted, and then we will see what the package holds. And as far as transparency its indias call. We dont owe them an explanation neither they do to us. If tom u guys decide to conceal all of your defense procurements and not tell any one about them. Well then again its your money throw it in the trash burn it or buy stuff with it. Why should we care. And the same rule is applicable to us as well.
you guys are talking about FGFA like it gona win the wars of future because it is 5th generation .. if wars could b win by just 5 generation air crafts than whole world should go for such fighters stop investing in army and in other military fields :rofl:

Wars CAN be won by 5th gen aircrafts.

Blessed with ignorance and with limited research you are fully convinced that stealth is no "Game changer".

USAF is not stupid to have inducted only 151 F-22 raptors, which is the best aircraft in the world.

You have no clue of how effectively they can be used in a real war scenario. Your nation will be clueless about where the next strike will be until AFTER the strike. Your radars would be useless against a 5th gen fighter which would mean that you have to constantly be ready for all possibilities not only on your borders ..but also inside your territory ..which dramatically escalates the cost of waging a war.

If you can take a bus to school, will you burn your car ? That's how stupid your last statement is.
:rofl: just write 800 million poor people in india u will get hundreds of sites on ur slumies :rofl: dnt tell me all these sites are made by madarasa :rofl: most of links are indians links on google :rofl:

and just u know what i was typing poverty in pakistan and it suddenly starts to flash slums of karachi to lahore:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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