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India Advances in Naval Arms Race With China


Dec 20, 2013
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India Advances in Naval Arms Race With China

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: India regards China's efforts to enhance its naval presence in the Indian Ocean as undermining New Delhi's strategic position. As a response, India has beefed up its naval capabilities, increasing the likelihood of India joining the naval coalition of Australia, Japan, and the US.

The Indian defense establishment commonly regards China's efforts to enhance its naval presence in the Indian Ocean as an attempt to undermine its strategic position in India's "near abroad." While a minority view holds that China merely seeks to expand its commercial reach, Beijing's actions may suggest otherwise. Its construction of deep-water ports and securing of usage agreements for naval and maritime installations along the sea lanes from China to the Persian Gulf, dubbed the "String of Pearls," is widely viewed in New Delhi as tantamount to China's strategic encirclement of India.
India's Naval Upgrades

In response to the perceived threat, India has embarked on developing a blue-water navy, based on a strategy of building three carrier battle groups that will project power far from its shores and enable New Delhi to partner on more equal footing with Asia's major naval powers. Thus, the scheduled arrival of India's second aircraft carrier from Russia in late January 2014, the INS Vikramaditya, has been celebrated as the symbol of India's growing naval power, as the new ship will make India's navy Asia's only fleet with two aircraft carriers. The 45,400 ton Vikramaditya is significantly larger than any Indian naval vessel, and boasts some of the most advanced combat capabilities with its ten Kamov-31 helicopters and 24 MiG 29K fighters. This addition will enable the Indian Navy to achieve a strategic goal of operating full carrier battles concurrently in its western and eastern theaters of operation.

Despite the fanfare, India's most strategically significant advance in naval strength may actually be its acquisition of 12 P-81 antisubmarine warfare (ASW) aircraft, a variant of Boeing's P-8A Poseidon ASW aircraft developed for the US Navy. The P-81 fleet – which will make India the first country other than the US to possess the sophisticated, long-range ASW aircraft – represents an important step in India's efforts to diversify its naval acquisitions beyond its traditional Russian supplier. The new fleet will ease interoperability with US naval forces and could help India move closer to participating in the important Trilateral Security Dialogue (TSD) with Australia, Japan, and the US. The Indian Navy has already successfully tested the aircraft's ASW capabilities as well as its Boeing Harpoon Block II missiles, which can lethally strike coastal defense facilities, surface-to-air missile sites, port facilities, and ships in port. Furthermore, the P-81 fleet offers India the potential to implement aspects of an Air-Sea Battle (ASB) concept to counter China's Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) capabilities, which seek to prevent an adversary from amassing superior naval force in a location deemed important to Chinese national interests.
Countering Regional Threats

India's P-81 fleet will certainly give New Delhi a distinct naval advantage over Islamabad, as Pakistan's navy possesses only four of the much older and far inferior P-3Cs. Even more significantly, the long-range P-81s give India the potential to exercise some degree of sea control against Chinese efforts to extend its A2/AD capabilities in the Indian Ocean and South China Sea.

With 79 principal surface ships and approximately 60 submarines, China possesses the largest naval arsenal of any Asian nation.

Nonetheless, for the time being, the Chinese navy is lacking sophisticated ASW and anti-aircraft capabilities, and thus cannot provide its vessels a reasonable measure of security in open seas. In response to this and other weaknesses vis-à-vis the US naval presence in Asia, Beijing has developed the aforementioned A2/AD counter-intervention strategy. In response, Washington developed its doctrine of Air-Sea Battle (ASB) to defend the free access of international commercial sea lanes upon which global trade depends.

The ASB strategy is designed to be an effective countermeasure should Beijing decide to forcefully change the status quo and establish an A2/AD presence in disputed areas over which it claims sovereignty. India's new P-81 fleet, in combination with its two carrier battle groups, will allow it to develop its own limited ASB strategy to counteract Chinese A2/AD capabilities near India's eastern shores and economic interests in the South China Sea. New Delhi may also be able to conduct larger joint ASB operations with Tokyo as part of the burgeoning Indo-Japanese naval cooperation, or in an even wider coalition with the TSD.

India's naval upgrades enhance its ability to project power over longer distances to counteract A2/AD tactics, making New Delhi more of a player in the South China Sea. Considered together with the fact that India will now be able to regularly deploy a carrier battle group in its eastern theater of operations without fear of vulnerability in the west, India's regional power projection has become a permanent factor in any strategic calculus to change the status quo in the Indo-Pacific.


Dr. Micha'el Tanchum is a fellow in the Department of Middle East and Islamic Studies at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem and the Hebrew University's Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace. He also teaches in Tel Aviv University's Department of East Asian Studies.

The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (also known by its acronym, the BESA Center) advances a realist, conservative, and Zionist agenda in the search for security and peace for Israel. The center conducts policy-relevant research on strategic subjects, particularly as they relate to the national security and foreign policy of Israel and Middle East regional affairs.
@dragunov87 hey mate how are you able to post a new thread???... i was restricted till 29 messages. o_Oo_Oo_O and you have only 5...

i think it is 29 messages II enough no. of days.....u joined on 29 dec 2013..so by this condition you are able to post...initially i thought it is.. 29 messages && enough no. of days :)
A good article. India need at least 4 aircraft carriers to effectively patrol its coastlines in the East and West.One to be deployed in the South,closer to Mauritious.Finally, one carrier to be kept in reserve.The one in the West could be deployed in the South China Sea. 4 carrier task force should be implemented by 2030.China is expected to be a formidable naval force by 2035.
Numbers always favour China. They like to project bigger and larger everything.

Alas, but farther away from home ports, these ships are easy targets for Indian Navy.

Remember that sea battle of 1905, in which the much larger Russian Fleet was sunk by newly trained Japanese fleet in less than 15 minutes when it passed thru the sea lanes in between Japanese and Chinese mainland. The reason the Russian fleet had travelled from Europe to Asia and was far away from home ports.

Larger fleet away from home ports in Indian Ocean is a sure death of Chinese fleet at the hands of Indian Navy.
Numbers always favour China. They like to project bigger and larger everything.

Alas, but farther away from home ports, these ships are easy targets for Indian Navy.

Living in lala land it is 2014 not WW2. The same can be said about india away from their ports the navy is not developed to stay in ports enjoy eating fishes. So are you mocking US Navy away from ports they are vulnerable? You are giving bad name to hindustan with your foolish posts.
Events happened more than a century ago mean nothing to today's situation.
China build her own ships,india buy them.There is no competition between China and India's navy force devolopment.
Indian navy is highly unprofessional and incompetent.

Indian military ain't touching China.

That's why India is scared of us.

We are very frightened, and we handed over Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim to China recently Below is the source of that -

Japan enters where China is barred – northeast India - Times Of India


A good article. India need at least 4 aircraft carriers to effectively patrol its coastlines in the East and West.One to be deployed in the South,closer to Mauritious.Finally, one carrier to be kept in reserve.The one in the West could be deployed in the South China Sea. 4 carrier task force should be implemented by 2030.China is expected to be a formidable naval force by 2035.

India is going for 3 ACs, one for Arabian Sea and One or Two for Indian Ocean.

Deploying in South China sea is pointless, thats for USA to take care of.
Why would a super power like india need help from Japan, US and Australia?
Well Hyperpower China needs help from Pakistan for its existence ;)

So India can seek help from Japan, US and Australia
Well Hyperpower China needs help from Pakistan for its existence ;)

So India can seek help from Japan, US and Australia

Because China is not a super power like india. Also we are just arming Pakistan to defend her land from aggressive indians.
Because China is not a super power like india.

When did i say China is not a super power like india.?

Also we are just arming Pakistan to defend her land from aggressive indians.

So what was China doing in 1971 when India was invading in Pakistan's lands? :D

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