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India admits Kashmir a disputed territory.

Which part of the Shimla Agreement qualifies Kashmir as disputed territory ?

Can Pakistan and India discuss Mumbai? Can India and Pakistan discuss Karachi? What you discuss is “Disputed issues” which is Kashmir ghaday then what is in Shmila ??? Lol
At the end of the day, 370 is gone forever and BJP got what India was trying for long i.e making LoC the de facto border between the two. Indians won't mind Pakistan claiming a moral/psychological victory today I guess. 70 years have gone and only a naive would hope that Kashmir could have another solution.

First, Article 370 removal has been challenged before the Supreme Court and it be struck down because of the way it was done. Secondly, how do you assume that this will lead to a solution to Kashmir ? I think this will make things worse. Anyway, let's wait and watch. Only time will tell.

Can Pakistan and India discuss Mumbai? Can India and Pakistan discuss Karachi? What you discuss is “Disputed issues” which is Kashmir ghaday then what is in Shmila ??? Lol

Ullu ke pathay read my earlier posts to get an understanding of what I am trying to say. Also, there are other issues between India and Pak, Sir Creek, Siachen, Water etc. It could refer to those as well.
I dont understand the chest thumping ? What changed after the UN consultation ?

India is going to revert back its decision regarding the bifurcation of J&k into J&K and Ladakh and also regarding revocation of article 370 . Hehe

Simla is dead but the UN Resolutions are not. India has shot itself in the foot

First step according to UN resolutions required Pakistan to completely withdraw troops from J&K which never happened ?

what are the gains for India?

a J&K free Ladakh ! , a centrally governed kashmir and right to buy property in J&K for people of rest of India .

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