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India admits Kashmir a disputed territory.

Forget IAK. Move on. Stop antagonizing GOI.

Fuk off Sanghi

Like could you explain what exactly will happen because my assessment says UN is the most toothless organisation in the world. And something will happen only if US wants. What do you think will happen ?

No one knows what will happen next.
Let's wait and see

However, GOI does not think Pakistan held up their side of the agreement. Several skirmishes after that validates that.

Just an example from the same agreement:

If government of India do not believe that Pakistan is keeping up its side of bargain, and they have indeed expressed their views by trying to change the status quo in IOK, which nullified the simla accord by default, why Indian envoy is still talking about now defunct agreement, which technically is dead and buried since Indian unilateral move.

Indian establishment is totally confused.
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why they were not ready before when imran khan asked modi to talk on table and solve issues?
any Indian friend on here would be feeling so embarrassed that what modi has done to Indian image lol.
Modi thinks the modren world is sleeping and no one caught him lyeing.
What exactly Imran Khan had in mind to discuss?
Fuk off Sanghi

No one knows what will happen next.
Let's wait and see
The UN can only force a country which is weak and has leverage over that country by some means or that countries foreign policies and leaders are puppets of P5 members. There is nothing the UN can enforce if a country like India doesnt allow it. So its safe to assume nothing will happen from UN side. You gotta fight your own battles ( not literally )
The UN can only force a country which is weak and has leverage over that country by some means or that countries foreign policies and leaders are puppets of P5 members. There is nothing the UN can enforce if a country like India doesnt allow it. So its safe to assume nothing will happen from UN side. You gotta fight your own battles ( not literally )

No, literally we will fight our battle to the end no matter what the consequences are.

And we know very well that UN can't do anything, it's just about strategic narrative building and Modi is really helping us in that.
No, literally we will fight our battle to the end no matter what the consequences are.

And we know very well that UN can't do anything, it's just about strategic narrative building and Modi is really helping us in that.
Kashmir is always highlighted in some way. Hope things change for better and Kashmir gets highlighted for good reasons. Modi took a bold step that no one expected, he will gain immensely from this in domestic politics and i think US would be wary. All my analysis say Trump is the reason Modi hastened the process. Now he is talking about Hongkong, China will hasten the process. Shut up Trump somebody.
The UN can only force a country which is weak and has leverage over that country by some means or that countries foreign policies and leaders are puppets of P5 members. There is nothing the UN can enforce if a country like India doesnt allow it. So its safe to assume nothing will happen from UN side. You gotta fight your own battles ( not literally )

Do you really think that western civilisation will put crippling economic sanctions on India through UN ?

The sole purpose is to smash this long established Indian narrative of cross border terrorism and let everyone be clear on what this dispute is about. Indian shenanigans linking Kashmir freedom struggle with terrorism, those needs to be put to bed once for all.

After that Pakistan will do what needs to be done.
Guys, i think the time to talk about that is long gone ! 370 is gone, its not going to be brought back. People have moved on. UN sympathy has been used up. India isnt going to suddenly decide to change the status because someone interpreted things differently.
Guys, i think the time to talk about that is long gone ! 370 is gone, its not going to be brought back. People have moved on. UN sympathy has been used up. India isnt going to suddenly decide to change the status because someone interpreted things differently.

Who cares about what India do.

Pakistan will do what needs to be done. Enjoy.
Guys, i think the time to talk about that is long gone ! 370 is gone, its not going to be brought back. People have moved on. UN sympathy has been used up. India isnt going to suddenly decide to change the status because someone interpreted things differently.

Well, actions do have consequences.
You did what you had to
Now we will do what we need to

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