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India Acts Stern On China, Deploys Bofors Guns At LAC

Type-15 are Will be Pitted Against T-90 in Ladakh

Never the Less India Has Large numbers of ATGM's
Kornet E
Konkurs M
And Spike ER

Then there is Apache-AH-64 E And Hellfire Combo

And The Most Potent Weapon Anti Armour Weapon US CBU-105
All very well ut which way are the indian soldiers running
How many Type -15 Tanks You actually have
as far I know not more than brigade

Please Show Me The area on LAC Which Better for tank Warfare

Your Tanks Will be sitting ducks in the Mountain against Salvo's Kornet E And
Spike ER or Hellfire

This What Make Pakistan army different they Actually Experienced Battle hardened Soldiers not Hot Air

LOL PLA Does :rolleyes::rolleyes:

When Was the Last Full Scale war you fought 50 years ago
Those border skirmishes 'Kargil war' 'Kashmir war' aren't even wars in China's context. U remind me of this:

I can't see the t72 doing it at the speed of the type 15, nor does that slope look 'steep'.
Dont worry you are not going to get such a perfectly flat and long run up to a smooth slope as depicted by that video of yours in the actual battlefield
Those border skirmishes 'Kargil war' 'Kashmir war' aren't even wars in China's context. U remind me of this:

You are not Even Half How Professionally Trained as NLI of Pak army or Gilgit Scouts
Neither you know their history in Mountain warfare

Sorry but this your reality

Opinion by British Soldier not Mine on PLA

Dont worry you are not going to get such a perfectly flat and long run up to a smooth slope as depicted by that video of yours in the actual battlefield
Am pretty sure the PLA planners r way wiser n smarter than me to take the time n money n opt for a light tank, than to bring in its trump tank- the T99A which outguns, outruns, outrange n probably outarmors(becos the materials r secret) the T90(sad for the fate of the Arjun. Tho it makes a good display in an Indian musuem).

Am pretty sure the PLA planners r way wiser n smarter than me to take the time n money to opt for a light tank, than to bring in its trump tank- the T99A which outguns, outruns, outrange n probably outarmors(becos the materials r secret) the T90

We Have this for your T99 A

Now Tank formation can survive this Mofo :usflag::usflag::usflag:



One of China’s previous tanks, the Type 96, performed well in shooting in the International Army Games held by Russia every year, and the more advanced Type 99A and Type 15 are believed to be even better, the expert said, noting the Chinese technologies should be considered advanced at an international level.

The Type 15 tank made its debut to the general public during China’s National Day military parade on October 1, 2019. It is listed in China’s 2019 edition of defense white paper as one of the country’s most advanced weapons.

As a lightweight tank, it is significantly lighter than the Type 96 and Type 99A, making it operate effectively in difficult terrains that may be inaccessible to heavier tanks including plateaus, forest and water-intensive areas, analysts said.

Some Type 15 tanks have been deployed in the plateau areas of Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, CCTV reported in January.

The Monday report by Weihutang also showcased a Type 15 in jungle camouflage, which analysts believe could be used in China’s mountainous southern areas. The tanks displayed at China's 2019 national day military parade were in desert camouflage.

Am pretty sure the PLA planners r way wiser n smarter than me to take the time n money n opt for a light tank, than to bring in its trump tank- the T99A which outguns, outruns, outrange n probably outarmors(becos the materials r secret) the T90(sad for the fate of the Arjun. Tho it makes a good display in an Indian musuem).

Doesn't change the fact that you won't get such perfectly sculpted playgrounds in an actual war to display the star spangled awesomeness of your toys .

Ironic bcoz That frog is a perfect symbol depicting chinese people consuming whatever CCP feeds them in baidu, weibo , state run news channels
Doesn't change the fact that you won't get such perfectly sculpted playgrounds in an actual war to display the star spangled awesomeness of your toys .

Ironic bcoz That frog is a perfect symbol depicting chinese people consuming whatever CCP feeds them in baidu, weibo , state run news channels
That's all u have?

For the 3Rd time:

Can some1 answer me pls- has the Indian army replaced those Chinese-made bearings in the Bofors or not?

It would be tragic for the PLA if they were to be killed by Chinese-made Indian artillery guns.

One of China’s previous tanks, the Type 96, performed well in shooting in the International Army Games held by Russia every year, and the more advanced Type 99A and Type 15 are believed to be even better, the expert said, noting the Chinese technologies should be considered advanced at an international level.

The Type 15 tank made its debut to the general public during China’s National Day military parade on October 1, 2019. It is listed in China’s 2019 edition of defense white paper as one of the country’s most advanced weapons.

As a lightweight tank, it is significantly lighter than the Type 96 and Type 99A, making it operate effectively in difficult terrains that may be inaccessible to heavier tanks including plateaus, forest and water-intensive areas, analysts said.

Some Type 15 tanks have been deployed in the plateau areas of Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, CCTV reported in January.

The Monday report by Weihutang also showcased a Type 15 in jungle camouflage, which analysts believe could be used in China’s mountainous southern areas. The tanks displayed at China's 2019 national day military parade were in desert camouflage.
Ok- so how is it related to the thread- This is what you said and was asked for your source- "I am not sure how Bafors is anything to be proud of when China Type 15 tanks are moving in large number"-

Your photo shopping skills are even worse.

Nonono, I'm asking u if the T90 can do what the type 15 does at 1:05 of the video:

Is your Type 15 going to take part in Nascar?- Type 15 will need to be fast at least can run away quickly.
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