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India Acts Stern On China, Deploys Bofors Guns At LAC

That's exact what Indians believed before 1962.
In 1962 we trusted you too much, you had a 1:8 advantage. In 1967, the odds were similar to what they are today and since then your army has never dared to mess with us again. Heck, your army doesn't even want to mess with small nations like Vietnam or Taiwan. Your navy regularly gets its *** kicked by Vietnam in the South China Sea. American forces are on standby. Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Australia - everyone is watching. Make 1 wrong move and your dreams of empire are over.
While Dr Sawhney is talking little sense, a rare commodity among Indians, their news channels are engaged in propaganda battles.

In this episode of propaganda, a video is played in which they claim that ISI agents on the bikes are following an Indian diplomat , harassing them.

Oh boy, I think it is a common practice all around the world. Diplomats are followed, kept an eye on.

Secondly, the bravado against China continues. Indians are moving heavy Bofors guns to LAC. Indians matching China troops to troops , Guns to Guns.

So they swapped out the made in china parts for the bofors guns already?

Just curious, thanks

Type-15 are Will be Pitted Against T-90 in Ladakh

Never the Less India Has Large numbers of ATGM's
Kornet E
Konkurs M
And Spike ER

Then there is Apache-AH-64 E And Hellfire Combo

And The Most Potent Weapon Anti Armour Weapon US CBU-105
The T-90s, not to mention the T-72s- are essentially WORTHLESS in the mountains.

Their military value are atually increased if they r torn apart n modified into static artillery with bigger guns.
In 1962 we trusted you too much, you had a 1:8 advantage. In 1967, the odds were similar to what they are today and since then your army has never dared to mess with us again. Heck, your army doesn't even want to mess with small nations like Vietnam or Taiwan. Your navy regularly gets its *** kicked by Vietnam in the South China Sea. American forces are on standby. Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Australia - everyone is watching. Make 1 wrong move and your dreams of empire are over.
LOL. In 1969 China fought with Soviet Uion in NE border. In 1979, China fought with Vietnam whose prestige was at its peak for wining the US and South Vietnam. How come China feared India?

You are brainwashed. China never had 1:8 advantage and you never won any war to China in 1967.
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You are brainwashed. China never had 1:8 advantage and you never won any war to China in 1967.
You live under a dictatorship , all globally used social network platforms are banned in your country , people are prosecuted if they call your supreme leader winnie the pooh and we are brainwashed . Sure
Nonono, I'm asking u if the T90 can do what the type 15 does at 1:05 of the video:

Yes It Can Watch tank biathlon videos

Even T-72 Can Climb Steep mountain

Nevertheless the terrain At LAC Is To steep for tanks to be operated or Even BMP's


lak pongo.png
Theres reason why china chose not to, n instead- invested the time n money to develop at light tank for fightinng a mobile war in the mountains.
I Don't What PLA thinks But Both PA And IA fought Many Wars

And both army never deployed tanks in mountain

they are Much Possibility of Tank Being ambushed Bt ATGM's
Yes It Can Watch tank biathlon videos

Even T-72 Can Climb Steep mountain

Nevertheless the terrain At LAC Is To steep for tanks to be operated or Even BMP's
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View attachment 638821
I can't see the t72 doing it at the speed of the type 15, nor does that slope look 'steep'.

Also, the screenshots r irrelevant. In fact, u r grossly short-sighted if u think that warfare in the himalayas would be restricted to just a few places.

This shortsightness is what allowed the PLA to move the LAC ever west-shifting.

I Don't What PLA thinks But Both PA And IA fought Many Wars

And both army never deployed tanks in mountain

they are Much Possibility of Tank Being ambushed Bt ATGM's
Those skirmishes that the Indian army fought aren't even 'wars' in China's context.

India has no idea of what a real war is
This shortsightness is what allowed the PLA to move the LAC ever west-shifting.
How many Type -15 Tanks You actually have
as far I know not more than brigade

Please Show Me The area on LAC Which Better for tank Warfare

Your Tanks Will be sitting ducks in the Mountain against Salvo's Kornet E And
Spike ER or Hellfire

This What Make Pakistan army different they Actually Experienced Battle hardened Soldiers not Hot Air

India has no idea of what a real war is
LOL PLA Does :rolleyes::rolleyes:

When Was the Last Full Scale war you fought 50 years ago

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