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India Acts Stern On China, Deploys Bofors Guns At LAC

Nobody here knows much about India or even cares, but you keep bringing China up, as if we give a shit about India. eventually somebody is going to clap back.
We don't care about China either as long as you mind your own business and stop interfering in Indias internal matters, stop supporting well known and widely accepted perpetrators of international terrorism. Fact is that your government is scared and they just want to divert people's attention to external problems. First learn to bully Vietnam and Taiwan properly. It was a very grave mistake on Xi's part to think he can do use these tactics and get away scott free.

Fact also is, that you are a very small minority of Chinese people who can write English exceptionally well, use VPN to register on a banned website and make so many posts about Chinese propaganda. Perhaps, less than 1 in 10 million. It is indeed a honor and privilege to cross your path. May you open your eyes and your mind to thinking freely.
That's all u have?

For the 3Rd time:

Can some1 answer me pls- has the Indian army replaced those Chinese-made bearings in the Bofors or not?

It would be tragic for the PLA if they were to be killed by Chinese-made Indian artillery guns.

No they have not been. Not even in a single gun. Do you have a kill switch in them? If you do, kill them now. What a joke.

Please tell me you were not serious while typing this. Please, Please, Please, Please.

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