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India Acts Stern On China, Deploys Bofors Guns At LAC

I am not sure how Bafors is anything to be proud of when China Type 15 tanks are moving in large number
Before we had great pdf Chinese military strategy of deploying Chinese submarines into Brahmaputra

Now we have new stratergy from pdf Chinese military genius to deploy tanks to combat artillery :lol:

More gems showcasing military genius on the way
@MilSpec @scorpionx @Joe Shearer @kongn @Raghav_101


Btw, how come nobdy has answered me?

Has India replaced those Chinese-made bearings in the Bofors or not?
Hahahahah yah i remembered they blame the failures on Chinese made bearings. Fckers dun even make gun bearings, lololol
Those who plays world of tanks(a tank simulator) will know the effectiveness of artillery vs tanks in a mountainous setting n how mobility is the key to winning battles under such settings.
Modi's generals must be spending sleepless night.
China is now giving Modi India, a taste of its own medicine but India is at risk.
A war with China may give China an excuse to liberate Kashmir and Jammu.
A risk that threatened India today.
The oppressed people in Kashmir and Jammu will welcome the liberating forces from China that will free them and get them out of the loosely union agreement they have signed with Gandhi.
Sure looking like a scene before East Pakistan was lost by Pakistan, is it India KARMA?

The original loosely written agreement signed by all parties correct the sake of Independence gave each state the right to leave if they disagreed and desired but India has reneged on the agreement today.
That is why so many states in India are seeking separatism.

India was originally a 32 Kingdom 570 districts subcontinent ruled by Maharajahs, Kings, Chieftain, landlords, etc before the British Master came and enslaved them.

The border line dispute were part of the Empire Master plan to destabilize India relationship with all her neighbors after Independence like what they did in Hong Kong today.
That is why India has dispute with everyone of her neighbor.

The colonialist has drawn a border line without consultation with India neighbour.

If anyone has a decorum of commonsense, one would notice that the territory India claimed as their Akai Chin protrude illogical inside to China.
It is a barren and arid landscape. That shown to me India is an expansionist state, all this year.
How come Pakistan and Nepal, Myanmar, etc has no land border dispute with China today?
Fh-77 Is Swedish Gun noob
It was fired 80,000 shells Alone in kargil war alone

the Parts You are Taking About are fake non compatible With FH-77

It was a Corruption case That was Sorted out
nononononono my question was:

Are they replaced already or not?? or is the Indian army still playing the willing cheapo n sticking with the Chinese bearings(no funds to replace them?? idk)

like dude, i asked it 3 times- r they replaced already or not- and if they r, with what? whats wrong with u? they dont teach basic english in British India?

So they swapped out the made in china parts for the bofors guns already?

Just curious, thanks

Btw, how come nobdy has answered me?

Has India replaced those Chinese-made bearings in the Bofors or not?

For the 3Rd time:

Can some1 answer me pls- has the Indian army replaced those Chinese-made bearings in the Bofors or not?

It would be tragic for the PLA if they were to be killed by Chinese-made Indian artillery guns.

Also, r*****s who advocate that

artillery > tanks

needs to play World of Tanks(a highly realistic tank simulator)

by purely firepower alone = yes. 155mm guns will pierce through most- if not all current modern MBT's armor, not to mention those of light tanks.

but whats the point when these guns r highly immobile(towed), have to rely on various unreliable targetting mechanisms and are trying to hit fast moving targets?

For these artillery to become deadly, u need light tanks to provide the cover n recon(aided by aerial recon as well) for them at the frontline in the first place.

Otherwise, they r just sitting ducks vs tanks(and choppers)
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nononononono my question was:

Are they replaced already or not?? or is the Indian army still playing the willing cheapo n sticking with the Chinese bearings(no funds to replace them?? idk)

like dude, i asked it 3 times- r they replaced already or not- and if they r, with what? whats wrong with? they dont teach basic english in British India?

Also, r*****s who advocate that

artillery > tanks

needs to play World of Tanks(a highly realistic tank simulator)

by purely firepower alone = yes. 155mm guns will pierce through most- if not all current modern MBT's armor, not to mention those of light tanks.

but whats the point when these guns r highly immobile(towed), have to rely on various unreliable targetting mechanisms and are trying to hit fast moving targets.
Hahahha stop pushing him too hard mate. Anyway the Type 15 is designed specifically for plateaus.
Hahahha stop pushing him too hard mate. Anyway the Type 15 is designed specifically for plateaus.
I'm just giving my armchair opinion.

I am 101% sure that the PLA major generals at Beijing are way smarter, wiser and informed than me to have opted to invest the time n money in developing the type 15, instead of simply bringing in the type 96s/99s
LOL. In 1969 China fought with Soviet Uion in NE border. In 1979, China fought with Vietnam whose prestige was at its peak for wining the US and South Vietnam. How come China feared India?

You are brainwashed. China never had 1:8 advantage and you never won any war to China in 1967.
It is the peak of irony when a Chinese accuses another of being brainwashed.
You live under a dictatorship , all globally used social network platforms are banned in your country , people are prosecuted if they call your supreme leader winnie the pooh and we are brainwashed . Sure
This is another evidence that you are brainwahed. Do the Chinese members in the PDF look like living in a closed society? Indians' democracy superiority feeling is a product of brainwashing.
Don't forget they can't speak English. Like they are so bad at it, they have to use Google translate to communicate.

Yet here you see them speaking English better than some Americans i know.

All of them are ccp propagandist. Maybe there are exceptions, i don't know.
I have at least 40 Chinese classmates who I studied with over 1-2 years during an international program. They are all from wealthy backgrounds who have very good education by their own standards. Very few of them even know how to use VPN. Nobody can write English as well as Chinese members here. They know very little about India and almost nothing Indo-Pak strategic affairs.
I have at least 40 Chinese classmates who I studied with over 1-2 years during an international program. They are all from wealthy backgrounds who have very good education by their own standards. Very few of them even know how to use VPN. Nobody can write English as well as Chinese members here. They know very little about India and almost nothing Indo-Pak strategic affairs.

Nobody here knows much about India or even cares, but you keep bringing China up, as if we give a shit about India. eventually somebody is going to clap back.
Nobody here knows much about India or even cares, but you keep bringing China up, as if we give a shit about India. eventually somebody is going to clap back.

He's right about the English though.

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