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India a War Machine - Pakistan observer

There's no need for the Pakistan Observer to crap in its pants! Because none of our politicians have the spunk to allow the Armed Forces to make use of these fancy gizmos.

And in addition, we should also scout the international market for some big balls to be distributed to our netas!! :cheesy:

Here come the nuclear warrior... Where were you my brother??? Why don't you used it in 1999(During kargil war) Indian would have came on knees and you would have got Kashmir... :)

bcoz it was just a weapon to showcase but not for use.....
i am just wondering that does they really know that how to use that?????????? plz don't frustrate it was just a joke
There's no need for the Pakistan Observer to crap in its pants! Because none of our politicians have the spunk to allow the Armed Forces to make use of these fancy gizmos.

And in addition, we should also scout the international market for some big balls to be distributed to our netas!! :cheesy:

At least they have little bit of sense :D
bcoz it was just a weapon to showcase but not for use.....
i am just wondering that does they really know that how to use that?????????? plz don't frustrate it was just a joke

I strongly believe that No country will use nuke in coming 100s of year, Coz every one know consequences. I don't know why my Paksiatani brothers don't know it....

Having said that I don't say that Nuke can not be used, It will definitely used, but by ppl like Al-Quaida and Kasab. The ppl who send Kasab to kill Indian Muslims (many Muslims were killed by kasab) will not hesitate to hand-over Nuke to him (Kasab). And kasab will use the Nuke against Indian Muslims...

Even after that India will not use Nuke against Kasab handlers.. Coz we are Human...
I strongly believe that No country will use nuke in coming 100s of year, Coz every one know consequences. I don't know why my Paksiatani brothers don't know it....

Having said that I don't say that Nuke can not be used, It will definitely used, but by ppl like Al-Quaida and Kasab. The ppl who send Kasab to kill Indian Muslims (many Muslims were killed by kasab) will not hesitate to hand-over Nuke to him (Kasab). And kasab will use the Nuke against Indian Muslims...

Even after that India will not use Nuke against Kasab handlers.. Coz we are not animal...
terrorist will not see nationality and religion ,everyone should have to aware of this, they will do this against everyone..Pakistan is also victim of terrorism...
Indian MP sees Pak military as key hurdle to peace
Published: January 6, 2012

Dr Shashi Tahroor speaking at a policy discussion seminar titled “India and Pakistan: Cooperation or Conflict?” organised by the Jinnah Institute. PHOTO: INP
Member of the Lok Sabha and former Indian external affairs minister Dr Shashi Tharoor blamed Pakistan’s powerful military establishment as ‘the main hurdle’ in direct peaceful relations with India.
Speaking at a policy discussion seminar titled “India and Pakistan: Cooperation or Conflict?” organised by the Jinnah Institute, Tharoor said that New Delhi is genuinely committed to establishing peaceful relations with Islamabad.
“The only apprehension on India’s part was the issue of terrorism; however, we want sustainable peace between the two countries,” he said.
Tharoor went on to say that Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is pursuing fresh rounds of peace talks with Pakistan.
However, the Indian Member of Parliament did not stop short of claiming India’s multiple initiatives for peace were not responded to by Pakistan.
“During natural disasters, India offered Pakistan direct donations but they were rejected while the same were accepted when given through the United Nations.”
He said that Pakistan defines itself in opposition to India, and added that cooperation is the only way forward.
Tharoor also welcomed efforts made by President Asif Ali Zardari for trade links with India, and said that it reflected how important it is for Pakistan to normalise relations with India.
However, he said that the civilian initiatives by Pakistan are unlikely to take off because of the strategic view of the Pakistani military.
“Pakistanis interested in peace and regional security will definitely find willing partners in India.”
‘No hand in Balochistan violence’
Tharoor rejected allegations that India was creating trouble in Balochistan. “I am not an ordinary street man who only reads newspapers; I have access to the quarters where decision-making takes place and I can assure you that there is nothing remotely close to what you are assuming,” Tharoor said, while replying to a question.
He added that India is an emerging global player and cannot afford instability in its neighbours.
For the fulfillment of India’s global ambitions, it wants stability in the region which cannot be achieved without a stable Pakistan, he added.
Tharoor served as United Nations’ Under-Secretary General for Communications and Public Information from 1996 to 2007 and currently represents the constituency of Thiruvananthapuram in the Lok Sabha.
Tharoor is among the Jinnah Institute’s the first Distinguished Speakers of the ongoing Indo-Pakistan Track-II engagement termed the Chaophraya Dialogue.
Published in The Express Tribune, January 6th, 2012.
I strongly believe that No country will use nuke in coming 100s of year, Coz every one know consequences. I don't know why my Paksiatani brothers don't know it....

Having said that I don't say that Nuke can not be used, It will definitely used, but by ppl like Al-Quaida and Kasab.

Both the lines above are contradictory...If Al-Qaeda uses a nuke lets say on US then i have no doubt in my mind that source of that nuke will be decimated in no time...So we do have a real danger of a nuclear war and that's why it is utmost important to ban them as soon as we can...
Both the lines above are contradictory...If Al-Qaeda uses a nuke lets say on US then i have no doubt in my mind that source of that nuke will be decimated in no time...So we do have a real danger of a nuclear war and that's why it is utmost important to ban them as soon as we can...

Getting nuke is difficult, not impossible. Many ex-Soviet nations have nuke. And there are many insane ppl who can (or may) handle it to AQ. Imagine one such dirty bomb reaching to wrong hand. Once it is used what one can do?????

As a responsible nature USA will not start nuking the nation from where the terrorists got nuke..
Yeah Pak Military is the only institution that can save Pakistan from turning into an Indian Colony ala Nepal and Bangladesh.Indian MP can f@ck off.The fact is 90%+ of Pakistani Population support Pakistan Armed Forces so this propaganda wouldn't work.
Yeah Pak Military is the only institution that can save Pakistan from turning into an Indian Colony ala Nepal and Bangladesh.Indian MP can f@ck off.The fact is 90%+ of Pakistani Population support Pakistan Armed Forces so this propaganda wouldn't work.

plz have a moderate view towards your history and see how much your army have harmed your nation.
Getting nuke is difficult, not impossible. Many ex-Soviet nations have nuke. And there are many insane ppl who can (or may) handle it to AQ. Imagine one such dirty bomb reaching to wrong hand. Once it is used what one can do?????

As a responsible nature USA will not start nuking the nation from where the terrorists got nuke..

That is exactly what they will do. The onus is on the nation to safeguard their nukes. How about if i handover another nuke to al-qaeda and nuke another city in US??? Keep in mind Once you are nuked all bets are off...
06 JAN,2012:INDIA has inducted nuclear, biological and chemical equipment for use in army and navy under the pretext of detection, protection and decontamination of dirty nuclear bombs while the other day Cabinet cleared the Rs 6,600-crore acquisition of 490 French advanced missile systems to arm the Mirage-2000 fighter jets.

In fact India has been on a massive arms buying spree from the right and the left to further gear up its war machine in an attempt to become the regional policeman while millions of its people are suffering from poverty. India’s particular focus is on acquiring sea power not only to dominate the Indian Ocean but to extend it to South China Sea. New Delhi acquired the nuclear powered attack submarine Nerpa from Russia last month and is currently completing the development of its own Arihant-class nulear powered ballistic submarines. It is also in the process of buying six Russian P-751 submarines at an estimated cost of $10.72bn in addition to six French Scorpene submarines. Prestigious Foreign Policy Magazine quoting top rated arms watch dogs has brought into focus the rising power of India’s military profile that is being determinedly crafted through allocation of large and sustained spending to provide India with the military muscle to dominate the region. Under its newly designed war doctrine to confront Pakistan and China simultaneously, New Delhi is building its military muscles and planned to spend an estimated $80 billion on military modernization programmes in the next five years on purchase of advanced weapons from Russia, Israel, European nations and the United States. The question arises why India is going for this massive arms purchase programme while it faces no threat from the neighbouring countries. This also runs contrary to occasional pious intentions from Indian Prime Minister that New Delhi wants to live in peace with all neighbours. In this scenario, we would caution the Pakistan government and the defence establishment that the cutting edge of Indian military capability still and for long times to come, will continue to remain Pakistan centric. This presents difficult options to maintain a credible balance of deterrence. In this stark calculus Pakistan’s nuclear deterrence acquires a vital and an irrefutable relevance of its own.

India further tones up war machine

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