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India a War Machine - Pakistan observer

^ Atleast Pakistan won.

60% of JF-17 developement was by Pakistan. China also doesn't have rights to sell without our permission. JF-17 was a success because Indians got help all over the world for LCA but still failed.

It was a victory proving that India cannot take us down so easily.

No sir , you did not. It ended with a stalemate with India having an upper hand .... having successfully defended the Pakistani attack (Op. Grand Slam) and captured much more Pakistani soil than it had lost.

A war is supposed to be won when it's objectives are achieved ....
^ 1965 War, JF-17 developement, nuclear tests..

You did not achieve anything in 65...65 was nothing but a big face palm for PA who thought they can over-run J&K underestimating Indian will to defend every inch of their land....It disturbs me to core that the same generals who created a well thought operation grand slam can be so stupid about Indian response....Anyhow if you are sensitive then call that war a stalemate and if you are a mature elite then call it a loss because Pakistan failed to achieve the objective and lost more land then India....

Keep in mind that i am not challenging the bravo of PA...i am just telling you the fact...

JF17 and nuclear tests are not your achievements viz-a-viz India...In short you have not been able to achieved much militarily that can give nightmares to India....The only thing i can think of is that you successfully able to deter india in 2003...Now i don't want to get into if it was India's self-restraint or threat of nuke war.....Now if you want to call it a big achievement then by all means but nothing to give us nightmares...
^ If India thinks that they are so high and mighty, why was there no attack at 2008?

---------- Post added at 12:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 AM ----------

Dude, I don't know what you're smoking, but nuclear tests are a BIG thing. This is why USA is stopping Iran from aquiring nukes. 200-300 nukes can destroy a country.
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