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India a War Machine - Pakistan observer

Yeah Pak Military is the only institution that can save Pakistan from turning into an Indian Colony ala Nepal and Bangladesh.Indian MP can f@ck off.The fact is 90%+ of Pakistani Population support Pakistan Armed Forces so this propaganda wouldn't work.

let me put one question to you who secures India borders? the Indian army . now do they have a say in our day to day lives? NO
the armed forces are an institution , they do not need to be a parallel government for the nation to succeed.

and if 90% Pakistanis support them . i suggest , replace your leaders with generals . see how they perform , and when they land the country in a soup do not complain" its a conspiracy of XYZ".
inferiro complexity with superpower wannabe mentality, and now we have a country even buys rifles and bullets from others
Thanks for the diagnosis doc.We do manufacture rifles and bullets too. Not sure what you are sneering about.
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But it only applies to india and the west, right? If it happens to be China or Pakistan, the same westerners say, if you want peace, reduce the size of your armed forces!
But it only applies to india and the west, right? If it happens to be China or Pakistan, the same westerners say, if you want peace, reduce the size of your armed forces!

India's Population is about 6 to 6.5 Times as compared to Pakistan.

India's Economy is about 10 Times as compared to Pakistan.

However, India's Defence Personnel and Equipement is only 2 to 2.5 Times as compared toPakistan.

So it is Pakistan that should reduce its Defence "MIGHT".

As regards China Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!

China's Defence Capability as well as Budget is about Three to Four Times as compared to India.

It is justified as China's Economy is about Three to Four Times as compared to India.
Shashi Tharoor has become a doctor now?
But it only applies to india and the west, right? If it happens to be China or Pakistan, the same westerners say, if you want peace, reduce the size of your armed forces!

Of-course they will say...So will you in case you have some might and relevance in the international domain...west has both money and power and they will do whatever to keep the status quo..
some people apparently deliberately change titles for sensationalism.. Yellow postings.. or rather dark brown posts hmm?

India has cash.. and can buy all the hoopla it wants, if its people are thirsty for war and death.. its government can arrange that as well.
India's Population is about 6 to 6.5 Times as compared to Pakistan.

India's Economy is about 10 Times as compared to Pakistan.
However, India's Defence Personnel and Equipement is only 2 to 2.5 Times as compared toPakistan.
Nope! The combat ratio is just 1 : 1.2 The rest of the force is deployed against China. :pop:
some people apparently deliberately change titles for sensationalism.. Yellow postings.. or rather dark brown posts hmm?

India has cash.. and can buy all the hoopla it wants, if its people are thirsty for war and death.. its government can arrange that as well.

India is surrounded by two nuclear capable nations (One of them attacked India 4 times and other 1 time) so do you think we can stay calm and peacefully ????

Its better to be ready for any condition and our Defence budget increasing cause our growth is much faster in economy terms so with just 2% defence budget their is nothing wrong
inferiro complexity with superpower wannabe mentality, and now we have a country even buys rifles and bullets from others
lol guys you always placate pakistanis with a "big daddy" balm...the author is and pakistani ppl are full of insecurity and inferiro complexity...and you are here to boost that thing in them..just because you can sell your cheap arms to them and get it verified whether they are working or not..its a shame.

if it is what you are claiming here..then why are you so bothered about it..leave and tell your friends too..that dont worry we will come to your rescue..(I doubt though, never saw you around)
India is surrounded by two nuclear capable nations (One of them attacked India 4 times and other 1 time) so do you think we can stay calm and peacefully ????

Its better to be ready for any condition and our Defence budget increasing cause our growth is much faster in economy terms so with just 2% defence budget their is nothing wrong

Whatever works as justification.. I have no issues with it.
Paksitan has no interest in your napak land, we are a separate nation - and the greater mahabharat has fallen forever and Pakistan has risen.
If india was poor like pakistan then pakistan would had tried to match weapon to weapon with india and flashed its fangs every now and then.

Now that reality is that india is spending huge amounts on defence, pakistan is helpless and is playing little innocent girl painting us a big monster trying to bully her who wants to live in peace. :lol:
That means our defence policy is working.
If india was poor like pakistan then pakistan would had tried to match weapon to weapon with india and flashed its fangs every now and then.

Now that reality is that india is spending huge amounts on defence, pakistan is helpless and is playing little innocent girl painting us a big monster trying to bully her who wants to live in peace. :lol:
That means our defence policy is working.
Conventionally, it is an asymmetric situation. Since Pakistan cannot match India weapon for weapon, its best bet is to rely on nuclear deterrence. This is the biggest force leveler!
If india was poor like pakistan then pakistan would had tried to match weapon to weapon with india and flashed its fangs every now and then.

Now that reality is that india is spending huge amounts on defence, pakistan is helpless and is playing little innocent girl painting us a big monster trying to bully her who wants to live in peace.
That means our defence policy is working.

Pakistan doesn't want war. We just come and slap you guys once in a while to show you who is the boss, remember Kargil?
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